Efficient Memorable Satisfactory

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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http://andculture.com/lab/efficient-memorable-satisfactory 'Usability' is a term that is referred to when describing a user interface, from a web page to an airplane cockpit to a door handle. A usable interface is intuitive, pleasant to interact with and accommodating of the user's wants, needs, strengths and weaknesses. Whether the interface is a physical object, a piece of software or a service experience, the principles used to create a good interface can be implemented to design for a good user experience overall. Designing for a good user experience requires a deep knowledge of the user's tendencies, abilities and limitations. Experience designers can (and do) spend months studying the patterns of those they're designing for. Fortunately, psychology already tells us a lot about these users. In this presentation, I tap into these basic psychology principles of usability as they apply to user interface design, and offer some tips for applying them to the broader practice of designing good user experiences.

Transcript of Efficient Memorable Satisfactory

Efficient, Memorable, SatisfactoryUsability principles beyond usability

What’s he talking about?

- Terms- Users- Usability- Experiences


- system: the thing being built, used, tested, improved, abandoned, replaced- user interface (UI): the part of the system the user interacts with- user: the person, customer, experiencer

The User

- The user is a person.- People have similar abilities and limitations- People form goals- People use systems to achieve their goals (duh, users)- People use their brains to make decisions and perform actions

Brain Functions

- Attention: filtering information- Perception: recognizing meaningful information- Cognition: evaluating that information, weighing outcomes, forming memories- Action: doing something

Brain Functions





- Refers to usefulness of UI- Related to how UI facilitates and accommodates the four brain functions of the user

A usable UI manages Attention


- Simplicity (or complexity) of UI


- Signal vs. noise


- Signal vs. noise


- Channels of attention- High-demand

- Low-demand

A usable UI accommodates Perception


- Legibility

ColorColorColorColorNo Color

Size mattersContrastContrastContrastContrastContrast


- Tactility


- Audibility- Tone- Volume- Pronunciation

A usable UI enables Cognition


- Knowledge in the world- Affordances- Sounds- Icons- Prompts- Manuals


- Knowledge in the head- Language- Memory- Mental model- Risk and reward

A usable UI facilitates Action


- Expectation- Evaluation

- Feedback from the system- Errors (system vs. user)- Progress indicators

Assessing Usability

- Efficient- Memorable- Satisfactory


- Ease of perception- Learning- Error recovery- Steps- Time


- Mental model- Redundancy- Vernacular- ‘Chunking’ of information - Redundancy


- Provides feedback- Goal achievement- Egress (a way out, an exit, finality)

Usability and Experiences

- The whole world is a system- Users strive to achieve goals- Ideally, the world would help them do so efficiently, memorably, and satisfactorily- The world sucks

Usability and Experiences

- We can make the world better: more efficient, more memorable, more satisfactory- Design with principles of usability in mind- Learn about people- Exercise empathy

Designing with Empathy

- Focus on user goals- Simplify processes- Test, test, test- Ask real users

