EEA Survery Results on Internet Marketing Social Media

Post on 11-Jun-2015

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Transcript of EEA Survery Results on Internet Marketing Social Media

EEA Survey Results on

Internet Marketing & Social Media

Presentation to EEA By Gwyneth Iredale


Brand & Value

Website Spending

Lead Tracking & ROI

Lead Generation

Usage – 1 of 2

Usage – 2 of 2

Marketing Techniques

What's been your most successful marketing technique?

• Oregon map at hotels and on I-5 information centers and

other outlets.

• Keeping Customers Sastified & referrals from them.

• Networking

• Newspaper

• newsprint/tv ads

• Our website using GoogleAds and referrals

• Direct Mailing & Word of Mouth

Marketing Techniques

What's been your most successful marketing technique?

• Physical presences at public events with high visibility and

cold calling in person. We rely heavily on

repeats/referrals/word of mouth.

• Radio telling listeners about wed site

• 4 "Referrals" responses

• Visibility to the public.

• 8 "Word of mouth" responses

• Repeat clients / past customers

• yellow pages up until the last couple years

Marketing Techniques

What's been your most successful marketing technique?

• A mailer sent out to new home owners with a "free"

coupon. It has lead to much more business.

• Canvas for new business by their spotting need

• Connections with local contractors over a long period of


• Consistant brand. Comunity involvment, and referals.

• direct mail

• Getting press coverage for major assignments, networking

events and a decent website.

Topics Requested

Are there any other subjects or tools you'd like to see covered in the presentation?

• Why don't social media experts work on commission?

They could, if there’s a direct response such as a sale tied to their

work, like a call to action resulting in a lead. Ask them to share in

the success by taking a % of new sales or leads.

• How to avoid hackers

Host your website with a reputable company, use secure passwords,

change them often, use anti virus software to detect unsecure

browsing, use “captchas” to prevent email spam, potential threats

(Avast is free – but expect ads).

Topics Requested

• Blogging as a way to provide value to customers and traffic to the


Blog to show thought/industry leadership, informal writing, post &

comment on other blogs to become a recognized, gain clout,

push blog post out to other channels to engage, encourage

comment, which drives traffic to website where blog should


• Appropriate types of emails for marketing

Short, informational news, links to website for balance of article,

answers, “What’s in it for me?” promotes reason to Like, follow,

Topics Requested

forward or share. Include visuals, link to watch video (on

your website). Track open rates, click throughs

• How to keep our web presence fresh and up to date

Create a content calendar (Google calendars are free &

shareable w/your team), post to your blog 1 x week, send

newsletter, add newsletter to your website, post to

Facebook 1-2 x day at most, change pictures, add events,

photos of people, testimonials, industry news, etc.

• Facebook, social media sites

Topics Requested

• Do you really have to pay for search engine optimization?

Or is it just a gimmick?

Not a gimmick. Yes, you pay in time or money and it takes

time to see results, at least 6 months.

• What gets your business to pop up as one of the top three

websites when key words are searched?

Honest, fresh, original content about your business smattered

with key words/phrases, correct key words, inbound links,

social interaction, proper “meta data” – the key words

Google can see that are part of your website structure:

page titles, site description, alt tags, headers, etc.

Oslund Design’s Offer

• Contact us for:

– Content Marketing Tips

– Copy of this presentation

541 686-9833

How Can Oslund Design Help You?

• Branding

• Marketing collateral

• Advertising campaigns

• Environmental design/graphics

• Social Media design:

– Custom Facebook Business pages

– Branded YouTube channel

– Twitter, LinkedIn & Pinterest business profiles

Thank You

Oslund Design – 541 686-9833

Because your brand matters