Education for Sustainable development (ESD) - What is Sustainable Delopment (SD)? Exercise: - In six...

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Transcript of Education for Sustainable development (ESD) - What is Sustainable Delopment (SD)? Exercise: - In six...

Education for Sustainable development (ESD)-What is Sustainable Delopment (SD)?


- In six mixed groups discussion about SD: each group makes slogan/picture and we paste them at the wall

Content lecture

- What is education for sustainable developement and why is it necessary? .

- How sustainable is your lifestyle? - Ecological or global footprint

- What is Sustainable development? - definition

- Three aspects: three P’s

- Education for SD

- Four major thrusts

- Is there hope????-


What is education for sustainable development and why is it necessary??

Have a discussion with your neigbour

The movie

Questions for thinking during the movie:

What are the similarities and differences between your views and what is said in the movie

What is the problem and what is the challenge in the movie

What is or are the solution(s)

Is this a sustainable solution? Why?

Is it connected with your life?? How?


"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"

World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, p 43

Ecological or global footprint: what does it mean?

Everyone needs to live, to eat and recreate: you need a little piece of the earth

The ecological footprint is a measure of human demand on the Earth's ecosystems. It represents the amount of biologically productive land and sea area necessary to supply the resources a human population consumes, and to assimilate associated waste. Using this assessment, it is possible to estimate how much of the Earth (or how many planet Earths) it would take to support humanity if everybody followed a given lifestyle.

How sustainable is your present life style? How much earth does your lifestyle require?Complete the ecological footprint quiz and calculate the average of your national group for each category:

Carbon footprint, Food footprint, Housing footprint, Goods and services footprint.

You visited:


Get your data out now. Calculate means for your group, and bring the means to the front desk.

Ecological Footprint Table (Means are in Hectares)

Category Carbon Food Housing Goods & Services


Group 1(Poland)


Group 3 (Belgium)

Group 4 (Kroatie)



Total perCategory



Take a look at the table of data all of your groups generated. What are the main trends you see? 

What does this mean in terms of how we live our lives and resulting impacts on the environment?

Which country needs the most space of the earth?

How can you reduce your footprint?

Did you know that the ecological footprint in the U.S. is about…


9.7 hectares per person, whereas the planet has a capacity of only 1.8 hectares per person?

Are our present lifestyles sustainable?

A. Yes

B. To some extent

C. Probably not

D. No



"Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"

World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, p 43


• Sustainability refers to how well an ecosystem can ‘sustain’ itself (or carry out it’s ecological processes).

• It can also refer to what people do:

When people use resources from an ecosystem without seriously affecting its health and biodiversity.

Finding a balance

What is sustainability?

What is social acceptability?(People)

What is economic viability?(Prosperity or profit)

What is environmental suitability?(Planet)

15 What is the balance?

Equilibrity between three P’s:People, Planet, Prosperity

What is sustainability?For example:

selecting a car

What is social acceptability?

What is economic viability?

What is environmental suitability?

17 Define these concepts as a group

What is sustainability? Selecting a car

What is social acceptability?

What is economic viability?

What is environmental suitability?

Social acceptability(people)

- How safe is this car

-the circumstances in the car’s factory

-human rights

-cultural diversity

Environmental suitability


- Which pollutants are emitted into the


- How much carbon dioxide is emitted

- How noisy

-how big is the car

-how much space is needed for roads

-what kind of materials?

-recycling possible

Economic viability


-in which country is the car made

- Can you afford the car

-how was the car imported to your country

-who earns the profits

-which kind of energy: electricity or benzin or


-fair trade?


Where is the balance?? What kind of a car is the most balanced between the three P’s? People/planet/Prosperity

The movie

Which three P’s you can remark , and is there a balance?


Remark the two dimensions: Place here and there and

-Time: now and in the future

What is sustainability?

Producing chocolate

What is social acceptability?

What is economic viability?

What is environmental suitability?

20As a group, define these concepts.

Influences of mankind in ecosystemsHuman disturbances have probably had the most drastic effects on

succession in both forested and non-forested lands.:

For example

Pollution of water Intensive Agriculture Over grazing, Land clearing and logging Fragmentation may have greatly disturbed large scale ecosystem

processes. Other human caused disturbances include the introduction of non-native

species, the elimination of species Climate change. The effects of these and other human caused

disturbances has had dramatic effects on ecosystems on both local and landscape scales, and as with global warming the effects on vegetation and secession will be seen across the world.

Population growth Destroying woods Removing specific organisms

Source: UN Population Division 2004; Lee, 2003; Population Reference Bureau

Our pressures on the planet have increased with numbers

1 billion (1800)

4 billion (1975)

2 billion (1920)

6.7 billion (2009)


$1 trillion in 1900

$10 trillion in 1967

$70 trillion in 2008

World GDP (trillion 1990 dollars)

Source: CIA World Fact Book

Generating great wealth but paying a great price

• Great wealth without FCC – Full Cost Accounting

Biomass of Table Fish (tons per km2)

Source: Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; Christensen et al. 2003

From: Steffen et al. 2004

From: Steffen et al. 2004

Many Paths to SD

Which ones? How can we realize this? Do we have directly influence on these items?

Good legislation/governance

Economic incentives

Overcoming corruption

Environmental protection

Human rights/security

Infrastructure (roads to banking)

40 issues identified in Agenda 21:

1 such issue is education, public awareness and training

Education for SD

In international groups : Have a discussion and give a short presentation

Why important?

How you can do this: in schools/ in social work/ as a pedagogical worker


-what do future teachers to know about sustainability

- what do future teachers/children have to do with sustainability

- How do we have to live together

- How are children/teachers to be

“Education is a key and vital element in moving sustainability

forward…”Report of the UN Sec. General

Agenda 21(Rio)

Millennium Goals

Earth Charter

UN Commission for

Sustainable Development

WSSD (Johannesburg)

UN Resolution- UN Decade of ESD (2005-2014)

Four major thrusts in Education for sustainability

The 4 Major Thrusts of ESD Agenda 21 -92, UNESCO-96, UNCSD -98, JPOI-2002

1 Public awareness/understanding2 Access to quality basic

education3 Reorienting existing education4 Training programs for all sectors

1 - Raising the Level of Public Awareness and Understanding

Build public awarenessInformed citizenry – political support

& preparation for democratic changeWise consumersRaising the level of the discussionChanging lifestyle where possible

2. Facilitating Development Through Improving Quality Education

100 million children ages 6 to 11 never attend school in the developing countries

90% of school aged are in developing/emerging nations

Millions more are “under- educated” in both the South and the North

3rd Thrust: Reorienting Existing Education

Most educated nations = deepest ecological footprints

Equity at present standards means we need 2 more Earths !

Hard to find

Why do we teach what we teach ?

To preserve culture _____%To prepare/train for work _____%To care for environment _____%To live a full, meaningful life _____%To contribute to society _____%To be creative and resourceful _____%To live a religious life _____%To live together in peace _____%To be self-sufficient _____%

What is the vision for our schools ?

Training -the 4th thrust

Training for All

Training in ESD

Capacity building

Technology transfer

Implementing innovative practices

Challenges and Barriers

Recognition that education plays a crucial role

Linking ESD to existing education issues

Structuring ESD in the curriculum

Using the complexity of SD to develop critical thinking skills

Linking ESD to community issues

Engaging the traditional disciplines

Building human capacity

Developing resources

Much is Happening

Sustainable schools

Education reform

School Administration training

Corporate training at all levels

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Public concern


Whether it is institution wide or at the level of an individual, we must plan ahead and collaborate to develop effective strategies.

Teacher-educators Have broad influence

Educate next generation of teachers.

Sit on national curriculum committees.

Write textbooks for elementary & secondary.

Invited to give advice to ministries.

Speak at conferences.


At local, regional, and national levels.

The Need for Hope

Speak of solutionsOur ability to change/survive etc Age appropriateEducation verses indoctrinationMinistry guidelinesandOur need to learn by acting and

experimenting now before the worlds poor suffer unbearably!

We will change – but when and how!

Workshop Deirdre and MirjamSustainable decision making

Workshop Deirdre and Mirjam

Frozen strawberries

• € 2,99 (per 500 grams)• Grown in Croatia• Articial pesticides and chemical fertilizers used

• € 2,60 (per 500 grams) • Grown in Spain• No pesticides and fertilizers used

Fresh strawberries

Workshop Deirdre and Mirjam