ECE C03 Lecture 161 Lecture 16 Introduction to VHDL Prith Banerjee ECE C03 Advanced Digital Design...

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Transcript of ECE C03 Lecture 161 Lecture 16 Introduction to VHDL Prith Banerjee ECE C03 Advanced Digital Design...

ECE C03 Lecture 16 1

Lecture 16Introduction to VHDL

Prith Banerjee


Advanced Digital Design

Spring 1998

ECE C03 Lecture 16 2


• VHDL Language Basics• Interface• Architecture Body• Behavioral VHDL• Various Sequential Statements• Process Statements• Delay Models• READING: Dewey 11.2, 11.3, 11.4, 11.5. 11.6, 15.1,

15.2, 18.2, 18.3, 18.4, 18.5

ECE C03 Lecture 16 3

Modeling Digital Systems

• Digital system: Any digital circuit that processes or stores information in digital form: gates to functional units

• Model represents only relevant information and abstracts away irrelevant detail

• Model needed to:– Develop and specify requirements– Communicate understanding of a system to a user– Allow testing of design through simulation– Allow formal verification– Allow automated synthesis

ECE C03 Lecture 16 4

What is VHDL

• (Very High Speed Integrated Circuits) VHSIC Hardware Description Language

• Used for two things– (1) Used to model digital systems, designs can then be

SIMULATED• A simulator runs a VHDL description computing the outputs of a modeled


– (2) Used as a language to enter designs into CAD tools, designs can then be SYNTHESIZED

• VHDL also provides a blackboard for designing digital systems

• An initial design is progressively expanded and refined

• Another popular hardware language is Verilog

ECE C03 Lecture 16 5

Relationship between VHDL and hardware


VHDL description


Simulated / actual outputs


ECE C03 Lecture 16 6

Domains and Level of Modeling





Register Transfer Level

Boolean Equation


Register transfer



Standard Cells

ECE C03 Lecture 16 7

VHDL Modeling Concepts

• VHDL Includes facilities for describing the FUNCTION and STRUCTURE

• At Various levels from abstract to the gate level• Intended as a modeling language for specification

and simulation• Also used for synthesis

ECE C03 Lecture 16 8

Example of VHDL DescriptionVHDL Model of a 2input exclusive OR gate

entity XOR2_OP is

-- input output ports


(A, B : in BIT;

Z : out BIT);

-- Body

architecture EX_DISJUNCTION of XOR_OP2 is


Z <= A xor B;


ECE C03 Lecture 16 9

VHDL Entity Definitions

• A VHDL entity consists of two parts:– interface denoted by keyword “entity”– body denoted by keyword “architecture”

• Interface describes aspects visible outside

• Body describes how black box operates inside


entity identifier is

port (name: in / out / inout BIT/type);

end identifier;

-- lines beginning with two dashes are comments

ECE C03 Lecture 16 10

VHDL Architecture Body

• Architecture body describes how entity operates

• Allows for different implementations

• Can have behavioral or structural or mixed representations


architecture EX_DISJUNCTION of XOR_OP2 is


Z <= A xor B;


ECE C03 Lecture 16 11

Architecture Body

• Body is divided into two parts– Declarative part– Statement part

architecture EX_DISJUNTION of XOR_OP2 is

-- declarative part

-- objects must be declared before they are used


-- statement part

Z <= A xor B;


ECE C03 Lecture 16 12

Data Types in VHDL

• The type of a data object defines the set of values that object can assume and set of operations on those values – VHDL is a strongly typed language

• Four classes of objects– constants

– variables

– signals

– files

ECE C03 Lecture 16 13

Constant Declaration

• The value of a constant cannot be changed• FORMAT:

constant identifier {, } : subtype [ := expression]• EXAMPLES:

constant number_of_bytes : integer := 4;

constant prop_delay : time := 3nsec;

constant e : real := 2.2172;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 14

Variable Declaration

• The value of a variable can be changed• FORMAT

variable identifier {, ..} subtype [ := expression]• EXAMPLES

variable index: integer := 0;

variable sum, average, largest : real;

variable start, finish : time : = 0 nsec;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 15

Variable Assignment Statement• Once a variable is declared, its value can be modified by an

assignment statement• FORMAT:

[ label : ] name := expression;• EXAMPLES:

program_counter := 0;

index := index + 1;• Variable assignment different from signal assignment

– A variable assignment immediately overviews variable with new value– A signal assignment schedules new value at later time

ECE C03 Lecture 16 16

Scalar Types

• Variable can only assign values of nominated type• Default types

– “integer” , “real”, “character,” “boolean”, “bit”

• User defined types– FORMAT:

type small_int is range 0 to 255;

• Enumerated type:– FORMAT:

type logiclevel is (unknown, low, driven, high);

ECE C03 Lecture 16 17

Sub Types

• A type defines a set of values• We can define a sub-type as a restricted set of

values from a base type– FORMAT

subtype identifier is name range simple_expression to/downto simple_expression


subtype small_int is integer range -128 to 127;

subtype bit_index is integer range 31 downto 0;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 18

Attributes of Types• A type defines a set of values and set of applicable operations• A predefined set of attributes are used to give information about

the values included in the type• T’left = first (leftmost) value in T• T’right = last (righmost) value in T• T’value = the value in T that is represented by s• EXAMPLES:

type set_index_range is range 21 downto 11;

set_index_range’left = 21

set_index_range’right = 11

set_index_range’value(“20”) = 20

ECE C03 Lecture 16 19

Expressions and Operators

Operator Operation Operand Types** Exponentiation Integer, realAbs Absoluet value numeric*, / , mod, rem Mul, div Integer, realAnd, nand, or, nor, xor, xnor, not Logical ops Bit, boolean, or 1-D arraySll, srl, sla,sra Shift left/right 1-D array of bit/boolean+, - Add, subtract Integer, real=, /=, <, <=, >, >= Equal, greater Scalar

ECE C03 Lecture 16 20

Sequential Statements

• Sequential statements of various types are executed in sequence within each VHDL process

• Variable statementvariable := expression;

• If statement• Case statement• Loop statement

ECE C03 Lecture 16 21

If Statement• FORMAT

if boolean_expression then

{sequential statement}

elsif boolean_expression then

{sequential statement}

else {sequential statement}

endif;• EXAMPLE

if sel=0 then

result <= input_0; -- executed if sel = 0

else result <= input_1; -- executed if sel = 1


ECE C03 Lecture 16 22

Case Statement• EXAMPLE of an ALU operation:

case func is

when pass1 =>

result := operand1;

when pass2 =>

result := operand2;

when add =>

result := operand1 + operand2;

when subtract =>

result := operand1 - operand2;

end case;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 23

Loop Statements

While condition loop

{sequential statements}

end loop;

for identifier in range loop

{sequential statements}

end loop;

while index > 0 loop

index := index -1;

end loop;

for count in 0 to 127 loop

count_out <= count;

wait for 5 ns;

end loop;

for i in 1 to 10 loop

count := count + 1;

end loop;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 24

Concurrent Statements

• The concurrent statement in an architecture body describe the module’s operation.– Concurrency is useful in modeling the way real circuits behave

architecture abstract of adder is


add_a_b : process(a,b) is


sum <= a + b;

end process add_a_b;

end architecture abstract;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 25

Signal Declaration and Assignment• Signal declaration: describes internal signal signal identifier {…} : subtype [ := expression]• EXAMPLE:

signal and_a, and_b : bit;

• Signal Assignment name <= value_expression [ after time_expression];• EXAMPLE

y <= not or_a_b after 5 ns;

• This specifies that signal y is to take on a new value at a time 5 ns later statement execution.

• Difference from variable assignment:– which only assigns some values to a variable

ECE C03 Lecture 16 26

Concepts of Delays and Timing

• The time dimension in the signal assignment refers to simulation time in a discrete event simulation

• There is a simulation time clock• When a signal assignment is executed, the delay

specified is added to current simulation time to determine when new value is applied to signal– Schedules a transaction for the signal at that time



ECE C03 Lecture 16 27

Specifying Technology Information• One predefined physical type in VHDL: TIME

• Units: fs (10** -15 seconds), ps (1000 fs), ns, us, ms, sec, min ( 60 sec), hr (60 min)

• User-defined physical typestype CAPACITANCE is range 0 to INTEGER’HIGH


fF; -- Femtofarads

pF = 1000 fF; -- Picofarads

nF = 1000 pF; -- Nanofarads

end units

type VOLTAGE is range 0 to 2 ** 32 -1


uV; -- Microvolt;

mV = 1000 uV;

V = 1000 mV;

end units;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 28

Specifying Delays

• Inertial Delay Model– reflects physical inertia of physical systems

– glitches of very small duration not reflected in outputs

• SIG_OUT <= not SIG_IN after 7 nsec --implicit• SIG_OUT <= inertial ( not SIG_IN after 7 nsec )• Logic gates exhibit lowpass filtering



9 ns 19 ns

3 ns10ns

ECE C03 Lecture 16 29

Transport Delays

• Under this model, ALL input signal changes are reflected at the output

• SIG_OUT <= transport not SIG_IN after 7 ns;



9 ns 19 ns

3 ns10ns

30 ns

ECE C03 Lecture 16 30

Example of Architecture Body(AND_OR_INVERT)

architecture primitive of and_or_inv is

signal and_a, and_b, or_a_b : bit;


and_gate_a : process (a1,a2) is


and_a <= a1 and a2;

end process and_gate_a;

and_gate_b : process (b1,b2) is


and_b <= b1 and b2;

end process and_gate_b;

or_gate: process (and_a, and_b) is


or_a_b <= and_a or and_b;

end process or_gate;

inv : process (or_a_b) is


y <= not or_a_b;

end process inv;

end architecture primitive;a1a2



ECE C03 Lecture 16 31

Process Declaration of Clock Generator

Clock_gen: process (clk) is


if clk = ‘0’ then

clk <= ‘1’ after T_pw, ‘0’ after 2*T_pw;


end process clock_gen;T_pw


ECE C03 Lecture 16 32

Process Generator for Multiplexer





mux: process (a, b, sel) is


case sel is

when ‘0’ =>

z <= a after prop_delay;

when ‘1’ =>

z <= b after prop_delay;

end process mux;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 33

Wait Statement

• A wait statement specifies how a process responds to changes in signal values.

wait on signal_name

wait until boolean_expression

wait for time_expression• Example on right shows process sensitivity list

EXAMPLE: SAME AS:half_add: process isbegin sum <= a xor b after T_pd; carry <= a and b after T_pd; wait on a, b;end process;

half_add: process (a,b) isbegin sum <= a xor b after T_pd; carry <= a and b after T_pd;end process;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 34

Process Statement

• A process statement is a concurrent statement that can be included in an architecture body to describe all or part of the behavior of a module.

FORMAT:process [ (signal_name, …) ] is

process_declarative item


{ sequential statement;}

end process;

ECE C03 Lecture 16 35


• VHDL Language Basics

• Interface

• Architecture Body

• Behavioral VHDL

• Various Sequential Statements

• Process Statements

• Delay Models

• NEXT LECTURE: VHDL Structural and Mixed Description

• READING: Dewey 12.1, 12.2, 12.3, 12.4, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3. 13.4, 13.6, 13.7. 13.8