Easter traditions around the world

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Easter traditions around the world


Around the World


Easter traditions around the world can be a lot of fun... but they can also be rather serious. In most countries, some universal Easter traditions exist - almost everybody does things like dyeing eggs in bright colors and eating a celebratory Easter meal. For many people Easter means Easter egg hunts, the Easter bunny, chocholate candy and toys. For Christians the true Easter story begins with story of Christmas – the Christmas story tells how God sent Jesus to his earth as a baby. But he died on the cross to take the punishment we deserve for our sins (grēks) – the celebration of the death and coming to life again. But Easter is also a symbol of new beginning, symbolized by the Easter eggs. It`s a symbol of spring. The first eggs given at Easter were birds` eggs.These eggs were painted in bright colours. But in the 20th Century a chocolate version was developed. The size of chocolate egg has growen over the years and now is more likely to the size of an ostrich egg rather than a small bird`s egg.


There is a story of a widow whose son was a sailor. He asked his mother to bake him «hot cross buns» on his return on Good Friday. But he never came back. Every Good Friday his mother made a new bun. She collected all the buns. When she died her old cottage was repleaced by a pub. Every year a sailor adds a new bun to the collection. Sailors from around Britain come to the pub and sing and pray for the widow.«Hot cross Buns»are traditionally served on Good Friday. A hot cross bun is a rich spiced tea cake.

Englishmen have also Egg Rolling Races, egg hunts, looking for chocolate eggs, Morris dancing which demonstrates the return of spring.

Handmaid Easter cards, Easter carols.

An ancient Easter carol: The world itself keeps Easter Day, And Easter larks are singing; And Easter flowers are blooming gay, And Easter buds are springing; Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord of all things lives anew, And all his works are rising too.


Easter Bunny( by M.Josephine Todd)

There is a story quite funnyAbout a toy bunny,And the wonderful things she can do.Every bright Easter morningWithout warningShe colors eggs red, green and blue.

Some she covers with spots,Some with quaiant little dots,And some with strange mixed colors, too.Red and green, blue and yellow,But each unlike his fellow,But each unlike his fellowAre eggs of every hue. (nokrāsa)

People sing special Easter songs:

Easter Parties and Carnivals

Easter tradition in America is to conduct special Easter parades. In the New Orleans, it is a trend of conducting an annual Easter carnival called 'Mardi Gras', which features lot of fun activities like parade, jazz music bands and a bumper party. Like most other countries, pre-Lent carnivals also form an integral part of Easter celebration in the USA. Easter celebrations cannot be complete without extensive feasting

Here are some ideas about another Easter customs and traditions in US: - Painting the Easter eggs and then conducting Easter egg hunt games for the kids is what most

American parents do on the Easter week. In the Morning children run to search eggs which Esaster rabbit has hidden,

A must play Easter game for American kids is Easter egg roll. The Easter rabbit in the United States is known for delivering sweet treats to young children, so it's

no surprise that Easter baskets often feature a chocolate bunny. A special dish for Easter springtime in USA is baked ham, potatoes and vegetables. Another most

demanding recipe is hot cross buns.

Americans like to decorate rooms and tables with special Easter dolls- Little girls with baskets full of eggs. They also cook dolls.


These adorable treats are Croatian & Italian Easter bread dolls.


Easter in Germany is the time for colored eggs, chocolate bunnies, bonifiers and spring cleaning. Every room is decorated with clay bunnies, crocuses, yellow daffodils, brunches hung with painted eggs. The Germans` tradition is to blow eggs and paint them in multiple colours. The eggs are then put in a basket for the Easter bunny. The Easter bunny often leaves chocolate eggs and Easter presents for children.

Another typical German tradition is to make Easter bonifires to welcome the sun and the spring.Christmas trees have been collected and saved for the occasion.

The tradition in Germany is to decorate the branches of trees and bushes with eggs for Easter.


In Finland, Sweden, Denmark – small children dressed as witches collect candies door-to – door, then decorate the door with pussy-willow. In Finland, it is common to plant rye grass in a pot as a symbol of spring and new life. After the grass has grown, many people put chick decorations on it. Children busy themselves painting eggs and making paper bunnies.

EGG DECORATING IN SLAVIC CULTUREIn Slavic tradition, the egg (similar to icons) is written, not drawn or painted. The pattern is often applied to an egg by the process of wax-resist, similar to batik. A stylus is used to apply hot wax to the shell of an egg, which is placed in a series of dye baths. The wax seals the dye into the egg; the colors and pattern are revealed when the wax is removed (by melting it off) at the end.


Kulich is the most famous Russian Easter bread, known for its tall narrow shape. It is usually made with lots of butter and eggs, as well as candied fruit, raisins, and nuts. The top is iced and decorated, usually with Cyrillic letters XB standing for “Christ is risen“.

Paskha most often referred to as Russian cheesecake, is a dessert made from curd cheese in shape of a pyramid. It is white in color, symbolizing the purity of Christ, the Paschal Lamb, and the joy of the Resurrection.

Sharing food on Easter has been a long tradition in Russia. That is why after breakfast people visit their friends and neighbors exchanging painted eggs and Easter cakes. It’s believed that if the first egg you get on Easter is a truly gift given from the heart, it will never go bad.

In Russia Easter is usually celebrated later than in the West. This happens because Easter dates are determined by different calendars. Preceding Easter is a 40 days long Lenten fast during which no meat and dairy products are not used.When worshipers return from church to their homes they have a festive family meal. Tables are traditionally decorated with fresh spring flowers, pussy-willow branches and painted eggs. In addition to the Easter bread (kulich) and Paskha cake, foods prohibited during the 40 Day Fast, such as sausage, bacon, cheese and milk, are also served.


Easter in Poland takes place for more than a week. The blessing of Easter foods is a tradition dear to the hearts of every Polish family. Being deeply religious they are grateful to God for all his gifts. Holy Thursday and Friday are the days on which the churches are most crowded. Church bells are silenced and altars are covered with purple cloth. Late on Saturday evening ringing of bells in all churches commemorates the rebirth of Christ. Easter Sunday is also a national public holiday. Many people paint eggs which are taken to be blessed at churches.

The table are usually laid out with Easter eggs, spring flowers and an Easter lamb made of cake or sugar. Polish egg painting is a real art.

One week before Easter, Palm day takes place. According to Catholic tradition, the day marks the entrance of Jesus in Jerusalem. Since palm trees are rare in Poland churchgoers often bring pussy willows or 'palms' made of colourful woven dried branches.


One of Hungarian, Polish and Lithuanian folk custom is the sprinkling of water on Easter Monday morning.


For Lithuanian Christians Easter is the most sacred holidays. Each spring Lithuanians commemorate the rebirth of Christ by attending curch services throughout Holy Week. One of unique Lithuanian tradition is seen on Palm Sunday. Chuchgoers bring homemade palms with them to the curch to be blessed.Tipical verbos include sprigs (zariņi) from juniper (kadiķis), misletoe( āmulis), weeping willows (sēru vītols), pussy willows and decorate them with colourful flowers. Egg painting is on a very high level too.

Lithuanians have very nice Easter traditions and games. On Eastern morning children hunt for hidden Easter eggs left them by the Easter Granny. The Easter Granny travels around the country, stopping in every child's yard to leave eggs.

Variety of games is played with Easter eggs. The simplest is an egg-breaking contest. They do it every year at breakfast table on Easter. Two players face off, each holding an Easter egg and hit each other's egg. The one whose egg remains intact is the winner. To win this you must select the strongest egg!

Another amusing Easter game is egg rolling. Contestants roll their eggs and the purpose is to reach the other’s egg and tap it. If your egg hits another egg, you can take it. 


In Estonia it is time for paying taxes, settling debts. The most common custom of the 19th century and early 20th century was that young men went arround the village gathering eggs. Boys visited girls to look for Easter eggs. They cried like roosters to get an egg. Sometimes painted eggs were taken to an anthill. Such eggs had a nice smell and taste and given only to the best friends. These also were days for masking and mumming. Eggs were given as presents to godchildren, after conformation classes.


Our folk tradition is to celebrate «Lielā diena» (April 20), it is the time when the day becomes longer than the night. Since this time the pagan part of Easter has always been the strongest part in Latvia.Some of our Easter traditions are: To get up before sunrise which will give you health and happiness throughout the year. To rinse faces in running water In Liv villages the morning began with calling and awakening of birds so they might

protect the people from evil and sickness. Those who had risen first, woke those who were still sleeping and switched them with

willows branches. In this way a special force that encouraged fertility and endowed people with health and success was transferred from the branches.


Telīšu labad Šūpoties gāju,Lai manas telītes Pienīgas augtu.

Liniņu labadŠūpoles kāra,Lai auga liniņiKā šupolītes.

Ai, odiņi, masalīši,Neēdiet šovasar;Jau es gan šūpojosVisas trīs lieldieniņas.

An important Easter tradition in Latvia is swinging. The Latvians believe that swinging would help them in different ways. Swinging symbolizes the Sun dancing, continued three days. The swing cannot be left, as this brings bad luck.


Latvian Easter eggs are traditionally decorated using natural dyes derived from plant matter. For example, dry skins from yellow onions are the most common source of dye. Some eggs are decorated using leaves and flowers.

Some of our Easter traditions with eggs are;

one who steals an egg will be poorwho eats a hard-boiled egg without salt is a lier eggs are knocked together to see which one survives cracking, as according to belief, the one whose egg shell was the strongest, will live longer.

Loving Easter Greeting Happy Easter Best Easter Wishes Easter Greetings May every joy be with you Easter


May Easter morning dawn for youWith sunshine and blue skies.And Easter Bunnies, one or two,Give you a glad surprise