Dr Michael Toffler: 10-Year Experience Using L-PRF in Ridge and Sinus Augmentation

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Transcript of Dr Michael Toffler: 10-Year Experience Using L-PRF in Ridge and Sinus Augmentation

Leukocyte & Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF) in Ridge and Sinus Augmentation:

10-Year Clinical Experience

Extraction Sockets Lateral Window OsteotomyTranscrestal SFE

Michael Toffler DDS (info@michaeltoffler.com)

Peri-Implant DefectsRidge Augmentation

“PRF is easy to handle and modify, providing the defect with not only a matrix permitting cell

migration into the surgical site but also with crucial biological cues potentially accelerating the

wound healing process.” (Ghanaati et al 2014)

L-PRF: Simple Preparation

24 gauge butterfly


plastic tube coated internally with silica particles

2700 RPM (400g) 12 minutes


Fibrin Clot (PRF)

Acellular Plasma (PPP)


L-PRF:Preparation (cont)


and PLT



Li et al 2013

PRF ‘s naturally polymerized fibrin network sustains a slow release of growth factors and matrix glycoproteins for 7 - 14 days (Ling 2009; Dohan-Ehrenfest et al 2009; He et al 2009; Wu et al 2012; Kawase et al 2015)


Standard 12 Minute Protocol Modified 3 Min Protocol


We graft sockets to offset the post-extraction catabolic process and minimize alveolar ridge degradation

The positive effect of growth factors in L-PRF could be particularly relevant when combined with osteoconductivescaffolds with slow healing dynamics (Torres et al 2009; Anitua et al 2010), where bone metabolism is compromised (eg. osteoporosis) as well as in early implantation scenarios (Chen et al 2004).

My “Socket Cocktail”


PRF has shown promising results in the early phases of extraction socket healing

Flapless Extractions

• Socket grafted to a level 2 to 3 mm below free gingival margin

PRF provides an organized matrix at the start of healing, increasing the speed of vascular ingress and wound coverage (Dohan et al 2006)

Flapless Extractions

1 wk 4 wks

•1 or 2 PRF plugs placed in socket and secured with mattress and interrupted sutures

In Sites With Severe Bone Loss, Ridge Augmentation Is Usually Performed 6-8 Weeks After Tooth Removal

This Delayed Approach Provides Additional Soft-tissue Coverage Over The Augmented Site


Maintenance of primary closure is essential to maximize bone gain

8 WEEKS after ext’s

L-PRF over Frenectomy and in Socket

8 wks

Ridge augmentation done simultaneously with ext #9 would require a larger flap with extensive

release, increasing postop pain and swelling as well as the risk of wound dehiscence.

Autogenous bone goes



Toffler M. Guided Bone Regeneration (GBR) Using Cortical Bone Pins in Combination with Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin (L-PRF). Compend Cont Ed Dent 2014;35(3).

Salvin Dental

Cortical Bone Pins: Clinical Advantages

•No screws to retrieve

•Membrane support

•Graft retention

2 mm twist adjustable stop (hhco-store.com)

10-day post-op

Comparative healing at 6 months

• 6 months post-op • Pre-op

Stage-2 Final

Dr Michael Woloch



Consistent Use of L-PRF in Sinus Elevation Surgery for the Last 10 Years

• Slow sustained release of key growth factors (Ling 2009; Dohan-Ehrenfest et al 2009; He et al 2009; Wu et al 2012; Lauritano et al 2013; Kawase et al 2015)

• Expedited sinus graft healing (Choukroun et al 2006; Inchingolo et al 2010; Tatullo et al 2012; Cruzat et al 2015)

• Maintenance of primary wound closure (Khiste & Tare 2013; Baiju et al 2013; Toffler et al 2014)

• Membrane protection (Diss et al 2008; Toffler et al 2010) and repair (Choi et al 2006; Shin & Sohn 2005; Baykul & Findik 2014; Toffler & Rosen 2015)

All My Approaches to Sinus Floor Elevation Incorporate L-PRF

Transcrestal/Simultaneous LWOTranscrestal/Staged

10 mm long implants

“I use a transcrestal approach as often as I can, but prefer using a lateral (visual) approach not only in severely atrophic sites but also in………….

…….patients with ≤ 4 mm of subantral bone and significant sinus pathology.”

Optical and Instrumental Access to Optimize Healing Response

……and for extra added

safety, platelet-rich fibrin

(PRF) lines the sinus

membrane prior to grafting

Single Stage Placement 6 Months Later

10 mm

4.0 x 11 mm Implant PREOP

5 mm core prepped to a depth 3 mm

Subantral bone

height is now

doubled (7- 8 mm)

PRF in TSFE and Simultaneous Implant Placement

PRF will be added immediatedly after accessing sinus via direct infracture , drilling or piezosurgery

Direct Infracture Drilling/Controlled Erosion Piezosurgery


2.8 mm tip to elevateWiden osteotomy

to 4.1 mm



Bone Densification and Placement 5 x 11 mm Thommen Implant

PRF in Membrane Repair

Perforation Transcrestal Approach


Perforation Transcrestal Approach

4 mos

CBCT 3 years

At 4 months, full repair and 6.7 mm RSBH



3-4 mm of TSFE

4 years

64 y/ F, heavy smokerImplants placed 10 years ago, referred for tx peri-implant diseaseSevere sinusitis, failure of implants 13 (floor intact), 14 (OAC)



Double Pedicle

porcine collagen membrane covers plugs


PRF covers collagenCTG pedicle palate joins facial pedicles


1 week 8 weeks

Asymptomatic, Successful Closure OAC

I hope I have demonstrated the potential benefits of incorporating PRF into:

Extraction Sites• Serves as a matrix to accelerate the healing of wound edges much like a fibrin bandage

7 days

Ridge Augmentation

• Aids in hemostasis

• Provides a high quality of gingival maturation (Simonpieri et al 2009)

1 week

• The strength of PRF membranes enables a biomaterial to be maintained and protected

Ridge Augmentation

Composite Grafts

• PRF fragments serve as a biological connector between bone particles facilitating cellular migration, particularly for endothelial cells necessary for neo-angiogenesis (Simonpieri et al 2009; Kobayashi 2011)

Complex Reconstructive Surgery

• Platelet cytokines are gradually released as the fibrin matrix is resorbed, thus creating a perpetual process of healing

PRF is a welcomed addition for all my SFE procedures, but it is especially helpful in high risk membrane perf/sinus communication cases!



Thank You