Dr maurice pisciottano presents brain injury symtoms and remedy-canonsburg pa

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Dr maurice pisciottano presents brain injury symtoms and remedy-canonsburg pa

Traumatic cerebrum wounds can jump out at individuals at any ages, from labor to adulthood, and they can be brought on by any non-particular head injury. Most as of late, these cerebrum wounds, or TBI, have gotten noteworthy open consideration on account of their presence and higher rates of event in both the National Football League and the U.S. Military; be that as it may, these wounds can happen whenever to any persons, when they wouldn't dare hoping anymore.

Coup Contrecoup Injury.

Diffuse Axonal Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury

Anoxic Event

Acquired Brain Disorder (ABD)

No loss of awareness, yet a condition of being

stupefied, befuddled or bewildered

Cerebral pain

Sickness or heaving

Weariness or tiredness

Trouble dozing

Dozing more than expected

Discombobulating or loss of parity

Tactile issues, for example, obscured vision, ringing in the ears, a terrible taste in the mouth or changes in the

capacity to smell

Affectability to light or sound

• Memory or fixation issues • Mind-set changes or emotional episodes • Feeling discouraged or restless

Grow With Dr. Moe,

LLC 601 Technology Drive

Suite 200

Canonsberg PA. 15317

Phone: 724-942-4444

Email: info@growwithdrmoe.com

Website: www.drmauricepisciottano-proadjuster.com

