Reduce allergy symtoms


Transcript of Reduce allergy symtoms

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Maintain a healthy diet

Your body needs a wide variety of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins for the proper functioning of your immune system.

Eating a well-balanced whole foods diet will set the stage for reducing or eliminating your allergy symptoms.

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Drink lots of water

Drinking at least the minimum recommended amount of water per day, will facilitate the elimination of many of the toxins in your body that promote allergies.

Sufficient water also helps to reduce inflammation in the joints and other body systems.

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Avoid foods you are intolerant to

While not life-threatening, eating foods that you have an intolerance for can create stress on your body.

The more stress you are under, the harder your body has to work to keep allergies at bay.

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Avoid unhealthy food choicesThese drain your system while offering no nutritional benefit whatsoever.

Substances such as sugar, substitute sugars, and products made with white flour contribute to allergy provoking inflammation and should be avoided as much as possible.

Ensure that a large percentage of the food entering your body is the kind that strengthens the body, not destroys it.

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Get plenty of quercetin

Quercetin is an antioxidant believed to help minimize the body’s allergic response by preventing the release of histamines.

Tomatoes, apples, onions and buckwheat are great sources of Quercetin. If you don't feel you're getting enough through the foods you eat, consider taking a supplement.

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Don’t forget to take your vitamin C

This is especially important when allergy season is in full swing.

Vitamin C decreases the amount of histamine in the blood, thereby reducing the severity of allergy symptoms.

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Eat raw, local honey daily

This is quite literally a sweet way to fight seasonal allergies caused by pollen.

One tablespoon per day of local honey has been shown to desensitize your system to local pollen irritants, reducing symptoms while it does so.

Take note, processed honey and those imported from other countries are not the same as fresh, local honey.

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Take a showerOne simple way to fight seasonal allergies is to take a shower when you enter your home.

Rinse off any unwanted allergens and throw your clothes in the wash. This will help reduce pollen and other allergens you bring into your home.

Consider showering right before bed to not only eliminate allergens, but to open your sinuses & relax your muscles so you get a good night’s sleep.

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Use a Neti Pot

This is a great way to flush out pollen and common allergens from your nose.

It’s simple, easy and cheap.

Use the Neti Pot up to 4 times per day when your allergy symptoms are at their peak.

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Exercise regularlyBecause exercise helps your body in so many ways, it is not surprising that it is at the forefront of strategies when it comes to fighting allergies. Regular exercise encourages blood flow, which helps your body to remove allergens more quickly.

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Need More Info?Check out the post “Causes of Allergies” on this website.