Dps anyalysis 4 (bbc music)

Post on 10-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Dps anyalysis 4 (bbc music)

Main imageThe main image is a mid- deep shot of the choral group presumably performing. By using a deep shot each of the singers can be included in the shot and each is given their own individual space. This depth highlights just how small the group is, normal groups can have up to 40 singers while in contrast, only 7 singers are in this image. by using a mid-shot this also allows these shots to capture each of the singers faces (except the middle girl, which is a weakness of this shot because it’s as if it excludes her from the article), this makes the shot seem much more personal and captures the variety of appearances of each singer. The focus on this shot however is not optimal, it has focused more on the centre of the group, likely so that it can capture the other sides within a reasonable focus, however using this technique has blurred out the face of the front girl. I would change the manual focus of this shot if taking it myself so that the front girl were more in focus and that the back, brown-haired girl were bit less in focus, the reason for this is because the brown-haired girl’s hair is already covering her face in the shot anyway and this loss of focus would affect her appearance the least in comparison to the other members of the choral group, especially the front girl who has the most facial exposure in the line-up.On the right-hand page the main image is bare and blurred, this is likely to make the heading and article summary easier to read, as well as to draw attention away from the individuals and to the topic of the article, choirs as a whole.

HeadingThe headline in the dps is located where the eyes of the reader naturally fall, the centre of the right-hand page, this means that is I the focal point of the page rather than the choral group it describes, which is quite contradictive unless the reason for doing this was to draw the credit for the story to the magazine rather than the group themselves. This possibility is indicated by the lack of people in the most drawing page of the dps. This style of presentation is quite contrasting to the rock genre who takes up whole dps’ with their main image, making sure they are the focus of the page. In defence of this classical magazine’s layout choices the article is referring to choral groups as a whole with no specific group mentioned, they may have dialled down the presence of the main image to try and avoid giving more coverage to one choir than any other and keeping the article on the general choir setting rather than individual groups.

FontThere is very little variety of font on this DPS, only one font type is used. To combat the bore this would bring to the audience however, the writers have used a variety of sizes and have utilized both the bold and italic versions of the font. Whilst the page does still look quite plain with only one font, the e use of size variety and bold, has made the texts on the DPS easily distinguishable. This aids the audience in distinguishing the heading from the article summary, which both are un-bold and in similar placing, however the size of the heading is much bigger and thus depicted as the heading to the reader. As a whole the font colour has been very well selected against its backgrounds so that it stands out and is easy to read, the minor exception to this is the caption of the main image however I have already analysed that this is not an important aspect of the DPS in this magazine

LayoutThe layout of this magazine is key to the creation and sustainment of its house style. The layout is very simple, clean and easy to navigate; the DPS utilizes where our eyes naturally fall (the rule of thirds) in order to help indicate its key features on the page such as its headline and article description. Unlike rock magazines which demand our attention at various points at first glance, this genre’s DPS has a much more calming allure to it. There are no bright colours which contrast its colour scheme and it utilizes much more subtle techniques such as small image rotation in order to draw the consumer’s eyes.

Article summaryThe article summary is located in a medium-sized font beneath the heading. The summary is very well written, this is because it is short, punctual and alluring. The language is not over-complicated and it cleverly puts the name “Ann Morgan” a well-known donator and contributor to the classical music genre in italics to highlight her significance and impact on the subject of the article. The article summary also explains the possible reason the main image only contains 7 young singers, “the number of young people joining parish choirs is dwindling nationwide”. Whilst this does get right to the point, I would suggest that rather than “young people” which sounds very distant (likely because the target audience are no longer “young people”), rather they could use a friendlier term that does not create a wall between the readers and the “young people”; an example of this could be using, junior or growing, terms that relate the older performers to the younger ones while still maintaining a friendly approach.

Smaller ImageThe smaller image is located amongst the article itself. The first effect this has is that it indicates to the audience that the two features are definitely linked; likely the choir master being spoken about is the one in the image. This enables the audience to visualize the article at the same time as reading it because they have a visual aid of the smaller image.The small image has been slightly rotated in its placement; a possible reason for this minor rotation is to create an irregularity in the house style of the page, which up until now has been very tidy and organised. This very minor rotation makes it stand out against the house style and draws the audience’s attention to it. This attention means the audience will likely study the image for longer than average (to find what makes this picture irregular compared to the house style) and this helps it fulfil its purpose of instigating the audience’s visual imagery whilst reading As a reader I prefer the placement of n image like this because it makes the page appear much more creative and makes the reading experience more enjoyable because I feel more visually involved.