Doula for the family

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Doula for the family

Doula for the family


• Doulas provide the education and consultation throughout the childbearing season.

• They assist you by sharing our knowledge and understanding of natural birth and its normal variations, as well as identifying any interference to the process.

• Postpartum visits in the home; close contact and availability as birth approaches and through the birth at home or in the hospital, with back-up as needed; hands-on support and access to many modalities for navigating labor, birth, breastfeeding and postpartum.

Benefits of doulas

• There are many benefits of having doulas for the family .

• 50% decrease in cesarean sectionin the length of labor,use of forceps or vacuum,use of oxytocin/pitocin,use of epidurals,the use of pain medications.

• They can learn various types of exercise before and after postpartum service to keep their body healthy.

Doula services

• Doula provides the services regularly before and after postpartum .

• They provides hands-on support and access to many modalities for navigating labor, birth, breastfeeding and postpartum.

• They also provides ( support the family members during the labor.

Prenatal visit

• During your pregnancy doula services includes prenatal visits where they will explore your hopes and preferences for labor and postpartum, address any fears or concerns.

• Regarding your pregnancy labor or parenting and see how you would best be supported during childbirth.

Labor and Delivery

• A doula works as a team member while including dad in the entire process.

• In prenatal visits, doulas discussions and activities build confidence in partners as they find their comfort level as labour support.

• During your labour, a doula helps partners to become involved to the degree they are comfortable, and will continue to support the birthing mom if her partner needs a break to sleep or eat.

Postpartum service

• In this time, continuing to advocate for you and hold space for your new family.

• doulas will also tidy your home or birth area and provide basic breastfeeding support.

• They meet in particular weeks ( your baby's birth. Sometimes two, or three times depending on your needs. It can be helpful to mother and new born baby.

• Doulas provides various useful benefits for the family and also assist you in baby care support for the mother.

• Doulas do not support in medical role but they provide various useful benefits for the mother and infant.

• To know more details about the infant visit