DoF-based Classification of Augmented Reality...

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DoF-based Classification of Augmented Reality ApplicationsJean-Marie Normand∗ Guillaume Moreau†

LUNAM Universite, Ecole Centrale de Nantes,CERMA UMR 1563, Nantes, France.


In recent years Augmented Reality (AR) has become more andmore popular, especially since the availability of mobile devices,such as smartphones or tablets, brought AR into our everyday life.Although the AR community has not yet agreed on a formal def-inition of AR, some work focused on proposing classifications ofexisting AR methods or applications. Such applications cover awide variety of technologies, devices and goals, consequently ex-isting taxonomies rely on multiple classification criteria that try totake into account AR applications diversity. In this paper we re-view existing taxonomies of augmented reality applications and wepropose our own, which is based on (1) the number of degrees offreedom required by the tracking of the application, as well as on(2) the visualization mode used, (3) the type of tracking used in theapplication and (4) the rendering modalities used in the application.Our taxonomy covers location-based services as well as more tradi-tional vision-based AR applications. Although AR is mainly basedon the visual sense, other rendering modalities are also covered bythe same degree-of-freedom criterion in our classification. This ar-ticle is mainly based on our previous paper published in the 3rdACM Augmented Human AH’12 conference [29].

Index Terms: H.5.1 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]:Multimedia Information System—Artificial, augmented and virtualrealities


Unlike Virtual Reality (VR) which only focuses on displaying andinteracting with virtual environments, Augmented Reality (AR)aims at interweaving reality with a virtual world. Indeed, althoughAR is based on techniques developed in VR [1] the display and in-teraction of an AR application has a degree of interdependence withthe real world. The main challenges of AR consist of the introduc-tion of artificial, computer generated objects at a location specifiedin real world coordinates. This requires determining the location ofthe AR interface in the real world (and not only the user positionwith respect to the interface as in VR) and including artificial ob-jects in the field of view of the observer. Beyond the technologicalchallenge of this collocation problem (also called registration byAzuma [1]), the reproduction of virtual objects, their fidelity andtheir consistency with the real world are still open research ques-tions.

Milgram et al. [23, 24], defined the well-known “Reality-Virtuality continuum” where “Reality” and “Virtual Reality” (bothbeing at one end of the continuum) surround “Mixed Reality”(MR), a subclass of VR technologies that involve the merging ofreal and virtual worlds. Mixed Reality itself is decomposed into“Augmented Reality” (AR) and “Augmented Virtuality” (AV). Themain difference is that AR implies being immersed in reality and


handling or interacting with some virtual “objects”, while AV im-plies being primarily immersed in a virtual world increased by real-ity where the user mainly manipulates virtual objects. Nevertheless,the boundary between the two remains tenuous and will depend onapplications and uses.

As stated in [14], “augmenting” reality is meaningless in itself.However, this term makes sense as soon as we refocus on the hu-man being and on his perception of the world. Reality cannot beincreased but its perceptions can. We will however keep the term“Augmented Reality” even if we understand it as an “increased per-ception of reality”.

In the remainder of this paper, we will give an overview of ex-isting AR taxonomies, discuss their specificities and limitations.Then, we will propose our own taxonomy, based on four criteria:(1) the number of degrees-of-freedom required for the tracking, (2)the way frames of references are linked together, (3) the type oftracking used in the application and (4) the rendering modalitiesused by the AR application. Before drawing a conclusion, we willdiscuss the benefits and limitations of our approach, will use ourtypology to classify existing applications and propose possible ex-tensions to our typology.


Even though a clear definition of augmented reality has not beenagreed on by the community, stating whether an application usessome kind of augmented reality or not is easier to decide. Whatremains more difficult to achieve is to classify the different ap-proaches or applications using AR into a meaningful taxonomy.

Existing taxonomies differ in the criteria they use to classify ap-plications, we chose to divide them into:

• technique-centered,

• user-centered,

• information-centered,

• interaction-centered.

Each category has its characteristics, benefits and drawbacks, whichwe will present in the following.

2.1 Technique-centered taxonomiesIn [23, 24] the authors propose a technical taxonomy of Mixed Re-ality techniques by distinguishing the types of visual displays used.They propose three main criteria for the classification: Extent ofWorld Knowledge (EWK), Reproduction Fidelity (RF) and Extentof Presence Metaphor (EPM). EWK represents the amount of in-formation that a MR system knows about the environment (for ex-ample about where to look for interesting information in the image– a region of interest for tracking – or what the system should belooking for – the 3D model of an object). The RF criterion rep-resents the quality with which the virtual environment (in case ofAV) or objects (in case of AR) are displayed ranging from wire-frame object on a monoscopic display to real-time 3D high fidelity,

photo-realistic objects. Finally, the EPM criterion evaluates the ex-tent to which the user feels present, that is how much the user ex-periences presence within the scene. As a consequence, EPM isminimal when the used display is monoscopic and maximum withhigh-end head-mounted displays (HMD) that can display real-time3D graphics and offer see-through capabilities.

In [22], the Reality-Virtuality continuum and some of the ele-ments presented in [23] lay the groundwork for a global taxonomyof MR display integration. The classification is based on three axes:the reality-virtuality continuum, the centricity of the type of displayused (egocentric or exocentric) and the congruency of the control-display mapping. The idea behind the last criterion is that, depend-ing on the means provided and the circumstances, a user can effectchanges in the observed scene either congruently with, or, to vary-ing degrees, incongruently with respect to the form, position andorientation of the device(s) provided. Instinctively, a highly con-gruent control-display relationship corresponds with a natural, orintuitive control scheme, whereas an incongruent relationship willcompel the user to perform a number of mental transformations inorder to use it.

Based on the proposal of a general architecture of an augmentedreality system presented in [39], Braz and Pereira [5] developed aweb based platform called TARCAST which aimed at listing andcharacterizing AR systems. The six classification criteria (i.e. thesix so-called classical subsystems of an AR system) used in TAR-CAST are: the Real World Manipulator subsystem, the Real WorldAcquisition subsystem, the Tracking subsystem, the Virtual ModelGenerator subsystem, the Mixing Realities subsystem and finallythe Display subsystem. Each criterion is composed of a number offeatures allowing to distinguish different AR systems. TARCASTuses an XML like syntax to describe each feature for each subsys-tem of an AR system and offers a web interface which allowed usersto browse the list of all AR systems included in TARCAST, regis-tered users could also insert new TARCAST characterizations viaa specific web-based interface. However, TARCAST does not pro-pose actual criteria but offers a long list of features for each system,hence is not really discriminative. Additionally, TARCAST doesnot seem to be maintained anymore.

The technique-centered taxonomies presented here do not takeinto account any of the mobile AR techniques commonly usednowadays. Milgram’s work was innovative at the time it was pub-lished but the authors could not predict how mobile AR would arise.Besides, we believe that presence cannot exactly be a common dis-criminative criterion as it does not refer to the same concept in vir-tual and real worlds.

2.2 User-centered taxonomies

Lindeman and Noma [19] propose to classify AR applicationsbased on where the mixing of the real world and the computer-generated stimuli takes place. They integrate not only the visualsense but all others as well, since their ”axis of mixing location” isa continuum that ranges from the physical environment to the hu-man brain. They describe two pathways followed by a real worldstimulus on its way to the user: a direct and a mediated one. Inthe direct case, a real world stimulus interacts through (a) the realenvironment before reaching (b) a sensory subsystem where it istranslated into (c) nerve impulses and finally transmitted to (d) thebrain. In the case of AR applications, some computer graphics el-ements can be inserted into this path in order to combine the realworld and the computer generated elements into one AR stimuluson its way to the brain. The authors refer to the different places (a)through (d) where computer generated elements can be inserted as”mixing points”. In the mediated case, the real world stimulus trav-els through the environment, but instead of being sensed by the user,it is captured by a sensing device (e.g. camera, microphone, etc.).Then, the stimulus might be post-processed before being merged

with computer generated elements and then displayed to the user atone of the mixing points through appropriate hardware (dependingon the sense being stimulated). The authors state that the insertionof computer generated elements should happen as early as possiblein the pathway (i.e. at the (a) mixing point) in order to take ad-vantage of the human sensory system which process the real worldstimulus. Based on the location of the mixing points in the processof a stimulus, the authors build their classification for each sensebased on a set of existing techniques.

Wang and Dunston [41] propose an AR taxonomy based on thegroupware concept. They define groupware as: computer-basedsystems that support groups of people engaged in a common task(or goal) and that provide an interface to a shared environment.The goal of groupware is to assist a team of individuals in com-municating, collaborating and coordinating their activities. Basedon generic groupware concepts, they isolated three main factors forclassifying AR systems for construction use: mobility, number ofusers and space.

Hugues et al. [14] propose a functional taxonomy for AR envi-ronments based on the nature of the augmented perception of real-ity offered by the applications and on the artificiality of the envi-ronment. The authors divide augmented perception into five sub-functionalities: augmented documentation, reality with augmentedperception or understanding, perceptual association of the real andvirtual, behavioural association of the real and virtual, substitu-tion of the real by the virtual or vice versa. The functionality tocreate an artificial environment is subdivided into three main sub-functionalities: imagine the reality as it could be in the future, imag-ine the reality as it was in the past and finally, imagine an impossiblereality.

While the first axis of the taxonomy proposed by Hugues et al.covers most of the goals of AR applications, the second axis basedon the creation of an artificial environment is less convincing sinceit does not take into account any alteration of the “present” real-ity, e.g. applications such as Sixth Sense [25] or Omnitouch [12].Moreover their taxonomy is limited to vision based approaches anddoes not handle other modalities. The groupware taxonomy ofWang and Dunston only takes into account collaborative AR andlimits itself to construction-based AR applications. Finally, Linde-man and Noma propose an interesting taxonomy based on the inte-gration of the virtual stimuli within multi-modal AR applications.Nevertheless, their proposal might not be discriminative enough,since very different methods like mobile see-through AR can beclassified in the same category as a projector-based AR application.Furthermore, it only deals with each sense individually and doesnot offer any insight on how to merge them together.

2.3 Information-centered taxonomies

In [37], Suomela and Lehikoinen propose a taxonomy for visualiz-ing location-based information, i.e. digital data which has a real-world location (e.g. GPS coordinates) that would help developerschoosing the correct approach when designing an application. Theirclassification is based on two main factors that affect the visualiza-tion of location-based data: the environment model used (rangingfrom 0D to 3D) and the viewpoint used (first person or third personperspective to visualize the data). Based on these two criteria, theauthors define a model-view number MV(X,Y) that corresponds toa combination of the environment model (X) and the perspective(Y) used. Each MV(X,Y) class offers different benefits and draw-backs and the authors suggest to choose a class depending on thefinal application targeted, the available hardware or sensors on thetargeted devices.

In [38], Tonnis and Plecher divide the presentation space usedin AR applications based on six classes of presentation principles:temporality (i.e. continuous or discrete presentation of informa-tion in an AR application), dimensionality (2D, 2.5D or 3D infor-

mation presentation), registration, frame of reference, referencing(distinction between objects that are directly shown, informationabout the existence of concealed objects, often using indirect vi-sualization, and guiding references to objects outside the field ofview that might be visible if the user looks towards that direction)and mounting (differentiates where a virtual object or informationis displayed in the real world, e.g. objects can be hand-mounted,head-mounted, connected to another real object or lying in theworld, etc.). This current work-in-progress taxonomy use nearly40 publications taken from ISMAR’s recent conferences in order totest their taxonomy based on those six presentation classes.

Suomela and Lehikoinen propose a taxonomy that can only beapplied to location-based applications, thus oriented towards mo-bile AR. Moreover they do not tackle multi-modal mobile AR appli-cations. Nevertheless, we found the degrees of freedom approach tobe interesting and we decided to generalize it in our own proposedtaxonomy. Tonnis and Plecher propose an interesting complete tax-onomy but they do not deal with the multi-modality that can be usedin AR applications and some of the criteria presented are somehowvague (e.g. the mounting criterion).

2.4 Interaction-centered taxonomies

Mackay [20] proposed a taxonomy which is neither based on thetechnology used, nor on the functionalities nor the application do-main. The criterion used to classify AR approaches is rather simple:the target of the augmentation. Three main possibilities are listed inthe paper: augment the user, when the user wears or carries a deviceto obtain information about physical objects; augment the physicalobject, the object is changed by embedding input, output or compu-tational devices on or within it and augment the environment sur-rounding the user and the object. In the latter case, neither the usernor the object is directly affected, independent devices provide andcollect information from the surrounding environment, displayinginformation onto objects and capturing information about the user’sinteractions with them.

This taxonomy is not very discriminative. For example, one cannotice that every single mobile AR technique falls into the first cat-egory, while the last category regroups only projection-based meth-ods. As in most of the taxonomies presented here, this work doesnot tackle the multi-modality issue.

In [8], Dubois et al. propose a framework for classifying ARsystems and use Computer Aided Medical Intervention (CAMI)systems in order to illustrate their classification. Their approach,called OPAC, is based on four components: the System, the Objectof augmentation, the Person (the user) and the Adapters (input oroutput devices) and distinguish between two “main” tasks of theuser depending on whether the task has to be performed in the realworld (i.e. in AR) or in the virtual world (i.e. in AV). Based on thisdistinction and on Milgram and Kishino’s [23] Reality-Virtualitycontinuum, the authors propose two different continua ranging re-spectively from Reality to Virtuality (R→V) and vice versa (V→R)where, along the V→R axis, they position different interaction prin-ciples proposed by Fishkin et al. [10].

In [7], Dubois et al. propose an extension, called ASUR, of theirprevious work, where the OPAC components are slightly modifiedinto Adapters, System, User and Real object, where inputs and out-puts adapters are more clearly distinguished in the link they createbetween the System and the real world (composed of the User andthe Real Object). They aim at helping the developers of MR ap-plications to reflect upon the combination of the real and virtualworlds as well as the boundaries between those two worlds.

The OPAC and ASUR methods presented above aim at reason-ing on MR systems, thus they do not classify AR methods strictlyspeaking. Indeed, the components and relationships presented intheir work help modeling AR and AV systems, rather than charac-terizing different methods and classifying them into categories.

With the recent democratisation of smartphones, tablets and mo-bile computing, Ubiquitous Computing (seamless integration ofcomputer in everyday life), first proposed by Weiser [42] in the1990s seems to be more and more related to AR technologies. Al-though those two notions do not address the same problems, theyobviously are related. Based on the Milgram continuum, New-man et al. [28] proposed the so-called “ Weiser continuum”, a 1-Daxis where Ubiquitous computing would appear at one end of theaxis while monolithic mainframe-based computing would lie at theother end (classical personal computers – PC– would then lie in thevery middle of this continuum). The authors then combine thosetwo continua into the “Milgram-Weiser” 2D continuum in order torelate VR and AR to Ubiquitous computing. This 2D space allowsthe authors to classify Mixed Reality and Ubiquitous computingapplications and highlight gaps in the existing technologies. Thistaxonomy served as a basis for defining a middleware architecturefor Ubiquitous Tracking (or “UbiTrack”, see also [31]).


We now propose our own taxonomy, based on four axes:

• the first axis is based on the number of degrees of freedomof the tracking required by the application and the trackingaccuracy that is required. Frequency and latency of trackingcan also be taken into account.

• the second axis represents the relations that may exist betweenthe various frames of reference that are involved in the aug-mentation process (the user, the sensor(s), the display sys-tem(s) and the real world).

• the third axis is application-based and covers the type of track-ing used by the application.

• the fourth axis covers other rendering modalities that go be-yond visual augmented reality. Strictly speaking, this last axiswould rather be declined as multiple axes, each of them beingdedicated to a specific rendering modality: audio, haptic, gus-tatory and olfactory. It should be noted that, as of today, theuse of non-visual rendering modalities remains rather limitedtoday, but they can nevertheless be taken into account by thesame degrees-of-freedom system. As a consequence, this lastaxis (or axes) should be considered, as for now, as optional.

3.1 TrackingThe main originality of our taxonomy lays in this first classificationaxis, namely the tracking degrees of freedom. With this term we donot imply vision-based tracking as in the classical computer visionsense (e.g. marker tracking or features tracking) but rather trackingin a broader sense. In our taxonomy, tracking could be instantiatedbased on the applications requirements, for example tracking canbe seen as user-tracking in location-based applications where theimportant information is the position and orientation of the user inthe world. On the other hand, in a classical vision-based applica-tion, tracking can be seen as tracking of a marker, i.e. the posi-tion of the camera with respect to the marker which represents theposition information required by the application. Tracking require-ments can also depend on the display device, whether it is rigidlylinked to user position or not, cf. Section 3.2. Hence, we want tofocus on the number of freedom required for localizing the “interac-tion device” – which could be either the user or the camera, tablet,smartphone, etc., depending on the application – with respect to theenvironment.

On this first axis, we sort applications by the number of degreesof freedom they require and the spatio-temporal accuracy require-ments where applicable. If we look throughout current applications,they can be divided into 4 classes:

1. 0D applications: although it is questionable whether thesekind of applications can be considered as AR applications,we find in this class applications that detect a marker (suchas a QR-code [6]) and display additional information aboutthis marker. For this category of application, the displayedinformation has no relation with the real world position andorientation of the marker. A typical example would be to de-tect a QR code on an advertisement, which will then open themanufacturer’s web page on your mobile device. Trackingaccuracy is very limited since it only requires correct markerdetection in one frame, indeed, once detected the marker isnot tracked in the following frames. As a consequence of thislack of tracking, latency and update rates are no issues.

2. 2D applications: this is the class for so-called Location-basedservices, i.e. applications that provide information about agiven location, such as nearby restaurants, etc. Tracking accu-racy is generally decametric and the tracking method is oftenan embedded-GPS (altitude information is not used, updatesrates around 1Hz). A typical example of a 2D application is aGoogle Maps [11] like application which only uses a 2D mapin order to help the user finding his way in a city.

3. 2D+θ applications: this class is also for location-based ser-vices that include an orientation information which allows toshow a relative direction to the user. Every navigation sys-tem is based on this principle, and for those applications, ac-curacy is most often metric. Note that a GPS alone cannotprovide an orientation in static position. Orientation can becomputed by differences between positions or can be givenby a embedded magnetic compass as in modern smartphones.Required accuracy is also less than metric, update rates typi-cally ranging from 1 to 10Hz. A typical example of a 2D +θ application is the Metro Paris [30] application which helpsyou locating nearby metro stations and other points of inter-ests (restaurants, bars, etc.).

4. 6D applications: this last class covers what is traditionallycalled augmented reality by computer vision scientists whousually work on tracking technologies. Several types of sen-sors can be used individually or all together (optical/depthcameras, inertial sensors, etc.). Various precision classes existdepending on application types and on the on the technologyused and on the working volume size (e.g. indoors vs. out-doors) and accuracy is relative to this size. Update rates aremuch more critical here, a minimum refresh rate would bearound 10Hz, and can go up to 100Hz. At this point, contin-uous tracking (i.e. recovering the new position from the for-mer one with a small motion assumption at high frequency)must be distinguished from initial localization for which thereexists fewer works [4, 33]. In the early years of AR, manyother (non-visual) technologies were used to deliver 6D track-ing. Although nowadays the vast majority of AR applicationsrely on visual and/or a combination of inertial sensors, whichpresent the advantage of being wireless and can be used out-doors, one can also rely upon technologies commonly used inVR, such as electromagnetic, acoustic or mechanical tracking,cf. [34, 43].

It should be noted that the 2D+θ notation has been chosen know-ingly, and we prefer it to the 3D notation, mainly because the lat-ter could be confused with applications requiring three dimensionalpositional information (i.e. X, Y, Z coordinates).

We believe this axis to be very important because it offers a highdiscriminative power in terms of applications type since tracking isa very important feature in most AR applications and we considerit can determine different applications classes. Indeed, the trackingdegrees-of-freedom we presented above allowed us to distinguish

between generic types of AR applications, such as location-basedones, which group a whole set of applications sharing common re-quirements. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time thisclassification criterion is proposed for a taxonomy.

DOF Precision classes Typical Update Rates0D N.A. N.A.

2D ∼ 10m ∼ 1Hz

2D + θ ∼ 10m ∼ 1−10Hz

6D ≤ 1cm ∼ 10−100Hz

Table 1: Summary of degrees of freedom versus metric accuracy andupdate frequency.

3.2 Degrees of Freedom between frames of referenceFor the second axis of our taxonomy we chose to model the linksbetween the user frame of reference and the frame of reference ofthe device used to display the AR content. Indeed we believe thatthere is always a device involved when talking about AR technolo-gies. Those devices differ depending on the “type” of augmentedreality used:

• for Optical See-Through (OST) applications, devices aremostly head-up displays (HUD), e.g. for HUDs fixed to avehicle or see-through glasses (or for worn HMDs) where op-tical information is projected onto special lenses.

• for Video See-Through (VST) applications, we distinguishbetween:

– HMDs : where cameras attached to a head-mounted dis-play film the scene and are used to compute the positionand orientation of the information to be displayed on topof the video stream,

– devices equipped with a back-located camera (such as atablet or a smartphone) that films the real environmentand for which the video is reproduced on its displayaugmented with artificial, computer generated, images.These VST applications are often called magic win-dows or “video see-through” [23]. Another metaphorcalled magic mirror is a specific case of a magic win-dow where the camera and the screen point in the samedirection (e.g. a front-located camera on a smartphone).

• for Spatially Augmented Reality (SAR) [3, 32] applications,which consist in adding information to the real world, notsimply adding information between the observer’s eye and thereal world. This is achieved by using projectors that displaythe computer generated artificial images directly on top of thereal world objects. Here again w distinguish between:

– fixed projector applications: these applications are oftenlarge-scale applications and have a better potential forcollaborative multi-user work (even if some occlusionproblems might appear when a user stands in front ofone of the projectors) since it is easier for the users tointeract with real worlds objects since the visualizationof the augmentation does not require the user to wear orto use any additional device.

– projectors attached to the user: these are typicallyhighly mobile applications such as Sixth Sense [25]or OmniTouch [12], where the projector is physicallyand rigidly linked to the user. There also exist some

augmented reality applications based on head-mountedlaser projectors that can display information directly onthe environment, see for example [36].

Based on these devices, we distinguish between four types ofrelations between the several frames involved (the user frame, thedisplay frame, the sensor frame and the world frame):

1. tight relation between display device and the user: this is thecase for OST and HMD-based VST as well as head-mountedprojectors that can be found in some Spatially AugmentedReality applications where the spatial transform between theeyes of the user and the display device is fixed over time.These devices may also include a fixed transform to some sen-sors (one or several video cameras in most of the cases).

2. loose relation between the display device and the user: thisis the case for magic-window based VST applications: wherethere is a relation between the frame of reference of the userand the one of the device but this relation is relatively loose.For example, when holding a smartphone, the user can movehis head and keep the phone fixed, or the other way around.But he can also move the device as he moves his head. In thiscase, the sensors (video camera, inertial sensors...) are rigidlylinked to the display device.

3. no relation between the display device and the user: this isthe case for fixed-projector(s) based SAR applications. In thiscase, there is no relation between the frame of reference of thedisplay device and the one of the user. The user’s movementsare independent of the frame of reference of the projector. Thelatter is rigidly linked to the word frame of reference.

4. both frames of references are “merged”: this is the case forLocation-Based Services such as GPS localization for whichthe user frame of reference does not play any role, only thedevice is taken into account. At least we can assume that thevarious class of precision used are different enough to allowthis merge: in the case of GPS-navigation, the position andorientation of the car and the driver are fairly similar withrespect to a complete trajectory that can be much longer.

We illustrate the relations between user and devices frames ofreference in Fig. 1 and summarize these relations in Table 2.

Relation between userand device frames

Augmented Reality Devicetype

Tight OST, HMD VST, SAR withprojectors attached to the user

Loose Handheld VST

Merged LBS, LBS + orientation

No Relation Fixed-projectors SAR, QR-Codes

Table 2: Summary table for relations between frames of references

3.3 Tracking TypeOur third axis aims at differentiating between the multiple track-ing technologies that are used in AR applications. Indeed, as wementioned in Section 3.1 it is possible to achieve the same level oftracking (e.g. 6D) by very different means. Hence, we decided todedicate an axis of our taxonomy to further discriminate the classi-fication of AR applications. We tried to organize this axis based onthe artificial nature of tracking, i.e. whether the environment must

be prepared or whether the tracked features are natural or artificial(whole images or small units such as segments). Combination oftracking methods is put aside to avoid checking several marks onan axis. The units on this axis are the following:

• Marker-based tracking (Marker),

• Natural Feature (NF),

• 2D or 3D Template Matching (TM),

• Optical + Sensor Fusion (SF).

• Non optical (NO),

We decided not to distinguish between the non-optical track-ing types (e.g. GPS, compass, etc.) in order not to multiply thenumber of marks on this axis, especially since it is nowadays rel-atively rare to rely upon inertial, mechanical or acoustic trackingalone. Sensor Fusion on its part corresponds to a combination ofdata coming from different sources/devices (e.g. accelerometers,gyroscopes, GPS, etc.) and an optical source (camera) allowing toperform tracking. This axis is relatively easy to understand but willnonetheless prove useful in discriminating further AR applicationsthat require the same degrees of freedom for the tracking but thatdo not rely on the same tracking technology.

3.4 Non-visual Rendering modalitiesThe last optional axis of our taxonomy refers to the non-visualmodalities involved in AR applications. Although the visual senseis by far the most important when talking about AR, some work hasbeen carried out in order to mix the real world and computer graph-ics images across multiple modalities [19]. While the addition ofsound in AR applications seems quite straightforward and common,it is much more unusual to see AR applications that provide withreal 3D sound. Haptic feedback integration for augmented realityis also relatively common, especially for medical or training basedapplications, although, for mobile AR it is difficult to be able togive the user a better haptic feedback than the one provided by avibrator (e.g. on a mobile phone). Olfactory and gustatory sensesare much more rarely used in AR applications [26].

Nevertheless, we believe that multi-modality should be takeninto account in a typology of AR-based applications, and that ourdegrees-of-freedom approach provides for the integration of mul-tiple modalities. Indeed, as for sound, we stipulate that a simplemonoscopic sound such as a signal represents 0D sound, stereo-scopic accounts for 1D (azimuth) and binaural corresponds tolocation-based sound (distance and azimuth). Hence, our degrees-of-freedom based classification would take into account the audiomodality. Nonetheless, it has to be noted that in the presence ofmoving sound-generating objects or user, 3D audio real-time feed-back becomes very complex.

As for the haptic modality, we propose a similar approach. Asimple vibration, (e.g. provided by a mobile phone vibrator) is a0D stimulus, while the use of specific devices could account forhigher dimensions of the haptic modality. For example, the use ofa PHANTOM [21] device would account for 3D haptic modality(since the basic PHANTOM has 3 DoF haptic feedback).

As of today, visuo-haptic is by far the most popular and re-searched combination of modalities in AR, especially because it of-fers a very interesting potential for training applications where theuser can learn specific gestures and movements that require tools.For example Sandor et al. [35] developed a visuo-haptic paintingapplication while Bianchi et al. [2] focused on developing AR sys-tems capable of giving realistic haptic feedback from real or virtualobjects in real-time. Medical applications and particularly surgerytraining appear to be a prime target for visuo-haptic AR and re-search is currently being carried out in order to develop such appli-cations, see for example [16, 15].

Figure 1: Frame of references. An orange arrow denotes a tight link whereas a blue denotes other links.

Concerning the olfactory and the gustatory modalities, we as-sume that a non-directional stimulus (or at least a stimulus whoseorigin cannot be determined such as an ambient smell) is also 0D.As gustatory senses are only touch-based sensors, we limit our ty-pology here for them. If a smell direction can be identified, it isonly in azimuth and we call it 1D. Other sensors (thermal sensorsof the skin for example) available in the human body could also beclassified this way. At the moment, it is technically impossible todirectly stimulate proprioceptive sensors, they remain absent fromour classification.

As mentioned before, the integration of real multi-modal userfeedback requires some extra devices that presently prevent themfrom being used in most mobile AR applications. This is why werecommend non-visual rendering modalities axes to be optional,each modality could be represented by a single axis. Using thesecriteria could nevertheless be needed in future applications and webelieve it is worth keeping them in mind.

Collaborative AR has not yet been extensively tackled in the lit-erature, of course some work exist on multi-user AR (especiallythanks to SAR) but so far mono-user AR is much more investi-gated. Mobile collaborative AR raises some interesting problemsin terms of registration, update, synchronization or user interfacesof the current state of applications for users that could late-join theapplication.

3.5 Classifying AR applicationsIn this section we illustrate our proposal by creating a 3D represen-tation of some representative AR applications within our taxonomyaxis, see Fig. 2. In order to be able to create a representation, wedecided not to take into account the multi-modal axis. As men-tioned before, although multi-modality remains currently anecdotalin AR applications, we believe it may become more widely used inthe future and that this axis remains valid. But for simplicity sakesof representation, we decided to focus only on the first three axis ofour proposal, namely: tracking degrees-of-freedom, augmentationtype and tracking type.

Corresponding to our previous descriptions, each axis has fourunits: {0D, 2D, 2D+θ , 6D} for the Tracking DOF; {Tight, Loose,Merged, No Relation} for the relation between frames of reference;{Marker, TM, NF, SF or NO} for the tracking type.

As shown in Fig. 2, each application is represented by a 3D po-sition which coordinates corresponds to its characteristics on eachof our three axes. Actual coordinates are given in Table 3. As forevery taxonomy, many applications belong to the same category,hence would be located at the same coordinates. For example,many applications belong to the category corresponding to a 6Dtracking requirement, having loose relations between frames of ref-erences (which would correspond for example to video see-throughdisplays on tablets or smartphones) and that superimpose the realworld with present computer generated information. We chose toillustrate this category with a mobile version of the ARToolKit [17]library but many other applications could have been chosen instead,for example applications using markerless tracking.

In order to overcome this limitation, we decided to represent twoframeworks directly in Fig. 2. Indeed, AR toolkits may give rise tomany applications represented at different locations in our 3D co-ordinate system. As a consequence, AR toolkits can be modelled asvolumes in our taxonomy. We added ARToolKit and Layar frame-works in Fig. 2 in order to illustrate this. Many applications be-long to the ARToolKit framework volume meaning that every oneof them could also be developed based on this toolkit.

This points out the fact that our classification could be extendedto further analyse points in this space where there are many appli-cation candidates. We decided not to add too many applicationsin order to keep the figure readable, and of course as for the non-visual multi-modality axes (which are not represented in Fig. 2) ourtaxonomy could be updated when new AR applications arise. Any-way, new applications trends including augmentation by acousticfeedback (for car parking), head-up displays in cars or applicationshelping sportsmen to improve their gestures with acoustic feedbackfit our classification.

Table 3: Classification examplesApplication Tracking DoF Frames Relations Tracking TypeArcheoguide [40] 6D Loose 2D TMInsitu (Outdoors) [18] 6D Loose SFARMAR [13] 6D Tight MarkerVW SAR 1 6D No Relation MarkerOmnitouch [12] 2D+θ Tight SFMetro [30] 2D+θ Merged NOGmaps [11] 2D Merged NOQR codes [6] 0D No Relation MarkerARToolkit [17] 6D Loose Marker

3.6 Possible extensions

In addition to the previous classification criteria, we think that twoadditional ones could be integrated in a taxonomy.

3.6.1 Integration of virtual and real worlds

We believe that the integration of virtual objects could be use todiscriminate between applications and/or toolkits. Indeed, integrat-ing virtual objects within an AR scene gives rise to the followingproblems and challenges: realistic color integration of virtual ob-jects in the scene, realistic lighting integration of virtual objects inthe scene, realistic shadowing of the scene by virtual objects, realis-tic depth integration of virtual objects in the real scene by occlusionmanagement, interaction of the user with virtual objects, interactionbetween virtual objects and the real world.

Those criteria help at developing more realistic applications byaiming at a seamless and transparent integration of virtual objectswith the real scene, either filmed by a camera or directly seenthrough see-through lenses. Of course all those criteria are not nec-essarily met at the same time, and some applications do not meet

Figure 2: Classification of some AR applications using our taxonomy.

any of them. Nevertheless they may be desirable for some applica-tions, e.g. for an interior design application getting realistic shadingand lighting on some virtual furnitures can be a real advantage.

It is worth noticing that some of these criteria represent, as oftoday, technical challenges, especially for mobile AR where bothcentral (CPU) and graphical (GPU) processors suffer from limited(even if constantly improving) computing power. Moreover mobileAR also faces specific problems such as rapid movements due to di-rect manual handling of the device by the user as well as easily clut-tered information (due to relatively small size of displays). Lastly,the labelling/annotation problem also faces specific challenges inAR beyond the traditional legibility and occlusion issues. Labelsalso have to be linked to the objects they inform about but also re-quire a specific attention with respect to the colors they use in orderto be readable with respect to the background they are displayed onwhich is most often the unknown real world.

However, integration of virtual and real worlds does not impactevery AR application in the same way. For example, Location-Based AR (e.g. Layar-based applications) does not typically usemore than the GPS sensors of a mobile device. As a consequenceit seems impossible to work on most of the criteria listed above(except for the interaction one), since they require some real-timeanalysis of the (unknown) real world in order to modify the virtualobjects accordingly. Moreover some criteria might require knowl-edge of a 3D model of the environment (typically the last criterion,cf. [27] for example) which further complicates the computation.

3.6.2 Level of Abstraction of Virtual ObjectsOur last comment raises the question of the display of informationfor AR applications, especially for mobile AR. Indeed, choosing theright abstraction for information presentation seems a fundamentalproblem problem for Augmented Reality. Some studies such as [9]focused on the level of abstraction for landmark-based user naviga-tion and differentiate between six levels, cf. Fig 3.

Figure 3: Abstraction levels according to [9].

These levels of abstraction should be investigated for other ap-plication types in order to clarify how information should be pre-

sented to the user. This is indeed an interesting issue for AR sincereal world information (on which synthetic information is superim-posed) is by nature image data of better than photo-realistic quality.Therefore, adding virtual objects onto this may require a trade-off:high quality rendering may stress out the issues raised in the for-mer paragraph about integration of both worlds whereas introduc-ing more abstraction could be less demanding in terms of integra-tion and even as far as tracking accuracy is involved.


In this paper, we have briefly surveyed and discussed existing tax-onomies of augmented reality applications. We have then proposedour own typology based on application tracking requirements, ap-plication type, tracking type and rendering modalities. In order toillustrate the relevance of our classification, we represented char-acteristic visual-based AR applications, cf. Table 3, in a 3D co-ordinate system (where the rendering modalities axes have beenremoved due to relative low number of beyond visual-AR appli-cations).

Nonetheless, we believe the proposed taxonomy overcomessome of the limitations of existing work that we detailed in Sec-tion 2, especially multi-modality which is rarely tackled in the lit-erature. The proposed taxonomy presents the advantage of offeringa relatively low number of classification criteria, which allows forgeneral categories while keeping the classification process of anaugmented reality application relatively easy and straightforward.


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