Disappearing Nail Bed - APMA Nail Bed APMA Vlahovic.pdf · F. Disappearing nail bed is the cause...

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Transcript of Disappearing Nail Bed - APMA Nail Bed APMA Vlahovic.pdf · F. Disappearing nail bed is the cause...


BEDTracey C. Vlahovic, DPM FFPM RCPS (Glasg)

Clinical Associate Professor, Temple University

School of Podiatric Medicine,

Philadelphia, PA

A patient presents with complaint of…

• Ingrown toenail at the

tip of the toe

• Has had multiple nail

avulsions to treat nail

fungus which has

never seemed to

solve the problem

• The length of the left

hallux nail is not the

same as the right,

which is bothersome

to the patient

Comparison of Right vs Left

Physical Exam and Lab Results

• Pain on palpation at the distal tip of the nail

• No pain on palpation of the medial or lateral corners or on

the nail plate itself

• No drainage, no edema of the lateral nail folds

• Distal hypertrophy of the pulp of the hallux

• In office KOH, no hyphae present

• What’s next?

Radiographs collimated to great toe

What are your thoughts?

A. Dermatophyte infection--KOH isn’t that sensitive

B. Subungual exostosis that is cartilaginous in nature and

you can’t see on plain films

C. Trauma—it’s her narrow toebox causing the nail to look

like this

D. Too bad for you, lady, bad things happen to good nails

and you’re just going to have to deal with it

E. It doesn’t matter, I will just remove the nail again

F. Disappearing nail bed is the cause and I have to

discuss this with the patient

Disappearing Nail Bed• Coined in 2005 by Dr Daniel (Cutis 2005;76:325–327)

• A shortened or narrowed nail bed that is the result of long

standing onycholysis

• 20% shorter than the bilateral nail

• Long standing onycholysis can cause epithelialization to

occur and dermatoglyphics to appear

• May occur on fingernails (onychophagia) or toenails

(hallux most common)

What can cause it?

• Onychomycosis

• Onychogryphosis

• Trauma (blunt force or repetitive)

• Nail Surgery (ie iatrogenic)

• Biomechanics (ie hallux extensus)

• Other disorders that cause nail onycholysis: ie psoriasis, lichen planus, medications

• You do want to rule out subungual exostosis or other boney deformity first

Daniel et al Skin Appendage Disord 2017;3:15–17


• Normal nail bed lacks a granular layer of the epithelium

and is 2-3 layers thick with a hearty vascular and nerve

supply. The nail plate is the “stratum corneum” layer for

the nail bed

• As it grows forward, Nail plate slides over the nail bed.

There is a thin attachment called the bed epithelium

• Nail bed with no nail plate covering it seems to have

digital fingerprint memory—ie the nail bed becomes like

the distal tip of your toe. The nail plate can no longer

slide across the nail bed.

Why? Cont’d

• The distal pulp of toe deforms, creating a physical barrier

for the nail to grow forward

• Unknown how long onycholysis needs to be present for

this to occur

• Anecdotally, I have noticed a grossly atrophied nail matrix

upon removal of these nails

What are our options?

• Doing a total nail avulsion will NOT solve this issue

• Once epithelialization has occurred, the nail plate and nail

bed will never adhere

• If the nail can grow forward, there will be a cavern

underneath the nail and discoloration

• Must create realistic expectations with patient!

How do we manage?

• Conservative options:

• “Tape” the distal skin (Omnifix)

• Treat the ingrown nail

• Camouflage with Keryflex (ie cosmetic)

• Wear shoes that accommodate the deformity

• Treat dermatophyte, but set patient expectations

Taping method b/l

Keryflex Nail Restoration

Before After

From Keryflex.com

How do we manage? Cont’d

• Surgical options:

• Remove wedge of skin distally and advance skin distal

• If subungual exostosis or hallux extensus present,

account for that

• Gingival graft to recreate nail bed??

The wedge excision I have done

Final thoughts…

Thank you! traceyv@temple.edu