Digital Products Business Blueprint - Intro

Post on 07-Apr-2022

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Transcript of Digital Products Business Blueprint - Intro

Digital Products Business BlueprintWelcome

Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 2

Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 3

Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 4


Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 5


Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 6



3Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 7

Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

© Legendary Marketer. All Rights Reserved. 8

Alright, hello hello! Welcome to this portion of the course. This is creating your own digital course or your own digital product. Of course, my name is Mark Harbert, and it is a privilege to be here with you. And to really bring major value to the Legendary Marketer System, the Legendary Marketing education platform.

I just applaud you for being a Legendary Marketer, and I respect the fact that you believe in, really, investing in your education. That's what Legendary Marketer is all about. There's such a great team. You've got a great visionary with Dave Sharpe.

He's just amazing guy, the whole team from Larry all the down to every single person that's here working on your behalf.

I just want you to know that I really highly respect you. My goal is to really provide you the best overview and give you the best information I can give you, so that when you decide it's time for you to go out and create your own digital course, your own digital assets, that you choose to go out and sell to the marketplace, to make the world better place, to help individuals. I tell you, I don't take that lightly.

My goal is to make sure that you have what you need to do that.

Now in this course, basically, my goal to give you an overview. It's really impossible for me to give you every single little nuance that it will take to create a digital course.

But I want to lay a foundation for you here in this course to really help you understand the course creation process. I'm going to give you some examples, and really show you what I've done, and how you can go out and essentially do the same.

Because really, when you decide to create your own course, you're really putting a part of you into it. That's really what it's all about. That's really what it's about when it comes to digital marketing. I'm excited that you're here. So let's go ahead and let's dive.

Before we do, I would like to tell you just a little bit about me, so that you understand that when I'm sharing with you here is not just ideas, it's not just theory, it's actually based upon my own personal experience.

You see, I've been around the digital marketing space since 2008. I have been marketing online since 2008, and I have learned a lot over that time. I've been a full-time since 2012. So for me, this has been a life-changing thing, to learn digital marketing.

You've got it.

Of course, sometimes methods may change, but the fundamentals never do. The fundamentals are the most important thing. That's my goal in this course is to give you the fundamentals. I can't give you every single little nuance and technical strategy because we'd be here all day. The funny thing is, if I showed you one thing today, it's possible next week it might change. So my goal is to give you the the core fundamentals when it comes to creating your own digital course, because I believe that's what's going to you set you up for success in the future.

So for me, I've sold millions of dollars a digital products. I currently live in Tampa, Florida. I'm originally from a city just outside of Detroit, Michigan called Clarkston.

I grew up in Clarkton, and it's just, I love Tampa, Florida. Been down here now for a few years.

My wife and I, my daughter, we absolutely love it here. And super grateful to be here. I have generated well over 120,000 leads online to be honest with you, it's probably a lot more than that. I'm just kind of being a little bit modest in my estimates here, but I'll tell you I'm sure it's been probably over that. But the truth is, I don't tell you any of this to brag. I'm telling you this because I want you to know, again, this is not theory. What I'm going to share with you is based upon experience. It's based upon things that I've learned and done.

Of course, I am incredibly passionate about marketing. That's why I really love Legendary Marketer, because Legendary Marketer is all about teaching you the core principles and strategies that it takes to be a digital marketer. I'm very passionate about that. I love training. I love helping small businesses really take it from one level to the next, because I believe that that's just one of my core purposes on this planet.

So, very very blessed by that, no doubt about it.

So here's a couple pictures of me, we'll move on here, but if you look over here on the left is a picture of me with my good buddy Ray Higdon. And of course on the right of me there you see Kevin Harrington, who was one of the original sharks on the Shark Tank, which is an incredible show if you're an entrepreneur, which obviously you are because are here.

I highly recommend you watch Shark Tank. Really really great stuff. But he was one of the original sharks, got to meet him, talk with him for a little bit, great guy. Really, just a great pleasure to talk with him and get to meet him. Of course in the middle there is me winning an award. I've won so many awards over the years. It's been a great blessing.

You couldn't be in a better place than with Legendary Marketer. I have created over 20 of my own digital courses, and I have literally sold millions of dollars worth of digital products online. It's been an amazing ride.

I look back and I think to myself how much I really wanted to be my own boss. It wasn't until I really truly started to create my own products that I felt like I really had control of my business, because my products, my marketing, the things that I did, was based upon me and my leadership. I totally have control of my destiny so to speak.

So for me creating products is a personal thing. Creating a digital course is a very personal thing, because I've done so many of them. Every single one of them, I really truly believe, is a part of me.

It's taking the knowledge and taking the information I've learned over the years, and I've literally invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into my education, into personal coaching. I've hired some of the best coaches online to help me over the years, and it's really added to my knowledge. I just am a huge huge believer in investing in your skill sets.

I heard many many years ago, one of my original mentors online, he said if he had was down to his last $500, he said what would he do with that last $500? He said I would invested in my skill sets, because once I invest it into my skills, that money that I invested, that $500 would pay me over and over and over and over again. Because once you learn the skill, it never goes away from you.

One of the greatest things that you can do is just enjoy it. Feel blessed, be happy that you get to you create this value that you're going to be able to put into the marketplace.

The process, to me, is the funnest part. To me, putting together a digital course is just fun.

It's really cool, because I look at it as, it's a piece of me. I take information, I learn it, I implement it, and then I share it with the world. To me, it gives me great joy. It's just a great process to go through.

So I want to encourage you to enjoy this process. Put yourself in a learning mode.

Really put yourself in a mode that really helps you to go out and man, people are just excit-ed to get the information that you have to give them. So just keep that in mind as you go through this. I'm excited!

So my question for you is, are you ready? Are you ready to dig in?

Well, i you are, let's head on over to video number one. We're going to get into laying the groundwork and really getting it together, for you in your very first info marketing product, your first digital course.

I'll see you in video one.

testimonials from students that go through your course. It really helps to sell more later on.

I'm excited about video number five. I think you'll get a ton of benefit from it, no question about it. Now here's my recommendations for you. I suggest that you go through all the information first. Sit down, get a pad of paper, a pen, and take notes. Go through each video. What I love is, the greatest thing you can do is, if something hits you and you want to write it down, just pause the video, write it down.

Ideas are going to come as I share things with you, and you want to make sure you write those now. I can't begin to tell you the million-dollar ideas that I've forgotten about.

I've gotten so many ideas that I knew to make millions upon millions of dollars, and because I didn't write it down, I forgot about it. Then later on I saw someone else doing it.

So it's very important that as you have ideas, jot them down. Have a notepad with you.

I recommend that you go through the entire course first before doing any type of implementation. One of the things that you're going to want to do is, after you go through this, you're going to want to lay out your plan of action.

What are you going do? How are you going to do it? Put it together and take action.

Go out there and do it. Of course, once you lay out that plan of action, again it's about implementation. Go out, create it, put it together, and it's going to be an amazing thing.

I will tell you this, and we'll get into this a little bit, but your first course that you ever create, it's probably going to take you some time. I remember the very first course I ever created, was a $47 product that I was creating, but it took me literally probably a month to put it together.

Because there are a lot of moving parts to figure out, and put it together, not a to, but because I had never done it before, in my mind it was like, making sure all my bases are covered, and figuring all that out. But the cool thing is, now when I create products, its super easy. I just can't knock a product out like that. I've got the process down and exactly how it works, and boom, boom, boom, boom, boom it just comes together.But the first one you ever do will always take a little bit of time.

Because you've never done it before. You're learning some new stuff. So I want to just encourage you to number one, number five here on the list actually, is to enjoy the process. This is a process.

In video number three, We're going to talk about delivery of your course.

What's very important is you're going to create the course, but how are you going to deliver it to your customer once they purchase it? We're going to cover that in video number three, and give you some ideas on how to do that.

In video number four, we're actually going to talk about selling your course.

I'm going to give you some examples of how I sell my course. I'll show you a couple of the sales pages that I put together, and things that will really help you to understand what it will take in order to sell your course.

Then in video number five, we're going to talk about creating community, and of course after purchase support.

This is a very very big thing, because community is very important, and people also want to know that they've got support if they need it.

Quite honestly, I believe this will be one of the defining videos that will really pull it all together. It's the glue that holds it all together. Iit really is what lends itself to amazing

Now, I will tell you, out of creating, after creating twenty of my own, it's been well over 20 of my own digital courses and live workshops, I've done so many, that I will tell you laying the groundwork and really putting some thought into what your product is going to be about, is perhaps the most important part of the entire process.

So you're going to see, in video one, we're going to spend a lot more time in the brainstorm-ing part of putting the course together.

Because once you've put and the lead the groundwork, now it's just a matter of execution and taking action, and getting it all put together. That's why we're going to spend a lot of time in video one.

I'm going to talk to you a lot about that. I'm going to actually give you some good examples of what I've done. I think you're going to get a lot of benefit out of that. I'm actually going to show you. This whole course will not be slides.

It's actually going to be some more hands-on stuff. I'm actually just going to show you what I've done, give you examples, I'll go through them, I'll show it to you.

That way, it really will help spur ideas for you, as you go and lay the groundwork. But really, in a video one, number one, you're going to see, this is going to be the most important part of creating your very own digital product.

In video number two, we're actually going to talk about creating the course.

So how do you create it? What format? We're going to talk about that. I'm going to give you some software recommendations. I'm going to show you a couple things that will really help you in terms of creating it, and that will really make a big difference for you.

I'll tell you, some of the tools I'm going to show you are super easy.

Many of them are low-cost or free. You'll get the benefit out of that.

Of course on the right, there's me on stage teaching about 700-800 entrepreneurs digital marketing.

I've had the great privilege of speaking on many stages over the years. Every time I get asked the speak or anytime I get asked to share, to me it's a great honor, because I know it one point I was a struggling marketer and really to be able to take that knowledge, put it into a tangible product that the market finds value in, and could really help them, to me, is a great honor and a great privilege.

It's not something I take lightly.

Here's what we're going to cover in this course. Let's get into it a little bit. Again, this is just an intro video to give you an idea of what we're going to cover throughout this course. Here's what we're going to cover.

Number one: in video number one, we're going to talk about laying the groundwork for your course.

Creating Your Own Digital CourseWith Mark Harbert

Digital Products Business Blueprint

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