Digital life storytelling and dementia: Linear narratives or lines of flight?

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Digital life storytelling and dementia: Linear narratives or lines of flight?

3 May 20231

Digital life storytelling and dementia: Linear narratives or lines of flight?

Andrea Capstick and Katherine Ludwin, University of


3 May 20232

The research• NIHR-SSCR-funded• Ten people with dementia aged 76-99 years, living in long-term social care• Impact of participatory film-making on social participation and well- being

3 May 20233

Rhizomatic narratives

3 May 20234

Linear format

3 May 20235

Lines of flight….

3 May 20236

Drawing on film theory

• Foregrounding theory; fabula and syuzhet (Bordwell)

• Film-making tropes that also occur in narratives of people with dementia eg two people share an identity; dead and living people confused with each other; palimpsests.

3 May 20237

NIHR-SSCR disclaimer: This presentation presents independent research commissioned by the NIHR SSCR. The views expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of the NIHR-SSCR or the DH, NIHR or NHS.