Digital Data Layer

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Digital Data Layer


Set your data free!With the W3C digital data layer


Give me your tired, your poor,

Your hidden attributes yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your data collection.

Send these, the homeless and disorganized, to me:

I lift my lamp beside the tag management system.

(with apologies to Emma Lazarus)


You need a data layer.


You need a data layer.

Whichever data collection strategies we choose, adequate planning, documentation, and timely communication across teams can go a long way in helping us ensure that the first link in our data collection supply chain is a strong one.

Jeff Chasin, Adobe Blog, 4/7/2014


You need a data layer.

A well-constructed data layer can act as both a common dictionary for your supporting digital marketing applications and a unifying road map for how you want to communicate with your customers. Without a model for how to think about your customer interaction data, you cannot unite your applications around common definitions.

Tealium, accessed 3/8/2015


You need a data layer.

A data layer offers efficiency and control to the marketer and the tag management system. It describes events and information uniformly across the entire site, and is a single, consistent place to store and retrieve data values so that different tags can easily and quickly find the same piece of data.

Ensighten, 3/20/2013


The Data Layer is your blueprint for building data QUALITY and

CONSISTENCY in your analytics implementation.

It makes data commonly AVAILABLE to the tag management

systems and all other Javascript tags on the page.

Gathering data in one place provides a mechanism for enforcing data

GOVERNANCE and definition across the enterprise.






Over 40 contributors


Javascript data structure

Baseline attributes

Events and components





good idea

great start


Common Language







Commerce objects aren’t great.

Events array is useful but misunderstood.

It’s just a Javascript object.

It ain’t magic.


What’s next???








Announcing JUDOJUDO Uniform Data Object

Open Source Javascript Framework (GitHub)

Plug-and-play w3c data layer

Ease of implementation for developers

Configurable data governance



good idea

great start


Thank you!
