Digestive system presentation

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Digestive system presentation

Tristana O. Cardona, Bio 120

The digestive system, or the gastrointestinal system (GI) stretches between the mouth and the anus.

They include : the oral cavity, the pharynx, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine and the colon

While studying this system, it is associated with procedure and diseases attributed to it.

Today we are going to describe and talk about three terms: colonoscopy, cachexia and hernioplasty.

Diagnostic procedure where a fiberscope called colonoscope is passed through the anus, rectum and colon in order to examine the upper portion of the colon. Polyps and small growth can be then removed.

Colonoscopy: procedure, camera and post examination

This term describe the loss of weight and generalized wasting that occurs during a chronic disease

This can be witnessed in AIDS, cancer, or even anorexia

Wasting due to medical condition

This is a therapeutic procedure involving the surgical repair of a hernia.

It is also referred to as herniorrhaphy.

Surgical repair