Diabetes milletes immunopathaogenesis

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Diabetes milletes immunopathaogenesis

Transcript of Diabetes milletes immunopathaogenesis

Diabetes Milletes Immunopathaogenesis

Dr. Ryad KhanfarBy : Abdelrahman Al-daqqa

β-Cell-Specific T Cells Are Present in Healthy Individuals but Do Not Attack β Cells

They can then be stimulated by the corresponding autoantigen when it is adequately presented to them in the context of MHC molecules.

Autoantigens : insulin insulin (or proinsulin), GAD, IA.2, a tyrosine phosphatase, and IGRP.

They induce the production of T cells or autoantibodies in NOD mice or diabetic patients.

Regularity T-cells slow down

Genetics : AIRE , HlA-DR3/4Environmental : i.e ; viral

Are immunological tests useful?

The autoantibodiesautoantibodies response to islet cell antigens predict the risk of developing IDDM.

The titre of ICAtitre of ICA also is important (if ICA high-> 500 times more likely to develop IDDM) .

However , no available immunological intervention for tom prevent B-cell destruction , so these tests are not effectivenot effective until discovering a new txt !

Ref .

JOHN B. ZABRISKIE , Essential Clinical Immunology , Cambridge University .

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ABBAS , Cellular and Molecular Immunology , 7th edition .

GABRILE VIRELLA , Clinical immunologyClinical immunology , 5th edition