Developing Listening

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Developing Listening




What makes listening difficult?

1.- Clustering: Pick out manageable clusters of words, avoid not retaining long constituents or losing the idea paying attention to every word in a utterance.

2.- Redundancy: Take advance of redundancy in conversation to pay attention just to the sentences with new information. Be aware of insertions of “I mean” and “you know”.

What makes listening difficult?

3.- Reduced forms: As redundancy, reduced forms are very common in native conversation. Reduction can be phonological (“Djeetyet” for “Did you eat yet”), morphological (contractions like I´ll), also syntactic and pragmatics.

4.- Performance variables: casual speech by native speakers contains hesitations, pauses, and corrections commonly. Also will include ungrammatical forms, some of these forms are simple slips for example “We arrived in a little town that there was no hotel anywhere”

What makes listening difficult?

5.- Colloquial Language: Learners who have been exposed to standard written English language sometimes find it surprising and difficult to deal with colloquial language (idioms, slang, reduced forms and shared cultural knowledge)

6.- Rate of Delivery: Learners will nevertheless eventually need to be able to comprehend language delivered at varying rates of speed and, at times, delivered with few pauses.

What makes listening difficult?

7.- Stress, rhythm and intonation: English is a stress-timed language, English speech can be a terror for some learners. Also, intonation patterns are very significant not just for interpreting straightforward elements such as questions, statements but for understanding more subtle messages like sarcasm, endearment, insult, solicitation, praise, etc

8.- Interaction: To learn to listen is also to learn to respond and to continue a chain of listening and responding.

Retain chunks of Language of different lengths in short term memory

Recognize English stress patterns, reduced forms of words and grammatical word classes

Process speech containing pauses, errors, corrections and other performance variables

Distinguish between literal and implied meaning

Use facial, kinesic, body language and nonverbal clues

Develop and use a battery of listening strategies



Appeal for help

Several decades of research and practice in teaching listening

comprenhesion have yielded some practical principles for

designing techniques that include aural comprehension. These

principles are summarize below. The first two apply to any

technique; the others are more germane to listening.

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

In an interactive, four-skills curriculum, make sure that you

don`t over look the importance of techniques that

specifically develop listening comprenhesion competence.

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

Use techniques that are intrinsically motivating

•Consider the listeners` personal interests and goals.

•Design the lessons accornding to the abilities of the students.

Utilize authentic language and contexts.

The use of authentic language real-worl task enable students to

see the relevance of classroom activity to their long-term

communicative goals.

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

Consider the form of listeners` responses.

Design techniques in such a way that students`responses

indicate whether or not their comprenhension has been correct.

Lund (1990), offered nine different ways that we can check

listeners` comprenhension.

•Doing: the listener responds physically to a command.

•Choosing: the listener selects from alternatives such as

pictures, objects and texts.

•Transffering: the listener draws a picture of what is heard.

•Answering: the listener answers questions about the message.

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

•Condensing: the listener outlines or takes notes on a lecture.

• Extending: the listener provides an ending to a story heard.

•Duplicating: the listener translates the message into the native


•Modeling: the listener orders a meal, for example, after listening

to a model order.

•Conversing: the listener engages in a conversation that indicates

appropiate processing of information.

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

Principles For Designing Listening Techniques

Encourage the development of listening strategies.

•Looking for key words.

•Looking for nonverbal cues to meaning.

•Predicting a speaker`s purpose by the context of the spoken discourse.

•Associating information with one`s existing cognitive structure.

•Guessing at meanings.

•Seeking clarification.

•Listening for the general gist.

•Various test-taking strategies for listening comprenhension.

With hundreds techniques for teaching listening

skills, the teachers should use it in terms of

several kinds of listening performance in their


REACTIVE: Improves pronunciation: Listen and repeat back to the

instructor. Doesn’t require much meaningful processing. Can be a

legitimate aspect of an interactive classroom.


Brief groups or individual drills that focus on pronunciation.

INTENSIVE: Pronunciation techniques whose only purpose is to focus on

components (phonemes, words, intonation, discourse markers) of discourse.

Single out certain elements of spoken language. Include the bottom-up skills


a.) Students listen for cues in certain groups or individual drills.

b.) Teacher repeats a word or sentence several times to imprint it in the

students’ minds.

c.) Teacher asks the students to listen to a sentence or longer discourse and

to notice a specific element such as intonation, stress, a grammatical


RESPONSIVE Process : information and respond. A significant amount of

classroom activity is devoted to this. The teacher speaks for a short time and a

response is expected. Student must immediately process what the teacher

said and respond appropriately.


a.) Asking questions – what did you do last night?

b.) Giving commands – Please turn to page 20

c.) Seeking clarification – what was the word you said?

d.) Checking comprehension – so, how many people were at the restaurant?

SELECTIVE: scan for details. In longer monologues, student must not process

everything said, but must ‘scan’ the material for certain information. Have to

find important info amongst a lot of distracting info.

Example: speeches, media broadcast, stories, conversations where


Techniques promoting selective skills could ask students to listen for


people’s names; dates; certain facts or events; location, situation, context; main


 EXTENSIVE: Unlike the Intensive processing , here the aim is to develop a top-down approach a global understanding of what’s spoken.

Example(listening to long lectures) This may require the students to use other interactive skills such as note-taking and discussion for understanding.

INTERACTIVE: It is a listening performance that include all five of the above types mention it in communicative exchange.

Examplelearners actively participate in discussions, debates, conversations, role plays, pair and group work.