Developing a winning mobile first strategy

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Why would organizations care about developing a mobile first strategy? What do they need to do to get started? What are the opportunities and the impact of developing a mobile first strategy? This presentation provides some background, describes the opportunities and shares some case studies. It gives some key takeaways to develop a winning mobile first strategy.

Transcript of Developing a winning mobile first strategy


Developing a Winning


About Jose Coronado

Founder and Principal

Design Management Consulting

Innovation, Transformation, User Experience

Head of Global User Experience

Head, User Interface Engineering

Human Factors

“If you don’t have a mobile strategyYou don’t have a future strategy”

Eric Schmidt – Executive Chairman, Google

Digital World

World Beyond Borders

1. China

2. @facebook

3. India

4. @Tencent

5. @WhatsApp

6. United States

7. @google +

8. @LinkedIn

9. @twitter

10. Indonesia

The new reality, the connected world

On the goMobile Workforce At Home

US: 50+%Mobile Only

UK: 22+%Infrequent PC

Africa: 50+%No use of Internet on PC

Asia: 50+%No use of Internet on PC

Own 3 Devices

• 51% of Millennial (14 to 30)

• 46% of Generation X (31 – 47)

• 22% of Boomers (48 – 66)

• 11% of Matures (67+)US -

Getting a mobile strategy is critical to your success

Race to 1B Users

Radio72 Years

TV67 Years

Smartphone5 Years

Mobile Growth

Mobile Web Traffic Growth

• 8x Faster than Desktop Web

• 25x Projected Growth in 5Y

Mobile Devices

• Smartphones passed PC shipments in 2010

• Tablets passed PC shipments in 2012

• Globally • 5B mobile devices• 2B PCs

Business Opportunity

• $20B in mobile commerce sales in 2013• 20x more than 2010• 50% holiday shoppers via mobile

• 1.28B monthly active users • 1B monthly active mobile users – 34% increase• 72% revenue increase• 3x profit increase

• 33% of organic traffic on Google • 36% on Yahoo• 16% of Bing

• $27B in mobile handled payment volume in 2013• Up from $14B in 2012

• $20B in mobile commerce sales in 2013• Up from $13B in 2012

What is Mobile First

as a Strategy?

• Design for small form factor first• Focus on what is important• Understand the users and their context• Improve, expand and enhance the experience• Connected World – Personal, Social, Local

• Grow Market Space• Embrace Mobile Constraints• Leverage Mobile Capabilities

• Mobile Mind ShiftExpectation, Context, Need

• Engagement• Multi-Channel Experience• Business Opportunity

Growing Market Space

5.1 in.1,920 x 1080

Embrace Mobile Constraints

5.9 in.1,920 x 1080

5.0 in.1,920 x 1080

4.95 in.1,920 x 1080

4.7 in.1,334 x 750

5.5 in.1242 x 2,208

Leverage Mobile Capabilities – The Choice

Carry over complexity

PC First• Start with PC• Large form factor• Mobile is an afterthought• Hard to scale the design down• Duplicate experience

Transform and Innovate

Mobile First – Implementation Strategy

Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Hybrid Application

Native Application


Visualization Blueprint Process

Mobile First• Start with Mobile• Small form factor• Mobile as the forethought• Easy to scale the design up• Create a better experience

PC First• Start with PC• Large form factor• Mobile is an afterthought• Hard to scale the design down• Duplicate experience

Defining the Vision through Visualization

Application Visualization

Key Benefits• From sketch to a fully working solution in hours or days• Accurate interactive previews of mobile solutions• Facilitate reviews• Virtually eliminate rework• Reduce cost and improve quality• Accelerate delivery and foster innovation• Effective communication with global teams• Ensure the final product meets everyone needs

Driving Mobile First Strategies withApplication Visualization

Leading management firm defines its digital strategy with Visualization

Financial Services Startup innovates with Visualization

Human Capital Management leader uses Mobile First in product design

Global bank leverages visualization in product design

The time to act is NOW!

Key Takeaways

• Mobile is EXPLODING• Mobile forces organizations to FOCUS• Mobile extends CAPABILITIES• Mobile future is NOW

Be Ready Now!

• Drive business value in mobile• Create mobile first experiences• Value proposition focus on Mobile• Build mobile accountability and capability• Embrace mobile multi-screen experiences• Leverage Blueprinting and Visualization

Deliver the right Mobile Solution

• Create Mobile First!• Focus on the right requirements• Define the mobile product blueprint• Iterate, visualize, prototype and validate • Collaborate in a multi-disciplinary environment• Enhance the experience with mobile capabilities

• Culture Transformation • Support for Mobile First• Mobile is a critical channel• Development and Implementation• New Approach for Products Design

Mobile First Strategy

Keys to Success with Mobile First

• Know your users• Understand the context of use• Optimize Interaction Design for Each Platform• Prototype, Iterate and Validate!• Measure Impact of Changes• Validate Early and Often• Build your Mobile team

Uncover New IdeasEliminate Bad IdeasPrioritize the RIGHT Ideas

T R A N S F O R M AT I O N • I N N O VAT I O N • U S E R E X P E R I E N C E


