Developing a Partnership for a Shared Future City of Coolidge and Coolidge Unified School District...

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Transcript of Developing a Partnership for a Shared Future City of Coolidge and Coolidge Unified School District...

Developing a Partnership for a Shared Future

City of Coolidge and Coolidge Unified School District

July 2012

How It Began…

• Two people with a similar idea…

who brainstormed the “motivating factors” for successful implementation

and arranged an introduction with key stakeholders

The Benefits

City of Coolidge Coolidge Unified School District

• Provide Avenue for Succession Planning

• Encourage Greater Community Involvement

• Develop Inter-Generational Connections

• Increase Meaningful Public Relationships

• Increase Attendance Rates/Motivation for Students

• Share Skill Sets • Increase Meaningful

Public Relations• Increase Graduation


Brainstorming with Key Stakeholders

Possibilities Matched with

Purpose: mentoring,

career coaching,

internship/job shadowing

opportunities, service project collaboration

Targeted Student Groups

• NJHS/NHS• Student Council• Gifted• Athletics• Special Services

Why These Students??

Group Reason• NJHS/NHS

• Student Council

• Gifted/Special Services

• Athletics

• Service Projects embedded into program

• Inherent interest in government

• Programmed requirements in place

• High Visibility in Community


• Partner/Mentor with Homecoming and Cotton Days

• Partner with Community Clean Up Days• Mentor 3 high school students and 2

middle school students (volunteer)• Attend Career Days Events• Guest Lecture in Classrooms• Develop Service Learning Projects


Implementation Timelines

Although the Partnership Leaders will continue to meet on a quarterly basis, the following annual timelines were established:Quarters 1 and 2: a.Identify Adult Partners and Target Students/Groups/Classroomsb.Formalize Criteria for Success

Quarters 3 and 4:Full Implementation

Sample Action Plan
