Designing an e-Learning Qualification Program Based on a ......Designing an e-Learning Qualification...

Post on 17-Jun-2020

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Transcript of Designing an e-Learning Qualification Program Based on a ......Designing an e-Learning Qualification...

Designing an e-Learning Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model Dr. Eran Gal Instructional Technologies Department

Our Goal: To train professionals that would support and promote the effective exploitation of information and communication technologies for learning.

The Instructional Technologies Department @ HIT

3 years | 120 credits

Technology &

Information System

Learning &


Interactive Multimedia


Our (0n going) Challenge Design and implement a qualification program generating an industry literate and well proficient e-Learning practitioner.

Our Team e-learning scholars, industry practitioners, leading managers and graduates.


B.A. Prior Exp.

Frist Steps

Proficiency Seniority /



Life Long Learning

The world we work and teach in

Washington Post, 2014

The world we work and teach in

The world we work and teach in

+ = ?

The world we work and teach in

Bottom Line can they find a job following graduation ?

1. Experience, correlated with responsibility and company size

2. Subject matter related experience (50% of adds)

3. Relevant degree (B.A. is required, MA is preferred) – 90-80% is a must

4. Authoring tools (Storyline, Captivate, Snagit, Camtasia and others)

5. Tech Skills (HTML, LMS, Flash, Programing, Visual Design Tools, Video)

6. Personal Skills: analytics , team work, communication and presentation

7. Microsoft Office (PPT is a must)

8. Writing and Verbal skills

9. Project and self Management skills

Research on its way at HIT, what can we learn from e-learning want ads in Linkedin Preliminary findings - Market demands:

E-Learning Instructional Designer

E-Learning Developer (X 4)

Learning Consultant

E-Learning Instructional Developer / Designer Learning and Development Specialist

E-Learning Content Developer

Senior Specialist, Learning Product Design

Training Developer - E-Learning

Content Developer, E-Learning

Sr. Instructional Designer (E Learning(

E-Learning Designer

E-Learning Design & Development Specialist

eLearning Instructional Designer

Research on its way at HIT, what can we learn from e-learning want ads in Linkedin Preliminary findings: One profession, many different titles

ATD (ASTD) Competency Model 2013

ATD (ASTD) Competency Model 2013

Areas of Expertise

Foundational Competencies

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

E-Learning Industry

Integrated Project with an Industry Partner

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• Academic Literacy • Research Methods - Qualitative • Research Methods - Quantitative • Measurements and Analytics

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• Instructional Design • Knowledge Management • Learning Theories (Psychology) • Data Bases • Organizational Behavior • Effective Presentations

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• E-Learning Content Development • Instructional Technologies • Learning Environments • Webinars

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• Video (Design, Production, Editing) • Animation / Graphic Design • UI • Web Design • Responsive Design

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• Visual Basic • JavaScript • C++ • XML

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

E-Learning Industry

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

• Instructional Design in Organizations • Instructional Technologies in Organizations • Knowledge Management in Organizations • The Israeli e-Learning Market

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

E-Learning Industry

Integrated Project with an Industry Partner

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

Qualification Program Based on a Competency Model

E-Learning Literacy Design Programing

E-Learning Industry

Integrated Project with an Industry Partner

L&D Studies Base Academic Studies Base

Integrated Project with an Industry Partner

Video based simulation authoring tool CPR training simulation

Liver transplant preparation site for children

Location-based learning experience

Learning Technologies Israel @ HIT

An annual event held on campus bringing together students, faculty and practitioners in a variety of learning and social events.

Our Achievements #1

93% of gradates are working in the

e-Learning industry

Our Achievements #2 Increase in students’ satisfaction levels concerning changed courses

Our Achievements #3 The title “Learning technologies Graduate” appears in all local e-Learning want adds

Our Achievements #4 “ The Program upgraded me

professionally speaking. It equipped me with both practical and theoretical skills and knowledge

What’s Next?

What’s Next? #1 M.A Program – Instructional Technologies with emphasis Instructional Design

What’s Next? #2 Feedbacks cycles (Students, faculty, Business Partners), yearly evaluation and changes in program when needed

What’s Next? #3 Learning Technologies Israel (third time…), July 2016, HIT

What’s Next? #4 Workplace Learning Research Forum - Partners and stockholders in the local market

Thank You!

Project Based Learning Three e-Learning development projects with evolving complexity: - Software Simulation clip - Rapid e-learning (Convert PPT to Courseware) - Full Courseware

E-Learning Content Development Course

• Experience common and future learning technologies • Learn how to match a technology to business needs • Study new technologies and asses advantages and

disadvantages • Course is based on industry reports (mainly USA)

Instructional Technologies Course