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Name of the course:

Mathematics Part I

Code: FBsME01 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours;

Tut – 2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. D. Sc. Kelevedjiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Prof. Ph D M. Boneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Prof. D. Sc. Stamov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Markova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to be able to work with complex numbers and polynomials, to calculate determinants, to execute

operations with matrices, to solve systems of linear equations, to operate with vectors and solve

problems in two- and three-dimensional analytical geometry, to have basic knowledge in differential

and integral calculus of a function of one real variable.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Matrices and determinants; Systems

of linear equations; Differential and integral calculus of function of a single real variable with

applications; Vector calculus; Analytical geometry.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics for 9-th, 10-th, 11-th and 12-th class from the secondary school.

TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the term (20%) and written

exam during the session (80%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Доневски Б., Петров Л., Бижев Г., Линейна алгебра и аналитична

геометрия, ТУ-София, 2004.; 2. С. Доневска, И. Трендафилов, Висша математика - Приложен

математи- чески анализ на една променлива, СИЕЛА, София, 1998.; 3. К. Пеева, Математически

анализ, София, 1997.; 4. Маринов М. и колектив, Задачи за упражнения по висша математика

І,ІІ, 2006.; 5. И. Проданов, Н. Хаджииванов, И. Чобанов, Сборник от задачи по диференциално и

интегрално смятане, СОФТЕХ, София, 2006.; 6. К. Пеева, М. Узунова, Изпитни задачи по

Математика 1, София, 2000.; 7. Л. Петров, Д. Беева, Модул 1, 2, 3, С., 2007.


Name of the course:

Physics Part I

Code: FBsME02 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut – 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Stoyanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students acquire theoretical knowledge for

laws of physics and build picture of processes in Nature. Scientific method of interpretation and

investigation of physical phenomena and processes is applied.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: This course deals with classical mechanics, special relativity,

statistical mechanics, electromagnetism.

PREREQUISITES: Input connections are carried out through work on the courses of mathematics,

chemistry. Output connections are with the engineering courses.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, one hour tutorial per week and one-hour laboratory work per




BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Тошев С.Д., И.А.Баев, М.Г.Маринов, Л.П. Бончев / Физика/ София,

"Наука и изкуство", 1987г. ;2. Савельев И.В. / Курс общей физики т.1, 2 и 3 / Москва, "Наука",

1977-1979гг. 3. Китель Ч., Э.Парселл, Ф.Крауфорд и др./ Берклиевский курс физики т.1, 2, 3 и 4.

/ Москва, "Наука", 1975-1977гг.


Name of the course:


Code: FBsME03 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4


Assoc. Prof. Lambov Sashko Ivanov, Ph. D.

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The objective is the creation of general educational

culture of the students in chemistry field through studying of series of theoretical problems such as

basis of chemical thermodynamics, structure of matter, disperse systems, electrolytes and non-

electrolytes, theoretical electrochemistry which will allow profound considering and explanation of the

processes taking place during metals corrosion and protection of metals and alloys against corrosion,

chemical sources of current, lubricants and coolants, polymeric materials, etc., finding application in

machine engineering. The profound and active mastering of chemical knowledge is a necessary

precondition either for the studying of next courses or for the preparation of the future specialists for

individual engineering activity.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basis of chemical thermodynamics. Structure of atomic nuclei

of chemical elements, nature of chemical bond, the crystal lattice in metals, zone theory. Disperse

systems, electrolytes and non-electrolytes. Oxidation-reduction processes. Electrolysis, chemical

sources of current. Metals corrosion and protection of metals and alloys against corrosion. Lubricants

and coolants. Classification and methods for preparation of organic polymers.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in chemistry obtained from secondary school.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes, tables and photos, laboratory exercises

with written statements attested by the assistant.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: A written examination consisting of test containing questions and

answers yielding 70 points and the rest 30 points are formed by the assessment of each student

participation in the laboratory exercises (20 points max) and during lectures (10 points max). The

necessary minimum for passing examination is 60 points.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Петров, Хр. Б., М. А. Енчева. Обща химия, Изд. на ТУ - София, С., 1994;

2. Велева, М., Д. Стойчев, П. Копчев, К. Обрешков. Химия на конструкционните и

експлоатационните материали, Техника, С., 1992; 3. Ламбов, С., Н. Илиева. Учебно помагало за

самоподготовка и тестове по химия (за студентите от ТУ - София, ИПФ - Сливен ), Второ

преработено и допълнено издание, Изд. на ТУ-София, С., 2003. 4. Ламбов, С., Н. Илиева.

Учебно-тренировъчно помагало по химия, Изд. на ТУ-София, С., 2008; 5. Ганчева, Т., Е.

Добрева, И. Яначкова. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по химия, Наука и изкуство, С.,



Name of the course:

Materials Science Part I

Code: FBsME04 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 1 hour.

Number of credits: 4

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. Ph D Eng. M. Yordanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: m_yordanov@

Assoc. Prof. Ph D Eng. S. Lambov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students get knowledge of machine – building

materials, metals, alloys and non-metallic materials. Basic themes of the course include: structure and

properties of pure metals; structure and properties of metal alloys; classification, composition,

properties and processing of non-metallic composites of construction used in Machine Building

Engineering such as organic polymers, glass and ceramics, powdered materials and composites.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Students learn about structures and properties of materials and

applications in technologies.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and practical skills.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes, tables and photos, laboratory exercises

with written statements attested by the assistant.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Бучков Д., М. Кънев, Материалознание, С., Техника, 2007; 2. Балевски А.,

Металознание, С., Техника, 1988; 3. Анчев В., Физическо металознание, част I, С., Офсетграфик,

1990; 4. Анчев В. и др., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Материалознание, С., ТУ-

София, 2001; 5.Кемилев Н., Л. Такева, Материалознание, С., 2008; 6.Кемилев Н.

Материалознание – контролни въпроси и задачи, С., 2008. 7. Арзамасов Б. и др.

Материаловедение, М., Изд-во МГТУ им Н.Э. Баумана, 2005; 8. Ламбов, С. Материалознание.

Част неметални конструкционни материали (записки от лекции), София, МП Издателство на

ТУ– София, 2005; 9. Ламбов, С. Учебно помагало за лабораторни упражнения по

материалознание. Част полимерни материали, Сливен, Печ. база на ИПФ - Сливен, 2001; 10.

Ashby M., D. Jones, Engineering Materials 1, Third Edition: An Introduction to Properties,

Applications and Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, Engineering Department, Cambridge University,

England, 2005; 11.Ashby M., D. Jones, Engineering Materials 2, Third Edition: An Introduction to

Microstructures, Processing and Design, Butterworth-Heinemann, Engineering Department, Cambridge

University, England, 2006; 12.Ashby M. Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Third Edition,

Butterworth-Heinemann, Engineering Department.


Name of the course:


Code: FBsME05 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 3 hours

Number of credits: 6


Assist. Prof. Ph. D. Vanyo Ivanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the foundations of

calculating constructive elements of machines and devices so as to make them strong, rigid, steady and

economical enough.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introduction to informatics, technologies of computer

systems, operating systems and translators for programming languages, methods and technologies of

programming languages, applicable program systems, forming text, chart forming, management

database systems, mathematics software models, computer graphics, introduction in INTERNET

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Electrical

Engineering, Signals and Systems.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes and tables; tutorials, laboratory work,

projects, other computers methods.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Богданов Д. В. , И. Мустакеров, Език за програмиране С, Техника,

София, 1989.; 2.Симов Г. С. - Програмиране на С++, СИМ, София, 1993.; 3. Липман С. - Езикът

С++ в примери, КОЛХИДА ТРЕЙД, София, 1993. ; 4. Богданов Д. В. - Обектно ориентирано

програмиране със С++, Техника, София, 1998. ; 5. С. Йорданов – Програмиране и използване на

компютри. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, УИ “Васил Априлов”, Габрово, 2009. -

електронно издание; 6. Василева В., Р. Иванова – Ръководство за упражнения по програмиране

и използване на компютри, УИ “Васил Априлов”, Габрово, 2003.


Name of the course:

Fundamentals of Engineering

Design and CAD Part I

Code: FBsME06 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,

Semester Assignment

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students must develop logic thinking, spacing

imagination and graphic intuition as well as studying and applying methods, approaches and graphics

for making compliance between 3D objects and their two-dimensional images in a plan . Students must

gain knowledge in using CAD systems in limited field of geometric shaping of simple detail structures

and for performance of simple plans.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Presenting different geometric objects, using the method of

argonomic design ( method of Monge). Relations between geometric objects. Real size. Mutual

intersection of surfaces, bodies and openings. Sections. Unfoldings. Geometric modeling and

representation of technical objects. 3D graphics. Introduction to standardization . Basic information for

practical CAD systems. Representation of machine building details in plans. Measuring of details in

plans. Exact characteristics of details in plans. Basic concepts for accuracy of surfaces and shafts.

Roughness of surfaces.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in linear algebra and mathematics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works with


METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Process of continuous assessment, laboratory works and student



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Сандалски Бр., П. Горанов, Г. Динев, Ир. Николова. Основи на

конструирането и CAD. Софттрейд. София, 2007., 2. Туджаров Б., Ел. Тодорова, Д. Колева, М.

Янчева. Ръководство за упражнения и курсови задачи по Основи на конструирането и CAD I.

Софттрейд. София, 2007., 3. Сандалски Бр., П. Горанов, Г. Динев, Ир. Николова. Приложна

геометрия и инженерна графика . Софттрейд. София, 2006.


Name of the course:

English Language

Code: FBsME07 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to have reached competence at level A1 based on the European Language Reference Framework.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Simple sentence. Definite and indefinite article.

Plurals. The verb Be. Intonation. Interrogative form. Imperatives. There is/are. Indefinite pronouns

some, any, no. The verb Have. Possessive case. Present simple tense. Adverbs. Simple future tense.

Indefinite pronouns. Past simple tense. Regular verbs. Present continuous tense. Futurity. Past simple

tense. Irregular verbs. Pronouns. Absolute possessive pronouns. Modals and modality. Present perfect

tense. Indirect speech. Degrees of Comparison.


TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing. Differentiated

teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One, Naoka I

Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2.Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third Edition: Student's

Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New Headway Elementary:

Workbook, Оxford; 4. BBC Видео курс: Follow me, 1994; 4. BBC – English, 1998.


Name of the course:

German Language

Code: FBsME07 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and skills to

read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will enlarge their

technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational and thematic

minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Presenting the group. Personal pronouns, conjugation of the

verb in present tense. Conference for the customers. Question words. Words in order in a sentence.

The numbers from 1 to 20. Personal data and addresses, business card. Indefinite articles, auxiliary

verbs. Weekly schedule, the days of the week, the numbers from 20 to 100. Put a note in your

notebook. Agenda, beginning, duration, ending. Signs with titles. Personal pronouns, conjugation of

the verb. Nutrition products and dishes. Verbs that change root vowel. Let’s eat in the canteen.

Beverages. Menu. Preferences. Train, bus, bike, or.. private trip. Means of transportation. Pros and

cons. Conversation about the business trips. Means of transportation. Pros and cons.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2. N.Becker,

J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 1,

Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5.

G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen,

H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7.

Христоматия по немски език за студентите от машиностроителните специалности


Name of the course:

French Language

Code: FBsME07 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),


Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia..

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims at acquiring knowledge and skills

in reading, understanding and using specific technical phraseology, specific for their study course. It

prepares students in reading and translating technical literature and documents.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Allow me to introduce myself.

Simple sentence. Definite, indefinite article. Kind of nouns. Who are you? Where do you live? Why do

you live in Algeria? Prepositions. Gender and number of numerals. Numerals counting from 20 to 1

billion. End of holiday. Merged member. Irregular Verbs. Imperativ. Recent past tense.. Possessive

adjectives. Test.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С., 1989;

2. Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически университет; 3.

Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course:

Russian Language

Code: FBsME07 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of scientific

style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every specialty; to develop

skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating minimal scientific texts,

plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of constructing a monologue; to learn to

make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing students in

assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general Russian Language.

On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term tests and presentation of

self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the secondary


TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course:

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME07 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic structures

to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base to continue self-

learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use familiar syntactic and

semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations, understand and reproduce the

content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral skills and habits, able to build

monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Noun. Types of nouns. Verbal nouns.

The terms words. Adjective. Attributive collocations - term. Expression of generic and specific

concepts. Verb. Tense of the verb. Verbal predicate. The composite and sophisticated composite verbal

predicate in the scientific text. Work on the text. Numeral. Species. The expression quantity extent

measures. Pronouns. The use of some types of pronouns in scientific text. Not a personal verb forms-

participle. The expression attribute through doing indicated by the verb. Work on the text. Adverbial

participle. Work on the text. Definition. Exercises. Definition the object of a science. Defining laws

postulates rules. Dynamics of point. Classification. Design documents. Comparison. Metals and

plastics. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of grammar

and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises large driving

teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane, writing, participate

in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова, М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български език

за чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М., Учебник по

български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994. 3. Кръстев Б.

Граматика за всички, С., 1992.; 4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните термини в българския

език, С., 1999.; 5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С., 1989.;6. Артоболевский И.

Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7. Учебници и лекции по специалните дисциплини;

интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course:


Code: FBsME08 Semester: 1

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURERS: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education, i.e.

to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of students. To

improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running exercises,

sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start. Aerobics and

exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table tennis and quiet games.

Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics methods. Combinations in defence

and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and strength-building exercises – development of

speed, strength and power. Exercises with different equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking

technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a means

of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987.2. Желязков, Цв. И колектив,

ТМСТ, С., МФ, 1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.


Name of the course:

Mathematics Part II

Code: FBsME09 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours;

Tut – 2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. D. Sc. P. Kelevedjiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Prof. Ph D M. Boneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Prof. Ph D. Sc. G. Stamov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Markova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to be able to study a convergence of numerical and functional series, to work with a function of many

variables, to solve ordinary differential equations, to calculate multiple and line integrals.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Numerical series, Sequences and

series of functions, Fourier’s series, Differential and integral calculus of a function of two and more

variables, Elements of differential geometry, Ordinary differential equations.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics I (Differential and Integral Calculus of a Function of One Real

Variable, Linear Algebra, Analytical Geometry).

TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the semester (20%) and three-

hour exam during the session (80%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Б.Чешанков, А.Генов, Математически анализ II, София, 1991 г.; 2. К.

Пеева, Математически анализ, София, 1997.; 3.О.Каменов, Висша математика 2, СИЕЛА, София,

2001.;4. Л.Бояджиев, О.Каменов, Висша математика 3, СИЕЛА, София, 2002.; 5. С. Доневска, И.

Трендафилов, Висша математика - Приложен математически анализ на една променлива,

СИЕЛА, София, 1998.; 6. В. Пашева, Я. Арнаудов, Основи на числените методи, ТУ-София,

2002.; 7. Маринов М. и колектив, Задачи за упражнения по висша математика І,ІІ, 2006.; 8. И.

Проданов, Н. Хаджииванов, И. Чобанов, Сборник от задачи по диференциално и интегрално

смятане, СОФТЕХ, София, 2006.; 9. Л. Петров, Д. Беева, Модули 4, 5, София, 2007.


Name of the course:

Physics Part II

Code: FBsME10 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 1 hour.

Number of credits: 6

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD D. Stoyanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students acquire theoretical knowledge of physical

laws. They can build picture of processes in Nature and apply scientific methods to interprete and

investigate physical phenomena and processes.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course covers oscillations, wave motion, physical optics,

quantum optics, quantum mechanics and nuclear physics.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics and Chemistry.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and one hour laboratory work per week.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Тошев С.Д., И.А.Баев, М.Г.Маринов, Л.П. Бончев / Физика/ София,

"Наука и изкуство", 1987г. ;2. Савельев И.В. / Курс общей физики т.1, 2 и 3 / Москва, "Наука",

1977-1979гг. 3. Китель Ч., Э.Парселл, Ф.Крауфорд и др./ Берклиевский курс физики т.1, 2, 3 и 4.

/ Москва, "Наука", 1975-1977г.


Name of the course:

Material Science Part II

Code: FBsME11 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. Ph D Eng. M. Yordanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email: m_yordanov@

Assoc. Prof. Ph D Eng. S. Lambov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students get knowledge of technology processes in

metallurgy, machine – building, plastic deformations, welding, heat treatment, production of non -

metal materials.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Students learn the technology of ferrous, non - ferrous metals

and non - metal materials, methods of working of metals and non – metals materials including casting,

welding, plastic deformation, heat treatment and electro-physical processing methods..

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, engineering drawing, practice,

Material Science part I.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes, tables and photos, laboratory exercises

with written statements attested by the assistant.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Желев, А. Материалознание – Техника и технология том І: Получаване на

машиностроителните материали, изд.ТУ - София, 1999; 2.Желев, А. Материалознание –

Техника и технология том ІІ: Технологични процеси и обработваемост, изд.Булвест 2000,

2002г.; 3.Желев, А. и Ф. Хартунг. Материалознание и технология на материалите ІV-избрани

глави, ТУ София, 1998 г.; 4.Ангелов, Г. Технология на леярското производство, Техника,

София, 1988; 5.Цанков,Ц., Г.Попов, Г.Пецов, Обработване на металите чрез пластична

деформация, Техника, София, 1995; 6.Справочник по заваряване, том І и ІІ, под.ред. на Л.Калев,

Техника, София, 1981 и 1982 г.; 7. Ламбов, С. Материалознание. Част неметални

конструкционни материали (записки от лекции), София, МП Издателство на ТУ– София, 2005;

8. Ламбов, С. Учебно помагало за лабораторни упражнения по материалознание. Част

полимерни материали, Сливен, Печ. база на ИПФ - Сливен, 2001. 9. Михайлов И., В. Райчев, М.

Йорданов, Технология на металообработването, София, ТУ-София, 2000.


Name of the course:

Mechanics Part I

Code: FBsME12 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:



Course Work

Lessons per week:

L -3 hours,

Tut -2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURERS: Prof. DSc. St. Karapetkov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Assoc. Prof. Ph D. Eng. M. Coneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Setting up scientific foundations of calculating,

constructing and creating different machines, devices and apparatus with high and granted quantities –

reliability, productivity, etc.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course consists of the following parts of Theoretical

Mechanics: Statics and Kinematics. Statics deals with reduction and equilibrium of different types of

force systems, as well as the equilibrium of material bodies and mechanic systems. Kinematics deals

with mechanic movements of material objects, neglecting interaction forces.

PREREQUISITES: Required knowledge of Mathematics and Physics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, Tutorials.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Писарев, А., Ц. Парасков, С. Бъчваров. Курс по теоретична механика І

част. С., Техника, 1975; 2. Бъчваров, С., А. Джонджоров. Ръководство за упражнения и

решаване на задачи по теоретична механика ІІ част, С., Техника. 1991; 3. Мешерский, И.

Сборник задач по теоретической механике. М., Наука, 1986; 4. Яблонский, А. Сборник заданий

для курсовых работ по теоретической механике. М., Высшая школа, 1978.


Name of the course:

Fundamentals of Engineering Design

and CAD Part II

Code: FBsME13 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,

Semester Assessment

Lessons per week:

L – 1 hour,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students must gain knowledge of applying

approaches, methods and technical means for representation and developing of a set constructor’s

documentation, corresponding with different phases in the process of constructing and getting better

skills for applying of newest CAD- systems in automation performance of the set of documentation..

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic themes: Constructive documentation of joint unit.

Representing of joints and gears. Jointing of smooth joint.Jointing of different types of joints.

Representing of undetachable joints. Constructing of a set of constructor’s documentation.

Standardization. Sizing parameters of joint units. Automation of constructor’s documentation.

PREREQUISITES: Fundamentals of design end CAD I

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works with


METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Process of continuous assessment, laboratory works and student



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Сандалски Бр., П. Горанов, Г. Динев, Ир. Николова. Основи на

конструирането и CAD. Софттрейд. София, 2007. Николова Ир.,М. Вичева, В.Йовков, М.

Янчева. Ръководство за упражнения и курсови задачи по Основи на конструирането и CAD II.

Софттрейд. София, 2008. Сандалски Бр., П. Горанов, Г. Динев, Ир. Николова. Приложна

геометрия и инженерна графика . Софттрейд. София, 2006. Николова Ир.,М. Вичева, В.Йовков,

М. Янчева. Ръководство за упражнения и курсови задачи по приложна геометрия и инженерна

графика. Конструкторско документиране II. Софттрейд. София, 2006.


Name of the course

English Language

Code: FBsME14 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected

to have reached competence at level A1 based on the European Language Reference Framework.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Simple sentence. Definite and indefinite article.

Plurals. The verb Be. Intonation. Interrogative form. Imperatives. There is/are. Indefinite pronouns

some, any, no. The verb Have. Possessive case. Present simple tense. Adverbs. Simple future tense.

Indefinite pronouns. Past simple tense. Regular verbs. Present continuous tense. Futurity. Past simple

tense. Irregular verbs. Pronouns. Absolute possessive pronouns. Modals and modality. Present perfect

tense. Indirect speech. Degrees of Comparison.


TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing. Differentiated

teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One, Naoka I

Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2.Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third Edition: Student's

Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New Headway Elementary:

Workbook, Оxford; 4. BBC Видео курс: Follow me, 1994; 4. BBC – English, 1998.


Name of the course

German Language

Code: FBsME14 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and skills to

read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will enlarge their

technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational and thematic

minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: I need, I have, I buy. Nutrition products, quantities, packages.

How to order office materials. Quantities, prices, shipment. Modal verbs. Means of communication:

email, fax, phone, letter. Words in order in a sentence. Personal letter. Taking the train directly to

downtown Berlin. Description of the way from places from the big city, attractions. Imperative.

Orientation in unknown town. Description of the way in the company’s building. Orientation in

unknown town. Description of the way in the company’s building. How to decline the invitation.

Postponing an appointment to another date. The days of the week, the date. What will we take? What

will we buy? Let’s buy clothes. Colours, preferences. Modal verbs.

Personal pronouns. Dative. Computer courses, types, prices. We congratulate you for.. Holidays.

Family and relatives. Possessive pronouns. Personal pronouns in dative.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous asessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2. N.Becker,

J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 1,

Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5.

G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen,

H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7.

Христоматия по немски език за студентите от машиностроителните специалности


Name of the course

French Language

Code: FBsME14 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims at acquiring knowledge and skills

in reading, understanding and using specific technical phraseology, specific for their study course. It

prepares students in reading and translating technical literature and documents.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Past tense.. Coordination of the

participle.Why shoudnt we accept the invitation? Past imperfect tense of verbs. At the institute

"Pasteur". Adverb, pronoun. Irregular Verbs. Formation of adverbs.beneficial cooperation. Indefinite

adjectives and pronouns. Relative pronouns. Current real participle. Test.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С., 1989; 2.

Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически университет; 3.

Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course

Russian Language

Code: FBsME14 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of scientific

style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every specialty; to develop

skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating minimal scientific texts,

plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of constructing a monologue; to learn to

make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing students in

assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general Russian Language.

On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term tests and presentation of

self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the secondary


TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME14 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic structures

to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base to continue self-

learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use familiar syntactic and

semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations, understand and reproduce the

content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral skills and habits, able to build

monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: The composition and structure.The

nitrogen in nature. Structure of the atom. The composition and properties of natural gases of burning.

Characteristics. Physical quantities. Properties on plastmas. Movement. Polarization of ions.

Interaction, interconnection, interdependence. Corrosion of metals. Purpose and application.

Application of Plastics. Exercises. Hypothesis. Generalization. Repetition. Control test. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of grammar

and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises large driving

teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane, writing, participate

in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български език за

чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М., Учебник по

български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994. 3. Кръстев Б.

Граматика за всички, С., 1992.;4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните термини в българския

език, С., 1999.;5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С., 1989.;6. Артоболевский И.

Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7.Учебници и лекции по специалните дисциплини;

интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course


Code: FBsME15 Semester: 2

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURERS: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education, i.e.

to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of students. To

improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running exercises,

sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start. Aerobics and

exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table tennis and quiet games.

Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics methods. Combinations in defence

and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and strength-building exercises – development of

speed, strength and power. Exercises with different equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking

technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a means

of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987. 2. Желязков, Цв. И колектив,

ТМСТ, С., МФ, 1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.


Name of the course:

Mathematics Part III

Code: FBsME16 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours;

Tut– 2 hours

Number of credits: 6

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. P. Kelevedjiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Prof. Ph D M. Boneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Prof. D. Sc. G. Stamov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Assoc. Prof. PhD N. Markova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIES OF THE COURSE: At the end of the course the students are expected to

be able to work with function of a complex variable, to apply the methods of the operational calculus

for certain class problems in ordinary differential equations, to work with basic concepts of the field

theory, to solve problems from the following fields: Equations of the Mathematical physics,

Operational calculus, Probability theory, Mathematical statistics.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Elements of Field theory; Function of

a complex variable, Equations of the Mathematical physics, Operational calculus, Probability theory,

Mathematical statistics.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics part 1 and Mathematics part 2 (Differential and integral calculus of

function of single and multiple real variables, Linear algebra, Analytical geometry, Ordinary differential


TEACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures and tutorials.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Two tests at the middle and the end of the term (20%) and written

exam during the session (80%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: L. Garnevska, R. Petrova, J. Paneva-Konovska, Complex numbers, Function of a

complex variable (Lectures and exercises), ДЕЛИКОМ, 2004, Sofia.(Bulgarian); L. Garnevska, Fourier

series. Fourier integral. Fourier transformation. Equations of the Mathematical physics, РОМИНА,

2007, Sofia. (Bulgarian); L.Boiadjiev, O.Kamenov, Higher mathematics 4, CIELA, Sofia, 2002

(Bulgarian); Hr. Karapenev, Probability theory and Mathematical statistics, TU-Sofia,1997.

(Bulgarian); FAMI collective, Selected mathematical chapters, Modulus V, TU-Sofia,1993 (Bulgarian);

Marinov M.S., Analytical functions. Fourier series. Integral transformations, CIELA, Sofia, 1998.

(Bulgarian) ; L. Boiadjiev, M. Todorov, Multiple, curved and surface integrals, TU-Sofia, 1992.

(Bulgarian); Prodanova K., Lectures Notices in Statistics, TU-Sofia, 2008.


Name of the course:

Mechanics Part II

Code: FBsME17 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,

Course work

Lessons per week:

L - 3 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURERS: Prof. DSc St. Karapetkov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. M. Mihailova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To study common laws of mechanic movements of

material objects regarding forces acting on them.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course explores the third basic part of Theoretical

Mechanics – Dynamics. Dynamics is the scientific foundation of calculating, constructing and creating

different machines, devices and apparatus with high and granted quantities – reliability, productivity,


PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics and Physics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and tutorials.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Писарев, А., Ц. Парасков, С. Бъчваров. Курс по теоретична механика І

част. С., Техника, 1975; 2. Бъчваров, С., А. Джонджоров. Ръководство за упражнения и

решаване на задачи по теоретична механика ІІ част, С., Техника. 1991; 3. Мешерский, И.

Сборник задач по теоретической механике. М., Наука, 1986; 4. Яблонский, А. Сборник заданий

для курсовых работ по теоретической механике. М., Высшая школа, 1978.


Name of the course:

Strength of Materials Part I

Code: FBsME18 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph D R. Petrova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To provide students with knowledge of calculating

constructive machine elements and equipment.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic issues included in the course are: deformations, simple

tense states, dangerous intersections, mechanical characteristics of materials, geometrical

characteristics of elements.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Mechanics and Science of Materials.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and Tutorials.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Л. Лазов, Съпротивление на материалите - ч. 1, ТУ-София, 2008. 2. Л.

Лазов , Г. Стойчев, Вл. Василев, Таблици по съпротивление на материалите, София, 2007. 3. Л.

Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и задачи,ч.1,София, 2008. 4. Л.

Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и задачи,ч.2,София, 2006. 5. И.

Кисъов. Съпротивление на материалите, Техника, 1980. 6. B. Ferdinand, E, Russell. Mechanics of

Materials, SI Metric Edition, 2005. 7. Hibbeler, R.C: Technische Mechanik 2 - Festigkeitslehre. 2005.


Name of the course:

Machine Elements Part I

Code: FBsME19 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students must gain knowledge about the applying

of methodology for calculating and constructing of machine elements with general use.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic themes: Basic requirements for the machine elements.

Joints. Worm-nut gearing . Gaskets- function and modes. Shafts function, strength and deformation

calculating. Bearings- character, functions and modes, criteria for working capacity and calculating,

spreading and congesting of knots of bearing.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works with


PREREQUISITES: Mathematics, Mechanics, Resistance of the materials, Bases of constructing and


METHOD FOR ASSESSMENT: Process of continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Лефтеров Л., Димитров И., Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1994;

2.Арнаудов. К., Димитров.И., и др. Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1980; 4. Димчев Г., К.

Захариев. Машинни елементи. Софттрейд. София, 2006. Николов Н. и др., “Ръководство за

конструктивни упражнения по машинни елементи”, С, Техника, 1992 г. Ралев Д. ”Машинни

елементи I част” –електронно издание на WEB страницата на катедра МЕНК. Ралев Д.

“Лагерни възли” - електронно издание на WEB страницата на катедра МЕНК.


Name of the course:

Fluid Mechanics

Code: FBsME20 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 3 hours,

LW-2 hours

Number of credits: 7

LECTURER: Prof. DSc. Antonov Ivan Slaveikov

(EMF), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: After completing the course students should know

basic concepts, equations and relationships, and can apply them in solving the engineering problems

associated with the movement and status of liquids and gases

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Learn the basic laws of hydromechanics and quantitative

relationships: basic equation of hydrostatics, the equation of continuity, equation of Bernuli; theorem

for the quantity of movement. Learn basic problems with the application of these relationships in

engineering practice: pipe networks, hydraulic resistances - linear, local, general, resistance obtecheno

body jet streams. Acquire basic knowledge of the experimental study of hydraulic devices and their


PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of basic physical laws, knowledge of basic mathematical methods

(such as vector analysis, differential equations private, complex functions).

METHOD OF TEACHING: Lectures, using slides and tables, laboratory exercises with reports.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Madzhirski V., Mechanics of fluids. S. Technology, 1991 2. C. Yankov, Ivan

Antonov. Methodological guidance on the mechanics of fluids. S., 1991 3. Yankov B., Mechanics of

fluids. S., TU, 2004.


Name of the course

English Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquire knowledge and skills in the four basic

language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. To expand and ensure appropriate use of

basic engineering terminology in specific technical context. To master practical communication skills.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Passive voice; Futurity; CV; Job Application; Job

interview; Integers; Properties; States of the matter; Technical terminology of the specific field;

Diagrams, charts and tables; Air Conditioning; Heating systems; Steam boilers; Power stations; Safety

Rules; Instructions.

PREREQUISITES: English language competence at level A1 based on European Framework of

Reference for Languages: basic knowledge of the language, familiar everyday expressions and simple


TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing. Differentiated

teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One, Naoka I

Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2. Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third Edition: Student's

Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New Headway Elementary:

Workbook, OUP; 4. Митовска, Сн., Л. Левкова, Английски за студенти от Машинно-

електротехническите институти, ВМЕИ, 1983, София; 5. Glendinning E. H., Oxford English for

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, OUP, 1995; 6. Brieger, N. & Pohl A., Technical English

Vocabulary and Grammar, Oxford: Summertown, 2002; 7. Wikipedia.


Name of the course

German Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and skills to

read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will enlarge their

technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational and thematic

minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: How to present ourselves to our friends. Conditional clause.

How to present ourselves to our colleagues: actions, responsibilities. Distributing tasks. The negation

in German. Preparation for meeting. Guidelines for maintaining the office technology. What we

shouldn’t forget before we go on holidays. Reservations. Preparation. How did you spend your

holiday? Assessment: positive, negative. Ways to express agreement and disagreement. How to make a

report for the official event.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2. N.Becker,

J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 1,

Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5.

G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen,

H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7. Христоматия

по немски език за студентите от машиностроителните специалности


Name of the course

French Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: The course aims at

acquiring knowledge and skills in reading, understanding and using specific technical phraseology,

specific for their study course. It prepares students in reading and translating technical literature and


DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Energy is a richness.Technical

terminology. Solar batteries. Technical terminology. The computer and the flow of technical

information. Technical terminology. Presentation Power point. Pleading the individual translated texts.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С., 1989; 2.

Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически университет; 3.

Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course

Russian Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of scientific

style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every specialty; to develop

skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating minimal scientific texts,

plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of constructing a monologue; to learn to

make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing students in

assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general Russian Language.

On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term tests and presentation of

self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the secondary


TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME21 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic structures

to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base to continue self-

learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use familiar syntactic and

semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations, understand and reproduce the

content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral skills and habits, able to build

monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Heat insulation of houses during

their building. Generalization on phonetics. Exercises. Fluid resist. Generalization on morphology -

The sign language. The dolphins outperform the fastest ships. Why? Generalization on lexicology.

Designing shafts and axis. Materials and their a constructive design. Рhrase. Products of the blast

furnace. Types of simple sentences. In space. Principal parts of the sentence. Mechanisms. Secondary

parts of the sentence -object. Robot. Secondary parts of the sentence -adjunct. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of grammar

and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises large driving

teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane, writing, participate

in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български език за

чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М., Учебник по

български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994. 3. Кръстев Б.

Граматика за всички, С., 1992.; 4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните термини в българския

език, С., 1999.; 5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С., 1989.; 6. Артоболевский И.

Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7.Учебници и лекции по специалните дисциплини;

интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course


Code: FBsME22 Semester: 3

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURERS: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education, i.e.

to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of students. To

improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running exercises,

sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start. Aerobics and

exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table tennis and quiet games.

Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics methods. Combinations in defence

and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and strength-building exercises – development of

speed, strength and power. Exercises with different equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking

technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a means

of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.



1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987. 2. Желязков, Цв. И колектив, ТМСТ, С., МФ,

1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.


Name of the course:

Strength of Materials Part II

Code: FBsME23 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut - 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour.

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD R. Petrova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To provide students with knowledge of calculating

constructive machine elements and equipment taking into consideration exterior factors and different

physical-mechanical characteristics of materials.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic issues included in the course are: toughness of

constructive elements; energy methods of defining displacement; solutions to static constructions;

methods of defining max constructions; reliability in exploitation.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Mechanics and Science of Materials.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, Tutorials, Laboratory Exercises.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Л. Лазов, Съпротивление на материалите - ч. 1, ТУ-София, 2008. 2. Л.

Лазов , Г. Стойчев, Вл. Василев, Таблици по съпротивление на материалите, София, 2007. 3. Л.

Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и задачи,ч.1,София, 2008. 4. Л.

Лазов и Г. Стойчев, Съпротивление на материалите в примери и задачи,ч.2,София, 2006. 5. И.

Кисъов. Съпротивление на материалите, Техника, 1980. 6. B. Ferdinand, E, Russell. Mechanics of

Materials, SI Metric Edition, 2005. 7. Hibbeler, R.C: Technische Mechanik 2 - Festigkeitslehre. 2005.


Name of the course:

Machine Elements Part II

Code: FBsME24 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works,

Semester Project

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut - 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour,


Number of credits: 7


Assoc. Prof. Dimitrinka Slavova Dahterova, PhD,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE : Students must gain knowledge about the applying

of methodology for calculating and constructing of machine elements with general use.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Basic themes: Coupling- function and modes, Gear-character,

function, modes, basic principle of gearing. Cylindrical gear. Rectification of indented wheel-

character and function. Worm gears- modes, geometric and kinematic dependences, materials for

production. Conical gears. Belt-driving. Chain gears- character, function and modes, criteria for

working capacity, calculating. Friction gears.

PREREQUISITES: Machine elements I, Mathematics, Mechanics, Resistance of the materials, Fundamentals of design

end CAD I

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using slides and demo-programs, the laboratory works with




BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Лефтеров Л., Димитров И., Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1994;

2.Арнаудов. К., Димитров.И., и др. Машинни елементи. С. Техника, 1980; 4. Димчев Г., К.

Захариев. Машинни елементи. Софттрейд. София, 2006. Николов Н. и др., “Ръководство за

конструктивни упражнения по машинни елементи”, С, Техника, 1992 г.


Name of the course:

Heat Engineering

Code: BsCTM25 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 6

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph D, Eng. K. Atanasov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Computer

Technologies in Machine Building BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy

at Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquaint students with basic laws of

transformation, transportation and accumulation of heat; methods of thermodynamic analysis;

calculation of heat flows in different machinery and equipment.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course deals with basic laws of thermodynamics and

analyses thermodynamic processes and energy-transforming systems. It enriches students’ knowledge

about transportation of heat (radiation, convection, conductivity). Basic types of heat exchangers are


PREREQUISITES: Physic, Mathematics and Chemistry.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, one hour tutorial and one hour laboratory work per week.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Кожухаров Ив., П. Костов, Топлотехника, С., Земиздат, 1990; 2. Милчев

В., Д. Узунов, В. Йорданов, Д. Палов, Термодинамика и топлопренасяне, С., 1990; 3. Бондарев

В., Р. Григоревич, Теплатехника, М., 1987.


Name of the course:

Theory of Mechanisms and Machines

Code: BsCTM26 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works,

Semester Assessment

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

Tut – 1 hour,

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 6

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph D. Eng. Mina Tsoneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Computer

Technologies in Machine Building BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy

at Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to structure, kinematics and

dynamics of machine and mechanisms.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Students get acquainted with mechanisms widely used in

practice. Subsequently in some parts of the lectures they can obtain basic knowledge of design

mechanisms founded on common laws of Mechanics supported by different mathematical models.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of Mathematics, Vector and Matrix Algebra, Mechanics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with folio drawings.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Генова, П. Теория на механизмите и машините. София, 1994 г; 2. Минчев

Н., В. Живков, К. Енчев, П. Стоянов, ТММ, С., изд. "Техника", 1991 г; 3. Артоболевский, С.

Теотия механизмов и машин. Высшая школа, 1965 г; 4. . Гълъбов В. и др. Ръководство за

курсово проектиране и задачи по ТММ, изд. на ТУ- София, 1996 г.; 5. Минчев Н., К. Бенчев, П.

Стоянов, Ст. Павлов, ТММ - примери и задачи, С., изд. "Техника", 1993 г.


Name of the course:

Electrical Engineering and Electronics

Code: FBsME27 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours,

LW – 2 hours.

Number of credits: 6


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Eng.Chervenkova Todorka Valeva,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students get theoretical knowledge of the basic

characteristics, symbols, units and law of linear electric circuits, sinusoidal steady-state analysis,

frequency analysis, electrical measurements, electric machines and electronics. They develop skills for

analysis of the given electric circuit, machines and electronic devices.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: linear electric circuits: time invariant circuits (DC); sinusoidal

steady-state analysis and frequency analysis (AC), energy and power, three-phase circuits, electric

measurements, electrical machines and electronics.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Mathematics and Physics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures illustrated with schemes, tables and photos and laboratory


METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written examination.


BIBLIOGRPHY: 1. Цветков Д., Цанов Д., Павлов Л., Ралчева П. Основи на електротехниката и

електрониката. С.Техника 1989; 2. Фархи С., Папазов С. Теоретична електротехника, част I.

С.Техника 1992; 3. Ангелов Н., Павликянов Е., Тодорова С., Георгиев Г. Основи на

електротехниката и електрониката. Русе 1988; 4. Цочев Х. Физически основи на

електротехниката.С. 1992; 5. Начев Н и др. Промишлена електроника. С.Техника 1988; 6.

Шишков А. Полупроводникова техника,част I .С.Техника 1989; 7. А. Червенков, Хр. Цочев, Хр.

Цибрански, Т. Червенкова. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Електротехника, ТУ-

София 2003.


Name of the course:

English Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Kalina Ivanova Belcheva, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To acquire knowledge and skills in the four basic

language skills: reading, speaking, listening and writing. To expand and ensure appropriate use of

basic engineering terminology in specific technical context. To master practical communication skills.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Passive voice; Futurity; CV; Job Application; Job

interview; Integers; Properties; States of the matter; Technical terminology of the specific field;

Diagrams, charts and tables; Air Conditioning; Heating systems; Steam boilers; Power stations; Safety

Rules; Instructions.

PREREQUISITES: English language competence at level A1 based on European Framework of

Reference for Languages: basic knowledge of the language, familiar everyday expressions and simple


TEACHING METHODS: Communicative language approach. Learning by doing. Differentiated

teaching. Group work. Independent study. Team projects.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Current assessment. Project work. Two tests.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Danchev, A., N. Stoilova et al., English for Bulgarians, Book One, Naoka I

Izkustvo, S., 1983; 2. Liz Soars, John Soars, 2009, New Headway Elementary, Third Edition: Student's

Book, Oxford; 3. John Soars, Liz Soars, Sylvia Wheeldon, 2009, New Headway Elementary:

Workbook, OUP; 4. Митовска, Сн., Л. Левкова, Английски за студенти от Машинно-

електротехническите институти, ВМЕИ, 1983, София; 5. Glendinning E. H., Oxford English for

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, OUP, 1995; 6. Brieger, N. & Pohl A., Technical English

Vocabulary and Grammar, Oxford: Summertown, 2002; 7. Wikipedia.


Name of the course:

German Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Nikolai Yankov Yankov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),


Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students will acquire knowledge and skills to

read, understand and freely use specific technical literature and documentation; it will enlarge their

technical usage of the language throughout attaining communicative, situational and thematic

minimum of it.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: How are you? What do you complaint about? Past tenses of the

verb. Verbs with separable prefix. Experts. Regular and irregular verbs. Declension of the noun. Let’s

change housing. Prepositions with the dative and accusative. Let’s tidy up the office. Rules and

regulations. Modal Verbs. Invitation for a wedding. Question sentences. How and where to get

information from? Personal pronouns in accusative and dative. Where is he? Prepositions with

accusative and dative. Let’s agree on the next meeting.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in German from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous asessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. N.Becker, J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 1, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 2. N.Becker,

J.Braunert, Allgag § Beruf 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 3. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 1,

Hueber Verlag, 2009. 4. D.Niebisch, F.Specht, Schritte international 2, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 5.

G.Bosch, Chr.Dahmen, Schritte international im Beruf, Hueber Verlag, 2010. 6. Zeffe.E., J.Jenssen,

H.Mueller, Aus moderner Technik und Naturwissenschaft, Max Hueber Verlag, 2002. 7.

Христоматия по немски език за студентите от машиностроителните специалности.


Name of the course:

French Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer Snejana Stefanova Konsulova PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy),

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims at acquiring knowledge and skills

in reading, understanding and using specific technical phraseology, specific for their study course. It

prepares students in reading and translating technical literature and documents.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: The course prepares students in

acquiring and applying basic grammar and lexical units from the system of the French language. It

enlarges students’ knowledge and skills in their practical use of the language acquiring communicative

set of phrases and words. Students do a written translation of a scientific article of 30 pages from

French into Bulgarian at the end of the second term.

PREREQUISITES: Students previous knowledge in French from secondary and high school.

TEACHING METHODS: Workshops: discussions, tests, dialogues, rotation.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Учебник: “Френският и ние”, Издателство “Наука и изкуство”, С., 1989; 2.

Учебник по френски език и Христоматия - помагало, издание на Технически университет; 3.

Списание “ Изследвания” - Френско издателство.


Name of the course:

Russian Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 2 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To introduce students to the specifics of scientific

style of speech and scientific literature; to the terminology, characteristic of every specialty; to develop

skills in reading and understanding literature; to gain knowledge of creating minimal scientific texts,

plan theses, summary, annotation; to assimilate minimum of constructing a monologue; to learn to

make a statement or give presentation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course in Russian Language aims at preparing students in

assimilating the basic grammatical, lexical and phrasal elements from the general Russian Language.

On the basis of the mastered grid of scientific-technical lexical items, term tests and presentation of

self-prepared translation of technical text of 150 pages the final mark of the student is formed.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge and skills in Russian Language of the students from the secondary


TEACHING METHODS: Lecture-seminar occupation, talks, tests, dialogues or role games.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Continuous assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Русский язык. Учебник для студентов высших машинно-

электротехнических институтов, Наука и искуство, С.,1978; 2. Русский язык. Учебник для

студентов машиностроительных специальностей, ВМЭИ, Наука и искуство, С.,1989; 3.

Учебник русского языка с элементами программирования, “Техника”, С., 1975; 4. Сборник

текстов по русскому языку для инженеров и техников, Наука и искуство, С.,1987.


Name of the course:

Bulgarian Language

Code: FBsME28 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut – 3 hours

Number of credits: 0


Senior Lecturer Natalia Dimitrova Dimitrova, PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Students to know and use the lexical units of

scientific style of language, the typical scientific - technical literature syntactic and semantic structures

to read and understand texts of scientific and technical topic, have good language base to continue self-

learning language the specialty. After completing the course, students use familiar syntactic and

semantic structures in new contexts, operate with them in new situations, understand and reproduce the

content of texts on the subject, have developed written and oral skills and habits, able to build

monologue speech science and technology theme.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The main topics concern: Standard of speech/ Language

culture./ Secondary parts of the sentence - attribute. Structure of the blast furnace and ancillary

equipment. More about the parts of a sentence. Loop and its main components. Syntactic words,

interposed words and expressions. Measurement parameters of electric circuits. Measurement of

angular and linear dimensions. Word order. Power sources. Complex sentences Exercises A, B.

Connectors. Stylistics-scientific style of the Bulgarian language. Counters. Generalization. Control

test. PREREQUISITES: Bulgarian for foreigners - preparatory training. TEACHING METHODS: Lectures for the provision of specific theoretical knowledge of grammar

and stylistics and seminars with pithy center - text and learning system from exercises large driving

teaching character-type listening comprehension, reading comprehension, audirane, writing, participate

in discussions, dialogues, role games testing.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: continuous control during the semester testing and summarized

assessments for each academic year.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Атанасова М., М. Алмалех, К. Диамандиева. Пособие по български език за

чуждестранните студенти от ВМЕИ – първи курс., С., 1989. 2. Атанасова М., Учебник по

български език за чуждестранни студенти от II курс при ТУ- София, С., 1994. 3. Кръстев Б.

Граматика за всички, С., 1992.; 4. Манолова Л. Речник на лингвистичните термини в българския

език, С., 1999.; 5. Пашов П. Практическа българска граматика, С., 1989.;6. Артоболевский И.

Политехнически тълковен речник, С., 1977. 7.Учебници и лекции по специалните дисциплини;

интернет-сайтове, обучаващи програми и речници.


Name of the course:


Code: FBsME29 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Lessons per week:

Tut - 3 hours

Number of credits: 0

LECTURER: Senior Lecturer: Konstantin Ivanov Basanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Senior Lecturer: Yurii Andonov Balev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for the students of all

mechanical engineering specialties BEng programme in Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To reach the main goal of physical education, i.e.

to sustain the teaching/learning process as well as the mental and physical abilities of students. To

improve the health state of students.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: An introductory course. Organization, norms and

requirements. Control tests. Preparation – warming-up-general developing and running exercises,

sports pedagogical tests. Cross-running and gymnast exercises. Low and high start. Aerobics and

exercises for agility, flexibility and general stamina. Relay games. Leaps, table tennis and quiet games.

Special warming-up exercises. Sports games – technical-and-tactics methods. Combinations in defence

and attack – basketball, volleyball, games. Fitness and strength-building exercises – development of

speed, strength and power. Exercises with different equipment. Tourism – outings, trips. Walking

technique, orientation.

PREREQUISITES: To acquire skills and habits for sports.

TEACHING METHODS: Adapted from Sofia TU, Sliven sports facilities and pitches.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Sports and educational tests, medical and functional tests as a means

of evaluation of physical development. The course ends in IV semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Рачев, К. и колектив, ТМФВ, С., МФ, 1987. 2. Желязков, Цв. И колектив,

ТМСТ, С., МФ, 1986. 3. Бичев, К., Физиологични тестове, НСА.


Name of the course:

Metrology and Measuring Instruments

Code: BsAT30 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. PhD Eng. G. Stefanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE OF THE COURSE: The students to acquire knowledge about the

methods and means of measurement and engineering principles for regulation of the accuracy of the

details. The laboratory exercises build knowledge and skills for the selection of measuring tools,

methods of measurement with them and their analysis and evaluation of the accuracy of the

measurement. The coursework prepares students for independent solving of metrological problems

from the machine building practice.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: measuring tools - components and characteristics;

methods of measurement; measurement errors - types, methods for reduction and exclusion; indicators

of accuracy and their standardization; principles of regulation of tolerances and fits into ISO system;

methods and tools for measuring of linear and angular dimensions, of the deviations of form and the

position of surfaces and axes, of roughness and waviness of the surface, of the parameters of threaded

components and the characteristics of gears and gearing.

PREREQUISITES: “Physics”, “Machine Elements”.

TЕACHING METHODS: Lectures by using multimedia, laboratory exercises with writing and

defending reports, course work with consultations.

МЕТHОD OF ASSESSMENT: Test on lecture course (50%), outgoing tests and defending of

laboratory reports (30%) and course work (20%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Димитров, Д. Д., Взаимозаменяемост, стандартизация и технически

измервания, С., Техника, 1994; 2. Радев, Х. К., Уреди за измерване на линейни и ъглови

размери, С., Техника, 1989; 3. Димитров, Д. Д., Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по

взаимозаменяемост и технически измервания, С., Техника, 1991.


Name of the course:

Theory of Internal Combustion Engines

Code: BsAT31 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works,


Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours,

LW – 2 hours,

Tut – 1 hour

Number of credits: 7


Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivanka Kirilova Moneva,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:,

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The discipline Theory of Internal Combustion

Engines has an aim the students to master basic knowledge about constructing and calculating of the

piston Internal Combustion Engines (ICE) to the extent needed for complete controlling calculations of

such engines.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The discipline acquaints the students with the processes taking

place in the piston ICE, associated with the transformation of thermal energy into mechanical, the

ways of their management and possibilities for their improvement. The thermodynamic and actual

cycles of the piston ICE are reviewed, as well as the indicator and effective factors, the operation

modes and their characteristics. The influence of the different factors on the process flow is analyzed,

as well as their parameters and the indices of the petrol and diesel ICE. Attention is given to

carburetion, super-filling and toxic substance generation in the cylinder and their concentration in the

exhaust gases of ICE and to the ways of their reduction.

PREREQUISITES: “Heat Engineering”, “Fluid Mechanics”, “Hydraulic and Pneumatic Machines

and Drives”, etc.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, delivered by means of visual aids, panels, slides, videos. During

the laboratory exercises are viewed the actual characteristics of the ICE, the students prepare reports in

which they analyze the acquired results

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Exam at the end of the semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Димитров П. И., Двигатели с вътрешно горене I ч. (Теория на буталните

двигатели с вътрешно горене). Печатна база на ТУ - София, 1998; 2. Маслинков С. С. и др.

Теория на двигателите с вътрешно горене. "Техника". София, 1993; 3. Бояджиев К. Б. и др.

Автотракторни ДВГ. "Техника". София, 1990; 4. Димитров П. И. Ръководство за лабораторни

упражнения по теория на ДВГ. Печатна база ТУ - София, 1994; 3. Колчин А. И., Демидов В. П.

Расчет автомобильных и тракторных двигателей. Вышая школа. Москва, 2002


Name of the course :

Logistics Technology

Code: BsAT32 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

LW - 1 hour

Number of credits: 4

LECTURER: Ivanka Kirilova Moneva, Assoc. Prof. PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is for the students to learn

the theoretical, structural and operational issues relating to the logistics equipment and the basic

concepts of the engineering logistics. In the training process the students are acquainted with the basic

kinematic schemes of the working mechanisms, the technical parameters, the operation modes, the

loads and the methods for calculating and designing of the working mechanisms of lifting machines,

their units and elements, the drive of the operating mechanisms, the theoretical foundations clarifying

dynamic loads.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main subjects: General information, classification and

characteristics of the lifting and handling machines in the logistics technics. Elements and units of the

logistics technics. Mechanisms of the lifting and handling machines with cyclic operation. Lifting and

handling machines with cyclic operation. Machines and equipment for continuous transport.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge of “Theoretical Mechanics“, “Strength of Materials“, “Theory of the

Machines and the Mechanism“, “Machine elements“, etc. is needed.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures are held in the traditional way using previously distributed

schemes. Schemes comply with the lectures material and are used during lectures and exams.

METHOD OF ASSESMENT: At the end of the semester a written exam is conducted and the grade

of the submitted report from the independent work during the semester is taken into account.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Дивизиев В. Й. Основи на товароподемните машини, Техника, София,

1986; 2. Дивизиев В. Й. и др. Подемно-транспортни машини и системи, Техника, София, 1985;

3. Начев Сл. Ст. Машини и съоръжения за непрекъснат транспорт, Техника, София, 1981; 4.

Петков Г. П. и др. Експериментално изследване на подемно транспорти машини, Техника,

София, 19880; 5. Коларов И. Г. Проектиране на товароподемни машини, Техника, София, 1986.


Name of the course

Hydraulic and Pneumatic Driving

Code: BsАТ33 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week :

L - 2 hours;

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURERS: Prof. Ivan Slaveykov Antonov,


Assist. Prof., PhD Petko Tsankov,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: After completing the course, students should be

familiar with the basic hydraulic and pneumatic units and elements building the hydraulic and

pneumatic drive systems: pumps, motors, pressure and flow valves, distributors, etc.; to be able to

dimension statically a hydraulic and pneumatic drive system.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main subjects: General information on volumetric hydraulic

and pneumatic drive systems. Advantages and disadvantages. Structural scheme; types of volumetric

hydraulic machines. Classification. Hydraulic rotary volumetric machines - basic parameters,

characteristics; Hydraulic cylinders. Main parameters and dependencies; Hydraulic control units.

Pressure valves. Flow valves. Distributors; Static dimensioning of hydraulic drive systems; Vehicle

hydraulic systems - lubrication, cooling, braking, steering. Structure, working principle, elements;

Characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of the pneumatic drive systems – elements, diagram of

the cycles.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures using multimedia techniques, using boards, slides, lab exercises

- with protocols.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam – test.


RECOMMENDED LITERATURE: 1.Маджирски В. „Механика на флуидите” – София,

Техника - 1990 г. 2.Грозев, Г., С. Стоянов, Г. Гужгулов –„Хидро- и пневмо-машини и

задвижване”- София, Техника, 1990 г. 3.Николов Т.Й.- „Хидро- и пневмо- задвижване”–

Пловдив, изд. УХТ, 2010 г. 4. Янков,В.; Антонов, Ив.- „Методическо ръководство по механика

на флуидите”-София, ТУ, 1991 г. 5. Токаренко В. М. и др.- „Гидропривод и гидрооборудование

автотранспортных средств”- Киев, Лыбидь, 1991 г.


Name of the course

Theory of Automobile

Code: BsAT34 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L-2 hours;

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. PhD Zdravko Ivanov

Technical University of Varna

Assist. Prof., PhD Stoyan Georgiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is for students to acquire

knowledge of the theory of automotive engineering. These will allow them quickly and competently to

solve issues relating to the selection and analysis of the operating characteristics of automotive


DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Subjects directly related to the basic principles of the

movement of the car are reviewed, as well as the interaction of threaded wheel-drive with the road and

the basic operational characteristics: traction and braking, fuel economy, handling, stability and

roadability. The acquired knowledge, in turn, is the basis for learning other subjects of the specialty, as

well as at course and diploma projects.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of “Physics“, “Theoretical Mechanics“, “Theory of the

Machines and the Mechanisms“, “Fluid Mechanics“, “Internal Combustion Engines“.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, based on textbooks written by leading lecturers from the

Department of “Engines, Automotive Technics and Transport”, using visual aids, multimedia, boards

and slides. Laboratory exercises performed under handbook for laboratory exercises, with reports

written by the students and checked by the lecturer.

TEACHING AIDS: Textbooks about theory of the automotive technics are developed, as well as a set

of solved problems for “ATK”. In the laboratory exercises, aiming to assimilate and expand the

knowledge acquired during lectures, through test, road or simulative tests are determined and analyzed

the indicators and the characteristics of the operating characteristics of the automobiles. For the

implementation of the laboratory exercises handbooks have developed

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam/ test 2 hours at the end of the fifth semester (80%),

laboratory exercises and course work (20%).

LANGUAGE: Bulgarian

BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Димитров Й.Н., Автомобилна техника-теория, Тракия-М, С., 2000;

2.Литвинов А.С.и др. ,Автомобиль, Теория эксплоатационных свойств, Машиностроение, М.,

1989; 3. Вонг, Теория наземных транспортных средств, Машиностроение, М., 1982; 4.

Димитров Й.Н.и др. Ръководство за лаб. упражнения по Теория на АТК, ТУ- София,1992.


Name of the course:

Electrical Equipment and Electronics in


Code: ВsAT35 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4

LECTURERS: Assoc. Prof. PhD Veselka Ivancheva

Assist. Prof. PhD Peter Hadjidobrev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), е-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: Theoretical introduction to the building of the

electrical installation of the vehicle. Study of individual electrical devices and systems, the processes

therein, their operation and maintenance.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main subjects: General section. Sources of direct current.

Electrical consumers. Technical means for diagnostics of the electrical equipment.

PREREQUISITES: “Physics”, “Electrical Engineering”, “Electronics”.

TEACHING METHODS: Classical course of lectures with rich visual aids for acquainting with the

studied material. Discussions and setting of directions for individual work.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: For assessment of the achieved results a written exam is conducted.

A predefined individual theme is developed in the hours for self-preparation and a test on the studied

material is conducted. The developed theme and the test give a maximum of 50% of the work done.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Трайков, Б., Ч. Киров. Електрообзавеждане и електроника на автомобила.

Техника, София, 2011. obzavezhdane-i-elektronika-na-

avtomobila-borislav-trajkov-chavdar-kirov.html. Божинов, Б. Леки автомобили - неизправности в

електрическата уредба на автомобила. Техника, София, 2008.

avtomobila-boris-bozhinov.html. Автомобилни ел. схеми – Електрообзавеждане. I и II част.




Name of the course

Construction of Internal Combustion Engines

Code: BsАТ36 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Semester Project

Lessons per week:

L – 3 hours;

LW– 3 hours

Number of credits: 7


Ivanka Kirilova Moneva, Assoc. Prof. PhD

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aims of the discipline “Design of ICE” is to

provide the necessary knowledge on the construction, designing and calculation of the internal-

combustion engines (ICE), the main requirements for their exploitation and their mutual work with the

driven work machines – needed by the engineers, working in the field of designing, manufacturing,

operation, repairing and the maintenance of engines, autotractor, railway and other transport technics,

as well as agricultural and construction technics.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main subjects: Kinematics of crank gear. Dynamics of crank

gear. Balancing of the engines. Basic principles at the designing and calculating of the engines.

Materials in the engine building. Housing details. Piston group. Crank group. Crankshaft. Gas

distribution mechanism. Lubrication unit. Cooling unit.

PREREQUISITES: “Internal Combustion Engines - Part I”, “Mechanics”, “Strength of Materials”,

“Heat Engineering”, “Theory of the Mechanisms and the Machines”, “Machine Elements”, “Hydraulic

and Pneumatic Machines and Drives”, “Machine Building Technology”, “Electrical Engineering and

Electronics”, etc.

TEACHING METHODS: The lectures are delivered according to the educational program of the

discipline and the approved practice in the department. The laboratory exercises are conducted in the

laboratories of department “Engines, Automotive Technics and Transport”, disciplines “Construction

of ICE” and “Fuel Systems and Automatic Regulation of ICE”. The course project is implemented the

next semester and is submitted along with defense.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam at the end of the semester. Separate grade for the

course project at the end of the semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Станимиров С.И., Двигатели с вътрешно горене –II ч. (Конструкция на

ДВГ). Свитък лекции, 2007. 2. Бояджиев К.Г., Станимиров С.И. и др. Автотракторни двигатели,

Техника, София, 1990. 3. Бояджиев К.Г. и др. Конструкция, проектиране и изчисляване на

двигатели с вътрешно горене. Техника, София, 1990. 4. Колчин А.И., Демидов В.П. Расчет

автомобильных и тракторных двигателей. Высшая школа”, Москва, 2002. 5. Kuntscher V.

Kraftfahrzeug Motoren. Auslegung und Konstruktion., Verlag Technik Berlin, 1995. 6. Urlaub A.,

Verbrenungs-Motoren. Grundlagen, Verfahrenstheorie, Konstruktion. Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1994.


Name of the course

Construction of Automobile

Code: BsAT37 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 3 hours;

LW – 3 hours

Credits: 7


Assoc. Prof., Zdravko Ivanov

Technical University of Varna

Assist. Prof. PhD Stoyan Georgiev,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims to provide the students with

knowledge about the construction of the units and the installations in the vehicle. These will allow

them quickly and competently to solve issues related to the selection and analysis, the research and

design of major assemblies and systems in the vehicle.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In the course are reviewed topics, directly related to the

construction and design of the transmission, chassis, the components and equipment of the vehicles.

The kinematic schemes and the methods for determining of the load and computational modes are

analyzed in detail. The acquired knowledge is the basis for learning other subjects of the specialty, as

well as at course and diploma projects.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of “Mechanics” part I and II, “Theory of the Machines and the

Mechanisms”, “Fluid Mechanics”, “Fundamentals of the Design and CAD” part I and II , “Strength of

Materials” part I and II , “Theory of internal combustion engines”, ”Construction of the internal

combustion engine”, “Theory of the vehicles” are needed.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, based on textbooks written by leading lecturers from the

Department of “Engines, Automotive Technics and Transport”. During the laboratory exercises with

the aid of test equipment computer simulations the students measure and analyze the parameters and

the main characteristics of the units and installations of the vehicle. For the implementation of the

course project is developed “A handbook for design, construction and calculation of the vehicle, the

tractor and the drive”.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam at the end of the sixth semester. Course project

implemented in the seventh semester and submitted at the end of the seventh semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Семов Д., Н. Иванов, Д. Лозанов. Автомобили, трактори и кари. С.,

Техника, 1992. 2. Морчев Е. Проектиране и конструиране на автомобила. С., Техника, 1991. 3.

Димитров Й., Г. Георгиев, Е. Морчев, Ст. Димитров. Ръководство по проектиране,

конструиране и изчисляване на автомобила, трактора и кара. С., Техника, 1980. 4. Найденов Л.,

С. Нейков, Г. Генов. Автомобили. С., Техника, 1990. 5. Gnadler R. Kraftfahrzeugbau I. Scriptum

zur Vorlesung. Karlsruhe, 2004. 6. Reimpel J. Fahrwerktechnik. Vogel-Verlag, Wuersburg, 1984. 7.

Лукин П., Г. Гаспаянц, В. Родионов. Конструирование и расчет автомобиля. М.,

Машиностроение, 1984.


Name of Course:

Management and Road Traffic Safety

Code: BsAT38 Semester:6

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works


Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours;

LW - 1 hour

Tut - 1 hour

Number of credits:7

LECTURER: Prof. Stanimir Karapetkov,

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to help the improvement

of the road safety in the country by preparing a more knowledgeable, confident and disciplined

professionals in the field of traffic safety. To acquaint the students with the problems of the traffic law

and all laws and regulations dealing with this matter.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Organization of the road traffic. Safety of the

road traffic. System for guaranteeing the safety at the road traffic. Legal issues for the safety of the

road traffic. Constructional safety of the vehicle.

BACKGROUND: Traffic Safety. Good general knowledge and legal knowledge.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures delivered using visual aids, posters and slides.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: ongoing evaluation

LANGUAGE: Bulgarian

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Сотиров Д., Проектиране на пътищата. София,Техника, 1983; Тодоров Т.

Гутева Д. Ръководство за проектиране на улици и градско движение, София, ВИАС, 1986;

Тодоров Т. Градско движение. София, Техника, 1979; Клинковщейн Г. Организация дорожного

движения, Москва, Транспорт, 1982; Кременец Ю. Технические средства организации

дорожного движения,Москва, Транспорт, 1990; Иносэ Х. Хамада Т. Управление дорожным

движением, Москва, Транспорт, 1983; Дрю Д. Сильянов В. Теория транспортных потоков в

проектировании дорог и организации движения, Москва, Транспорт, 1977; Закон за движение

по пътищата и неговите подзаконови актове.


Name of the course

Technology and Organization of Road


Code: BsАT39 Semester: 6

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Vasil Bobev

(College of Sliven), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of course is to enrich the knowledge of the

students the about: the parameters which define the vehicle transport activities; all types of routes for

movement of the trucks; the features of the mass public transport; the technology of operation of the

transport terminals and the implementation of combined shipments; the mathematical models for

researching the operation of the transport systems.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: features of the transport as a field. Elements of

the transport process. Operational characteristics if the vehicles. Indicators for the activity of the

transport company. Efficiency per unit transport vehicle. Analysis of the efficiency of the truck.

Selection of specialized vehicles. Organization of the movement of the vehicles – types of routes.

Public transport. Efficiency of the usage of trucks. Transport terminals. Technology of the vehicle

transport. Mathematical methods at the research of the operation of the transport systems

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in Mathematics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and laboratory exercises.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Бобев, Васил. Технология и организация на транспорта, ИК Учков, Ямбол

2009, 2012; Пенков И.,Основи на автомобилния транспорт, София, ТУ - София, 1997; Симеонов

Д.Г., Технология и организация на автомобилните превози, Русе, ВТУ - Русе, 1993; Петров,

Димитър., Екатерина Кирчева. Техника и технология на товарно – разтоварните процеси, ВТУ,

София, 2001; Първанов, Х. П. Организация на товарния транспорт, Университетско издателство

“Стопанство”, София , 1994.


Name of the course

Reliability and Technical Diagnostics of


Code: BsАT40 Semester: 4

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. Ph.D Vasil Bobev

(College of Sliven), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is: the students to learn and

to be able to apply the methods and the technical means for placing a technical diagnosis; to

prognosticate the remaining resource of the Motor Transport Technics (MTT); to determine the type

and the volume of the prophylactic influences. At the end of the course the students will know: the

causes and the types of refusals in the MTT; the parameters, which determine the operational

reliability of the MTT; the laws for distribution of the accidental quantities and their usage at

determining the reliability of the MTT; the theoretical fundamentals of the technical diagnosis; the

methods and the means for technical diagnosis.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course includes the basic moment from reliability of the

MTT. Basic concepts and definitions. Refusals in MTT. Laws for distribution of the accidental

quantities and their usage at determining the reliability of the MTT. Operational factors, guaranteeing

the reliability of the MTT. Constructional and technological factors, ensuring the reliability of the

MTT. Theoretical principles and technology of the technical diagnosis. Automated systems for

technological diagnosis of the MTT.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in Mathematics, ICE, MTT

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and laboratory exercises. At the laboratory exercises the

students analyze the types of refusals and the degree of wear of the main details of the MTT. They

determine the operational reliability of the MTT. They acquaint with the practical application of the

methods for technical diagnosis.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Сестримски, Д., “Диагностика на автомобила ” – С. Техника 1989 г.;

Симеонов, Е., Б. Трайков. “Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по надеждност,

диагностика и поддържане на автотранспортните средства.” С., ВМЕИ, 1989 г.; Димитров, П.,

“Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по диагностика на ДВГ.” С. ТУ, 1995 г.


Name of the course:

Construction of Automobile

Code: BsAT41 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:

Semester Project

Lessons per week:

Self Study – 2 hours

Number of Credits: 1


Assist. Prof. PhD Stoyan Georgiev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims to provide students with

knowledge of the structure of the units and installations in the vehicle. These will allow them quickly

and competently to solve issues relating to the selection and analysis, research and design of major

assemblies and systems in the vehicle.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In the course are reviewed topics, directly related to the

construction and design of the transmission, chassis, components and equipment of the vehicles. The

kinematics schemes and the methods for determination of the load and calculative modes are analyzed

in detail.

PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge of “Mechanics” part I and II, “Theory of the Machines and the

Mechanisms”, “Fluid Mechanics”, “Fundamentals of the Design and CAD” part I and II , “Strength of

Materials” part I and II , “Theory of internal combustion engines”, ”Construction of the internal

combustion engine”, “Theory of the vehicles” are needed.

TEACHING METHODS: Course project containing the design of major assemblies and systems of

the vehicle. For the implementation of the course project is developed “A handbook for design,

construction and calculation of the vehicle, the tractor and the drive”.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: Course project implemented during the seventh semester and

submitted at the end of the seventh semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Semov D., Ivanov , D. Lozanov . Cars, tractors and trucks . S., Technique ,

1992 . 2 . Morchev E. Design and construction of the car. S., Technique , 1991 . 3 . Dimitrov J. , G.

Georgiev , E. Morchev , St. . Dimitrov. Guidance on design, construction and calculation of the car,

tractor and drive. S., Technique , 1980 . 4 . Naydenov L. Neykovo , G. Genov. Cars. S., Technique ,

1990 . 5 . Gnadler R. Kraftfahrzeugbau I. Scriptum zur Vorlesung. Karlsruhe, 2004 . 6 . Reimpel J.

Fahrwerktechnik. Vogel-Verlag, Wuersburg, 1984 . 7 . P. Lukin , G. Gaspayants , V. Rodionov .

Konstruirovanie and raschet road . M., Mechanical engineering, 1984 .


Name of the course:

Systems of Internal-combustion Engines

Code: ВsAT42 Semester: 5

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof Evgeni Dimitrov


Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students to receive concrete knowledge and

skills in the field of the combustion, ignition, start, generator, etc. installations that find application in

the internal combustion engines, as according to their needs and interests to apply and enrich in their

engineering practice. At the end of the course the student will know the terms, definitions and the basic

dependencies from the field of the installations of the internal combustion engines; will be able to

solve engineering problems, related to the operation and the maintenance of the installations, that find

application in the internal combustion engines; will be able to analyze and evaluate different technical

solutions in the field of the installations of the internal combustion engines.


COMBUSTION ENGINES”. Combustion installations of the engines with self-ignition of the fuel

mixture. Module “Ignition installations in the internal combustion engines”. Module “Start

installation”. Module “Generator installation”.

PREREQUISITES: „Theory of the internal combustion engines” and „Construction of the internal

combustion engines”.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures by using multimedia, laboratory exercises with defense of


METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: The knowledge of the students for the discipline are controlled by

exam, the grade from which is formed by two components: grade from the written answers of the exam

questions with coefficient of weight 0,75 and grade from the exercises with coefficient of weight 0,25.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Димитров, П. И. Системи за управление на процесите в двигателите с

вътрешно горене – част първа. ИПК ТУ – София, 2005. Димитров, П. И. Системи за управление

на процесите в двигателите с вътрешно горене – част втора. ИПК ТУ – София, 2007. Димитров,

А. Й.; Иванов, З. Д. Автомобилни газови уредби. “Техника”, София, 2002. Илиев, Л. А.; Костов,

В. И.; Пилев, Д. И. Горивни уредби и автоматично регулиране на двигатели с вътрешно горене.

“Техника”, София, 1985. Трайков, Б. В.; Киров, Ч. А. Електрообзавеждане и електроника на

автомобила. “Техника”, София, 2007.


Name of the course:

Transmissions in Automobiles

Code: BsAT43 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5


Assoc. Prof. PhD Dimitrinka Dahterova

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course “Vehicle transmissions” is to

give to the students knowledge about the principles, methods and means of theoretical research,

design, construction, calculation and building in of different elements of the transmissions and such in

general in the means of transport.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course gives knowledge and skills for correct analyzing of

the theoretical formulations of the different transmissions, as well as their constructive development

and calculation.

Main topics: Purpose and classification of the transmission of the vehicle. Clutches. Mechanical

gearboxes. Planetary gearboxes. Friction elements in the gearboxes. Distribution boxes. Mechanical


PREREQUISITES: Mechanics, Theory of the mechanisms and the machines,Theory of the vehicle,

Construction of the vehicle.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, delivered with the help of visual aids, multimedia, slides, panels,




BIBLIOGRAPHY: Семов Д., Н. Иванов, Д. Лозанов. Автомобили, трактори и кари. С., Техника,

1992. 2. Морчев Е. Проектиране и конструиране на автомобила. С., Техника, 1991. 3. Димитров

Й., Г. Георгиев, Е. Морчев, Ст. Димитров. Ръководство по проектиране, конструиране и

изчисляване на автомобила, трактора и кара. С., Техника, 1980. 4. Найденов Л., С. Нейков, Г.

Генов. Автомобили. С., Техника, 1990. 5. Gnadler R. Kraftfahrzeugbau I. Scriptum zur Vorlesung.

Karlsruhe, 2004. 6. Reimpel J. Fahrwerktechnik. Vogel-Verlag, Wuersburg, 1984. 7. Лукин П., Г.

Гаспаянц, В. Родионов. Конструирование и расчет автомобиля. М., Машиностроение, 1984.


Name of the course:

Automobile Construction and Operational


Code: BsAT44 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits:5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD, Gospodin Stefanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), e- mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE THE COURSE: The students to acquire knowledge about the materials

by which the basic details of the internal combustion engines are made of and the used operating

materials. The laboratory exercises build knowledge and skills for analyzing the composition and the

properties of basic operation materials.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Typical parameters of reciprocating engines,

ranges of operating temperatures in the most loaded areas; materials for producing typical details of

internal combustion engines - cylinder block, cylinder liners, cylinder heads, crankshafts, sliding

bearings, connecting rods, pistons, valves; operating materials - gasoline, diesel, alternative fuels, oils,

greases, brake and cooling fluids; changes in the properties of the oil during operation; adhesives,

sealants, liquid metals.

PREREQUISITES: Physics, Chemistry, Theory of internal combustion engines.Machine.

TЕACHING METHODS: Traditional lectures, using multimedia, slides, catalogue materials,

laboratory exercises with written reports and report defense.

МЕТHОD OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam (80%), participation in the implementation of the

laboratory exercises and defense of the reports (20%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Записки от лекции. Петков М.П., Т.Б.Тодоров, Т.Л. Костов. Технология на

производството на ДВГ.София, Техника, 1993, ISBN 954-03-0269-2. Трайков Л.Й. Масла и

смазки за автомобили и трактори,Варна, ВМЕИ,1994,222с. Петков П.и др.Химмотология на

нефтените горива, София, БАД Пъблиш Сай Сет Агри ООД, ISBN 954-14-0014-0. Димитров

А.Й. и др. Горива за двигатели с вътрешно горене, Ямбол, РА Неда Нова, 1999, ISBN 954- 9874-

01-Х. Павлов Д.Й., С.М.Кереков. Масла, смазки, антифризи, уплътнители, химикали за

автомобила и трактора, София, Техника, 1997, ISBN 954-03-0493-8, 110 с.. Василева Л.С.,Д.Й.

Павлов. Автомобилни експлоатационни материали, София, Техника, 1991. Лилов Ц.С. и др.

Работа на ДВГ с добавки към традиционните горива, София, Техника, 1985, 130 с. Дренчев

Н.П. Експлоатационни материали, София, Земиздат, 1982, 167 с. Герасимов М.М. Справочник

по експлоатация на горивата и минералните масла, София, Техника, 1976, 223 с. Павлов Д.Й. и

др. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по химия, Русе, РУ“Анг.Кънчев“, 2001, ISBN 954-

712-113-8, 63 с.


Name of the course:

Technical Expertise in Road Accidents

Code: BsAT45 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:



Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

Tut – 1 hour;

LW – 1 hour

Number of credist: 5


Prof. Stanimir Karapetkov

Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVE THE COURSE: Main aim of the course “Auto-technical expertise” is the

students to acquire knowledge and skills for the science-methodical apparatus of the auto-technical

expertise, as well as to acquaint with the basic law positions, which regulate the activity of the experts

and with the documentation used when preparing and conducting of legal and official investigation of

traffic accidents.

Particular attention is paid to the methodic of the expert analysis of the common traffic accidents. The

sequence of the calculations, the influence of the different factors and parameters, appointed by the

inquest or chosen by the expert are given.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Aim and tasks of the expertise, types of

Proceeding of the expertise. Data from the static and dynamic inspection of the vehicles. Data from the

forensic report. Determination of the place of impact on the road bed. Dangerous stopping zone. Brake

delay of the vehicles. Experimental determination and statistical data at the different types of road

surface and weather conditions. Determining of the velocity of the vehicle in the presence of braking

traces, traces of side sliding. Expert research of traffic accidents with pedestrian. Clashing with bicycle

and motorcycle. Critical velocities of the vehicle at turning. Slamming a vehicle in a immovable

obstacle. Crash of vehicles. Coefficient of recovery. Expert examination of the technical condition of

the vehicles.

PREREQUISITES: “Organization and safety of the road traffic”, “Control of the vehicle” and

lectures in “Auto-transport expertise”.

TЕACHING METHODS: Lectures, delivered with the help of visual aids, multimedia, slides, panels,




BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Ангелов, А., Д.Петков. Ръководство за експертно изследване на ПТП, 1

част. С., 1985. 2.Ангелов,А., Д.Петков, К.Косев. Ръководство за експертно изследване на ПТП, 2

част. С., 1993. 3.Байет, Р., Р.Уотс. Разследване на ПТП. С., Техника, 1988. 5.Карапетков,

С. Движение на автомобил по равнина при аварийно спиране. Механика на машините N 15,

1996.6.Карапетков, С. Моделиране и анимация на равнинното движение на автомобил при

аварийно спиране. Механика на машините N 17, 1997.7.Карапетков, С. Динамика на удар между

автомобили при ПТП. Машиностроене, N 12, 1997. 8.Карапетков, С. С. Петров.

Експериментално определяне на спирачното закъснение на автомобилите. Четвърта

Национална конференция по теория на механизмите и машините с международно участие, 9-10

септември 1998. 9.Иларионов, В.А. Экспертиза дорожно-транспортных произшествий. М.,

Машиностроение, 1989. 10.Accident reconstruction 98 professional 13.Visual

Analust / 11. Computerized Accident reconstruction



Name of the course:

Modern Electronic Systems in Automotive


Code: BsAT46 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD Veselka Ivancheva

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: In the course are reviewed the types, the structure

and the operation of the automatic systems for control of the vehicle, their application and

opportunities for development in this field. The knowledge and the skills in the discipline widen and

extend the capabilities of students in the field of the operational features and the safety of the vehicle

movement and allow the application of the systems for control of the vehicle at the course and diploma

projects and in the practice.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Systems for control of the braking features.

Systems for control of the traction-speed features. Systems for control of the dynamic stability.

Systems for avoiding shock when changing or leaving the lane. Parking assistant (PA). Adaptive

cruise control (ACC). Full autopilot.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in Mechanics, Theory of the Machines and the Mechanisms, Fluid

Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Theory of internal combustion engines, Design of internal

combustion engines, Theory of the vehicle.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, delivered with the help of visual aids, multimedia, panels.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. ABS. Układy zapobiegające blokowaniu kół, AUTO, Warszawa, 2000. 2.

Driving-safety systems, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, 1999. 3. Conventional and Elektronic Braking

Systems, Robert Bosch GmbH, Stuttgart, 2003. 4. Соснин Д.А., Яковлев В.Ф., Новейшие

автомобильные электронные системы, М., СОЛОН – Пресе, 2005.


Name of the course :

Ecology of Automotive Engineering

Code: BsАТ47 Semester: 7

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 4

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD, Ivanka Kirilova Moneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course "Ecology of vehicles" is for

students to acquire knowledge related to environmental problems and environmental pollution, and the

methods and means of reducing the harmful content of toxic substances and greenhouse gases emitted

by the vehicles.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Mechanisms of formation of toxic components in

the exhaust gases of petrol and diesel engines. Methods for reducing the toxic components by

controlling the combustion process and using systems to neutralize the exhaust gases in the exhaust

system. Vibration and noise pollution of the environment caused by the operation of internal

combustion engines, automobiles and traffic flows. Ways to reduce the CO2 content as a result of the

operation of the engines and the associated with it global climate changes on the planet.

PREREQUISITES: Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Chemistry, Heat Engineering, Internal

Combustion Engines, Automotive Engineering, Noise and Vibration, Fuel - Lubricants etc.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures, delivered with the help of visual aids, slides, panels,

transparencies. Laboratory exercises for which reports are prepared and checked by the lecturer.

METHOD OF ASSESMENT: Written exam at the end of the semester.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Маслинков Ст. и др., “Теория на ДВГ“, София, Техника, 1985;2.Жегалин

О. И. и др., “Снежение токсичности автомобилных двигателей“, Москва, Ттанспорт, 1985;

3.Ангелов И., Овчаров В., “Вибрации и шум в транспортните средства“, Справочник, Техника,

София, 1985; 4.Якобовски Ю., “Автомобилных транспорт и защита окружающей средый“,

Москва , Транспорт, 1979; 5.Ваншейдт, “Справочник дизели“; 6.Севастакиев В., Живков В.,

Маринов Е., „Динамика и трептения на ДВГ“, София, Техника, 1986 ;7.Севастакиев В., Иванов

Н., „Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по динамика и трептене на ДВГ“, Варна, ВМЕИ,

1987; 8. Евтимов Т. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по автотракторни и карни

двигатели. ТУ, София, 1992 г.


Name of the course:

Maintenance and Repair of Motor


Code: BsAT48 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 5

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD, Gospodin Stefanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students to acquire knowledge about the

systems for technical servicing and repair, the organization of the technical exploitationand the reapir

of the vehicles, the methods and the means for defectation and recovery of details. The laboratory

exercises build knowledge and skills for conducting of technical servicing, control of technical

condition of the vehicles, the defectation and recovery of details.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: technical condition and efficiency of vehicles,

reasons for the change in the technical condition, types of wear, boundary parameters of the technical

condition, systems for technical servicing and repair, scheme of the technological process of the

maintainance of the vehicles, cleaning of the vehicle technics during the repair, defectation of main

units and details, methods for removal of the defects of the vehicle’s details, designing and testing of

the vehicle and its aggregates.

PREREQUISITES: Physics, Chemistry, Metrology and measurement equipment.

TЕACHING METHODS: Lectures, using multimedia, slides, catalogue materials provided by

manufacturers, laboratory exercises with.

МЕТHОD OF ASSESSMENT: Exam on the lectures material (80%) and defence of reports from

laboratory exercises (20%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Notes from lectures, .Атанасов Т.Г., Ремонт на бутални и газотурбинни

двигатели, ТУ-София, 2004; Стойков С.Н., Г.Б. Джонев, Технология на ремонта на

автомобилите, Техника, София, 1991; Джонев Х. Ремонт на МПС. С., Техника, 2005; Станев

Л.Г. Поддържане и ремонт на транспортната техника, 1 и 2 част, ТУ- София, филиал Пловдив,

2000; Стойков С.Н., Технология на ремонта на автомобилите, ВТУ “Анг. Кънчев”, Русе, 1986;

Джонев Г, А. Дадикозян. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по ремонт на

автотранспортни средства. ТУ – София, 1989.


Name of the course:

Management and Marketing in

Automotive Engineering

Code: ВsAT49 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

Tut – 2 hours

Number of credits: 3


Assoc. Prof. PhD Jordan Chobanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To give the students concrete knowledge in the

area of the effective management and marketing of the transport organizations, with the aim of

minimizing the expenses and improving their competitiveness. The accent is on the theoretical basics

of the management of the transport organizations, as well as on the development of the effective

transport policy and program for development of the transport in the conditions of the European

Union; introducing effective organizational and management structure of the transport companies;

deceloping of business plans; trainings for the personnel; introducing measures for economy of fuels;

analysis of the indicators for evaluation of the efficiency of the transport companies and developing of

effective marketing strategy. The knowledge on Management and marketing of transport technics help

the students in solving concrete cases related to the techno-economical analysis and evaluation of the

effective functioning of the transport organizations.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Organization and management of the transport

organizations. Management and efficiency. Theoretical basics of the management. Internal

invironment of the organization. External invironment of the organization. Communications in the

management. Making decisions. Models and methods for making decisions. Strategic planning.

Planning of the realization of the strategy. Organizing, interaction and commission. Motivation.


PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in mathematics.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and laboratory exercises.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Ongoing assessment.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Ангелов А., Азбуката на мениджмънта, С., 1994.; 2. Ангелов А., Основи

на мениджмънта, С., 1995.; 3. Маринова Е., Маркетинг, Варна, 1993.; 4. Станчев Ив.,

Мениджмънт, С., 1991.; 5. Палешутски К., Мениджмънт, Благоевград, 1993.; 6. Паунов М.,

Стратегии на бизнеса, С., 1995.; 7. Панайотов Д., Съвременни аспекти на мениджмънта,

Свищов, 1992. 8. Иванов, И., П. Ганчев и др., Основи на мениджмънта, В.Търново, 1999. 9.

Колчагова, Б., Н. Танева, Организация и управление на производството (индустриален

инженеринг и мениджмънт), ТУ, С., 1992. 10. Дончев, Д. и др. Фирмен мениджмънт, С., 1994.

11. Благоев, В. Маркетинг: принципи, сегментиране, анализи, стратегии, маркетингов микс, С.,



Name of the course:

Technical Safety

Code: ВsAT50 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:



Lessons per week:

L – 2 hours;

Tut – 2 hours

Number of credits: 3


Prof. Nedelcho Nedelchev

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: A compulsory course for students of Automotive

Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at Technical University

of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The students to acquire basic knowledge on

technical safety and means of protection, ecology and labor legislation. At the end of the course the

student will: have basic knowledge on safety of labor, traumatism, electrical safety and eletro-

traumatism, first aid at accidents; know the technical means for prevention of the contact of current-

carying devices and the protections against indirect contact; know the ways for protection of electrical

and magnetic fields; have basic knowledge for protection from noise, vibrations and harmful

substances in the manufaturings premesis; have knowledge about the ecological problems and the

labot legislation.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Basic information about the technical safety.

ELectromagntism. Prevention of contact with current-cariyng parts. Protection against indirect contact.

Eathening. Eletrical and magnetic fields. Optical emissions. Ecology and ecological problems. Labot


PREREQUISITES: Physics, Electrical Engineering.

TEACHING METHODS: The lectures are presented as the theoretical material is illustrated with

figures, schemes and graphics. The students have textbooks and handbooks, which they can use during

the lecture. The lectures are conducted by using slides. The seminar exercises are conducted by given

topics with the active participation of the students.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: Вълчев М., И.Иванов. Охрана на труда и околната среда. С., Техника, 1984.

Иванов И. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по техника на безопасност. С.,ТУ-София,

1997. Вълчев М. Охрана на труда. С., Техника, 1984. Правилник по безопасността на труда при

експлоатацията на електрически уредби и съоръжения. С., Техника, 1986Наредба №3 за

устройство на електрическите уредби и електропроводните линии. С., Техника АВС, 2004.


Name of the course:

Fastened Vehicles to Automobile


Code: ВsАТ51.1 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4


Assist. Prof. PhD Rumen Yankov

(College of Sliven), e-mail:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS ANFD OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course aims to provide students with the

necessary basic knowledge and skills for selecting a trailer and how to connect it to the car, taking into

account the output parameters and the mandatory limits for safe operating conditions. The material

supplement the knowledge of the student – a future teacher on theory and practice ar designing and

exploiting the vehicle.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Types of attached transport means (mainly for

cars and light trucks); Basic requirements for car-trailer unit and for the qualifications of the driver.

Limits in the movement at different road conditions.

PREREQUISITES: The Students must know the structure of the vehicle, its transmission, chassis and


TEACHING METHODS: Lectures and practical classes. Lectures are delivered by using a variety of

visual aids (diagrams, designs, etc.). Exercises are used to acquaint the students with specific designs

and the practical implementation of the operations for attaching and and securing the unit, checking

the working order, etc. Hours for driving a vehicle with a trailer on a range are provided.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: The course ends with an exam. Grade is based on: exam results

(75%) and average score of the student in courses during the semester (25%).

INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. If necessary, classes may be prepared and submitted in


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. The translation of the handbook is in preparation. 2. Law on road traffic. 3.

Regulations for the qualification of the drivers. 4. Requirments for the working condition of the

vehicles, etc.


Name of the course:

Testing of Internal-combustion Engines

Code : BsAT51.2 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

lessons per week:

L - 2 hours;

LW – 2 hours

Credits: 4


Assoc. Prof. PhD Ivanka Kirilova Moneva

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy), email:,

Assist. Prof, PhD Stoyan Georgiev

(College of Sliven)

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The course introduces students to the methods and

means for determining the effective indicators of the internal combustion engines (ICE) and those

related to the study of their working process.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics: Measurements related to the determination of the

power indicators of the ICE; Measurements related to the determination of economical indicators and

the technical condition of the ICE; Measurements related to the determination of the thermal

condiction of the ICE; Measurements related to the determination of the toxical indicators of the ICE;

Measurements related to the study of the working cycle of the ICE; Measurements related to the study

of the supply of fuel for the diesel ICE; Measurements related to the study of the processes of mixture

formation in the ICE.

PREREQUISITES: Theory of internal combustion engines ; Design of internal combustion engines ;

Installations of internal combustion engines.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: Written exam at the end of the semester.

INSTRUCTION LANGUAGE: Bulgarian. If necessary, classes may be prepared and submitted in


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Генов Г. Д. и др. Изпитване на двигателите с вътрешно горене. София,

Техника, 1985; 2. Генов Г. Д., Иванов Вл. К. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по ДВГ.

София, Техника,1985; 3. Димитров П. И. Диагностика на двигателите с вътрешно горене София,

Печатна база на ТУ, 1987; 4. Райков, И. Я. Испытания двигателей внутреннего сгорания. Мосва,

Высшая школа, 1975.


Name of the course:

Styling Design

Code: BsАТ51.3 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per a week:

L – 2 hours,

LW – 1 hour

Number of credits: 4

LECTURERS: Sasho Draganov, Prof. Designer

(Faculty of Machine Building), e-mail:

Trayan Stamov, Eng. Designer

(Faculty of Machine Building), е-mai:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to erich the knowledge of

the students on: basic norms and standards at designing related to the requirements of the modern

design in regard to: functional and operational requirements; ecological adaption; requirements for PE-

design; artistic aesthetic design and ergonomic requirements.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In the course are included basic moments from different types

of the design projecting of industrial articles, products and equipment, intended for introducing in

series manufacture, such as: ideal and work projects, experimental samples, contructor and

technological projects and author supervision.

PREREQUISITE: Knowledge in Material Science, Material Strenght, ecology of automotive


METHODS OF TEACHING: Lectures and laboratory exercises. During the laboratory exercises the

students analyze different types of assignments for design projecting related to: ergonomical research,

conceptions, modeling and presenting of results. On the stage of working projects they learn and make

– constructions and technologies, experimental samples, experiments, documentation according to the

Bulgarian standard, refence and samples.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: The grade is formed by answering questions from the lecture

course (40%) and by the designed project (model), made during the semester (60%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Момов, Алекси. Ергономия и ергономично проектиране, I и II част, МП

Издателство на ТУ- София, 2006; Върбанов, П. Цветознание, Университетско издание „Св. Св.

Кирил и Методий“, В. Търново, 1994; Райчев, Румен, Структурна комбинаторика, Издателство

„Терзиев и синове“, 1995.


Name of the course:

Technology of Automotive Parts


Code: BsАТ52.1 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours,

LW - 2 hours

Number of credits: 4

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. Ph D Eng.Milko Yordanov

(Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy); email: m_yordanov@,

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: To give the students basic knowledge for the

classical and the modern technologies for producing of the different groups of details in the automotive

technics, made from cast iron, steel, nonferrous alloys, rubber, polymers, glass, textile, technical

ceramics, powder and composite materials.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: Main topics in this course are: Technologies for production of

metal parts for the motor transport equipment by casting, welding and plastic deformation.

Technologies for production of metal parts for motor transport equipment by turning, grinding and

polishing. Technologies for production of metal parts for motor transport equipment by electro-

processing techniques. Technologies for manufacturing of parts for motor transport equipment of

polymers and rubber. Technologies for manufacturing of parts for motor transport equipment of

ceramics, glass and composites.

PREREQUISITES: Knowledge in Mechanics part I and II, Strength of Materials part I and II,

Material science part I and II, Vehicle construction, Automotive construction and exploitation


TEACHING METHODS: Lectures with using of visual aids ans multimedia, participation in

laboratory exercises; preparing of reports.

METHOD OF ASSESSMENT: Written test and written exam in the end of the semester; defence of

the reports from the laboratory exercises.


BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1.Желев А., Материалознание. Техника и технология, том ІІ: Технологични

процеси и обработваемост, Булвест-2000, 2002; 2. Михайлов., И., В. Райчев, М. Йорданов.,

Технология на металообработването, ТУ - София, 2000; 3. Калев Л., Технология на

машиностроителните материали, С., Техника, 1996; 4. Ламбов, С. Материалознание. Част

неметални конструкционни материали (записки от лекции), София, Издателство на Технически

университет – София, 2005; 5.Унянин А. Н., Курсовое проектирование по технологии

производства и ремонта автомобилей. Учебное пособие, Ульяновск, УлГТУ, 2004.; 6. Карунин

А и др., Технология двигателестроения. Москва, Высшая школа, 2006; 7. Дэниэлс Джеф,

Современные автомобильные технологии. Москва, ООО”Издательство Астрель”, 2003; 8. Geoff

Davies, Materials for Automobile Bodies, Elsevier Ltd.&Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 2003; 9.

Hiroshi Yamagata, The science and technology of materials in automotive engines, Woodhead

Publishing Ltd., Cambridge England, 2005; 10. Singh U.K., Manish Dwivedi, Manufacturing

Processes, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2009; 11.Bralla, James G., Handbook of

manufacturing processes, Industrial Press Inc., New York, 2007; 12.Groover, Mikell P., Fundamentals

of Modern Manufacturing (Materials, Processes and Systems), John Wiley & Sons, 2006.


Name of the course:

Testing of Automobile Machinery

Code : BsAT52.2 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per week:

L - 2 hours;

LW – 2 hours

Number of credits: 4

LECTURER: Assoc. Prof. PhD Zdravko Ivanov

Technical University of Varna

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course “Testing of Motor Transport

Technics” is to give the students knowledge about the principles, methods and means for measuring of

various parameters at the testing of motor transport technics related to the studying and improving of

their power, economical, toxical and performance indicators.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: The course provides knowledge and skills for proper planning

and conducting of experiments, selection of instrumentation and processing of the experimental


PREREQUISITES: Basic knowledge in General Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Metrology

and measuring equipment, internal combustion engines,Automotive Engineering.

TEACHING METHODS: Lectures using visual aids, posters, multimedia.



BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Genov, G. D. et al. Testing of internal combustion engines, C. Technology,

1985; 2.Stefanovski B. C. et al. Izpыtaniya dvigateley vnutrennego sgoraniya, M., Mechanical

engineering,1972; 3.Buharin, N. A., VK Golyak, Izpыtaniya automotive electrical networks

izpolyzvaniem metodov dimensions, M., Mechanical engineering, 1962; 4.Ivanov Ts, Tsankov, T.,

Laboratory experiments on "Testing of internal combustion engines," University "A. Georgiev "-

Rousse, 1981.


Name of the course:

Design of Vehicle Carriages

Code: BsАТ52.3 Semester: 8

Type of teaching:


Laboratory Works

Lessons per a week:

L - 2 hours,

LE – 1 hour

Credits: 4

LECTURERS: Prof. Designer Sasho Draganov

(Faculty of Machine Building), e-mail:

Eng. Designer Trayan Stamov

(Faculty of Machine Building), е-mai:

Technical University of Sofia

COURSE STATUS IN THE CURRICULUM: An optional in module course for students of

Automotive Technology BEng programme in Sliven Faculty of Engineering and Pedagogy at

Technical University of Sofia.

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: The aim of the course is to enrich the knowledge of

the students on: basic norms and standards at design projecting of wheel transport vehicles related to

the requirements of the modern design in regard to: functional and operational requirements;

ecological adaption; requirements for PE-design; artistic aesthetic design and ergonomic requirements.

DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: In the course are included basic moments from different types

of the design projecting of industrial articles, products and equipment, intended for introducing in

series manufacture, such as: ideal and work projects, experimental samples, contructor and

technological projects and author supervision.

PREREQUISITE: Construction of vehicles; Automobile’s construction and exploitation materials;

Technology and organization of the transport.

METHODS OF TEACHING: Lectures and laboratory exercises. During the laboratory exercises the

students analyze different types of assignments for design projecting related to: ergonomical research,

conceptions, modeling and presenting of results. On the stage of working projects they learn and make

– constructions and technologies, experimental samples, experiments, documentation according to the

Bulgarian standard, refence and samples.

METHODS OF ASSESSMENT: The grade is formed by answering questions from the lecture

course (40%) and by the designed project (model), made during the semester (60%).


BIBLIOGRAPHY: Stuart Macey and Geoff Wardle, H-Point, The Fundamentals of car Design and

Packing, Art Center college of Design, Pacadena, CA, USA, (2008). Момов, Алекси. Ергономия и

ергономично проектиране, I и II част, МП Издателство на ТУ- София, 2006.