Delicious Fruvegie Balls With Homemade Dipping Sauce

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Transcript of Delicious Fruvegie Balls With Homemade Dipping Sauce

  • 8/9/2019 Delicious Fruvegie Balls With Homemade Dipping Sauce


    Chapter I

    Introduction of the Studty

    Chapter I includes: (1) Introduction, (2) Statement of the Problem and

    the Hypothesis, (3) Significance of the Study, (4) Scope and Limitation, and

    (5) Definition of terms.

    Part one, Introduction, explains the uses of vegetables and fruit

    peelings and the rationale for the conduct of the study.

    Part two, Statement of the problem and the Hypothesis, states the

    problem both in general and specific terms and the hypothesis to be tested.

    Part three, Significance of the Study, discusses the benefits each end-

    users may derive from the results.

    Part four, Definition of Terms, provides the meaning of the technical

    terms used in the study conceptually and operationally.

    Part five, Scope and Limitation of the study, sets the boundaries of the

    research in terms of scope, locale, respondents and statistical instruments

    used in the analysis of the data gathered.

    Background of the Study

    Recycling is a lifestyle and a state of mind. The act of reducing, reusing

    and recycling what we used requires daily awareness of the processes that

    keep us alive as well as the ecosystems that surround us (copy right

    sustainable Still water).

    Peelings from fruits and vegetables are considered a trash although they are

    commonly used as fertilizers, pesticide and animal food because of its


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    necessary nutrients by soil, plants and animals (Consumers Union,

    Environment Working Group).

    For the young experiences of the researchers, they can say that fruits and

    vegetables are not fully utilized because many consumers are used to

    commercial products.

    The researchers are very eager to look for the possible option in recycling the

    peelings in a unique way which will encourage everybody to do it.

    They come up with the idea of producing food balls out of banana (saba)

    musasapienta, potato sulanum tuberusom and squash cucurbita spp.

    Peelings. The materials have high nutritional food value, less expensive and

    always available at home and in the market.

    The general objective of the study is to produce Delicious Fruvegie Balls with

    Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawsawan) to fine tune its taste. Specifically, it

    aimed to determine its acceptability in terms of appearance, smell, color, and

    mouth- feel.

    The study will make the readers appreciate and acknowledge the importance

    of recycling which will result to the reduction of wastes. The department of

    Education Thrust states, May Pera sa Basura, now, May Pagkain sa


    Statement of the Problem

    The study wanted to produce Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homamade

    Dipping Sauce ut of banana (saba) musa sapient, potato solanum tuberusom

    and squash cucurbuta spp. peeling.

    Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions:


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    1. Are the Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemede Dipping Sauce

    acceptable in terms of appearance, smell, color, mouth- feel, and taste?


    The following hypothesis was tested:

    1. Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce are acceptable in

    terms of appearance, smell, color, mouth- feel, and taste.

    Significance of the Study

    This study would be significance in view of the following considerations:

    First, students will realize and understand the usefulness of fruits and

    vegetable peelings. As a result, they would not just throw it anywhere but

    instead they would think of what should be done to make it useful. They will

    start to investigate and discover new things which will develop science skills

    and processes in them.

    Second, parents will have an idea to recycle the peelings into food

    because of its economic and nutritional food value aside from the preference

    to include this product and a small- scaled income generating project which

    could be an answer to their financial problem.

    Third, teachers will have a picture of educating the pupils on how to

    recycle garbage to reduce wastes. It will be an avenue to develop the pupils

    skills on solving livelihood problems in a scientific way to prepare them to

    become responsible citizens.


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    Fourth, supervisors and school heads will plan, implement and

    support programs which will improve teachers competence in guidance to

    the pupils to conduct investigatory projects on recycling of wastes into useful


    Last, the results of the study will serve as a baseline data for future


    Scope and Delimitations of the Study

    The study aimed to produce Delicious Fruvegie with Homemade

    Dipping Sauce out of banana (saba) musa sapient, potato solanum

    tuberosum, squash cucurbita ssp. Specifically the study wanted to find out its

    acceptability in terms of appearance, smell, color, and mouth-feel.

    The study was conducted July 20 to August 7, 2009 at Filamer Christian

    College, Roxas City.

    The weaknesses of the study were the limited peelings used and the

    time constraints for the conduct of the study. If enough time was allotted,

    there could be more nutritious fruits and vegetable peelings which were

    included and the results would be more accurate.

    Definition of Terms

    To facilitate better understanding of the study, the following terms were

    defined conceptually and operationally:

    Dip-means to plunge briefly into a liquid to wet coat saturate.

    In this study, the same definition is used.


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    Sauce-refers to a liquid or dressing serves with food to enhance its

    flavor stewed or preserved eaten with other food or a desert.

    In this study, it means a delicious liquid made from fibers of cooked

    banana (saba) peelings pounded and mixed with other ingredients.

    Chapter 2

    Review of Related Literature

    Chapter II includes: (1) Review of Related Literature, (2) Banana, (3)

    Potato, and (4) Squash.

    Part one, Review of Related Literature, explains the origin and uses of

    vegetables and fruit peelings and the rationale for the conduct of the study.

    Part two, Banana, states about helpful benefits, uses and definition of

    banana in relation to the study.

    Part three, Potato, discusses the meaning of potato, benefits and uses

    in accordance to the study.

    Part four, Squash, provides the meaning, states the helpful benefits

    and discusses the uses of squash in relation to the study.


    The evolution of cuisine varies from place to place yet the process is

    the same. A cuisine begins with the weather, the season and the source.

    From these come food elements. Although the choice of this may seem

    arbitrary, in general, an item is eaten because it is there and has been part of


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    ones ancestors experience. From the food element comes the food


    When the foreign cultural influences enters a country other kinds of

    intercultural exchange- they are adopted and the cuisine changes its dishes

    in context and in combination which people have their own flavor, principles

    and dietary practices (Health and Home, 2003).

    This food comes from major sources such as plants and vegetables.

    There are around two thousand plant species which are cultivated for food

    and many plants and vegetables parts are utilized as food (Consumer Union,

    Environmental Working Group).

    The researcher tried to produce a unique cuisine from peelings of fruits and

    vegetables aside from being commonly used only as fertilizer, pesticide and

    animal foods. They produced a product which is another means of recycling

    fruits and vegetables peeling through cooking which is nutritious and less


    Banana (musa sapienta)

    Bananas come in a variety of sizes and colors when ripe, including

    yellow, purple, and red. Bananas can be eaten raw, though some varieties

    are generally cooked first. Depending upon cultivar and ripeness, the flesh

    can vary in taste from starchy to sweet, and texture from firm to mushy.

    Unripe or green bananas and plantains are used as an ingredient in various

    dishes, such as in curries and stews, and are the staple starch of many

    tropical populations. Banana sap is extremely sticky and can be used as a

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    practical adhesive. Sap can be obtained from the pseudostem, from the fruit

    peelings, or from the fruit flesh.

    Most production for local sale is of green cooking bananas and

    plantains, as ripe dessert bananas are easily damaged while being

    transported to market. Even when transported only within their country of

    origin, ripe bananas suffer a high rate of damage and loss.[citation needed]

    The commercial dessert cultivars most commonly eaten in temperate

    countries (species Musa acuminata or the hybridMusa paradisiaca, a

    cultigen) are imported in large quantities from the tropics. They are popular

    in part because, being a non-seasonal crop, they are available fresh year-

    round. In global commerce, by far the most important of these banana

    cultivars is 'Cavendish', which accounts for the vast bulk of bananas exported

    from the tropics. The Cavendish gained popularity in the 1950s after the

    previously mass produced cultivar, Gros Michel, became commercially

    unviable due to Panama disease, a fungus which attacks the roots of the

    banana plant.

    The most important properties making 'Cavendish' the main export

    banana are related to transport and shelf life rather than taste; major

    commercial cultivars rarely have a superior flavor[citation needed] compared to the

    less widespread cultivars. Export bananas are picked green, and then usually

    ripened in ripening rooms when they arrive in their country of destination.

    These are special rooms made air-tight and filled with ethylene gas to induce

    ripening. Bananas can be ordered by the retailer "ungassed", however, and

    may show up at the supermarket still fully green. While these bananas will

    ripen more slowly, the flavor will be notably richer[citation needed], and the banana

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    peel can be allowed to reach a yellow/brown speckled phase, and yet retain a

    firm flesh inside. Thus, shelf life is somewhat extended.

    The vivid yellow color normally associated with supermarket bananas

    is in fact a side-effect of the artificial ripening process. Cavendish bananas

    that have been allowed to ripen naturally on the plant have a greenish-yellow

    appearance which changes to a brownish-yellow as they ripen further.

    Although both the flavor and texture of "tree ripened" bananas is generally

    regarded as superior to any type green-picked fruit, once natural ripening has

    commenced the shelf life is typically only 710 days, making commercial

    distribution impractical. For most people the only practical means of

    obtaining such fruit is growing it themselves, however this is also somewhat

    problematic, as the bananas all tend to ripen at once and have very poor

    keeping properties.

    Properties/ Nutrients

    Banana, raw, edible parts

    Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

    Energy 371 kJ (89 kcal)

    Carbohydrates 22.84 g

    Sugars 12.23 g

    Dietary fiber 2.6 g

    Fat 0.33 g

    Protein 1.09 g

    Vitamin A equiv. 3 g (0%)

    Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.031 mg (2%)

    Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.073 mg (5%)

    Niacin (Vit. B3) 0.665 mg (4%)

    Pantothenic acid (B5) 0.334 mg (7%)

    Vitamin B6 0.367 mg (28%)

    Folate (Vit. B9) 20 g (5%)

    Vitamin C 8.7 mg (15%)

    Calcium 5 mg (1%)

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    Iron 0.26 mg (2%)

    Magnesium 27 mg (7%

    Phosphorus 22 mg (3%)

    Potassium 358 mg (8%)

    Zinc 0.15 mg (1%)

    Potato (sulanum tuberusum)

    The potato is a starchy,tuberouscrop from the perennialSolanum

    tuberosum of the Solanaceae family (also known as the nightshades). The word potato

    may refer to the plant itself as well. In the region of the Andes, there are some other

    closely related cultivated potato species. Potatoes are the world's fourth largest food crop,

    following rice, wheat, and maize.[1] Long-term storage of potatoes requires specialised

    care in cold warehouses[2] and such warehouses are among the oldest and largest storage

    facilities for perishable goods in the world.

    Benefits of Potato

    Potatoes leave an alkaline ash in the body, are low in roughage, and

    may be used in the treatment of acidosis. They can also be used for catarrhal


    When trying to overcome catarrhal conditions, cut the potato peeling about a

    half-inch thick and use it in broth or soup, cooking very little. The resulting

    broth will contain many important mineral elements. Potato soup can also be

    used to great advantage in cases of uric acid, kidney, and stomach disorders,

    and for replacing minerals in the system. To make potato soup, peel six

    potatoes, making sure the peelings are about three-quarters of an inch thick.

    Place in water in a covered kettle and simmer twenty minutes. Add celery to

    change the flavor if desired. Add okra powder if the stomach is irritated. The

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    potassium in the potato is strongly alkaline, which makes for good liver

    activation, elastic tissues, and supple muscles. It also produces body grace

    and a good disposition. Potassium is the "healer" of the body and is very

    necessary in rejuvenation. It is a good heart element also, and potatoes can

    be used very well in all cases of heart troubles.

    Anyone with ailments on the left side of the body-the negative side, or

    the heart and intestinal side of the body-can use carbohydrates that are

    negative in character. Potatoes are one of the best negative foods to use for

    building up the left side of the body. To use an old remedy, take slices of

    potatoes and use as a pack over any congested part of the body. This type of

    pack draws out static, toxic material, or venous congestion in any part of the

    body. Use a narrow, thumb-shaped piece of potato to help correct

    hemorrhoid conditions.

    To control diarrhea, cook potato soup with milk. The milk controls the

    diarrhea-it has a constipating effect, if boiled. The potato adds bulk, which is

    also necessary to control this trouble.

    I believe that raw potato juice is one of the most volatile juices and the

    strongest juice that can be taken into the body. It is used in many cases of

    intestinal disorders, as well as for rejuvenation.

    Potato, raw, with peel

    Nutritional value per 100 g (3.5 oz)

    Energy 321 kJ (77 kcal)

    Carbohydrates 19 g

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    Starch 15 g

    Dietary fiber 2.2 g

    Fat 0.1 g

    Protein 2 g

    Water 75 g

    Thiamine (Vit. B1) 0.08 mg (6%)

    Riboflavin (Vit. B2) 0.03 mg (2%)

    Niacin (Vit. B3) 1.1 mg (7%)

    Vitamin B6 0.25 mg (19%)

    Vitamin C 20 mg (33%)

    Calcium 12 mg (1%)

    Iron 1.8 mg (14%)

    Magnesium 23 mg (6%

    Phosphorus 57 mg (8%)

    Potassium 421 mg (9%)

    Sodium 6 mg (0%)

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    Squash (cucurbita spp)

    Squashes generally refer to four species of the genus Cucurbita

    native to Mexico and Central America, also called marrows depending on

    variety or the nationality of the speaker. In North America, squash is loosely

    grouped into summer squash or winter squash, as well as autumn squash

    (another name is cheese squash) depending on whether they are harvested

    as immature vegetables (summer squash) or mature vegetables (autumn

    squash or winter squash). Gourds are from the same family as squashes. Well

    known types of squash include the pumpkin and zucchini. Giant squash are

    derived from Cucurbita maxima and are routinely grown to weights nearing

    those of giant pumpkins. The winter squash group includes pumpkin, acorn,

    butternut, and spaghetti squash. Winter squash, like other richly colored

    vegetables, provide excellent sources of carotenes. Generally, the richer the

    color, the richer the concentration. They also offer a very good source of

    vitamins B1 and C, folic acid, pantothenic acid, fiber, and potassium. Winter

    squash are also a good source of vitamin B6 and niacin. Studies have shown

    that, due to their carotene properties, winter squash exert a protective effect

    against many cancers, particularly lung cancer. Diets that are rich in

    carotenes (especially pumpkins) offer protection against cancer, heart

    disease, and type 2 diabetes. Studies have also shown that pumpkin seeds

    are helpful in reducing symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Since

    summer squash have a high water content, they are not as nutrient-dense as

    the winter varieties. Summer squash still provide several nutritional benefits.

    They are low in calories and provide a decent amount of vitamin C,

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    potassium, and carotenes. Studies have shown that juice made from summer

    squash is equal to juice made from pumpkins, leeks, and radishes in their

    ability to prevent cell mutations. Summer squash are especially beneficial

    during the summer months due to their higher water content. They protect

    against dehydration and the carotenes help to protect against the damaging

    effects of the sun.Squash, summer, all varieties, rawUSDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22 (2009)

    NDB No: 11641 (Nutrient values and weights are for edible portion)

    Nutrient Units Value per100 grams


    of DataPoints



    Water g 94.64 14 0.094

    Energy kcal 16 0

    Energy kJ 69 0

    Protein g 1.21 6 0.060

    Total lipid (fat) g 0.18 3 0.067

    Ash g 0.62 5 0.023

    Carbohydrate, by difference g 3.35 0

    Fiber, total dietary g 1.1 8 0.078

    Sugars, total g 2.20 0

    Sucrose g 0.03 4 0.025

    Glucose (dextrose) g 0.75 4 0.075

    Fructose g 0.95 4 0.075


    Calcium, Ca mg 15 6 0.771

    Iron, Fe mg 0.35 6 0.010Magnesium, Mg mg 17 6 0.433

    Phosphorus, P mg 38 6 0.742

    Potassium, K mg 262 6 10.837

    Sodium, Na mg 2 16

    Zinc, Zn mg 0.29 6 0.012


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    Copper, Cu mg 0.051 6 0.001

    Manganese, Mn mg 0.175 6 0.023

    Selenium, Se mcg 0.2 0


    Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid mg 17.0 5 0.756

    Thiamin mg 0.048 6 0.002

    Riboflavin mg 0.142 6 0.092

    Niacin mg 0.487 6 0.02

    Pantothenic acid mg 0.155 6 0.016

    Vitamin B-6 mg 0.218 5 0.145

    Folate, total mcg 29 6 2.088

    Folic acid mcg 0 0

    Folate, food mcg 29 6 2.088

    Folate, DFE mcg_DFE 29 0

    Choline, total mg 6.7 0

    Vitamin B-12 mcg 0.00 0

    Vitamin B-12, added mcg 0.00 0

    Vitamin A, RAE mcg_RAE 10 0

    Retinol mcg 0 0

    Carotene, beta mcg 120 7 1.203

    Carotene, alpha mcg 0 1

    Cryptoxanthin, beta mcg 0 1Vitamin A, IU IU 200 0

    Lycopene mcg 0 1

    Lutein + zeaxanthin mcg 2125 1

    Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) mg 0.12 0

    Vitamin E, added mg 0.00 0

    Vitamin D (D2 + D3) mcg 0.0 0

    Vitamin D IU 0 0

    Vitamin K (phylloquinone) mcg 3.0 0


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    Dipping Sauce

    A dip or dipping sauce is a common condiment for many types of

    food. Dips are used to add flavor to a food, such as pita bread, dumplings,

    crackers, cut-up raw vegetables, seafood, cubed pieces ofmeat and cheese,

    potato chips, tortilla chips, or falafel. Unlike other sauces, instead of applying

    the sauce to the food, the food is typically put into, or dipped, into the

    dipping sauce (hence the name). Dips are commonly used for finger foods

    and other easily held foods. Thick dips based on sour cream, creme fraiche,

    yogurt, mayonnaise, soft cheese or beans are a staple of American hors

    d'oeuvres and are thinner than spreads which can be thinned to make dips.[1]

    Alton Brown suggests that a dip is defined based on its ability to "maintain

    contact with its transport mechanism over three feet of white carpet".[2]Dip is

    a very widespread food. Forms of dip are eaten all over the world.

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    Chapter 3


    Chapter 3 is made up of five parts: (1) Materials, (2) Preparation, (3)

    Production, (4) Data Collection, and (5) Data Analysis.

    Part one, Materials, enumerates the ingredients used in the Delicious

    Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawawan) including the

    cooking utensils used in the study.

    Part two, Preparation, describes the preparation of the ingredients.

    Part three, Production, states how the balls and its sauce were cook.

    Part four, Data collection, presents the number of the participants

    involved in the study, it also describes the instruments used in the study.

    Part five, Data analysis, enumerates the statistical tools used in data


    Research Design


    Gathering Materials

    Preparing Materials


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    The ingredients and materials used in the study for Delicious Fruvegie

    Balls were cup chopped banana peelings, cup chopped squash

    peelings, , cup chopped potato peelings, 1 bell sweet chili peper, 3 cups

    flour, 2 pcs. eggs, 4 pcs. onion 1 head cloves garlic, 3 tbsp. rock salt and 1

    tbsp. powdered black peper. For the Homemade Dipping Sauce were 2 tbsp.

    powdered asuete, 1 cup vinegar, 1 cup white sugar 2 tbsp. copped onion

    leaves (optional), 1 pc. onion, 3 pcs. garlic, 1 tbsp. corn starch, 250 g. banana

    peelings and 1 tbsp. rock salt. The cooking utensils were ladle, mixing bowl,

    measuring cups, measuring spoons, weighing scale, frying pan, stove, and

    stainless steel.


    Before the final preparation the following treatment were tested to

    come up with the final steps to be followed for producing the newly Delicious

    Fruvegie Balls.

    Delicious Fruvegie Balls


    No. of Treatment Chopped Banana peelings Chopped squash peelings Chopped potato peelings



    2 cup 1 cup cup

    1 cup cup 1 cup

    Wrapping the product

    Preparing for selling

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    Each trial was tested to ten respondents. It was self- validated through

    questionnaires. It was found out that treatment C was best proportion

    compared to others.

    The final treatment was followed thoroughly following the procedure

    used in producing Delicious Fruvegie Balls.

    The Delicious Fruvegie Balls were prepared by cleaning the banana

    (saba), cooking it and removing the peelings. The squash and potato were

    pared. The peelings of banana, squash and potato were finely chopped

    separately. One (1) head cloves garlic, four (4) pcs. of onion and sweet

    chili pepper were also chopped. Two (2) pcs. of egg white were beaten.

    cup chopped banana peelings, cup chopped potato peelings, cup

    chopped squash peelings, 2 cup flour, 3 tbsp. rock salt, 1 tbsp. black

    peper, chopped onion, garlic and beaten egg white were mixed in a bowl.

    The mixture was stirred until it became sticky. Balls in regular size

    were made.

    For the Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawsawan), the fiber of the 250g.

    banana peelings were removed, pounded, mixed in one cup native vinegar,

    added 2 tbsp. powdered asuete. Drained in a clean cloth and placed in a

    clean bowl. Added 1 cup white sugar, 1 tbsp. rock salt, chopped onion,

    3pcs. chopped garlic, 1 tbsp. cornstarch and mixed in a bowl.


    C cup cup cup

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    The balls were deep- fried until it became golden brown. The prepared

    mixture of sauce was cook for 15- 20 minutes. The Delicious Fruvegie Balls

    with Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawsawan) were served.

    Data Collection


    Ten respondents participated in the said study. Ten randomly selected

    students from Filamer Christian College Nickolet- III high school students

    were requested to gather at the canteen. The produced food was served to

    them to be tasted. They were requested to answer a questionnaire.

    Research Instrument

    A researcher- made questionnaire was used in gathering the needed

    data for the study. 1-4 criteria for acceptability of the produced food were


    Data Analysis

    Frequency counts, percentage and ranking were used to answer

    questions 1 to 4. The data were then presented in tables and interpretation

    and analyses were undertaken.


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    Chapter 4


    Chapter 4 presents the result of the study. The data needed for the

    study were gathered using the researcher- made questionnaire. To analyze

    the data, frequency counts, percentage and ranking were used. Below are the

    presentation, analysis and interpretation result.

    The Produced Food

    The results were presented in table 1 and 2.

    In general, the researchers were able to produce Delicious Fruvegie

    Balls with Hommade Dipping Sauce of banana (saba) musa sapienta, potato

    sulanum tuberusom, and squash Cucurbita spp. peelings. In terms of

    appearance, 18 out of 20 (90%) respondents accepted the produced food. In

    terms of smell; it was found out that 18 out of 20 (90%) respondents checked

    the yes option the two was ranked second. As to color, it revealed that 16 out

    of 20 (80%) respondents responded positively, it was third in rank.


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    Finally, as to mouth- feel, 100% of respondents were convinced that

    the produced food was delicious, nutritious and it was acceptable.

    Table I

    Final Results: Frequency Counts, Percentage and Ranking

    Table II


    No. of


    Appearance Smell Color Mouth- feel Total

    Yes Yes Yes Yes YesNo No No No No

















































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    Summary of Final Result

    Chapter 5

    Table III

    Comparison of Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce and

    the commercial one.

    Acceptability A. Delicious Fruvegie Balls B.Commercial One.

    with Homemade Dipping sauceFrequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

    Appearance Yes 10 100% 10 100%No 0 0 0 0

    Smell Yes 10 100% 8 80%No 0 0 2 20%

    Color Yes 9 90% 10 100%No 1 10% 0 0

    Mouth- feel Yes 10 100% 10 100%No 0 0 0 0

    TasteYes 10 100% 7 70%No 0 0 3 30%

    Table III shows the acceptability of both products as to appearance,

    smell, color mouth- feel and taste. The Commercial one rated 10 for


    Appearance Smell Color Mouth- Feel




    18 18












    No. of Respondents in

    the Yes option

    No. of Respondents in

    the No option

    The preference is

    Yes- acceptable

    No- acceptable

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    appearance, 8 rated yes for smell, 10 for color, 10 for mouth- feel and 7 for

    taste while for Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce rated

    10 for appearance, 10 for smell, 9 for color, 10 for mouth- feel and 10 for

    taste. This implied that the respondents accepted the product as to

    appearance, smell, color mouth- feel and taste. Data further revealed that

    the new developed product was also accepted by respondents and can be

    best substitute to the commercial one.


    Chapter 5 consists of four parts, namely: (1) Summary (2) Findings

    (3) Conclusions, and (4) Recommendations.

    Part One, Summary, gives the summary of the study.

    Part Two, Findings, states the result of the study.

    Part Three, Conclusions, answers the problems in the study.

    Part Four, Recommendations, presents possible areas for future

    research and applications of the findings.


    The study aimed to produce Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade

    Dipping Sauce out of banana (saba) musa sapienta, potato solanum

    tuberusom and squash cucurbita spp. peelings. Specifically, the study wanted

    to find out its acceptability in terms of appearance, smell, color and mouth-


    The participants of the study were the 10 randomly students of Filamer

    Christian College.


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    The researchers produced the Delicious Fruvegie Balls by preparing

    and measuring all the ingredients needed in making the balls and its sauce.

    The balls were deep-fried until it became golden brown. The prepared

    mixture of sauce was cooked for 15-20 minutes. The Delicious Fruvegie Balls

    with a Homemade Dipping Sauce were served.

    Interviews with food ball vendors and food experts were conducted

    followed by several experimentation of cooking to produce a recycled food


    The data gathered using a questionnaire which was distributed among

    ten respondents. They were requested to check the appropriate box in the

    questionnaire to gather the needed data for the study.

    The data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentage and


    The findings of the study revealed that peelings of banana (saba),

    potato and squash can be recycled as Delicious Fruvegie Balls With a

    Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawsawan).

    It finds out further that the great appearance, smell, color and mouth-

    feel of the produced food may have resulted to its acceptability to the



    The following were arrived in the study:

    1. In general, the peelings of banana (saba) musa sapienta, potato

    solanum tuberusom and squash cucurbita spp. peelings can be recycled to

    produce Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce (sawsawan).


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    2. The Delicious Fruvegie Balls with a Homemade Dipping Sauce were

    acceptable in terms of appearance, color, smell and mouth-feel compared to

    the commercial one.


    In view of the aforementioned findings, the following conclusions were drawn:

    1. The economic and nutritional food value of the banana (saba) musa

    sapienta potato solanum tuberusom and squash cucurbita spp. peelings may

    have resulted to the idea of the researchers to recycle it to produce Delicious

    Fruvegie Balls with Homemede Dipping Sauce (sawsawan).

    2. The great appearance, smell, color and mouth-feel of the produced

    food may have resulted to its acceptability to the respondents.


    Based on the aforementioned findings and conclusions, the following

    recommendations were presented:

    For Students. Students will be encouraged to make investigatory

    project in order to develop science skills and processes like observing,

    describing, experimenting and others. They will learn to investigate and solve

    problems in a scientific way. They will develop awareness of the value of

    recycling, hence, involved themselves in recycling non biodegradable and

    even biodegradable garbage to reduce wastes and earn money out of it.

    For Parents. Parents will be ready to give guidance and support to

    their children in whatever activities related to Science and Health subject

    which will develop them as effective young scientists. Parents, on the other

    hand, will have an idea to recycle fruit and vegetable feelings into food to

    earn an income which is very helpful to the family.


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    For teachers. Teachers, especially science teachers, will further

    develop their knowledge and skills in doing investigatory projects to help the

    children appreciate the world of science and the work of the scientists.

    They will develop among pupils the interest in recycling garbage to

    contribute in the Solid Waste Management Programs of the government.

    Educate the pupils the advantages o recycling wastes in our environment.

    For School Administrators. They will plan, implement and support

    programs to developed the knowledge ad skills o teachers in the field o

    science specifically technology in conducting investigatory projects.

    For Future Researchers. The study strongly recommends that future

    research may be conducted on recycling o different nutritious fruits and

    vegetable peelings which are of great help in reducing wastes and

    transforming it into valuable one because it may be a source of livelihood to

    many poor Filipinos.


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    Consumers Union, Environmental Working Group

    Health and Home, 2003


    Investigative Research Process

    Scientific Research Approaches


    USDA Nutrient database

    USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 22 (2009)

    U.S. food and Drug Administration

    Websters Universal Dictionary

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    Research- made Instrument


    Respondent No. ____

    Directions: Taste the Delicious Fruvege Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce

    and check the appropriate box of YES ad NO options to determine its


    The Delicious Fruvegie Balls with Homemade Dipping Sauce are acceptable in

    terms of:

    A. Appearance

    B. Smell

    C. Color

    D. Mouth- feel







