Dealing with oil revenues: the Brazilian Experience Managing Revenues and Optimizing the Benefits of...

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Dealing with oil revenues: the Brazilian Experience

Managing Revenues and Optimizing the Benefits of Coal

and Gas Resources in Mozambique

Paulo Springer de FreitasLegislative Advisor – Brazilian SenateMaputo, 27-28 February, 2013

Disclaimer: The opinions herein expressed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Brazilian Senate.

Summary Historical Background Institutional framework Revenues Current Use Future Use Conclusions

Historical background Until 1990’s: Brazil small producer

Avarege production in the early 1990’s: 750 thousand bbd

2006: self-sufficiency (1.8 million bdd) 2011: 2.1 million bdd (peak)

2007: discovering of the pre-salt layer Potential to increase proved reserves from

15 billion boe to 30 billion boe. Might reach 100 billion boe.


Institutional framework Up to 1997: Petrobras (state-owned oil

company) had monopoly of E&P and refining 1997: Law 9.478, introduced regime of

concessions and ended the monopoly 2010: Law 12.251 “re-statization” for future

E&P in pre-salt areas. Introduction of Production Sharing Regime (PSR). Petrobras will have at least 30% of each

consortium Important consequences on revenue generation

Revenues In Brazil, two main revenues:

Royalties Gross receipts tax (10% concessions, 15% PSR) More distortionary, but no information assimetry

problem “Participação Especial” (Special

Participation) Tax on profits More efficient, allows more risk sharing, but

subject to informational assimetry problems


Revenues outlook But... things can go wrong! PSR strenghned Petrobras’ role

But can Petrobras do all the investment? Will need to invest USD 140 billion

between 2012 and 2016 Estimates of up to USD 1 trillion until


Revenues outlook Petrobras faces some constraints

Local content Price control on gasoline “Have” to invest in refineries

As important as thinking about what to do with the revenue is to create a favorable environment to generate revenue!

Revenues Outlook Oil production fell from 2.193 million

bbd to 2.139 million (-2%) from 2011 to 2012

Forecast for 2020 fell from 6 million bbd to 5.4 million bbd Must remind though that such forecasts are

very volatile

Current distribution of revenues (2012)



Special Participation (%)

Total (USD billion)

Total 100,00 100 15.718

Central Government 30,00 50 6.174

Producers - Total 61,25 50 8.921

States 26,25 40 5.472

Municipalities 26,25 10 2.785

Affected Municipalities 8,75 0 664

All local governments 8,75 0 623

Municipalities 7,00 0,0 498,0

States 1,75 0,0 124,5

Current distribution of revenues

Central Government Theoretically: Ministries of Science

and Technology; Environment and Defense (Navy)

Actually: meeting primary surpluses targets

Important for Brazil achieving macroeconomic stability

Current distribution of revenues Local level (states and municipalities)

No constraint except when there are state or municipal laws

Problems Concentration of revenues

State of Rio de Janeiro receives 75% of the revenues directed to the states. Espírito Santo gets other 15% (there are 27 states in Brazil).

Current distribution of revenues

Problems Concentration of revenues

25 Municipalities (of + 5.500 in the country) concentrate 70% of the revenue

16 in Rio de Janeiro, 5 in Espírito Santo and 4 in São Paulo.

Too fast growth Revenue for municipalities increased

1531% between 1999 and 2011! In some cases, increase reached 156000%!

Current distribution of revenues Problems

Too much money! Up to US$ 10.000 per capita of revenue

Average of US$ 800 per capita, among 20 biggest receivers

Poor use of money State of Rio de Janeiro

63% pension system 27% debt payment Only 5% environment (long term benefits)

Current distribution of revenues

Poor use of money Municipalities (ample evidence of bad

use) Macroplan (2012) Romão (2012) Oliveira (2011) Freitas (2009) Postali (2008)

Current distribution of revenues Poor use of money

Municipalities Lack of long term planning Increase in public sector jobs twice as high as

the Brazilian average; Revenues used to pay permanent expenses

High risks for financial administration Exhaustion and price volatility

Fiscal irresponsibility Emphasis on current expenses, leaving few

resources for investment

Current distribution of revenues Poor use of money

Municipalities (ample evidence of bad use) Worse conditions on water and sewage supply

compared to other cities in the same state Mediocre performance in national wide

educational tests HDI below the average of their states High crime rates Low investment in culture, leisure and


Current distribution of revenues Bad use of money

Anecdotal evidence of corruption and waste.

Good use of money Municipalities

Of course, there are also examples of good use Some programs in health, public education and

crime prevention But they are ad hoc examples, not being part of a

systematic policy

Future distribution of revenues

• Higher share of the central government

• Smaller share to producing municipalities

• More even distribution

Royalties+SP/Oil Concession PSR Concession PSR

Total 100,00 100 100 100

Central Government 30,00 22 50 100

Producers - Total 61,25 29 50 0

States 26,25 22 40

Municipalities 26,25 5 10

Affected Municipalities 8,75 2 0

All local governments 8,75 49 0 0

Municipalities 7,00 24,5 0,0

States 1,75 24,5 0,0

Royalties (%) SP/Oil (%)

Future use of revenues Still under discussion in the Congress All revenues belonging to the Central

government resulting from exploration in the pre-salt layer will be deposited in the Social Fund 50% education Rest in culture, sports, public health,

science and technology, environment

Future use of revenues Social Fund

Spend only interest income (or other earnings) But there may be exceptions, allowing to spend the

principal Too many areas to spend

For states and municipalities 100% of revenues in the future contracts

under the regime of concession will go to education

Revenues from PSR will keep unconstrained.

Future use of revenues For states and municipalities

Expenses on education: Unlike the Social Fund, might be unsustainable in

the long run In the next 20 years, the most important

source of revenues should come from PSR contracts

Likely to repeat the same problems as today.

More disperse distribution might help.

Conclusions Need to provide an institutional

framework favorable to raise revenues Large evidence of misuse of revenues

by local governments Lack of capacity Lack of planning Too much money in too few time Lax controls

Conclusions Future may be better

Higher participation of the Central government Earmarked revenue to education

Although most of the revenue will not be earmarked Oil Fund (The Social Fund) More homogeneous distribution among states and
