DAY 01 - · KUNDALINI IMMERSION ... Kundalini Yoga takes away our ‘couldn’t...

Post on 20-Aug-2018

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Transcript of DAY 01 - · KUNDALINI IMMERSION ... Kundalini Yoga takes away our ‘couldn’t...


DAY 01

FEAR INVENTORYWhat are you afraid of? List your fears here. When I ask this question, many will say, “I’m not afraid of anything.” We don’t like to think about fear because thinking about our fears scares us.

Reframe this question and write down everything that worries you, stresses you out, makes you feel tense, or anxious, or that keeps you up at night… write it down now.


FEAR INVENTORY Now look at your list. How may of these fears are likely to manifest? How many of them are realistic? Are these fears even yours? Stop feeding your fears. You’re wasting your energy unnecessarily.

Whatever you focus on will grow. Fear can sabotage your dreams. It breeds self-doubt and chips away at your confidence. Own your fear, or it will own you. Pay attention to what you’re paying attention to!

Give your power to what you want to make happen not what you’re afraid may happen.


YOUR UNFINISHED BUSINESSWrite out everything you can think of that you’ve left undone. What’s your “unfinished business?” This could be anything from:

The items on your list will range from really important to not important at all. Just write it all out now:

• a half finished book

• an apology you need to make

• someone you’ve been meaning to visit

• a work project with a looming deadline

• airline tickets to book

• groceries to buy

• a thank you note to write



Now have a look at your list. Are there items on this list that you never intend to do? Cross those off your list right away.

From the items remaining you need to identify which are urgent or very important, and which can wait. The important things on your list need to be addressed but for now, put your list aside for the next six days.

After day six, have a look at this list and identify which items are in alignment with your dream. Prioritize those!



Tackle your priority items that are in alignment with your dream first. Each of those items should be marked with a completion date and put right into your calendar.


Every day going forward, identify three priority items to work on that day. Your first item should always be the most difficult item on your list; the one you’re most likely to procrastinate on. If you do this item first, it will free up tremendous energy and momentum for the rest of the day. If you don’t, it will drain your energy because on some level it is always occupying your thoughts.

Identifying what is important and getting it in a trusted system for completion frees up mental space for your creative pursuits and greatly improves clarity and focus



GET RID OF YOUR “I COULDN’T”Saying or believing “I can’t” weakens you. It feeds your doubts and fears and gets in the way of leading a fulfilling life.

Yogi Bhajan said that, “all the problems on this planet come from this ‘couldn’t.’ It gives us a slip from our dharma, from our destiny... Kundalini Yoga takes away our ‘couldn’t’ and gives us our excellence.”

POSTURE: Sit tall in easy pose with your spine straight.

MUDRA: Bring your arms up to the level of the shoulders, elbows bent and peace fingers crossed. The mudra is at the level of the ears.

POINT OF FOCUS: Eyes closed.

MANTRA: Chant Har pumping the navel powerfully in and up, each time you say it.

SUGGESTED MUSIC: The Underlying Stars CD by Subagh Kriya, Har (Prosperity).

TIME: 11 Minutes.




Choose the cleaning project you have been most avoiding and

get it done tonight. You might need to clean out your closet, your

desktop, your junk drawer, your car, your purse. Whatever it is, get

it done before your practice tomorrow.

The author Marie Kondo, has a wonderful process for tidying up in

her book , The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. It is definitely

worth a read, but for now let’s use one of her guiding principles:

For each item you touch, ask “does this spark joy?”

This incredibly simple process puts you back in touch with your

authentic happiness. You reconnect with what brings you joy

instead of your “shoulds.”

It is true that you are capable of doing ANYTHING. However, we’re

all limited by time.

Whatever you decide to do will take up a portion of your life…is

what you’re doing worth giving up some of your precious life for?

Your DREAM needs your effort. De-clutter your life and free up the

energy to do the things that bring you joy.