Dance-Tech Interfaces

Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Introducing the approach and theoretical framework for the dance-tech interface typology. The technocultural and corporeality matrixes. Plus, further examples of work grounding the theory.

Transcript of Dance-Tech Interfaces

Dance-Technologies Interfaces

a theoretical framework for performance in the digital domain

by Isabel Valverde

PhD Dance History and TheoryUniv. California, Riverside

Technology & Format related Dance InterfacesTechnology & Format

related Dance Interfaces

mocap dance


telematic performance

interactive dance

dance installation/environme


dance installation/environme


robotic dancemultimedia dancemultimedia dance

digital dancedigital dance


virtual dancevirtual dance

dance animation

Simulation Jean Baudrillard


Questioning Technology Martin Heidegger

(The Question Concerning Technology and Other Essays,1982)

Virtuality Pierre Levy

(Becoming Virtual: Reality in the Digital Age,1998)

Tecnocultural Matrix

Hybrid models by key feminist authors theorizing corporeality, particularly on body and technology issues:

      Möbius strip Elizabeth Grosz (Volatile bodies: toward a corporeal feminism, 1994)

     Cyborg Donna Haraway ( Simians, Cyborgs and Women: The Reinvention of Nature, 1991)

Posthuman Katherine Hayles (How We Became Posthuman: Virtual Bodies in Cybernetics, Literature, and Informatic, 1999)

Corporeality Matrix

Performance/Dance MatrixNew Kinaesthesia Hillel


Ambulant Scholarship Susan Foster

Chiasm Susan Kozel

Televisual Flesh Amelia Jones

Cuna figures Michael Taussig

Surrogation Joseph Roach

Dance-Technologies Interfaces





univocal interface

Brownian Motion/Richard Lord


Biped/Cunningham, Kaiser, Eshkar, Girard

random interface

CO3/Company in Space

faceted interface


reflexive interface

telematic dreaming/Paul Sermon



SeaUnsea/Carol Brown Dances

Swap/Costa,Quintas, Costa

univocal, faceted, random or reflexive interfaces?

Will.0.w1sp/Kirk Woolford

entre-deux/kondition pluriel

TOUCH TERRAINA Participatory Hybrid Performance Environment


Isabel Valverde (choreographer, performer & researcher)

Yiannis Melanitis (performance artist & researcher)

With the participation of

Tania Barr (Animazoo-Europe, Motion Capture)

Panos (Programmer)


Portugal, Greece, and France

What For?# Towards active inter-subject intelligent embodied engagement

# Towards designing and choreographing experiences and interfaces that reverse the dominant perceptive hierarchy of vision to touch and kinaesthesia (our somatic sense of embodiment)

# To re-visite touch and kineasthesia as a basis for our relationship with our body, the world, and one another. And where visuals spring from the rich qualities of tactile and somatic experience.

# To contribute to rising awareness about and change attitudes towards subjective embodied experience within mediated/wired environments.

# To become familiar with hidden aspects of embodiment through new socializing situations.

# To address issues of body representations including cultural politics of gender, ethnicity, health and aesthetics.

# To permanently alter perceptions and consciousness.