Daily life eco-conscious living

Post on 14-May-2015

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Transcript of Daily life eco-conscious living

Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

London may soon be changing the habits of shoppers in the city and helping the environment by banning the use of the ubiquitous plastic shopping bag. Estimates are that Londoners and tourists use 1.6 billion plastic bags each year, many of which are thrown away after just one use. Shoppers may soon have to buy reusable bags in an attempt to reduce the strain on landfill sites, where the bags take 400 years to break down. Local authorities have asked the British government to ban retailers from giving away free plastic bags. A spokesman said stores should sell reusable bags and pass the money raised on to environmental projects. “As a society, we need to do far more to reduce the amount of waste we are sending to landfill and London as a city is determined to take an ambitious lead on this issue,” he said.

Retailers are up in arms at the idea and have promised to fight the government to stop the ban from going ahead. The British Retail Consortium said there was no need for the ban as it would simply cause inconvenience to shoppers. A spokesman told reporters: “We think it’s excessive and misguided [because] retailers are already committed to reducing the environmental impact of bags by 25 percent by the end of next year.” He was worried the ban would affect sales, saying: “If somebody is going to go into a supermarket or convenience store, it's hard to see in practical terms, unless they have brought a bag with them, how they will be able to buy more than a few items."

A recent survey found 92 percent of Londoners supported a total ban on plastic bags or a tax on them.

"Online activities, the mp3 and printable handouts are available for this lesson at http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com"




Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living


In what situation do you use an eco bag?

In what situations do you get plastic shopping bags?

How do you think people in Japan feel about eco bags in general? Are there ever times when

eco bags are troublesome?

In Japan, we are charged a small amount of money to get a plastic shopping bag at the supermarket. How do people feel about that?

How would people in Japan feel if plastic shopping bags were completely banned in supermarkets?

How would people in Japan feel if plastic shopping bags were completely banned EVERYWHERE?


ありふれた ___________________________________




Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

Reading 16 Questions

(1) What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

(2) How many plastic shopping bags are used in London each year?

(3) What happens to plastic shopping bags after people use them once?

(4) What alternative is London city government proposing?

(5) According to the article, how long does it take for a plastic shopping bag to disappear back into nature?

(6) Who wants plastic shopping bags to be banned; local government or national government?

(7) What is another way to say “retailer” in English?

(8) Who does the “spokesman” in paragraph 1 represent?

(9) What does the spokesman want stores to sell?

(10) Where should the money from these sales go?

(11) Do retailers like the idea to ban plastic shopping bags?

(12) What is another way to say “excessive” in English?

(13) What is another way to say “misguided” in English?

(14) What was the spokesman worried about?

(15) Are Londoners in favor of the ban?

(16) What other possibility are local authorities considering to get people to use fewer plastic shopping bags?

Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

After Reading

Japan is a country that regularly uses eco bags (reusable shopping bags), so we are kind of experts on this topic. What would you say to retailers who are afraid of losing sales because of a ban on plastic shopping bags?

How would you feel about using eco bags not just at the supermarket, but at clothing shops, electronics stores, and other places as well?

Do you think certain kinds of shops should be exempt from a plastic shopping bag ban?

People are definitely using more eco bags at the supermarket in Japan. What do you think has caused people to change their behavior?

After Reading

Interview your classmates about eco bags and graph the results. You choose the specific topic.

Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

eco bag good points

Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

eco bag problems

Daily Life: Eco-Conscious Living

Grammar Day 2-3

(Day 2)

(1) 10分間待っています。____________________________________________________________________

(2) Costcoの前で3時間待っています。___________________________________________________________

(3) 赤ちゃんが泣き続けた。(kept on)_____________________________________________________________

(4) 私たちが入り口の前で待ち続けた。(kept on)____________________________________________________

(Day 3)

(1) 私は南山の学生です。____________________________________________________________________

(2) 彼女は可愛いです。____________________________________________________________________

(3) 彼らは三重出身です。____________________________________________________________________

(4) 暑くないですか。____________________________________________________________________

(5) 忙しいですか。____________________________________________________________________

(6) 彼女は考えています。____________________________________________________________________

(7) テレビを見ていますか。____________________________________________________________________

(8) 雪が降ってますか。____________________________________________________________________

(9) 彼女は髪を染めています。____________________________________________________________________
