Cybertek - Issue #12

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Cybertek - Issue #12

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    tasue .12 - July/August 1995

    C ~ & e r t e kSO- Ct>0.. . guw . . . . . " " , -q Q" ' f t l v w"h ,he potNn' / c n o M / I : ~ " J.lllf t Mad isotl

    Tr.-CheeHboxb)' 'Tho:lmM. Icom

    n. et . . . _ t-o........ 'u . ino . loop ' " WhIt lI'M . . . . . . . _ .. . do__ ........ willI __.-'Y -"""t 10 dodooo eiIlw puty. phone.. . . . . . .. Tho . . . . W _ 10 ""'. miniolIoI _ (>(ouppon u .....ru1 bto::tior. .. hlndlod. via00I'I-..


  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybenek Issue #12 - July/August 1995.. opposed 1" . 1!Iousm>d times I secnnd .When in IIcep mode the wrrcnI

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybertek Issue #12 - July/August I99Sis completed, IltaCb \be

    Oncey{l lt- window~ golD WIitwindo'" oIeq> 30pol 0,,,,,,,-1>0 'ScoIt- pi

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    1d'1wOI" A_9P M1lPM% .w&m

    aWdup" )OPwA1DD JJ

    O -Pd(QDO"P"4 '.U

    '0-PUM MJ

    "H_PO .>P1UOa 1oOMJ _DH



  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybcrtek Issue /i 12 JulyiAupsl: 199 :5iIJcA . . . . . . rr.... hen: 10 lhcn " " , oacial ..- . . . i I ....... w f _ -. e . .. II beOII fart:ed by dwi : j I j n

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybend bsuc ' 1 2 July/August 1995r.......... ! " "" (TV) 1l')'OIl "- ' prubebl)o heve __ 10 Ildwon cellecI "CSPAN' . CSP........ ito , I"'bIic tffiin IIetWI:d 1hel .....,. tho w:rivity of lheeed bouoc of ,epoeoenltliva ritIbt inlo,.,.,.. boIne without . . . , CUt' ''iC'IIery entehld Wbeollhe boo.., and_'e_ ,in lhe)o "" "or p re l l Cl>IIfaenc:a erxIlIIOIeIinlI" of pubbc orpniaIionI. No! oaI)' doeo C!iPAN let you .... """'I YOIIr'dcclcd are up 10 ; lets )'OIl who lhondo eed . . . . ,oia ere The lIIter WI ebo be Aid of...,..;,.,..", nelworlt-tv __ tIlOt 'J"'P'II- ohowI- I f you _ .-tI it, "",wort-TV will tho Foe you ,pnaical eclucaliool .. .......,. poyddt ipal -mr., ' ' ,.. S u d I . io , . . order 10 i i i; ' _dreaive__

    (b o DueRche Wolle

    then you CMftlllll CBS, NBC. end ABC_ Mur1I Amco'i

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybcrtek Isslle ' 12 July/August I99STho M'ow 10000 Khz. . . ben.- for IIiJ;hmmo reo I ii II ; wbilo thole . . . , . . 10000 K.hz. _ bontI' fof,_" ..... Ihc l i lys....n p r . - ,. 1Iy k . . - . .,.,.... . .. "...prn' or ....... _.-e,...,......1IIday dloII ,......

    .;u, tho . d . - 01 . .' " '" . , . . Q>jIiaI. I d o e w t thII\he . . . . . . . . 01"-- p e r - - '

    ................ ,.. , t . ~ o " , , , , , , , " " _ I O ......... oIfl ' T h _ boDd' . ...._..,.....o .IiItIa _ -'"-- dIeir - . p r - . So. . . . . _,.. . . . . . . . .olbll . . . poo""-. _ l b e . . . . o l Mlo_ it'

    TlooR __ - , . 17 ; ' t , t _ . . p r . - ............ . . . . .., 1O. . . r - 0 I . . , . 1iI_ . . . . . . . . bB d l .. "" . . . . . . . ,.. , ... . . f r ' t O n fr ' f M i t _,...... .. _ io ..__.... V J'Il'iw l D d l q "" it, ,.,... . &14 it . ( . 1 " fM f_ , t S r ..... .. 8 iiI) . '? t l \IOU' local ...Noble book__ 01J'Il'i.- . . . it " ' 1lIIIiI.

    ....... , . ..... - . . - ... ' _ _ 1 " ' - " , ...""-'I . , . . . - rBBSoj A BDS , ii ' thII piMn, ioldi\ t"" far die I U . . - of Dlbor,..,pc caIIiott .... it 10 Icnc puIllic ' ll""' ' ' ';- . . (..-i) odacr ..... , , , D h e ...... Sor. o I . - . . BBS o are _ M A e d ..tIidI_ dIoI J ' I l ' i . - IOIAb.1oCII ca l 10 . BBS, 8. . . have it d I I l r i b u o a o l _ l b e ~ ill.24 boon E - y " n ' , , . .ad .. 1Ia alllaol BBS dIoI iopan

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybmck Issue 11 12 July/August 1995will poh

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybenck Issue' 12 - JulyfAugug l99S

    .... - u . . . r ~ ....o ..,...P O 8OlI190SBoulOiye their_ inl'ortroIrioo ), remOIcdiII-ins for PBX ....WATS-. . .dors, IIld _ u i"ll ....._ _ IIId R.'C ib ican. bhkyC l fOTMF. , ' -" f '_ . y _ IVC M l I c I O I I I ) ~ .. , . . . . . .

    iO 1IiIo- UlIII. 1iaIo _ .. ... Jraad,o. Y""_ _ .Ior bJ -, a : J d o = I ~ IN! tIIis.... ....... o&>oiw:, b7.... .. . ,- _ -.1 , - - . ........, . h 10 die . . . . . tbon............-'tJ-__ 1 ~ ( ' c N c . _ _ . . , l b ,0.-. ...... or dI.-I _ a"",-'" 11oo be . . . . . SiIlai "" ' IigMlt woukl k popimry. IIOCUIity .....ld beiDaoaD1 .Tho ICI

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybcnck Issue ' 12- July/August 1995n.e _ 01caIlor10 (ClD) . . , . . It.IC dMIclr.. By P" I l h t l mule one will be K>le 10 t .... COItIdwD Even ill ... a1 , CO ,OC eoo>d>tion )'c.I CIII tcqUinl tilt r. 'Y....1IfitII&om a dejNolE_. II..... \loll .wy apencI SlO fOr afleW piece 01equipnocnI y

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybertek Issue Jl 12 July/August 1995The maxim 'tI>Im who do IIOl study hislory Me doomed to repel! it' rlU ogoin pial' " !JUly in Ihio cue For eumple.

    ossem:iaIIy C'I'a)' culture Iw built Ilridgs; ill fact, bridge building, lbUOIlIY, goes< iftto the dept'" o f Yet C'I'a)'culture. ",ba l loaming to huiId bridges Iw made IalD>CJOIIJ mistakes, usually coo:tins IaIIIIeT1lUI IaImID Iivca. This is the price...,.;. 'ed wilh Iw1Iing. \t iding 1bese de>"lopm"ul . - . . a l l y 1ead110 the a;;ien:The Id\'ancing poIici"" ofbolb ir

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybenek luuc ' 12 JulylAl18 l15t I99SbIIIiI)o ...,n. ,...n;.. up 1Mold ..- 100......... ..... replKine iI ".;m ....monc. .II iIllhc inI_ al .............. MIdncoa,......

    CnDraI p " '.. .. ' IoIifI'lQ altloo '" . . . tIoo iIIlrua'uo:Iuft 0 (. . _ , 1ob;lI 1iU ..... *''''Y.,... ... _ _bocl,. . . . . . jOo ' I Ir!d _ io l _ ... Ih t ,.., doc 01 _ .._ I,~ o . . . . . . . . . . i I . ~ " ' _ i l II _ .... . . , iI,oI.. ,Opo . . . . . . ..-.,.. lD any . . . doc.... , ." . . . . . . . . . "'. . . . .a tIndI) Ii+ I illha ' b a . . r a t . -III"'"'NCBt ...'" il l . . . . . . . . _

    lM "1__ ow, .... \lIe1CDD1l1I5oU Tdo, ' C ;", "

    eu ' , I I f , ....... - - - - . tiD. cK .. . jOo. . . .. atoooU.,. crib

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybertck Issue #12 July/August 199jObvioul ritill tIrgeli ...., \be l...go fundi trInIft:r Detwod.. II\ICh u SWIFT; banJiootlygetwhat they.-dThis i t all. ~ juIIl iciD& upockin&. mel n>iI !rlJIIpo1t e&l'I&11 be through Ibcir ochecIuIin& mel coordination lySIenti[The topic of transporution brings oo:Wl d i an ana!yoil of lilJ'Otl anti -IClTorism KCUrity meuur.. Ieadt to

    i m e r e s t i l l t l ~ , It wouldbe ..Juc.tional tOr the reodcr 10 conoider the rOOJImel .-.tu of terror Itlacl

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybcnek ls5ue , 12 - Ju/yIAlolgIl'lI IWS........ }.Ihqt....." it UId they l1lkI by _ I IU I " '.L a . . . "'" !My _ ...owidul . "*' ofiMellipnoIlO the 01 9."oIl; it IlIo ~ Nnn looIa by C 'tho Iype ofl......... 10W8"'l 1O do !hom daInage ,)

    Gr-..d, ..a.. 1ft)' ' '''hOOlOl!Y . u n iI dit'lklllt. juIl . . with locked . - . Ilocft . . . plcoIy of . . . , . . 10 pid< IoU..D""door. . . , . ke)' e thc_ lo l l " " ' ' ' ;............... . Ado! to a t t h c ~ w t I o 1f t241 ! 10 be: """ 1 f t : 1 ..ty . . .... at. . , . - . l ike ..... -... __ -.. tIoqo- . . . M,.,.t. u.-. . -pa:_ _ Tlioft il,k , .a . l l i l l o en_ f l L d lt " 1 ",,-,M : p o I ' U .S.. . 1 "' 'I) ...wt lIoo ....._ -.It "" c:xperNd ond. .. the U 5 WOOIIId be: il l ofbea!tU; .....we10tw.I

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybertek 1s.'IUe N12 . July/August 1995,.,.;pier r;tylollltao:U Call"ll" ot!he &Iloul fi'OIn w fIOI"er polit ict _ bld;.r;tabblr 'l NATO pm-moiaprior...... ...... 1- 10 Ihc 0Wf QxdIio::I ' - ..... w J.dolr1 _ .tIouI jHo.idi1,. IClYuIo::al .-pono.,._ tbol ..-y be lUmed apimI NATO fIlrt:a by thew eaIfTeIIl; ...-s. or. . . _ the ....-ry ,..;u, s.ddam H..- in

    ""'" . . . . s .di Anl:Iit.. by KqIIiriIIa doInLe _ ot IlIiI.. !he U S _ a l ! h e IbiliIy 10 ' or -.0,. .... . coded IiplI/. .., I 1II JYIl. .. u.. i5 otAD. ' 'ou/l:. _, 'SudI . , . . . ...... doMNo....,. ..' oa.u I_ P'"NS" ....._) GOld_ otirc.y .J.paI lholikllly IMir ' . ."'0I....,._u......,1Oor I ' ._ ... . , ._ . dill ..d i I ot."..,;jed td. . . , . "Japu 1lIII c..

    ~ : = : - - : 7 ' . . . : : : : n . f o r a : - " : .__ . = - ~ : : " ' ' : : - ~ ~ ~, . to _ 'IbcwT 01' =i up. when: die eo. 'A l l be ..,.h;wc. ..,. time, ,..;u,

    " ' ot 1eI lU'OIS ol l* l iwto dto 1hryCD _ T k ~ . . . , . . . s a . . \rinuaI' . . . . . ... _ t s _ k tQCbd b y _ b u t _ ~ d o e . . , . C I O l I dIe ..... IO 1Obe "",,!iPW _lEI lbel CD be pal for b) 1* IICll ot'lidio!& the p ' ne proSt 01 c..-. 01.. . . 1- Ioa.u ,. I .... of 'Carb ' . -I 'I.ol< no lh l : pAD thol i t ""'l'J:ired i5 the I of a J uuaic pcnrInDoa c:omp,Iler...",. . - I iru-. end theaploiIa""" ol __ "'ll 'tIrBft1 ot oppar1UIIity ' SudI k.. .. 1 ill" doco - . as)'d, arc- OIl lnItI., ... pcrh&pI I " '"tt.olfuIIoI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . tbe I ' ) 'WII" deoire 10carry . . . . . jHOS' ' ' ' ' lUCll. Plecipitc1be """""' . . __ laded 10 e l l o : u l ~ lhe....,;.a ..... ....,. ' u , ... .; iIocloo:ol. lhI io. bene6t, . adi.", rt..... ...., beaI ......_a1 in die put . . . . . . . or ...... !hoy W lCIMlal, . . . . . . . . . . . IlIUIIIy in

    .. I LII . . . ......a: lUdIas PI ; .....w lIf8II ........,.. aro:i leloe.u _ f: r I... n Ew:h .....

    . . . . . cuuIcI "" -. . l bJ redo . . . . . . IlIXb. W'idI _1 l l I d beoo$. -...JdI" 11)'I (1daIy . _buill cnadt __ - . I I opecdiI: . . .her tlocIl . . . . . . . . . ;; ia l l ) , wQ .. 0Ihcr . . . . . _ "'yt ' do 01I I I Jew"" lIIdi . .a - , l l IKb'ua _ ......... T...;. . . . . . , . . " . il l I we . , . t:w "'Y by

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybertek IMllt" /tI2 l llly/AUSUS' 1mCrypIosnpIIiI: w l I o d I ~ . . . . IIle.... I. 01. . . . , . . . . . . ._ i t . . . . . . p '" Uy ..; ; _ ; ; ; ~ . die aM . . 0 IIIc ... ioAd ... . apcriool ol-. - . J . - __ ,"'c." Wfo l tM poir '..... lII6 l*fu ru... ...Dol( Ihuo Ibe.,.._ ... iIl..... _ d o l l mia 1IIIdt ..doiIba....,. ...... 71 b,. ~ < I i ,ptio&bllfol ........

    l i t apcn....-..;o.. .,..""" tlw IyI lem led""" ID . . . . . rmm the ,..... lIlUi _md iIIfiIlratian, .... NMioMl SewrityApncy. bas beeo -.nns lhar inability 10comcllhe poublem formaD)'''''''_ NSARtO...-. '- . . . e ' IyI lem . . . .aplKn 1IICb . . . . . . MULTlCS """*'. Je'I tIleoewon '-ahdIIcd yaRl@OII,-lbo odvana:of"""" . '. . . . . ,.. .h ....'11 (whidl _ .. fao:t. UM 1M proleaioa . . . . . . .nj_

    10 tbttr _1dvI r I lap) Quilc.-nJlly. . . . . . . _ Iinle ...... 10 adI . . . . . . . . .u ...__ .,-" ' " ' ......kt _ balI!fIl lit . a KbIIDI .,..... WlIowaIId JWIlllf" 1u _ . .CItIkn era41lb;ks TPmt.... r-o edlUi....... .. d8D . bIPIY .............

    4.1 'h i Suk Atbd.Once the llillllerifttl lMOll bu 00, a1bat. StIDClIId World unr.b le10 e:

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybenck Wue ' 12 - July/Augusl I995[bl'l 1eo ?N ' "HI _ Ilpr a ......"........ - . __ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . ._ ,. . .-_ . . ... , _eradod l ha l ;

    DoYina 1ho:mJ, trobiliIy altO! time .... 011 tboIlicle or \he 1111ld

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    CyWnd 1S5lJd 12 -July/August I b1b_ .. ...-......u oouId be""'" ....... ,.._Nul _.0_ ..-e- . . I il l \he . '...... __..,............... . ",.-.0 _ , . . . . . . pr Io la'*z rm .il . . . . . . . .... . - . l . . n . by .... , . . . . .""-Y illloo Fa! . _ dcgtl>e or Jow.IM!I oonfbot could ..." . . . . . . . . . . .'c _ D ....... by 'aIIia'

    Illli. . . """" 01""" ( ~ t h e prt>IlI'&fnI . . irioted ill l. .e l ll'ld 0.......,.,. to build. oompel_ ill Precipioee J!YIe an.ocl..), ...An. IWl usqe IjJ&iftst hooItiIe '_ oM:' tarp!1(nct . . . . . . . lhc . . . . . . otpouibiktjl, view i1.\be 1IlO-'I"" ' . . . . 10 pid< . t .. ,.hac, . . . . . . . . .__ " " ' " ' people "be:Jme ' he " '0 .....,.. juol .. -el l . . DUll......C>OftIIlU*....--_ - . . . . ,1 ~ I o " " " a-. teo' I rd..,. "I CIll *'_,tBy MY ......... '.. . rm..,.., thoy QtI , _ will(TI. . onlcle oriaiNlly wnn .. . two,.,.. "WO . Oddly 'lib I t the time nobody ""'-l I . . . . oboul. oincel/IcQ,.. . topic t-n _1tIOOleCI . . Tbc Fammi . Dc WoP Sw:a ""mal _ wide - *Y of ......., poo;w boob I re.rc - . -.. Ai " toay!Mlll did doa>-iI il jull a _ of Wl.-ldoda'. . .pea _ doll tbeQlpWliri- _ ) 10.. Ihiro IIlrtOf _ .......w crop up il l _ .. .,." IfVUP of people ..", . . . . widI. . . adl b.....iao! AartllloIdc- . . . , . . - b . . . . . "" ' " __ ~ 1

    nJim Tefl's Magic Eib:lr

    n.s.....-tY ' " * . I b n , d . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .f ar p... .... 1jlj l i . .... ol__ 1BdIdd ... ... , , . ,o l lpllle . . . . . ~ .....t ' ,J_ Ioonqo( " ' _ el kIr. 12 (b : bMle. _ IJ) c u p ~ Q d o r , . ; " q p r 1 / cup harIey.1IlIIS 6ll widl __r owM.'.Sou C",_


    .'..._ .. _.fn. ,...v..u ...- . ... ~ - . , r ;' '... .....~ I I I d . . . . ._ ....,.,.. , Scr>d it I -[)ok."'''r.o. ......B. . . _"Nl"_TTN,f__

    Pl se 18

  • 8/3/2019 Cybertek - Issue #12


    Cybcnd. lue /t12 July/August 1995-"""""For I ,,_oed vl_ do:)' l i lt 1OClIOCJ . . . . 1iwlI .. II.- IbrM . . . . . "" ' " __ " ' . . . . . . vl.1 t ' ~ - - ' _ " ' I ' .e_'---aot