CURRICULUM VITAE Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of …hauser/vita_rmh_122508.pdfRobert M. Hauser...

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Executive Officer

The American Philosophical Society

Vilas Research Professor of Sociology, Emeritus Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Sociology, Emeritus The University of Wisconsin-Madison January 2, 2018 (Philadelphia office) (Philadelphia home) 104 South 5th Street 604 South Washington Square, Apt 1809 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Philadelphia, PA 19106 Phone: 215-440-3435 Phone: 215-309-5403 FAX: 215-440-3436 Mobile: 608-209-4328 E-mail: RMHAUSER [at] AMPHILSOC [dot] ORG (Madison office) (Madison home) Department of Sociology 360 West Washington Avenue, #905 University of Wisconsin-Madison Madison, Wisconsin 53703 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Phone: 608-441-6113 Phone: 608-262-4715 or 262-2182 Mobile: 608-209-4328 FAX: 608-262-8400 E-mail: HAUSER [at] SSC [dot] WISC [dot] EDU Home page: (DC home) 4600 Connecticut Avenue, NW, #307 Washington, DC 2008 Phone: 202-244-0471 SCHOOLING: B.A., Economics, The University of Chicago, June 1963 M.A., Sociology, The University of Michigan, August 1966 Ph.D., Sociology, The University of Michigan, December 1968 POSITIONS HELD: Research Assistant, Operations Research Office of Johns Hopkins University (now Research

Analysis Corporation, McLean, Va.), 1959-62 (summers).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser

Research Assistant, Jack Meltzer Associates, Urban Renewal and City Planning Consultants.

Chicago, Illinois, 1962-63. Research Assistant to Professor David Goldberg, Population Studies Center, The University of

Michigan, Summer, 1964. Research and Teaching Assistant to Mr. John Scott, Detroit Area Study, Department of

Sociology, The University of Michigan, 1964-65. Assistant Professor, Research, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Brown University,

1967-69. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1969-71. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1971-73. Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1973-present. Fellow, Center for Advanced Studies in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California, 1977-78. Visiting Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Vienna, Austria, June 1980. Samuel A. Stouffer Professor of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1981-2010. Hilldale Professor of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1983-87. Visiting Professor, Department of Sociology, The University of Bergen, Norway, December

1983 - June 1984. Director, Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1985-89. Vilas Research Professor of Sociology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1987-2010. Director, Institute for Research on Poverty, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1991-94. Visiting Scholar, Board on Testing and Assessment, National Research Council, February 1998 -

June 1998. Director, Center for Demography of Health and Aging, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1998-2010. Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, 2001-02.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Visiting Fellow, National Research Council, 2009. Visiting Professor, Peking University, 2010. Interim Executive Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, 2010-2011. Executive Director, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, 2011-2016. Corresponding Research Fellow, Institute for European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, 2011- . Executive Officer, American Philosophical Society, 2017- . SPECIAL HONORS OR AWARDS: Metropolitan Community Research Fellow, The University of Michigan, 1963-64. National Institutes of Mental Health Fellow in Social Organization and Human Ecology, The

University of Michigan, 1965-67. Phi Kappa Phi, December 1965. Sociological Research Association, 1972. H.I. Romnes Faculty Fellowship, Research Committee of the University of Wisconsin Graduate

School, 1976. Nominee, Alan T. Waterman Award of the National Science Foundation, The University of

Wisconsin Division of Social Sciences, 1976. Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1977. Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1977-78. Fellow, American Statistical Association, 1978. Member, National Academy of Sciences, 1984. Fellow, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1984. Fellow, Guggenheim Foundation, 1984-85.

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Who's Who in America, 1986, Who's Who in American Science, Who's Who in the World, 1993. Paul F. Lazarsfeld Award, Methodology Section, American Sociological Association, 1986. Fellow, National Academy of Education, 1998. National Associate, National Research Council, 2003. Award for Distinguished Contributions to the Teaching of Sociology, American Sociological Association, 2003. Member, American Philosophical Society, 2005. Fellow, Gerontological Society of America, 2007. Fellow, American Educational Research Association, 2008. Willard Waller Distinguished Career Award, Sociology of Education Section, American Sociological Association, 2010. Robert M. Hauser Distinguished Career Award, Inequality, Poverty, and Mobility Section, American Sociological Association, 2011 (inaugural recipient). Ernest W. Burgess Fellow, American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2013. Honorary Professor of Sociology, Peking University, 2017. DOCTORAL DISSERTATION: Family, School, and Neighborhood Factors in Educational Performances in a Metropolitan School System, under the supervision of Professor Otis Dudley Duncan, The University of Michigan, 1968. BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS: Hauser, Robert M. Socioeconomic Background and Educational Performance. Rose Monograph Series, American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., 1971. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. Education, Occupation, and Earnings: Achievement in the Early Career. New York: Academic Press, 1975.

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Sewell, William H., Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman, eds. Schooling and Achievement in American Society. New York: Academic Press, 1976. Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. The Process of Stratification: Trends and Analyses. New York: Academic Press, 1977. Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. Opportunity and Change. New York: Academic Press, 1978. (Excerpted in David B. Grusky, ed., Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994: pp. 265-275; pp. 325-35 in 2nd ed., 2001; pp. 426-436 in 3rd ed., 2008). Hauser, Robert M., David Mechanic, Archibald O. Haller, and Taissa S. Hauser, eds. Social Structure and Behavior: Essays in Honor of William H. Sewell. New York: Academic Press, 1982. Hauser, Robert M., Brett V. Brown, and William Prosser, eds. Indicators of Children’s Well-Being. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997. National Research Council. High Stakes: Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation. Heubert, Jay P., and Robert M. Hauser, eds. Report of the Committee on Appropriate Test Use, Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1999. National Research Council. Measuring Literacy: Performance Levels for Adults. Hauser, Robert M., Christopher F. Edley, Jr., Judith Anderson Koenig, and Stuart W. Elliott, eds. Report of the Committee on Standards for Adult Literacy, Board on Testing and Assessment, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2005. National Research Council. Conducting Biosocial Surveys: Collecting, Storing, Accessing, and Protecting Biospecimens and Biodata. Hauser, Robert M., Barney Cohen, Maxine Weinstein, and Robert Pool, eds. Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2010. National Research Council and National Academy of Education. High School Dropout, Graduation, and Completion Rates: Better Data, Better Measures, Better Decisions. Hauser, Robert M., and Judith Anderson Koenig, eds. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2010. National Research Council. A Plan for Evaluating the District of Columbia’s Public Schools: From Impressions to Evidence. Committee on the Independent Evaluation of DC Public Schools. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2011.

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RESEARCH ARTICLES PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS: Hauser, Robert M. “Schools and the Stratification Process,” American Journal of Sociology 74 (May 1969):587-6ll. Hauser, Robert M. “Context and Consex: A Cautionary Tale,” American Journal of Sociology 75 (January 1970):645-664. Hauser, Robert M. “Educational Stratification in the United States,” Sociological Inquiry 40 (Spring 1970):102-129. Reprinted in Edward O. Laumann (ed.), Social Stratification: Research and Theory for the 1970's. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1970, pp.102-129. Hauser, Robert M., and Arthur S. Goldberger. “The Treatment of Unobservable Variables in Path Analysis,” Pp. 81-117 in Herbert L. Costner (ed.), Sociological Methodology 1971. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1971. (Reprinted by Social Systems Research Institute, Series No. 254. Madison, Wisconsin.) Hauser, Robert M. “Disaggregating a Social-Psychological Model of Educational Attainment.” Pp. 255-284 in Arthur S. Goldberger and Otis D. Duncan (eds.), Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences. New York: Seminar Press, 1973. (Preprinted in Social Science Research 1 (June 1972):159-188.) Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “Causes and Consequences of Higher Education: Models of the Status Attainment Process,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 54 (December 1972):851-861. (Reprinted in William H. Sewell, Robert M. Hauser and David L. Featherman (eds.), Schooling and Achievement in American Society. New York: Academic Press, 1976, pp. 9-27.) Hauser, Robert M. “Socioeconomic Background and Differential Returns to Education.” Pp. 129-145 in Louis C. Solmon and Paul J. Taubman (eds.), Does College Matter? Some Evidence on the Impacts of Higher Education. New York: Academic Press, 1973. Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. “Trends in the Occupational Mobility of U.S. Men, 1962-70,” American Sociological Review 38 (June 1973):302-310. (Preprinted in Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association (1972):7-13.) Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “On the Measurement of Occupation in Social Surveys,” Sociological Methods and Research 2 (November 1973):239-251. Featherman, David L., Robert M. Hauser, and William H. Sewell. “Toward Comparable Data on Inequality and Stratification: Perspectives on the Second Generation of National Mobility Studies,” The American Sociologist 9 (February 1974):18-25. (Reprinted in Current Research in Sociology, ed. by Margaret S. Archer (supplement to Current Sociology Vol. XVI). The Hague:

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Mouton, (August 1974):383-397. Also reprinted in Kulonlenyomat a Demografia 17 Budapest, (1974):102-107.) Hauser, Robert M. “Contextual Analysis Revisited,” Sociological Methods and Research 2 (February 1974):365-375. Hauser, Robert M., and Peter J. Dickinson. “Inequality on Occupational Status and Income,” American Educational Research Journal 11 (Spring 1974):161-168. Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. “White-Nonwhite Differentials in Occupational Mobility Among Men in the United States, 1962-1972,” Demography 11 (May 1974):247-265. Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. “Socioeconomic Achievements of U.S. Men, 1962-1972,” Science 185 (July 26, 1974):325-331. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 120. Madison, Wisconsin.) Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Design for a Replicate Study of Social Mobility in the United States.” Pp. 219-252 in Kenneth C. Land and Seymour Spilerman (eds.), Social Indicator Models. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1975. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 156. Madison, Wisconsin.) Alwin, Duane F., and Robert M. Hauser. “The Decomposition of Effects in Path Analysis,” American Sociological Review 40 (February 1975):37-47. (Reprinted in Peter V. Marsden (ed.) Linear Models in Social Research. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981:123-140.) Hauser, Robert M., John N. Koffel, Harry P. Travis, and Peter J. Dickinson. “Temporal Change in Occupational Mobility: Evidence for Men in the United States,” American Sociological Review 40 (June 1975):279-297. Hauser, Robert M., Peter J. Dickinson, Harry P. Travis, and John N. Koffel. “Structural Changes in Occupational Mobility Among Men in the United States,” American Sociological Review 40 (October 1975):585-598. Featherman, David L., F. Lancaster Jones, and Robert M. Hauser. “Assumptions of Social Mobility Research in the U.S.: The Case of Occupational Status,” Social Science Research 4 (December 1975):329-360. (Reprinted in Wlodzimierz Wesolowski, Kazimierz M. Slomczynski, and Bogdan W. Mach (eds.), Social Mobility in Comparative Perspective. Warsaw: Ossolineum, The Polish Academy of Sciences Press, 1978. Also reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 183. Madison, Wisconsin.) Mason, William M., Robert M. Hauser, Alan C. Kerckhoff, Sharon Sandomirsky Poss, and Kenneth Manton. “Models of Response Error in Student Reports of Parental Socioeconomic Characteristics.” Pp. 443-494 in William H. Sewell, Robert M. Hauser, and David L.

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Featherman (eds.), Schooling and Achievement in American Society. New York: Academic Press, 1976. Hauser, Robert M., William H. Sewell, and Duane F. Alwin. “High School Effects on Achievement.” Pp. 309-341 in William H. Sewell, Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman (eds.), Schooling and Achievement in American Society. New York: Academic Press, 1976. (Preprinted as “High School Contexts and Achievement,” in Rolf Ziegler (ed.), Anwendung Mathematischer Verfahren sur Analyse des Statuszuweisungsprozesses. Kiel: Institut fur Soziologie der Christian-Albrechtes-Universitat, March 1975.) Hauser, Robert M., and William H. Sewell. “Recent Developments in the Wisconsin Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Socioeconomic Achievement,” Sociological Microjournal 10 (1976), Fiche 52. Copenhagen: Sociological Institute. Hauser, Robert M. “Review Essay: On Boudon's Model of Social Mobility,” American Journal of Sociology 81 (January 1976):911-928. Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. “Equality of Schooling: Trends and Prospects,” Sociology of Education 49 (April 1976):99-120. Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Prestige or Socioeconomic Scales in the Study of Occupational Achievement?” Sociological Methods and Research 4 (May 1976):403-422. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 216. Madison, Wisconsin; excerpted in David B. Grusky, ed., Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994: pp. 219-221; pp. 271-73 in 2nd ed., 2001; pp. 202-04 in 3rd ed., 2008). Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Sexual Inequalities and Socioeconomic Achievement in the U.S., 1962-1973,” American Sociological Review 41 (June 1976):462-483. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 202. Madison, Wisconsin.) Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Changes in the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Races, 1962-1973,” American Journal of Sociology 82 (November 1976):621-651. (Reprinted in Karl E. Taeuber, James A. Sweet, and Larry L. Bumpass (eds.), Social Demography. New York: Academic Press, 1978, pp. 197-229. Also reprinted in Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 209. Madison, Wisconsin.) Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “On the Effects of Families and Family Structure on Achievements.” Pp. 255-283 in Paul J. Taubman (ed.), Kinometrics: The Determinants of Educational Attainment, Mental Ability, and Occupational Success Within and Between Families. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1977.

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Bielby, William T., and Robert M Hauser, “Structural Equation Models.” Pp. 137-161 in Annual Review of Sociology, 1977. Palo Alto: Annual Reviews, Inc., 1977. Bielby, William T., Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman. “Response Errors of Nonblack Males in Models of the Stratification Process.” Pp. 227-251, Chapter 14, in Arthur S. Goldberger and Dennis J. Aigner (eds.), Latent Variables in Socioeconomic Models. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1977. Bielby, William T., Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman. “Response Errors of Black and Nonblack Males in Models of the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status,” American Journal of Sociology 82 (May 1977):1242-1288. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 313. Madison, Wisconsin.) Hauser, Robert M., and Thomas N. Daymont. “Schooling, Ability, and Earnings: Cross-sectional Findings 8 to 14 Years After High School Graduation,” Sociology of Education 50 (July 1977):182-206. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 261. Madison, Wisconsin.) Bielby, William T., and Robert M. Hauser. “Response Error in Earnings Functions for Nonblack Males,” Sociological Methods and Research 6 (November 1977):241-280. (Reprinted by Institute for Research on Poverty, Series No. 269. Madison, Wisconsin. Reprinted in Peter V. Marsden (ed.) Linear Models in Social Research. Beverly Hills: Sage, 1981:257-298.) Bielby, William T., Robert M. Hauser, and David L. Featherman. “Response Errors of Nonblack Males in Models of the Stratification Process,” Journal of the American Statistical Association 72 (December 1977):723-735. (Not the same as the above.) Hauser, Robert M., and David L. Featherman. “Occupations and Social Mobility in the United States,” Sociological Microjournal 12 (1978), Fiche 62. Copenhagen: Sociological Institute. Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper, No. 78-26. University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wisconsin. Hauser, Robert M. “A Structural Model of the Mobility Table,” Social Forces 56 (March 1978):919-953. Hauser, Robert M. “Some Exploratory Methods for Modeling Mobility Tables and Other Cross-Classified Data.” Pp. 413-458 in Karl F. Schuessler (ed.), Sociological Methodology 1980. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1979. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Aspirations and Achievements.” Pp. 59-99 in Alan C. Kerckhoff (ed.), Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization: A Research Annual, Volume I. Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1980.

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Sewell, William H., Robert M. Hauser, and Wendy C. Wolf. “Sex, Schooling and Occupational Status.” American Journal of Sociology 86 (November 1980):551-583. (Reprinted in David B. Grusky, ed., Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994: pp. 633-649). Janssen, Susan , and Robert M. Hauser. “Religion, Socialization, and Fertility,” Demography 18 (November 1981):511-528. Hauser, Robert M. “The Structure of Social Relationships: Cross-Classifications of Mobility, Kinship, and Friendship,” IHS Journal 5 (1981):1-51. ( Also pp. 205-267, in R.M. Hauser, D. Mechanic, A.O. Haller, and T.S. Hauser (eds.) Social Structure and Behavior: Essays in Honor of William H. Sewell. New York: Academic Press, 1982.) Hauser, Robert M. “Hope for the Mobility Ratio,” Social Forces 60:2 (December 1981):572-584. Hauser, Robert M. “Occupational Status in the 19th and 20th Centuries,” Historical Methods 15:3 (Summer 1982):111-126. Hauser, Robert M., Shu-ling Tsai, and William H. Sewell. “A Model of Stratification with Response Error in Social and Psychological Variables,” Sociology of Education 56 (January 1983):20-46. Massagli, Michael P., and Robert M. Hauser. “Response Variability in Self and Proxy Reports of Paternal and Filial Socioeconomic Characteristics,” American Journal of Sociology 89 (September 1983):420-431. Hauser, Robert M., and Michael P. Massagli. “Some Models of Agreement and Disagreement in Repeated Measures of Occupation,” Demography 20 (November 1983):449-460. Grusky, David B., and Robert M. Hauser. “Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries,” American Sociological Review 49 (February 1984):19-38. (Reprinted in David B. Grusky, ed., Social Stratification: Class, Race, and Gender in Sociological Perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1994: pp. 275-289; pp. 336-43 in 2nd ed., 2001). Hauser, Robert M. “Some Cross-Population Comparisons of Family Bias in the Effects of Schooling on Occupational Status,” Social Science Research 13 (June 1984):159-187. Hauser, Robert M. “Vertical Class Mobility in England, France, and Sweden,” Acta Sociologica 27 (1984,2):87-110. (“Corrigenda” in Acta Sociologica 27 (1984,4):387-390).

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Hauser, Robert M., and William H. Sewell, “Birth Order and Educational Attainment in Full Sibships,” American Educational Research Journal 22 (Spring 1985):1-23. (Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 83-31). Hauser, Robert M., and Peter A. Mossel. “Fraternal Resemblance in Educational Attainment and Occupational Status,” American Journal of Sociology 91 (November 1985):650-73. (Reprinted in Data Inference in Observational Settings, edited by Peter Davis, SAGE Publications, 2013.) Hauser, Robert M., and William H. Sewell “Family Effects in Simple Models of Education, Occupational Status, and Earnings: Findings from the Wisconsin and Kalamazoo Studies,” Journal of Labor Economics 4 (July 1986, Part 2):S83-S115. (Also available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 84-29. [Published in Hungarian in Varnai Gyorgyi (szerkezto): 1985. A Tarsadalmi Struktura, az Eletmod es a Tudat Alakulasa Magyarorszagon. Budapest: MSZMP KB Tarsadalomtudomanyi Intezete. Varnai, G. (ed.) 1985. Changes in the Social Structure, Way of Life and Consciousness in Hungary. Budapest: Institute of Social Sciences, The Central Committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers' Party.]) Hauser, Robert M., and Peter A Mossel. “Some Structural Equation Models of Sibling Resemblance in Educational Attainment and Occupational Status.” Pp. 108-37, 298-307 in P. Cuttance and R. Ecob (eds.), Structural Modeling by Example: Applications in Education and the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Cambridge University Press, 1987. Hauser, Robert M. “A Note on Two Models of Sibling Resemblance,” American Journal of Sociology 93 (May 1988):1401-23. Hauser, Robert M., and David Grusky. “Cross National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions,” American Sociological Review 53 (October 1988):723-41. Albonetti, Celesta, John Hagan, Ilene N. Bernstein, and Robert M. Hauser. “Criminal Justice Decision-Making as a Stratification Process: The Role of Race and Stratification Resources in Pre-Trial Release,” Journal of Quantitative Criminology 5 (1989):57-82. Hauser, Robert M., and Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong. “Sibling Resemblance and Inter-Sibling Effects on Educational Attainment,” Sociology of Education 62 (July 1989):149-171. Allison, Paul D., and Robert M. Hauser. “Reducing Bias in Estimates of Linear Models by Remeasurement of a Random Subsample,” Sociological Methods and Research 19 (May 1991):466-491. Hauser, Robert M., and Douglas K. Anderson. “Post-High School Plans and Aspirations of Black and White High School Seniors: 1976-1986” Sociology of Education 64 (October 1991): 263-277.

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Hauser, Robert M., and John A. Logan. “How Not to Measure Intergenerational Occupational Persistence,” American Journal of Sociology 98 (May 1992): 1689-1711. Hout, Michael, and Robert M. Hauser. “Symmetry and Hierarchy in Social Mobility: A Methodological Analysis of the CASMIN Model of Class Mobility,” European Sociological Review 8 (December 1992): 239-66. Wong, Sin-Kwok Raymond, and Robert M. Hauser. “Trends in Occupational Mobility in Hungary Under Socialism,” Social Science Research 21 (December 1992): 419-44. Hauser, Robert M., William H. Sewell, John A. Logan, Taissa S. Hauser, Carol Ryff, and Maurice M. MacDonald. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Adults as Parents and Children at Age 50,” IASSIST Quarterly 16 (1/2) (Spring-Summer 1992): 23-38. Hauser, Robert M. “Trends in College Entry among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics: 1972-1988.” Pp. 61-104 in Charles Clotfelter, and Michael Rothschild (eds.) Studies of Supply and Demand in Higher Education. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1993. Hauser, Robert M. “The Decline in College Entry among African Americans: Findings in Search of Explanations.” Pp. 271-306 in Paul Sniderman, Philip Tetlock, and Edward Carmines (eds.) Prejudice, Politics, and the American Dilemma. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1993. Kuo, Hsiang-Hui Daphne, and Robert M. Hauser. “Trends in Family Effects on the Education of Black and White Brothers,” Sociology of Education 68 (April 1995):136-60. Kuo, Hsiang-Hui Daphne, and Robert M. Hauser. “Gender, Family Configuration, and the Effect of Family Background on Educational Attainment,” Social Biology 43 (Spring-Summer 1996):98-131. Hauser, Robert M., and Megan M. Sweeney. “Does Poverty in Adolescence Affect the Life Chances of High School Graduates?” Pp. 541-95 in Greg Duncan and Jeanne Brooks-Gunn (eds.) Consequences of Growing Up Poor. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997. Kuo, Hsiang-Hui Daphne, and Robert M. Hauser. “How Does Size of Sibship Matter? Family Configuration and Family Effects on Educational Attainment,” Social Science Research 26 (March 1997): 69-94. Hauser, Robert M. “Indicators of High School Completion and Dropout.” Pp. 152-84 in Robert M. Hauser, Brett V. Brown, and William Prosser (eds.) Indicators of Children’s Well-Being. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 1997.

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Hauser, Robert M., and John Robert Warren. “Socioeconomic Indexes for Occupations: A Review, Update, and Critique.” Pp. 177-298 in Adrian E. Raftery (ed.) Sociological Methodology 1997. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1997. (Excerpted in Grusky, David B., editor. Social Stratification in Sociological Perspective. 2nd ed., Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press; 2001, pp. 282-86; pp. 213-18 in 3rd ed., 2008.) Warren, John Robert, and Robert M. Hauser. “Social Stratification Across Three Generations: New Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” American Sociological Review 62 (August 1997): 561-72. Hauser, Robert M., and Min-Hsiung Huang. “Verbal Ability and Socioeconomic Success: A Trend Analysis,” Social Science Research 26 (September 1997): 331-76. Hauser, Robert M., and Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo. “Does the Gender Composition of Sibships Affect Women’s Educational Attainment?” Journal of Human Resources 33 (Summer 1998): 644-57. Hauser, Robert M. “Trends in Black-White Test Score Differentials: I. Uses and Misuses of NAEP/SAT Data.” Pp. 219-249 in Ulric Neisser (ed.) The Rising Curve: Long-term Gains in IQ and Related Measures. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998. Huang, Min-Hsiung, and Robert M. Hauser. “Trends in Black-White Test Score Differences: II. The WORDSUM Vocabulary Test.” Pp. 303-332 in Ulric Neisser (ed.) The Rising Curve: Long-term Gains in IQ and Related Measures. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association, 1998. Warren, John Robert, Jennifer T. Sheridan, and Robert M. Hauser. “Choosing a Measure of Occupational Standing: How Useful are Composite Measures in Analyses of Gender Inequality in Occupational Attainment?” Sociological Methods and Research 27 (August 1998): 3-76. Hauser, Robert M., Jennifer T. Sheridan, and John Robert Warren. “Socioeconomic Achievements of Siblings in the Life Course: New Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” Research on Aging 21 (February 1999): 338-77. Hauser, Robert M., John Robert Warren, Min-Hsiung Huang, and Wendy Y. Carter. “Occupational Status, Education, and Social Mobility in the Meritocracy.” Pp. 179-229 in K. Arrow, S. Bowles, and S. Durlauf, eds., Meritocracy and Economic Inequality. Princeton: Princeton University Press 2000. Hauser, Robert M. “Should We End Social Promotion? Truth and Consequences.” Pp. 151-78 in Gary Orfield and Mindy Kornhaber (eds), Raising Standards or Raising Barriers? Inequality and High-Stakes Testing in Public Education. New York: The Century Foundation Press, 2001.

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Miech, Richard A., and Robert M. Hauser. “Socioeconomic Status and Health at Midlife: A Comparison of Educational Attainment with Occupation-Based Indicators.” Annals of Epidemiology 11 (February 2001): 75-84. Huang, Min-Hsiung and Robert M. Hauser. 2001. "Convergent Trends in Black-White Verbal Test Score Differentials in the U.S.: Period and Cohort Perspectives." EurAmerica 31, No.2 (June 2001): 185-230. Warren, John Robert, Jennifer T. Sheridan, and Robert M. Hauser. “Occupational Stratification Across the Life Course: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” American Sociological Review 67 (3, June 2002): 432-55. Krahn, Dean, Jeremy Freese, Robert Hauser, Kristen Barry, and Brian Goodman. “Alcohol Use and Cognition at Mid-Life: The Importance of Adjusting for Baseline Cognitive Ability and Educational Attainment.” Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 27 (7, July 2003):1-5. Sewell, William H., Robert M. Hauser, Kristen W. Springer, and Taissa S. Hauser. “As We Age: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, 1957-2001.” Pp. 3-111 in Kevin Leicht, ed. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, Vol 20. Greenwich, Connecticut: Elsevier Scientific Publishers, 2004. Hauser, Robert M., Devah I. Pager, and Solon J. Simmons. “Race-Ethnicity, Social Background, and Grade Retention,” Pp. 97-114 in Herbert Walberg, Arthur J. Reynolds, and Margaret C. Wang (eds), Can Unlike Students Learn Together? Grade Retention, Tracking, and Grouping. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, 2004. Hauser, Robert M., “Progress in Schooling: A Review.” Pp. 271-318 in Katherine Neckerman, ed., Social Inequality. New York: Russell Sage Foundation, 2004. Hauser, Robert M., “Schooling and Academic Achievement in Time and Place.” Pp. 47-65 in Kevin Leicht (ed), Inequality: Structures, Dynamics, and Mechanisms: Essays in Honour of Aage B. Sørensen. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. Vol. 21, Elsevier Scientific Publishers. 2004. Hauser, Robert M., Solon J. Simmons, and Devah I. Pager. “High School Dropout, Race-Ethnicity, and Social Background from the 1970s to the 1990s.” Pp. 85-106 in Gary Orfield, ed. Dropouts in America: Confronting the Graduation Rate Crisis. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2004. Hauser, Robert M., and Robert J. Willis, “Survey Design and Methodology in the Health and Retirement Study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” Population and Development Review 30 (Supplement, 2004): 209-235.

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Hauser, Robert M., “Survey Response in the Long Run: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study. Field Methods 17(February 2005): 3-29. Springer, Kristen W., and Robert M. Hauser. “An Assessment of the Construct Validity of Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-Being: Method, Mode, and Measurement Effects.” Social Science Research 35 (December 2006): 1079-1101. Springer, Kristen W., Robert M. Hauser, and Jeremy Freese. “Bad News Indeed for Ryff’s Six-Factor Model of Well-Being.” Social Science Research 35 (December 2006): 1119-1130. Hauser, Robert M., and Megan Andrew. “Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions: The Logistic Response Model with Partial Proportionality Constraints.” In Ross M. Stolzenberg, Ed. Sociological Methodology 2006. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell and American Sociological Association (2006: 1-26). Hauser, Robert M., Carl Frederick, and Megan Andrew. “Grade Retention in the Age of Standards-Based Reform.” Pp. 120-53 in Adam Gamoran, Ed. No Child Left Behind and Poverty. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2007. Hauser, Robert M. “The Scientific Legacy of Otis Dudley Duncan,” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 25 (June 2007): 97-100. Hauser, Robert M., Guest Editor, “The Scientific Legacy of Otis Dudley Duncan,” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 25 (June 2007): 97-167. Frederick, Carl, and Robert M. Hauser. “Have We Put an End to Social Promotion? Changes in School Progress among Children Aged 6 to 17 from 1972 to 2005,” Demography (August 2008):719-40. Reither, Eric, Robert M. Hauser, and Karen Swallen, “Predicting Adult Health and Mortality from Adolescent Facial Characteristics in Yearbook Photographs,” Demography 46 (February 2009):27-41. Hauser, Robert M., “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Designing a Study of the Life Course” Pp. 29-50 in Giele, Janet Zollinger and Glen H. Elder, The Craft of Life Course Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, 2009. Moorman, Sara M., Robert M. Hauser, and Deborah Carr, “Do Older Adults Know Their Spouses’ End-of-Life Treatment Preferences? Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Research on Aging 31 (4, July 2009): 463-91.

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Reither, Eric N., Robert M. Hauser, and Yang Yang, “Do Birth Cohorts Matter? Age-Period-Cohort Analyses of the Obesity Epidemic in the United States,” Social Science and Medicine 69 (10, November 2009):1439-1448 Raymo, James M, John R. Warren, Megan M. Sweeney, Robert M. Hauser, and JeongHwa Ho. Later-life Employment Preferences and Outcomes: The Role of Mid-Life Work Experiences. Research on Aging 32 (July 2010): 419-44. Hauser, Robert M. “Causes and Consequences of Cognitive Functioning across the Life Course,” Educational Researcher 39:2 (March 2010): 95-109. Hauser, Robert M., “Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States Measures, Differentials, and Trends, Euramerica 40 (September 2010):635-81. Springer, Kristen W., Tetyana Pudrovska, and Robert M. Hauser “Does Psychological Well-Being Change with Age? Longitudinal Tests of Age Variations and Further Exploration of the Multidimensionality of Ryff’s Model of Psychological Well-Being,” Social Science Research (1, January 2011):391-98. Hauser, Robert M., and David Weir, “Recent Developments in Longitudinal Studies of Aging in the United States,” Demography 47 (2010):S111-S130. Raymo, James M., John R. Warren, Megan M. Sweeney, Robert M. Hauser, and Jeong-Hwa Ho. Precarious employment, bad jobs, labor unions, and early retirement. Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 66B(2) (2011), 249–259. Hauser, Robert M., and David Weir, “Recent Developments in the Health and Retirement Study and the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” Euramerica 41 (March 2011): 87-179. Grol-Prokopczyk, Hanna, Jeremy Freese, and Robert M. Hauser, “Using Anchoring Vignettes to Assess Group Differences in Self-Rated Health.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 52(2) 246-261. Hauser, Robert M., and Alberto Palloni. “Adolescent IQ and Survival in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” The Journals of Gerontology: Psychological Sciences 66B(S1), i91–i101. Andrew, Megan, and Robert M. Hauser. “Adoption? Adaptation? Evaluating the Formation of Educational Expectations.” Social Forces 90(2) 497–520, December 2011. Chabris, Christopher F., Benjamin M. Hebert, Daniel J. Benjamin, Jonathan Beauchamp, David Cesarini, Magnus Johannesson, Patrik K.E. Magnusson, Paul Lichtenstein, Craig S. Atwood, Jeremy Freese, Taissa S. Hauser, Robert M. Hauser, Nicholas Christakis, and David Laibson.

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“Most Published Genetic Associations with General Cognitive Ability Are False Positives.” Psychological Science 23:1314-1323. doi:10.1177/0956797611435528. Benjamin, Daniel J., David Cesarini, Christopher F. Chabris, Edward L. Glaeser, David I. Laibson, Vilmundar Gudnason, Tamara B. Harris, Lenore J. Launer, Shaun Purcell, Albert Vernon Smith, Magnus Johannesson, Patrik K.E. Magnusson, Jonathan P. Beauchamp, Nicholas A. Christakis, Craig S. Atwood, Benjamin Herbert, Jeremy Freese, Robert M. Hauser, Taissa S. Hauser, Alexander Grankvist, Christina M. Hultman, and Paul Lichtenstein. “The Promises and Pitfalls of Genoeconomics.” Pp. 627-662 in Kenneth J. Arrow and Timothy F. Bresnahan (eds), Annual Review of Economics (4, 2012). Palo Alto, CA: Annual Reviews. Yonker, James A, Vicky Chang, Nicholas S. Roetker, Taissa S. Hauser, Robert M. Hauser, and Craig S. Atwood, "Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis Homeostasis Predicts Longevity," AGE 35 (1, 2013):129-38. Roetker, Nicholas S., James A. Yonker, Chee Lee, Vicky Chang, Jacob J. Basson, Carol L. Roan, Taissa S. Hauser, Robert M. Hauser, and Craig S. Atwood. “Multigene interactions and the prediction of depression in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” BMJ Open. 2012:2. Ruel, Erin, and Robert M. Hauser. “Explaining the Gender Wealth Gap.” Demography (2013) 50:1155–1176.

Roetker, Nicholas S. C. David Page, James A. Yonker, Vicky Chang, Carol L. Roan, Pamela Herd, Taissa S. Hauser, Robert M. Hauser, and Craig S. Atwood. “Assessment of Genetic and Nongenetic Interactions for the Prediction of Depressive Symptomatology: An Analysis of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Using Machine Learning Algorithms.” American Journal of Public Health, Supplement 1, 2013, Vol. 103, No. S1: S136-S144.

Hauser, Robert M. “Some Methodological Issues in Cross-National Educational Research: Quality and Equity in Student Achievement,” EurAmerica 43, No. 4 (December 2013): 709-52.

Hauser, Robert M. “Comparable Metrics: Some Examples.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 2, No. 1 (January 2016): 3-33. DOI: 10.1177/2057150X15624896.

Tsai, Shu-Ling, Michael L Smith and Robert M Hauser. 2017. "Families, Schools, and Student Achievement Inequality: A Multilevel MIMIC Model Approach." Sociology of Education 90(1):64-88.

Hauser, Robert M. “My Life in Sociology.” Annual Review of Sociology 43 (2017): 1-18. Hauser, Robert M., and Carol Roan. “Work complexity and cognitive functioning at midlife: Cross-validating the Kohn–Schooler hypothesis in an American cohort.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 3(3): 329-53.

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Hauser, Robert M. “Sharing Data: Some Examples.” Chinese Journal of Sociology 4: In press. MACHINE-READABLE DATA FILES Data and Library Service. 1978. Occupational Changes in a Generation - Replicate Master File, 1962 and 1973. [machine-readable data file]. Principal Investigators, David L. Featherman and Robert M. Hauser. 1st DPLS ed. 1978. Madison, WI: Peter Dickinson, University of Wisconsin, Center for Demography and Ecology [producer], 1975. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1978. 1 data file (62651 logical records), plus accompanying documentation. Data and Library Service. 1983. Occupational Changes in a Generation, 1973. [machine-readable data file]. Principal Investigators, David L. Featherman and Robert M. Hauser. DPLS ed. 1983. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Bureau of the Census [producer], 1973. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1983. 1 data file (37964 logical records), plus accompanying documentation. Wisconsin High School Student Panel Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Status Attainment: 1957, Tax, 1964, 1975, and 1977 [machine readable data file]. 1983. Principal Investigators, William H. Sewell and Robert M. Hauser. 1st DPLS ed. 1983. Madison, Wisconsin: Taissa S. Hauser, University of Wisconsin, Center for Demography and Ecology [producer], 1983. Madison, Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin, Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1983. 1 data file (10317 logical records), plus accompanying documentation. Current Population Survey, October Person-Household Files, 1968-90: Cumulative Codebook. (with Taissa S. Hauser) Principal Investigator, Robert M. Hauser. Madison, Wisconsin: Center for Demography and Ecology, Department of Sociolgy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. Current Population Survey, October Person-Household Files, 1968-90. (with Linda Jordan and James A. Dixon) [Machine-readable data files] Principal Investigator, Robert M. Hauser. Madison, Wisconsin: Center for Demography and Ecology, Department of Sociolgy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1993. Wisconsin Longitudinal Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Aspiration and Attainment, 1957, 1964, 1975, and 1977 [Computer file]. Madison, WI: Robert M. Hauser, William H. Sewell, and J. Kenneth Little, University of Wisconsin [producers], 1983. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 1994. (ICPSR 6163). Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, 1957 to 1993 [Computer files]. Madison, WI: Robert M. Hauser, Taissa S. Hauser, Linda Jordan, and Jennifer T. Sheridan, University of Wisconsin [producers], 1983. Madison, WI: Data and Program Library Service [distributor], 1995.

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MINOR PUBLICATIONS, REPORTS, OR EXCHANGES PUBLISHED OR IN PRESS: Hauser, Robert M., with Jack Meltzer Associates, A Study of Relocation. Submitted to the Housing and Home Finance Agency, Washington, D. C. Chicago: Jack Meltzer Associates, March 15, 1963. Hauser, Robert M., with Jack Meltzer Associates, Zoning for Residential Development in the Central Area. Prepared for a joint committee representing major commercial and real property management associations in the downtown area of Chicago. Chicago: Jack Meltzer Associates, May 20, 1963. Hauser, Robert M. “On 'Social Participation and Social Status',” American Sociological Review 34 (August 1969):549-553. Hauser, Robert M. “Reply to Allen H. Barton Comments on 'Context and Consex',” American Journal of Sociology 75 (November 1970):517-520. Hauser, Robert M. “Commentary On Land's Treatment of Unmeasured Variables in Path Analysis,” Social Forces 50 (September 1971):115-116. Featherman, David L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Toward a Socioeconomic Report for Wisconsin, 1973" 1975. Hauser, Robert M., and Arthur S. Goldberger. “Correction of 'The Treatment of Unobservable Variables in Path Analysis.'” Pp. 212-213 in David R. Heise (ed.), Sociological Methodology 1975. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1975. Clarridge, Brian R., Linda S. Sheehy, Taissa S. Hauser , and Robert M. Hauser. “Methods and Costs of a 17-year Follow-up Study,” Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1976, Part I:256-259. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “The Class of 1957--Eighteen Years After High School Graduation,” Report to respondents. Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 77-32. Hauser, Robert M. “Comment on Sorensen and Hallinan: 'A Reconceptualization of School Effects',” Sociology of Education 51 (January 1978):68-72. Hauser, Robert M. “Comment on John S. Butler, 'Inequality in the Military',” American Sociological Review 43 (February 1978):115-118. Hauser, Robert M. “Comment on Beck, Horan and Tolbert 'On Stratification in a Dual Economy',” American Sociological Review 45 (August 1980):702-712.

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Massagli, Michael P., and Robert M. Hauser. “Response Variability in Reports of Socioeconomic Data,” Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1981:442-447. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “The Influence of Family Structure on Education and Socioeconomic Careers,” Report to the Spencer Foundation, Chicago, Illinois, Final Report, 1982. Hauser, Robert M., and Michael P. Massagli. “Some Models of Agreement and Disagreement in Repeated Measures of Occupation.” Proceedings of the Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1982:346-351. Hauser, Robert M. “A Computing Environment for the Social Sciences,” Bericht der EDV Kommission, Geisteswissenshaftliche Sektion, Max Planck Gesellschaft, 1985:44-59. Alwin, D. F., and Robert M. Hauser. “This Week's Citation Classic,” ‘The Decomposition of Effects in Path Analysis,’ American Sociological Review 40:37-47, 1975,” Current Contents 17, No. 39 (September 30, 1985):20. Hauser, Robert M. “Anomalous Mobility Tables: Comment on Kim,” Sociological Methods and Research 14 (February 1986):345-7. Hauser, Robert M. “Reinventing the Oxcart: Jones's Obsolete Proposal for Mobility Analysis,” Social Forces 64 (June 1986):1057-65. Hauser, Robert M., and William H. Sewell. “A Child's Garden of Equations: Comment on Alexander and Pallas,” Social Forces 65 (September 1986):241-49. Hauser, Robert M., “Reply to Kim, ‘Social Mobility, Status Inheritance and Structural Constraints: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations’,” Social Forces 65 (March 1987):806-15. Hauser, Robert M. “The 1962 and 1973 Occupational Changes in a Generation Surveys: An Overview and List of Selected Data Files and Publications,” Working Paper 87-5, Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hauser, Robert M. “Sharing Data: It's Time for ASA Journals to Follow the Folkways of a Scientific Sociology,” American Sociological Review 52 (December 1987). Hauser, Robert M., and David B. Grusky. “Errors in Slomczynski and Krauze's Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility,” American Sociological Review 53 (October 1988):749-52.

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Hauser, Robert M., and Taissa S. Hauser. Interim Report on Pay Equity among Category A Academic Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Working Paper 89-4, Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hauser, Robert M., and Taissa S. Hauser. Methodological Appendix: Interim Report on Pay Equity among Category A Academic Staff at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Working Paper 89-5, Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hauser, Robert M. “Trends in Black Schooling and the Decline in College Entry,” Selections (Winter 1989): 11-18. Hauser, Robert M., Gerald D. Jaynes, and Robin M. Williams, Jr. “Understanding Black-White Differences,” The Public Interest 99 (Spring 1990):110-119. Hauser, Robert M. “Educational Transitions and the Future Workforce: Federal Statistics to Inform Public Policy,” in Changing U.S. Population and the Future Labor Force: Data Needs for the 21st Century. Hearing before the Subcommittee on Census and Population, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service. House of Representatives, One Hundred Second Congress, First Session, March 20, 1991. Serial No. 102-6. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. Hauser, Robert M. “Reply to Michael Gillespie's Comment on Models of Sibling Resemblance,” American Journal of Sociology 97 (July 1991): 206-209. Hauser, Robert M. “What Happens to Youth after High School?” FOCUS 13 (Fall-Winter 1991):1-13. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “A Review of the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Aspirations and Achievements: 1963-1992,” CDE Working Paper 92-1. Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Sewell, William H., and Robert M. Hauser. “The Influence of The American Occupational Structure on the Wisconsin Model,” Contemporary Sociology 21 (September 1992): 598-603. Hauser, Robert M. “Use GREs Appropriately,” Footnotes 21 (2) (February 1993): 6. Hauser, Robert M., Deborah Carr, Taissa S. Hauser, Jeffrey Hayes, Margaret Krecker, Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo, William Magee, John Presti, Diane Shinberg, Megan Sweeney, Theresa Thompson-Colon, S. C. Noah Uhrig, and John Robert Warren. “The Class of 1957 after 35 Years: Overview and Preliminary Findings,” CDE Working Paper 93-17 (Rev. April 1994). Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hauser, Robert M. “Measuring Socioeconomic Status in Studies of Child Development,” Child Development 65 (December 1994): 1541-45.

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Hauser, Robert M. “Better Rules for Better Decisions” (An invited commentary on Adrian E. Raftery, “Bayesian Model Selection in Social Research”) Pp. 175-183 in Peter V. Marsden (ed.) Sociological Methodology 1995. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell. Hauser, Robert M. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Adults at Midlife as Parents, Children, and Siblings,” ICPSR Bulletin XVI (December 1995):1-5. Citro, Constance F., Robert Michael, and Robert M. Hauser. “Measuring Poverty: A New Approach,” Pp. 32-41 in 1995 Proceedings of the Section on Government Statistics. Alexandria, Virginia: American Statistical Association, 1996. Wise, Lauress L., and Robert M. Hauser. “Evaluation of the Voluntary National Tests: Interim Letter Report,” National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Testing and Assessment. July 16, 1998. West, Kirsten K., Terri M. Scanlon, and Robert M. Hauser, eds. Longitudinal Surveys of Children. National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Committee on National Statistics. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998. Wise, Lauress L., Robert M. Hauser, Karen J. Mitchell, and Michael J. Feuer. Evaluation of the Voluntary National Tests: Phase 1 Report. National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Board on Testing and Assessment. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1999. Hauser, Robert M. “What If We Ended Social Promotion?” Education Week. Vol. 18, number 30 (April 7, 1999), Page 64-36. (Same as pp. 59-66 in Lee A. Daniels (ed), Education Accountability: Saving Schools–and Students. National Urban League. 1999.) Hauser, Robert M. “Texas Study Unreliable.” USA Today, September 20, 1999 (Op-ed page). Hauser, Robert M. “Two Studies of Academic Achievement.” Pp. 157-166 in Michael Ross and David Grissmer, eds., Analytic Issues in the Assessment of Student Achievement. National Center for Education Statistics. U.S. Department of Education, 2000. Hauser, Robert M., “Comment on ‘School Accountability in California: An Early Evaluation,’ by Julian R. Betts and Anne Danenberg” Pp. 184-97 in Diane Ravitch, ed. Brookings Papers on Education Policy, 2002. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution Press, 2002. Hauser, Robert M. "Investments in Longitudinal Surveys, Databases, Advanced Statistical Research, and Computational Technology." Pp. 36-41 in Lisa F. Berkman, ed., Through the Kaleidoscope: Viewing the Contributions of the Behavioral and Social Sciences to Health, The

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Barbara and Jerome Grossman Symposium. National Research Council and Institute of Medicine. Washington, DC. National Academy Press, 2002. Hauser, Robert M., Devah I. Pager, and Solon J. Simmons. “Race-Ethnicity, Social Background, and Grade Retention,” The CEIC Review 10 (May 2001):11-12. Hauser, Robert M., “Will Practitioners Benefit from Meta-Analysis?” Academy of Management Perspectives (2007): 24-28. Cowan, Charles, Robert M. Hauser, et al., “Improving the Measurement of Socioeconomic Status for the National Assessment of Educational Progress: A Theoretical Foundation” Educational Testing Service (2012). Prewitt, Kenneth, and Robert M. Hauser, “Applying the Social and Behavioral Sciences to Policy and Practice.” Issues in Science and Technology, Spring 2013 Fiske, Susan T., and Robert M. Hauser, “Protecting Human Research Participants in the Age of Big Data.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2014):xx-yy. BOOK REVIEWS: Mattei Dogan and Stein Rokkan (eds.), Quantitative Ecological Analysis in the Social Sciences. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1969. American Sociological Review 36 (April 1971):336-338. John K. Folger, Helen S. Astin and Alan E. Bayer, Human Resources and Higher Education. New York: Russell Sage, 1970. Social Biology 18 (June 1971):216-217. Richard H. de Lone (for the Carnegie Council on Children), Small Futures: Children, Inequality, and the Limits of Liberal Reform. New York: Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1979. Journal of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies IV (Winter 1979). Judith Blake, Family Size and Achievement. Berkekley: University of California Press, 1989. Population and Development Review 15 (September 1989):561-7. Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray, The Bell Curve. New York: The Free Press, 1994. Contemporary Sociology 24 (March 1995): 149-53. K.L. Alexander, D.R. Entwisle, S.L. Dauber, On the Success of Failure, a Reassessment of the Effects of Retention in the Primary School Grades, 2nd edition.” Journal of School Psychology 43 (January-February 2005) 87-94.

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PAPERS OR LECTURES PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS OR BEFORE PROFESSIONAL AUDIENCES: “Schools and the Stratification Process,” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, August 1968. “Measurement Problems in a Causal Interpretation: Parental Encouragement and Adolescent Aspirations,” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, August 1969. “The Treatment of Unobservable Variables in Path Analysis,” Workshop in Mathematical Economics, The University of Wisconsin- Madison, November 1969. “Applications of Path Analysis in Sociology.” Four lectures delivered at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, Toronto, Ontario, April 1970. “The Treatment of Unobservable Variables in Path Analysis” (with Arthur S. Goldberger, Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Madison), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Washington, D. C., September 1970. “Disaggregating a Social-Psychological Model of Educational Attainment,” SSRI-SSRC Conference on Structural Equation Models in the Social Sciences, Madison, Wisconsin, November 1970. “Education and Social Mobility in the United States,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meetings, New York, New York, February 1971. “Socioeconomic Background and the Earnings of High School Graduates” (with William H. Sewell and Kenneth G. Lutterman), American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, August 1971. “Cross-Equation Constraints in Recursive Models,” colloquium of the Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, March 1971. “Introduction to Path Analysis.” Three lectures delivered at the Department of Sociology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 1971. “Design for a Replicate Study of Social Mobility in the United States” (with David L. Featherman), Conference on Social Indicator Models, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, New York, July 1972.

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“Socioeconomic Background and Returns to Education,” Conference of the Panel on the Benefits of Higher Education, Board on Human Resources National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, July 1972. “Trends in Occupational Mobility, 1962-1970" (with David L. Featherman), American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, August 1972. “Black-White Differentials in Occupational Mobility Among Men in the United States, 1962-1970" (with David L. Featherman), Conference of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Rome, December 1972. “White-Nonwhite Differentials in Occupational Mobility Among Men in the United States, 1962-1972" (with David L. Featherman), Population Association of America Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, April 1973. “Socioeconomic Achievements of U.S. Men, 1962-72" (with David L. Featherman), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, New York, New York, August 1973. “Assumptions of Social Mobility Research in the U.S.: The Case of Occupational Status” (with David L. Featherman and F. Lancaster Jones), Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Warsaw, Poland, March 1974. “Structural Changes in Occupational Mobility: Evidence and Hypotheses for the United States” (with John N. Koffel, Harry P. Travis, and Peter J. Dickinson), Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Warsaw, Poland, March 1974. “An Introduction to Path Analysis,” American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 1974. “Comment on: 'Structural Equations in Evaluation Research' by Roland K. Hawkes,” Conference on Methodological Concerns in Evaluational Research, Loyola University of Chicago, June 1, 1974. “Trends in Occupational Mobility by Race and Sex in the United States, 1962-1972" (with David L. Featherman), Conference of the Mathematical Social Sciences Board on Measurement and Models in Social Stratification and Mobility Research, Toronto, August 1974. “Sex in the Structure of Occupational Mobility in the United States, 1962" (with David L. Featherman and Dennis P. Hogan), Eighth World Congress of Sociology, Toronto, August 1974. “Schooling and Social Equality,” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, August 1974.

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“High School Effects on Achievement” (with William H. Sewell and Duane F. Alwin), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Montreal, August 1974. “Problems and Potentials in Socioeconomic Modeling,” Conference on Socioeconomic Modeling, Social Science Research Council and Center for the Coordination of Research on Social Indicators, Washington, D. C., October 1974. “Race and Sex in the Process of Occupational Mobility,” Sex Stratification Seminar, Social Science Research Council, New York, November 1974. “Design of an 18-year Follow-up Study of High School Seniors,” Quantitative Methodology Program, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, November 1974. “Sexual Inequalities and Socioeconomic Achievement in the U.S., 1962-73,” Population Association of America, Seattle, April 1975. “Life Cycle Aspects of Earnings and Labor Supply,” National Bureau of Economic Research-West, Palo Alto, Califonia, June 1975. “Equality of Access to Schooling,” Conference on Equality as a Goal of Public Policy, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, N. J., June 1975. “Changes in the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Races, 1962-73,” (with David L. Featherman), Conference on Social Demography, University of Wisconsin, Madison, July 1975. “Changes in the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Races, 1962-73,” (with David L. Featherman), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, August 1975. “Didactic Seminar in Path Analysis,” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, August 1975. “Occupations and Social Mobility in the United States” (with David L. Featherman), Working Group on Quality of Employment Indicators of the Bureau of Applied Social Research, Washington, D. C., November 1975. “Occupations and Social Mobility in the United States” (with David L. Featherman), American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting, Boston, February 1976. “Response Errors of Nonblack Males in Models of the Stratification Process” (with William T. Bielby and David L. Featherman), Department of Social Relations, Johns Hopkins University, February 16, 1976.

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“A Tale of Two Tables: Occupational Mobility of American Men in 1962-1973,” Department of Sociology, Yale University, February 23, 1976. “Dimensions of Occupational Mobility in the Life Cycle,” Department of Sociology, Duke University, Durham, March 3, 1976. “Dimensions of Occupational Mobility in the Life Cycle,” Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, March 1976. “Response Errors of Nonblack Males in Models of the Stratification Process,” Socio- Environmental Laboratory, National Institutes of Mental Health, Washington, D. C., March 18, 1976. “Measurement and Modelling in Panel Studies of Drug Use,” Conference on Strategies of Longitudinal Research on Drug Use, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1976. “Occupations and Social Mobility in the United States” (with David L. Featherman), Conference on the Scope and Practice of Social Science History, University of Wisconsin, Madison, April 1976. “Recent Developments in the Wisconsin Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Socioeconomic Achievement” (with William H. Sewell), Seminar on Mobility and Social Stratification, Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Jerusalem, Israel, April 1976. “On the Effects of Families and Family Structure,” Mathematical Social Science Board Conference on 'Kinometrics', Williamstown, Massachusetts, June 1976. “Schooling, Ability and Earnings” (with Thomas N. Daymont), University of Chicago Department of Economics Workshop on Economic Applications, June 7, 1976. “Methods and Costs of a 17-year Follow-up Study” (with Brian R. Clarridge, Linda S. Sheehy, and Taissa S. Hauser), American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, Boston, August 23, 1976. “Response Error of Black and Nonblack Males in Models of Status Inheritance and Mobility” (with William T. Bielby and David L. Featherman), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, New York, August 1976. “Occupational and Educational Opportunity in the United States: Trends and Differentials,” Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, September 4, 1976.

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“Occupational Mobility Between Fathers and Sons,” Madison Chapter of the American Statistical Association Annual Meeting, February 10, 1977. “A First Look at Families and Achievement in the Wisconsin Panel Data” (with William H. Sewell and Alexandra Wright), Mathematical Social Science Board Conference on the Family and Subsequent Development of the Child, Stanford, California, March 24-26, 1977. “A Structural Model of the Mobility Table,” Research Committee on Social Stratificaton, International Sociological Association, Dublin, Ireland, April 5-7, 1977. “The Mobility Table as an Incomplete Multiway Array: An Analysis of Mobility to First Jobs Among American Men,” Population Association of America Annual Meeting, St. Louis, April 1977. “Sex, Schooling and Occupational Careers” (with William H. Sewell and Wendy C. Wolf), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, September 1977. “Labor Market Sectors and the Occupational Mobility of U.S. Men” (with Randy D. Hodson), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, September 1977. “Trends and Non-Trends in Occupational Mobility,” Fellows Seminar at The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Palo Alto, California, October 1977. “Some Exploratory Methods for Modeling Mobility Tables and Other Cross-classified Data,” American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, September 1978. “Public Use Samples from the 1940 and 1950 Censuses: Opportunities for Sociological Research” (with Halliman H. Winsborough and Karl E. Taeuber), American Sociological Associaton Annual Meeting, San Francisco, September 1978. “The Earnings Trajectories of Young Men,” Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, April 1979. “Earnings Trajectories of Young Men,” Social Science Research Council, Japan-U.S. Conference on Social Stratification, Maui, Hawaii, January 1980. “A Comparative Analysis of the Occupational Achievements of a Cohort of Wisconsin Women and Men from High School Graduation to Mid-Life” (with William H. Sewell and Wendy C. Wolf), Social Science Research Council, Japan-U.S. Conference on Social Stratification, Maui, Hawaii, January 1980. “Critical Review of the 'Sustaining Effects Study',” American Education Research Association, Boston, April 10, 1980.

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“Religion, Socialization and Fertility” (with Susan G. Janssen), Population Association of America Annual Meeting, Denver, April 1980. “The Structure of Social Relationships: Cross-Classifications of Mobility, Kinship, and Friendship,” Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria, June 1980. “Recent Developments in Stratification Research,” Sociological Institute, University of Warsaw, Poland, June 1980. “Recent Developments in Stratification Research,” Center for Research and Analysis, Mannheim, Germany, July 1980. “Response Error in Socioeconomic Models.” Workshop on Life History Analysis, Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Oslo, Norway, October 1980. “Response Variability in Self and Proxy Reports of Paternal and Filial Socioeconomic Characteristics” (with Michael P. Massagli), American Statistical Association, Detroit, Michigan, August 1981. “A Model of the Stratification Process with Response Error in Social and Psychological Variables” (with Shu-Ling Tsai), American Sociological Association, Toronto, Ontario, August 1981. “Some Models of Agreement and Disagreement in Repeated Measures of Occupation” (with Michael Massagli), American Statistical Association, Cincinnati, Ohio, August 1982. “Some Variance Component Models of Sibling Resemblance” (with Peter Mossel), American Sociological Association, San Francisco, September 1982. “Peer Influence Versus Peer Selection: An Attempted Separation” (with Richard Williams), American Sociological Association Annual Meetings, San Francisco, September 1982. “Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries” (with David Grusky), Midwest Sociological Association, Kansas City, April 1983. “Vertical Mobility in Great Britain, France, and Sweden” American Sociological Association, Detroit, September 1983. “Birth Order and Educational Attainment in Full Sibships” (with William H. Sewell) American Sociological Association, Detroit, September 1983.

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“Some New Methods for the Comparative Analysis of Occupational Mobility Tables” University of Mannheim, October 1983. “Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries” (with David Grusky), Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, October 1983. “Family Effects in the Stratification Process” Max Planck Institute for Research on Education and Human Development, Berlin, January 1984. “A Computing Environment for the Social Sciences” Max Planck Institute for Research on Education and Human Development, Berlin, January 1984. “What Can We Learn from Research on Social Stratification?” Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway, February 1984. “Measurement Error in Models of the Stratification Process” Department of Sociology, University of Stockholm, Sweden, March 1984. “Sibling Resemblance in Socioeconomic Outcomes: Wisconsin and Kalamazoo Brothers” Swedish Institute for Social Research, University of Stockholm, Sweden, March 1984. “Social Mobility and Status Attainment: A Research History” Department of Sociology, University of Oslo, Norway, April 1984. “Sibling Resemblance in Socioeconomic Outcomes: Wisconsin and Kalamazoo Brothers” Institute of Applied Social Research, Oslo, Norway, April 1984. “Models of Sibling Resemblance in Achievement” University College, Dublin, Ireland, April 1984. “Models of Sibling Resemblance in Achievement” University of Trondheim, Trondheim, June 1984. Seminar on Structural Equation Models of the Stratification Process, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherland, August 1-4, 1984. “Family Effects in Simple Models of Education, Occupational Status and Earnings: Findings from the Wisconsin and Kalamazoo Studies” Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Budapest, Hungary, September 1984.

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“Family Effects in Simple Models of Education, Occupational Status and Earnings: Findings from the Wisconsin and Kalamazoo Studies” Conference on The Family and the Distribution of Economic Rewards, Snowbird, Utah, September 1984. “Notes on the Distribution of Schooling Among Black Americans,” Woods Hole Conference, National Research Council, Committee on the Status of Black Americans, July 1986. “Multiple Occurrences of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,” Center for Demography and Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, July 1986. “Family Settings for Social Mobility,” American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 1987. “Sibling Resemblance and Inter-Sibling Effects in Educational Attainment” (with Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong), American Sociological Association, Chicago, August 1987. “The Turnaround in Black College Entry,” Department of Sociology, Cornell University, November 10, 1987. “A Research Cooperative for Social Scientific Computing: Development, Status, and Prospects,” Cornell Institute for Social and Economic Research, Cornell University, November 11, 1987. “Families in Comparative Studies of Occupational Mobility,” Conference on Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility in Industrial Nations (CASMIN), Schloss Riesensberg, Federal Republic of Germany, March 17, 1988. “The Treatment of American Social Mobility in the CASMIN Project: How Valid is the Class Schema, and How Coherent are the Models?” Conference on Comparative Analysis of Social Mobility in Industrial Nations (CASMIN), Schloss Reisensberg, Federal Republic of Germany, March 18, 1988. “Data Analysis in Sociological Research: Developments Since the 1960s,” Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, March 22, 1988. “Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models: History, Basic Ideas, and Applications,” Institute for Philosophy and Sociology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Prague, March 23, 1988. “Declining Black College Entry: How Did It Happen?” Vilas Inagural Lecture, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, April 19, 1988. “Trends in Black Schooling and the Decline in College Entry,” Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, New Orleans, April 21, 1988.

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“Post-High School Plans of Black High School Graduates: What Has Changed Since the Mid-1970s?” Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August 26, 1988. “Race, Socioeconomic Background, and Post-High School Plans, 1976-1986" Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Madison, Wisconsin, August 31, 1988. “Post-High School Plans of Black and White High School Seniors: What Has Changed Since the Mid-1970s?” (with Douglas K. Anderson) Sixth Annual Meeting of the NASSGP/NCHELP Research Network, Washington, D.C., June 7-9, 1989. “The Decline in College Entry among African Americans: Findings in Search of Explanations.” Conference on Race and Politics in American Society, University of California, Berkeley, March 1990. “Industrial Changes and the Gender Gap in Earnings, 1969 to 1984.” (with Jeffrey Hayes and Lawrence Santi) Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 1990. “Changes in Occupational Status among U.S. Men from the 1970s to the 1990s.” Annual Meetings of the Population Association of America, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, May 1990. “Intercohort Trends in the Earnings of Black and White Men, 1971 to 1987.” Conference on Labor Markets and the Disadvantaged, Institute for Research on Poverty, UW-Madison, June 1990. “Symmetry and Hierarchy in Social Mobility: A Methodological Analysis of the CASMIN Model of Class Mobility.” (with Michael Hout). World Congress of the International Sociological Association, Madrid, Spain, July 1990. “Measuring Adolescent Educational Transitions among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites.” Institute for American Politics and Public Policy, University of California-Los Angeles, February 1991. “Measuring Adolescent Educational Transitions among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites.” Working Group on Problems of the Low-Income Population, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 1991. “Educational Transitions and the Future Workforce: Federal Statistics to Inform Public Policy.” Subcommittee on Census and Population, Commitee on Post Office and Civil Service, U.S. House of Representatives, March 20, 1991.

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“Trends in College Entry among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics.” NBER Conference on the Economics of Higher Education, Williamsburg, Virginia, May 1991. “Symmetry and Hierarchy in Social Mobility: A Methodological Analysis of the CASMIN Model of Class Mobility.” (with Michael Hout). Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 1991. “Measuring Adolescent Educational Transitions among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites.” Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Prague, Czechoslovakia, June 1991. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Adults as Parents and Children at Age 50.” (with William H. Sewell, John A. Logan, Taissa S. Hauser, Carol Ryff, Avshalom Caspi, and Maurice M. MacDonald) Hungarian Sociological Association, Budapest, Hungary, June 1991. “Trends in High School Dropout among Blacks, Whites, and Hispanics, 1972-1989.” Institute for Research on Poverty, Working Group on the Low Income Population, February 1992. “Education and Social Mobility: Data Needs for the 21st Century.” American Association for the Advancement of Science, Boston, Massachusetts, February 1993. “SIPP and the National Interest.” Working Group on the Low Income Population, Institute for Research on Poverty, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 1993. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study of Social and Psychological Factors in Aspiration and Achievement: A New Data Resource for Studies of Midlife Development.” Population Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1993. “Trends in High School Dropout among Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics: 1972-1989.” (with Samuel Hanam Phang) Population Association of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, April 1993. “The Class of 1957 after 35 Years: Overview and Preliminary Findings.” American Sociological Association, Miami Beach, Florida, August 1993. “Sex, Family Configuration, and the Effect of Family Background on Educational Attainment.” (with Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo). American Sociological Association, Miami Beach, Florida, August 1993. “Black-White Differentials in the Effect of Family Background on Educational Attainment of U.S. Men Born from 1907 to 1946: A Study of Sibling Resemblance.” (with Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo). Population Association of America, Miami, Florida, May 1994.

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“Education, Occupation, and Earnings in the Long Run: Men and Women from Adolescence to Midlife.” (with William H. Sewell and John Robert Warren). American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, Califormia, August 1994. “How Does Size of Sibship Matter? Revisiting Family Configuration and the Effect of Family Background on Educational Attainment” (with Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo). American Sociological Association, Los Angeles, Califormia, August 1994. “Measuring Poverty and Socioeconomic Status in Studies of Health and Well-Being” (with Deborah Carr), NICHD Conference on Social Class and Health, Annapolis, Maryland, September 1994. “Indicators of High School Dropout,” IRP Conference on Indicators of Children's Well-Being, Bethesda, Maryland, November 1994. “The Bell Curve as Social Scientific Research,” IRP Forum, Madison, Wisconsin, December 8, 1994. (Also at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota, April 1995; Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Science and Education, National Research Council, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, July 1995.) “Does Poverty in Adolescence Affect the Life-Chances of High School Graduates?” (with Megan M. Sweeney), NICHD Conference on the Consequences of Child Poverty, Washington, D.C. February 1995. (Also at IRP Working Group on the Low Income Population, Madison, Wisconsin, June 1995). “Measuring Socioeconomic Status in Studies of Child Development,” Society for Research in Child Development, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 31, 1995. “Social Stratification Across Three Generations: New Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study” (with John Robert Warren), Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, April 1995. “New Data Resources about Children's Health and Well-Being,” Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, April 1995. “Does the Gender Composition of Sibships Affect Educational Attainment” (with Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo), Population Association of America, San Francisco, California, April 1995. (Same at Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1996.) “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study as a Resource for Research on Aging and the Life Course” (with Taissa S. Hauser, Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo, and Jennifer Sheridan), a workshop at the National Archive of Computerized Data on Aging, Inter-University Consortium for Political and

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Social Research, Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, July 10-14, 1995. “Measuring Poverty: A New Approach” (with Constance Citro), American Statistical Association, Orlando, Florida, August 1995 (same at Bader Foundation, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, July 1995). “The Bell Curve as Social Science” (with Wendy Carter), American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 1995 (same at Winter meetings of the Methodology Section, American Sociological Association, February 1996). “A Socioeconomic Index for Occupations in the 1990s” (with John Robert Warren), American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 1995. “Historical Changes in the Effects of Verbal Ability on Socioeconomic Success in the U.S.” (with Min-Hsiung Huang), University of Chicago seminar on Meritocracy and Inequality, February 1996. “Occupational Status, Education, and Social Mobility in the Meritocracy,” (with John Robert Warren, Min-Hsiung Huang, and Wendy Y. Carter), MacArthur Foundation Research Conference on Meritocracy and Inequality, Madison, Wisconsin, December 1995 (same at Harvard University seminar on Meritocracy and Inequality, March 1996). “Trends in Black-White Test Score Differentials,” (with Min-Hsiung Huang), American Psychological Association Conference, Intelligence on the Rise: Secular Changes in IQ and Related Measures,” Emory University, April 1996. “How Do Indexes of Occupational Status Affect Analyses of Gender Inequality in Occupational Attainment?” (with John Robert Warren and Jennifer T. Sheridan), Population Association of America, New Orleans, Louisiana, May 1996. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study as a Data Resource on Aging and the Life Course,” RAND Summer Institute on the Demography and Epidemiology of Aging. Santa Monica, California, August 1996. “Are the Socioeconomic Status of Occupations and Social Class Useful as Scientific Concepts?” Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 1996. “Verbal Ability and Socioeconomic Success: A Trend Analysis,” Conference on Meritocracy, Harvard University, September 1996 (revised version at Meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Quebec City, Quebec, August 1997).

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“Trends in Social Mobility in the United States,” American Sociological Association, New York, August 1996. “Tracking the American Dream: Are there Trends in the Sources of Occupational Success?” National Academy of Sciences, Frontiers of Science Symposium, Madison, Wisconsin, November 15, 1996 (also at Lectures on Causality in the Social Sciences in honor of Herbert L. Costner, University of Washington, Seattle, April 1997). “Birth Order and Personality among Adult Siblings: Are There Any Effects?” (With Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo and Randi Cartmill) Population Association of America, Washington, D.C., March 1997. “Walking Dogs, Tetrad Differences, and Sibling Resemblance,” Lectures on Causality in the Social Sciences in honor of Herbert L. Costner, University of Washington, Seattle, April 1997. “Verbal Ability and Socioeconomic Success: A Trend Analysis” (with Min-Hsiung Huang). Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Quebec, Canada, August 1997. “Socioeconomic Achievements of Siblings in the Life Course: New Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” (with Jennifer T. Sheridan) Gerontological Society of America, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 1997. (As revised with John Robert Warren at World Congress of Sociology, Montreal, Canada, July 1998; American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 1998). “Voluntary National Tests of American Students,” Department of Sociology, Northwestern University, December 1997. “Mental Ability and the Sources of Occupational Success,” Meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Taipei, Taiwan, January 1998. (Same at Colloquium of Board on Testing and Assessment, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Washington, D.C., April 1998.) “Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States: Measures, Differentials, and Trends,” Workshop on Social and Economic Dynamics, Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., January 1998. (Same at Working Group on the Low Income Population, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 1998; American Sociological Association, San Francisco, California, August 1998). “Social Class Indicators and Health at Midlife” (with Richard A. Miech), Population Association of America, Chicago, Illinois, April 1998.

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“Measuring Socioeconomic Status and Poverty,” Department of Psychology, Hampton University, Hampton, Virginia, April 20, 1998. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: From Adolescent Expectations to Aging.” Department of Sociology, University of Washington, Seattle, May 7, 1998. “The Voluntary National Tests: Proposal, History, and Three NRC Studies,” Governing Board, National Research Council, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 8, 1998. “Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States: Measures, Differentials, and Trends.” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August. “Two Studies of Academic Achievement,” Seminar on Analytic Issues in the Assessment of Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics, the National Institute on Student Achievement, Curriculum, and Assessment, and the Rand Corporation, Washington, DC, November 9, 1998. “High Stakes Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation,” Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, November 1998 (Same at Thurgood Marshall Day Celebration, NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Washington, D.C., March 2000.) “Should We End Social Promotion? Truth and Consequences,” Conference on High Stakes Testing, sponsored by the Harvard University Civil Rights Project and Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, New York, December 4, 1998. (Same at meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Madison, Wisconsin, August 1999.) “What If We Ended Social Promotion?” Forum sponsored by the National Urban League, Washington, DC, March 19, 1999. (Same as keynote speaker at Hampton University Research Forum, Hampton, Virginia, April 9, 1999). “Appropriate Use of High Stakes Tests,” Large Scale Assessment Conference, Council of Chief State School Officers, Snowbird, Utah, June 1999. (Same at American Educational Research Association, Montreal, Canada, April 1999; Education Writer’s Association, Wingspread, Racine, Wisconsin, September 1999; Hechinger Institute (of Teacher’s College, Columbia University), San Francisco, California, October 1999; Conversations at Wingspread, Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin, December 1999.) “Measuring Depression and Well-Being Among Adult Siblings” (with Alair MacLean). American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 1999. “Socioeconomic Status and Depression among Adult Siblings” (with Alair MacLean). Population Association of America, Los Angeles, California, March 2000.

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“Structural Equation Models of the Stratification Process: Ideas, History, and Examples,” Institute of Sociology, Beijing University, April 2000. “Measuring the Socioeconomic Status of Occupations: What is It about Occupations that Persists across Generations?” Institute of Sociology, Beijing University, April 2000. “Occupational Classification and Methods of Mobility Analysis,”Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Bejing, People’s Republic of China, April 2000. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” Institute of Sociology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, April 2000. “Social Promotion and Test-Based Retention in the U.S.,” Institute of Sociology, Institute of Sociology, Tsinghua University, Beijing, People’s Republic of China, April 2000. “Race-ethnicity, Social Background, and Grade Retention” (with Devah I. Pager and Solon Simmons). American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C., August 2000. (Same at International Sociological Association, Calgary, Canada, August 2000; Department of Sociology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, September 2000; Temple University Conference, “Can Unlike Students Learn Together?” Washington, D.C., October 2000; Institute for Research on Poverty, “Symposium on High Stakes Testing,” Madison, WI, October 2000.) “High School Dropout, Race-Ethnicity, and Social Background from the 1970s to the 1990s” (with Solon J. Simmons, and Devah I. Pager). Conference on Dropouts in America, Achieve, Inc., and Harvard Civil Rights Project, Cambridge, Massachusetts, January 2001 (Similar talks at Working Group on Inequality, Russell Sage Foundation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 2001; American Sociological Association, Anaheim, California, August 2001; Scholars’ Seminar, Russell Sage Foundation, October 2001). “As We Age: The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Berkeley, California, July 2001 (Similar talks at Laboratory for Secondary Analysis and Methodology, Paris, France, January, 2002; Population Studies Center, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, February 2002; Office of Population Research, Princeton University, February 2002; Institute for Health, Health Care Policy, and Aging Research, Rutgers University, March 2002;Meetings of the American Sociological Association, 2002, 2003, 2004). “Schooling in Time and Place,” American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 2002. “Mental Ability and the Sources of Occupational Success,” American Sociological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August 2002.

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“The Measurement of Psychological Well-Being Among Aging Adults,” (with Kristen W. Springer), Population Association of America, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May 2003. "Attrition in Longitudinal Surveys." Presented at an NSF-sponsored workshop on methods of longitudinal study at Brandeis University and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, March 2003. “Survey Design, Serendipity, and the Growth of Knowledge.” (With Robert J. Willis) Presented at the RAND Summer Institute, Santa Monica, California, July 2003. “What Can We Learn from the Study of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE)?” Presented at the Symposium on Life Course Inequality: Advserse Childhood Experiences and Adult Health, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, September 18, 2003. “On High Stakes and Testing.” 10th Anniversary Symposium of the Board on Testing and Assessment, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC, March 12, 2004. “On Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life, by Annette Lareau.” Presented at an “author meets the critics” session, American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 2004. “Does Anyone Really Want to Know the Consequences of High Stakes Testing?” American Sociological Association, San Francisco, August 2004. “Gender, Education, Ability, and Wealth.” (with Erin Ruel) Population Association of America, Philadelphia, PA, April 2005. Same at meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Los Angeles, CA, August 2005. “The National Children’s Study.” Population Association of America, Philadelphia, PA, April 2005. “High Stakes Testing, Grade Retention, and Educational Attainment.” Cornell University, April 2005. “Another Look at the Stratification of Educational Transitions.” (with Megan Andrew) Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Oslo, Norway, May 6, 2005. “Social Psychological Models of Socioeconomic Attainment.” Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic, May 13, 2005.

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“What Do We Know about Cognitive Aging?” International Conference on the Future of Cognitive Aging Research, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, May 20, 2005. “Changes in Alcohol Cnsumption from 53-65 Years of Age.” (with Dean Krahn, Kristen Barry, and Jeremy Freese). Presented at the annual meetings of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Santa Barbara, CA, June, 2005. “Dimensions of Change in Psychological Well-Being across the Life Course” (with Tetyana Pudrovska and Kristen Springer). American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005. “Have We Put an End to Social Promotion? Changes in Grade Retention Rates among Children Aged 6 to 17 from 1972 to 2003” (with Carl Frederick). American Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2005. “Does Psychological Well-Being Change with Age?” (with Tetyana Pudrovska and Kristen W. Springer) Gerontological Association of America, Orland, Florida, November 2005. “Temporal Structures of Psychological Well-Being: Stability or Change?” (with Tetyana Pudrovska and Kristen W. Springer) Gerontological Association of America, Orland, Florida, November 2005. “Socioeconomic Status, Cognitive Ability, and Later Life Outcomes in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.” Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC, December 2005. “Grade Retention in the Age of Accountability.” (with Carl Frederick and Megan Andrew). A conference:”Will Standards-Based Reform in Education Help Close the Poverty Gap?” Wisconsin Center for Educational Research, University of Wisconsin, Madison, February 2006. “Proposed Items to Enhance the Measurement of Socioeconomic Status for the 2009 NAEP Student Background Questionnaires,” National Assessment Governing Board, San Francisco, California, March 2006. “Biomarkers in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” Workshop on Biomarkers in Population Surveys, University of Southern California, March, 2006. “Socioeconomic status, health, and psychological well-being: Findings from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study” (with Tetyana Pudrovska and Kristen W. Springer), Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA, March 2006.

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“Looks that Kill: Predicting Adult Morbidity and Mortality from Adolescent Facial Characteristics in Yearbook Photographs” (with Eric Reither, Sheri Meland, and Karen Swallen), Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA, March 2006. “Health, Wealth, and Intergenerational Transfers in Later Life: An Analysis Using the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study” (with Megan Andrew and Erin Ruel), Meetings of the Population Association of America, Los Angeles, CA, March 2006. “High Stakes Testing in Education from a Sociological Perspective.” The New Anglo-American College in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, May 12, 2005; Wisconsin Center for Education Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, October, 2005: Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC, December 2005; also at Department of Sociology, University of Tel Aviv, Israel, March 2006. “Measuring Literacy: Standards for Adults,” American Educational Research Association and National Council for Measurement in Education, San Francisco, California, April 2006. “The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Didactic Research Seminar,” Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 2006. “How to Disagree without Being Disagreable,” Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, August 2006. “Modeling Differentials and Trends in Educational Stratification: Logistic Models with Partial or Multiple Interaction Constraints.” (with Megan Andrew and Carl Frederick). Department of Sociology, University of California, Davis, October 2005; same at Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC, December 2005; same at Institute of Sociology, Prague, Czech Republic, August, 2006. “On the Life and Work of William H. Sewell,” Dedication of the William H. Sewell Social Sciences Building, September 2006. “Alcohol Use and Cognitive Functioning in the Near Elderly” (with Jay Yonker, Dean Krahn, and Jeremy Freese), Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, Texas, November 2006. “Work Complexity and Cognitive Functioning at Midlife: Cross-Validating the Kohn-Schooler Hypothesis in an American Cohort” (with Carol Roan), Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Dallas, Texas, November 2006; revision at meetings of the American Sociological Association, New York, August 2007; revision at meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada, August 2007.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


“Keynote Address: Opportunities for Cancer Epidemiology in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study,” First Annual Retreat, Paul Carbone Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, January 20, 2007. “Gender, Education, Ability, and Wealth.” (with Erin Ruel), Inaugural Conference of the Center for Research on Inequalities in the Life Course, Yale University, May 2007. “Occam’s Razor: Measurement Error and Model Specification in the Educational Attainment Process by Race-Ethnic Group in the U.S.” (with Megan Andrew), meetings of Research Committee 28 (Social Stratification) of the International Sociological Association, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2007. “The Truth about Class Stratification” (with Michael Hout), meetings of Research Committee 28 (Social Stratification) of the International Sociological Association, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2007. “Intergenerational Economic Mobility in the United States: Measures, Differentials, and Trends,” meetings of Research Committee 28 (Social Stratification) of the International Sociological Association, Florence, Italy, May 2008. “Evaluating the ‘Strategic Center’: Race-Ethnic Differences in Applying and Updating Educational Expectations” (with Megan Andrew), meetings of the American Sociological Association, Boston, MA (August 2008). “Causes and Consequences of Cognitive Functioning across the Life Course” Distinguished Lecture at Meetings of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego (April 2009). “Memories of the Detroit Area Study” Meetings of the Population Association of America, Detroit, Michigan (May 2009). “Beauty, Brains, and Bulges: Life Course Consequences of Adolescent Attractiveness, Ability, and Obesity” Meetings of the Population Association of America, Detroit, Michigan (May 2009); same at Meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Beijing, China (May 2009). “Cognition and Social Stratification across the Life Course” Keynote Address at Meetings of the Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Beijing, China (May 2009). “On ‘Quality and Equity in the Performance of Students and Schools: PISA 2006 on SES and Science Achievement’” National Center for Education Statistics, Conference on the Program for International Student Assessment, Washington, DC (June 2009); same at 4th Annual Research

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Conference of the Institute of Educational Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, Washington, DC (June 2009). “IQ, Gender, and Mortality in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study” (with Alberto Palloni), New College, Oxford (October 2009); same at Conference on Cognition, Health, and Aging, Penn State University (October 2009); same at Duke University (February 2010). “Comparable Measurement: Some Examples,” Workshop on Common Metrics, National Research Council, Washington, DC, February 2010; same as Duncan Lecture, Methodology Section, American Sociological Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, August 2011. “On Eric Hanushek’s Analysis of Achievement Gaps,” Summer Research Workshop on Problems of the Low-Income Population, Institute for Research on Poverty, June 2010. “Most Published SNP Associations with General Cognitive Ability Are Probably False Positives,” (with Christopher F. Chabris, Benjamin M. Hebert, Daniel J. Benjamin, Jonathan Beauchamp, Craig Atwood, Jeremy Freese, Taissa S. Hauser, and David I . Laibson), Conference on Integrating Genetics and the Social Sciences, Boulder, Colorado, June 2010. Hauser, Robert M. “Social Science and Social Policy.” Institute for Social Science Research, Beijing University, August 2014. Hauser, Robert M. “Changing Contours of the Early Life Course.” Governing Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Woods Hole, MA, July 2015. “Families, Schools, and Student Achievement Inequality,” (with Tsai, Shu-Ling and Michael Lee Smith). Meetings of Research Committee 28, Social Stratification, International Sociological Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 2015. “What’s Wrong with American Schools?” Meetings of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, PA, November 2017. WRITING IN PROGRESS OR NOT YET ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION: “Social and Economic Measures for Hungarian Occupations.” (With Robert Manchin) “Notes on the Distribution of Schooling in the Black Population.” Prepared for the Committee on the Status of Black Americans, National Research Council. Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 86-8. “Families in the Stratification Process.”

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


“A Research Cooperative for Social Scientific Computing: Development, Status, and Prospects.” Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 87-41. “Peer Selection and Peer Influence: Some Structural Models.” (with Richard Williams). “The Influence of Family Structure on Socioeconomic Achievement: A Progress Report.” (with William H. Sewell and Brian R. Clarridge). Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 82-59. “Industrial Changes and the Gender Gap in Earnings, 1969 to 1984.” (with Jeffrey Hayes and Lawrence Santi) Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 90-4. “Changes in Occupational Status among U.S. Men from the 1970s to the 1990s.” Available as Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper 90-5. “Cohort Succession and Occupational Mobility among U.S. Men from the 1970s to the 1980s.” “On 'Self-Perceptions of Black Americans': A Question of Model Specification” (with Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo). Revising the Category A Academic Staff Pay Plan: Objectives, Procedures, and Methods” (Available as CDE Working Paper 91-2). “Measuring Adolescent Educational Transitions among African Americans, Hispanics, and Whites.” (Available as Institute for Research on Poverty Discussion Paper 951-91). “Trends in High School Dropout among White, Black, and Hispanic Youth, 1973 to 1989.” (with Samuel Hanam Phang). Available as Discussion Paper 1007-93, Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Hauser, Robert M., William H. Sewell, and John Robert Warren. “Education, Occupation, and Earnings in the Long Run: Men and Women from Adolescence to Midlife.” manuscript, August 1994. Hauser, Robert M., and Deborah Carr. “Measuring Poverty and Socioeconomic Status in Studies of Health and Well-Being” CDE Working Paper 94-24. Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (under revision). Hauser, Robert M., Taissa S. Hauser, Deborah Carr, and Jennifer Sheridan. “Wisconsin’s Class of 1957 and their Families in the 1990s.” CDE Working Paper 96-12. Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 1996).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Hauser, Robert M., Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo and Randi Cartmill. “Birth Order and Personality among Adult Siblings: Are There Any Effects?” Manuscript (March 1997). MacLean, Alair, and Robert M. Hauser. “Socioeconomic Status and Depression among Adult Siblings.” Submitted for publication. (Available as CDE Working Paper No. 2000-04, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March 2000). MacLean, Alair, and Robert M. Hauser. “Measuring Depression among Adult Siblings.” CDE Working Paper No. 2001-07, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 2001). Kuo, H.-H. Daphne, Hyunjoon Park, Taissa S. Hauser, Robert M. Hauser, and Nadine F. Marks. “Surveys of the Life Course and Aging: Some Comparisons.” CDE Working Paper No. 2001-06, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 2001). Hauser, Robert M. “Mental Ability and the Sources of Occupational Success.” CDE Working Paper No. 98-07, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 1998). Rev. August 2002. “Does Anyone Really Want to Know the Consequences of High Stakes Testing?” manuscript (August 2004). “Temporal Structures of Psychological Well-Being: Stability or Change?” (with Tetyana Pudrovska and Kristen W. Springer), manuscript (November 2005). “The Class of 1957 in their Mid-60s: A First Look” (with Carol Roan), CDE Working Paper 2006-03, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Ruel, Erin, and Robert M. Hauser. Gender, Education, and Wealth: A Prospective Study. Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2007-03, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2007). Yonker, James A., Robert M. Hauser, and Jeremy Freese, “The Dimensionality and Measurement of Cognitive Functioning at Age 64 in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Preliminary Findings,” CDE Working Paper 2007-06, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 2007). Yonker, James A., Dean D. Krahn, Jeremy Freese, and Robert M. Hauser. Alcohol Consumption and Later Life Cognitive Ability: The Effects of Correcting for Baseline Cognition. Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2007-07, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 2007). Hauser, Robert M., and Carol Roan, “Work Complexity and Cognitive Functioning at Midlife:

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Cross-Validating the Kohn-Schooler Hypothesis in an American Cohort,” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2007-08, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Rev. January 2008). Andrew, Megan, Erin Ruel and Robert M. Hauser. Intergenerational Health Selection in Wealth: A First Look at Parents’ Health Shocks and Inter Vivos Financial Transfers. Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2008-16, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 2008). Submitted for publication. Hauser, Robert M. “Beauty, Brains, and Bulges: Life Course Consequences of Adolescent Attractiveness, Ability, and Adiposity” manuscript (May 2009). Hauser, Robert M., “On ‘Quality and Equity in the Performance of Students and Schools’” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2009-06, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 2009). Andrew, Megan, and Robert M. Hauser, “Evaluating Race-Ethnic Differences in the ‘Strategic Center,’ A Test of Status Attainment and Bayesian Learning Theories of Educational Expectations,” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2009-12, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (November 2009). Hauser, Robert M., and Alberto Palloni, “Why Intelligent People Live Longer,” Center for Demography and Ecology Working Paper CDE WP 2010-04, The University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 2010). Tsai, Shu-Ling, Smith, Michael, and Robert M. Hauser. “Gender Gaps in Student Academic Achievement and Inequality: Taiwan in Comparative Perspective.” Manuscript, January 2017. OTHER PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES: Research Associate, Research Institute, American College Testing Program, 1971-73. Member, Center for Demography and Human Ecology, The University of Wisconsin-Madison,

1969-. Member, Econometrics and Mathematical Economics Center, The University of Wisconsin-

Madison, 1970-71. Member, Social Systems Research Institute, The University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1970-71. Research Associate, Institute for Research on Poverty, The University of Wisconsin- Madison,


January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Associate Editor: The American Journal of Sociology, 1971-74; The American Sociologist, 1970-

73; Journal of Human Resources, 1972-77; Social Science Research, 1972-2015; Sociological Methods and Research, 1972- ; American Sociological Review, 1975-77; Journal of the American Statistical Association, 1977-1979; Sociology of Education 1978-81, 1986-89.

Board of Editors: Journal of Human Resources, 1991-94. Referee: The American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, The American

Sociologist, Demography, Sociology of Education, Rose Monograph Series, Sociological Methodology, Sociology and Social Research, Journal of Human Resources, Acta Sociologica, Child Development, Social Forces, Sociological Focus, European Sociological Review.

Professional Association Memberships: American Sociological Association, Midwest

Sociological Association, Wisconsin Sociological Association, Population Association of American, American Statistical Association, American Educational Research Association, Society for the Study of Social Biology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Association of University Professors, Social Science History Association, Alpha Kappa Delta, Gerontological Society of America.

Professional Meetings Organized and Chaired: Sessions on Methodology, American Sociological

Association, 1972, 1979, 1981, 1987; Sessions on Developments in the Analysis of Social Mobility, Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, 1972; Session on Methodology, North Central Sociological Association, 1974; Session on Demographic Studies of Stratification, Population Association of America, 1977, 1979, 1988; Chair, Social Science Research Council-Department of Labor Conference on the National Longitudinal Surveys, Washington, D.C., October 1977; International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Social Stratification, Madison, Wisconsin, September 1988; Session on Demography of Education, Population Association of America, Chicago, Illinois, March 1998; Session on Cognitive Measures in Demography, Population Association of America, March 2001, Washington, D.C.; Session on Aging, Population Association of America, April 2004, Boston, MA; Symposium on the Life Course, Gerontological Society of America, November 2005, Orlando, FL.

Proposal Reviewer: National Institute of Education, Panel on Social Thought and Social

Processes, 1973, Panel on Education and Work, 1974; National Science Foundation; National Institute of Drug Abuse; Member, Sociology Panel, National Science Foundation, 1983-85; Special Panel on the Human Capital Initiative, National Science Foundation, 1995; Review of Roybal Center applications, National Institute on Aging, 2005.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Council Member: Section on the Sociology of Education, American Sociological Association, 1973-78; Section on Sociological Research Methods, American Sociological Association, 1986-88.

President, Madison Area Chapter, American Statistical Association, 1973-75. Member, Nominations Committee, American Sociological Association, 1975-77. Member of a working group on the quality of employment indicators, Bureau of Social Science

Research, Washington, D.C., 1976. Member, Advisory and Planning Committee on Social Indicators, Social Science Research

Council, New York, 1976-80. Member, National Research Council, National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship

Evaluation Panel, 1976, 1977. Social Statistics Section Representative, Council of the American Statistical Association, 1976-

1981. Secretary-Treasurer, Section on Methodology, American Sociological Association, 1976-79,

Council Member, 1986-. Discussant: NIE Conference on School Organization and Effects, San Diego, California, January

27-29, 1978; SSRC Seminar on Life-Cycle Aspects of Employment, Palo Alto, California, February 3-4, 1978; SSRC Conference on Black-White Socioeconomic Differences, Chicago, Illinois, December 9-11, 1982; SSRC Committee on Comparative Mobility Analysis and the Working Group on Occupational Mobility, Oxford, January 27-February 1, 1982; SSRC Working Group on Social Mobility and Class Formation, Committee on Comparative Stratification Research, Mannheim, March 19-23, 1982; Future of Children Conference on Social Mobility in the United States, Princeton University, October 2006.

Member of the Board, Research Committee on Social Stratification, International Sociological

Association, 1978-90. Member, Advisory Committee, University of Chicago Educational Finance and Productivity

Center, 1977-78. Member, Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on the Sustaining Effects Study, Assistant Secretary for

Planning and Evaluation and Office of Education, 1979-80.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Member, Selection Committee, American Sociological Association Award for a Career of Distinguished Scholarship, 1980-1982; Population Association of America, Clifford C. Clogg Award, 1996-.

Member, SSRC-Census Committee on Comparability in Occupational Measurement, 1981-85. Editorial Board, Arnold and Caroline Rose Monograph Series, American Sociological

Association, 1982-85. Membership Committee, Sociological Research Association, 1983-84. Member and Chair, Education Panel, Committee on the Status of Black Americans, National

Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1985-89. (Report is Gerald David Jaynes and Robin M. Williams, Jr., eds., A Common Destiny: Blacks and American Society. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1989.)

Member, Panel on the Survey of Income and Program Participation, National Academy of

Sciences-National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics, 1990-92. (Report is Constance F. Citro and Graham Kalton, eds., The Future of the Survey of Income and Program Participation. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1993.)

Member, Panel on Poverty Statistics and Welfare Benefits, National Academy of Sciences-

National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics, 1992-95. (Report is Constance F. Citro and Robert T. Michael, eds., Measuring Poverty: A New Approach. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995.)

Chair, Workshop on Integrating Federal Statistics on Children, National Academy of Sciences-

National Research Council, Committee on National Statistics, 1994. (Report is Integrating Federal Statistics on Children. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1995.)

Member, Class V Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 1985-87, 1989-90. Councilor (At large), American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1987-89. Board of Overseers, General Social Survey, 1988-1994. Member, Committee on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences-National Research

Council, 1989-95. Member, Commission on the Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academy

of Sciences-National Research Council, 1990-96.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Member, Divisional Committee on the Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 2004- .

Consultant, National Opinion Research Center, Planning Committee for the National

Longitudinal Survey of Youth (1997), 1994-. Chair, Committee on Appropriate Test Use, National Academy of Sciences-National Research

Council, Board on Testing and Assessment, 1998. (Report is National Research Council. High Stakes: Testing for Tracking, Promotion, and Graduation. Jay P. Heubert and Robert M. Hauser, eds. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998.)

Co-Principal Investigator, Evaluation of the Development of Voluntary National Tests, National

Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Board on Testing and Assessment, 1998. (Reports are Robert M. Hauser and Lauress L. Wise, “Interim Letter Report,” July 16, 1998; Lauress L. Wise and Robert M. Hauser, Evaluation of the Voluntary National Tests: Phase 1 Report. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998.)

Member, Committee to Evaluate the Development of Voluntary National Tests, Year 2, National

Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, Board on Testing and Assessment, 1999. (Report is National Research Council. Evaluation of the Voluntary National Tests, Year 2, Final Report. Lauress L. Wise, Richard J. Noeth, and Judith A. Koenig, eds. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1999.)

Member, Panel to Review the 2000 Census, National Academy of Sciences-National Research

Council, Committee on National Statistics, 1998- . (Report is National Research Council, The 2000 Census: Interim Assessment. Constance F. Citro, Daniel L. Cork, and Janet L. Norwood, Editors. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002.)

Member, Board on Testing and Assessment, National Academy of Sciences-National Research

Council, 1998-present. Member, Task Force on NRC Goals and Operations, National Academy of Sciences-National

Research Council, 1999-2000. Chair, Class V Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 1999-2001. Member, Nominations Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 1998, 2000. Member, Steering Committee, Health and Retirement Study, 2001-2005. Chair, Nominations Committee, National Academy of Sciences, 2001.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Member, Advisory Committee to the Directorate on Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences, National Science Foundation, 2000-2003.

Member, Committee on Scientific Principles of Education Research, National Academy of

Sciences-National Research Council, 2000-2002. (Report is National Research Council. Scientific Research in Education. Richard J. Shavelson and Lisa Towne, Editors. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2002.)

Member, Divisional Committee, Policy and Global Affairs Division, The National Academies,

2000-2003. Member, Working Group on Human Subject Research in the Social Sciences, National Human

Research Protection Advisory Committee, 2001-2003. Member, Committee on Institutional Review Boards and Social Scientific Research, Committee

on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 2001-2003. (Report is National Research Council. Protecting Participants and Facilitating Social and Behavioral Sciences Research. Constance F. Citro, Daniel R. Ilgen, and Cora B. Marrett, eds. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2003).

Member, Board of Directors, Population Association of America, 2002-2004. Member, Secretary of Education’s Task Force on Graduation, Completion, and Dropout

Indicators (National Institute of Statistical Sciences/Education Statistics Services Institute Task Force on Graduation, Completion, and Dropout Indicators, Final Report.Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, 2004. NCES 2005-105).

Co-Chair, Committee on Standards for Adult Literacy, Board on Testing and Assessment,

National Research Council, 2002-2005. Member, President’s Advisory Committee on Education Research Activities, National Academy

of Sciences, 2006. Member at Large, Governing Board, National Academy of Education, 2005- 2010. Member, Research Advisor Committee, National Academy of Education, 2005-. Member, Advisory Board and its Executive Committee, Division of Behavioral and Social

Sciences and Education, National Research Council, 2004-2010. Member, National Advisory Board, Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy, 2005-10.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Visiting Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Southern California, March 2006. Chair, Workshops on Promising Practices in K-12 Education, Division of Behavioral and Social

Sciences and Education, National Research Council, January-June 2006. Member, Task Force on Education-Related Activities of the National Academy of Sciences-

National Research Council, 2006. Chair, Advisory Committee on Aging Research, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and

Education, National Research Council, 2007-10. Member, Sabbatical Fellowship Panel, American Philosophical Society, 2007-09. Member, Advisory Committee to the National Center for Education Statistics on Full-Population

Estimates of Academic Achievement in the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 2008.

Chair, Panel on the Measurement of High School Dropout and Completion, National Academy of

Education and Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Research, National Research Council, 2008.

Chair, Panel on Collecting, Storing, Protecting, and Accessing Biological Data, Division of

Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council, 2008. Chair, Committee on Equity and Excellence in Education, Education Policy White Paper Project,

National Academy of Education and National Research Council, 2008. Member, Class III Committee, American Philosophical Society, 2016-. Member, Advisory Committee to the American Opportunity Study, Committee on National

Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017-.

Member, Committee on Developing a Methodological Program for Longitudinal Studies,

Committee on National Statistics, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2017-.

MASTER'S THESES SUPERVISED: Eric P. Godfrey, Residential Relocation in Providence, 1960-65: An Ecological Approach, Brown

University (August 1969).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Joanne M. Edelson, Rural-Urban Differences in Attitudes Toward Blacks, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1970).

Anna Greisdorf, A Case Study of Integration at a Public High School in Chicago, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (June 1972). Nancy D. Carter, The Interaction of Sex and Marital Status with the Occupational Status

Attainment Model, University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 1972). John N. Koffel, Subjectivity in Mobility Trend Literature: Sociology of Knowledge and Statistical

Approaches, University of Wisconsin-Madison (July 1974). Neil D. Fligstein, The Effects of the G.I. Bill on the Educational and Occupational Attainment of

American Men, 1940-1973, University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 1976). Randy D. Hodson, Labor Force Participation and Earnings in the Core, Peripheral, and State

Sectors of Production, University of Wisconsin-Madison (March 1977). James N. Baron, The Structure of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Another Look at the

Indianapolis Mobility Data, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1977). Robin Stryker, Religio-Ethnic and Catholic School Effects on Attainment in the Early Career,

University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 1977). Richard Williams, Peer Influence vs. Peer Selection: An Attempted Separation, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (June 1981). Hazel Symonette, Does Type of College Attended Matter? University of Wisconsin- Madison

(August 1981). David Grusky, Industrialization and the Status Attainment Process: Meritocracy Denied,

University of Wisconsin-Madison (October 1981). Jong Chun Cha, Wives' Contribution to the Social Status of the Family, University of Wisconsin-

Madison (July 1982). Douglas K. Anderson, Explaining the Black College Enrollment Decline: Push or Pull,

University of Wisconsin-Madison (July 1989). Jeffrey A. Hayes, Industrial Changes and the Gender Gap in Earnings, 1969-1984, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (August 1989).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Mehng-Lurn Lee, Some Structural Models of Family and Inter-Sibling Effects on Educational Attainment: Findings from Wisconsin Data, University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 1989).

Ching-Shan Hsieh, The Trends of 12 Grade Dropout Rates, 1975-1985 (June 1991). Min-Hsiang Huang, Inter-Cohort Changes in Vocabulary Test Score Differences between Blacks

and Whites (December 1991). John Robert Warren, Explaining the Educationally Disadvantaged Position of Mexican

Immigrant Children (August 1993). Deborah Carr, Self-Employment among American Women (November 1993). Megan M. Sweeney, Men's and Women's Hazard of Remarriage: The Role of Socioeconomic

Prospects (December 1994). Diane S. Shinberg, An Event History Analysis of Age at Last Menstrual Period: Correlates of

Natural and Surgical Menopause Among Mid-Life Wisconsin Women (February 1995). Theresa Thompson-Colón, Family-Work Conflict and Women's Psychological Well-Being

(September 1995). Thomas Wells. Does Family Background Affect Educational Attainment Differently According to

Family Structure, Birth Order, and Sex? (October 1995). Jennifer T. Sheridan. Determinants of Women’s Movement into and out of Male-Dominated

Occupations. (September 1996) Alair MacLean, Age Stratification at Work: Continuity and Change in the American Occupational

Structure, 1950-1990. (January 2000). Yvette Pettee, Childbearing Patterns of Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities

(January 2000). Megan Andrew, The “Inner Side” of the Transition to Adulthood (June 2004). Sara Moorman, Widowhood, Remarriage, and Well-Being (June 2005). Carl Frederick, Have we put an end to Social Promotion? Changes in Grade Retention Rates

among Children Aged 6-17 from 1972-2003 (August 2005).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Elizabeth Rainwater, Access or Ability: What's Behind the Relationship between Early Socioeconomic Status and Adult Mortality? (September 2005).

Pfeffer, Fabian, Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Comparative Perspective (July 2006). Nikki L. Graf, Maternal Employment and Stratification: Intergenerational Effects on the Labor

Force Participation and Status Attainment of Male and Female Offspring (February 2006) Alyn Turner, Infant Health and Educational Success (April 2007). Dana Garbarski, Subjective Social Status and health: The Role of Marriage, Social Participation,

and Social Background in their Relationship (May 2007). James Yonker, Alcohol Consumption and Cognitive Ability in Mid- and Later Life (May 2008). Augustino Ting Mayai, Child Mortality Differentials in Sudan: The Case of the Southern Region

(May 2008). Maddox, Torsheika, Psychological Effects of Being a Black Professional Woman (February

2009). Hargrove, Devin, Does Personality Affect Earnings? (April 2009). DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS SUPERVISED: Lois Monteiro, Social Factors Affecting the Outcome of Heart Attack, Brown University (June

1969). Duane F. Alwin, College Effects on Educational and Socioeconomic Achievements, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (August 1972). Victor Jesudason, Socioeconomic Background and Educational Attainment of High-Ability

Wisconsin High School Seniors, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1972). Charles W. Mueller, City Effects on Socioeconomic Achievements, University of Wisconsin-

Madison (May 1973). Richard T. Campbell, Social Class and College Graduation: A Replication and Extension,

University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 1973). William T. Bielby, The Specification of Measurement Error in Models of the Socioeconomic

Achievement Process, University of Wisconsin-Madison (June 1976).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Thomas N. Daymont, Parameters of Racial Discrimination in the Late 1960s, University of Wisconsin-Madison (September 1978).

Randy D. Hodson, The Social Impact of Industrial Structure on Working Conditions, University

of Wisconsin-Madison (May 1980). Joy P. Newmann, Sex Differences in Depression, University of Wisconsin-Madison (April 1982). Susan G. Janssen, The Development of Parents' Aspirations, University of Wisconsin- Madison

(August 1982). Yossi Shavit, Tracking in Israeli Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison (January 1983). Brian R. Clarridge, From Family of Orientation to Family of Procreation, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (January 1983). Shu-Ling Tsai, Sex Differences in the Process of Stratification, University of Wisconsin-Madison

(June 1983). Peter Mossel, Family Effects on the Returns to Schooling: Theory and Estimation, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (December 1983). Tom Colbjoernson, Determinants of Inequality: Individual Resources, Internal Labor Markets,

and Social Class, University of Bergen (1983). Michael Massagli, Trends in Social Mobility and Fertility in the United States, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (1984). David B. Grusky, American Social Mobility in the 19th and 20th Centuries, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (1986). Jong Chun Cha, Social Stratification and Mobility in Korea, University of Wisconsin-Madison

(December 1986). Daniel Krymkowski, The Process of Stratification in Comparative Perspective, University of

Wisconsin-Madison (December 1986). Richard Allen Williams, Indianapolis Revisited: A New Look at Social and Psychological Factors

Affecting Fertility, University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 1986). Robert M. Jenkins, Social Inequality in the State Socialist Division of Labor: Earnings Inequality

in Contemporary Hungary, University of Wisconsin-Madison (May 1987).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


William Craig Martin, From Class Challenge to Comfortable Collaboration?: Understanding Recent Fluctuations in the Politics of the Educated Middle Class, University of Wisconsin-Madison (December 1987).

Szonja Szelenyi, Class, Status and Gender: A Comparative Analysis of the Position of Women in

Hungary and the United States, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1988). Raymond Sin-Kwok Wong, Social Mobility in Industrial Societies: Towards an Understanding of

Cross-National and Temporal Stability and Variability, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1989).

Yu Xie, The Process of Becoming a Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison (August 1989). Samuel R. Lucas, Effects of Race and Gender Discrimination in the United States, 1940-1980

(December 1993). Douglas K. Anderson, Paths Through Secondary Education (June 1994). Hsiang-Hui Daphne Kuo, Families in the Process of Educational Attainment: Studies of Sibling

Resemblance (July 1995). Deborah Carr, The Fulfillment of Career Goals over the Life Course and Midlife Mental Health. (August 1997). Min-Hsiung Huang, Historical Changes in the Effects of Verbal Ability on Socioeconomic

Success in the United States (August 1996). John Robert Warren, A Life-course Perspective on the Process of Occupational Attainment (July

1998). Megan M. Sweeney, Gender, Race, and Changing Families: The Shifting Economic Foundations

of Marriage (July 1998). Diane Shinberg, Sex and Sickness: Gender and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Adult Health

(January 2001). Jennifer T. Sheridan, Occupational Attainment Across the Life Course: Sources of Stability and

Change in Three Occupational Characteristics (August 2001). Devah I. Pager, The Effects of a Criminal Record on Employment Opportunities for Black and

White Job Applicants (August 2002).

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Jeffrey Hayes, Gender and Jobs: Men's and Women's Labor Market Success During Midlife (October 2002).

Alair MacLean, The Varieties of Veteran Experience: Cold War Military Service and the Life

Course (2004). Eric Reither, Why Are Our Waistlines Expanding? Age-Period-Cohort Analyses of the Obesity

Epidemic and a Critical Examination of Mass Preparation Theory (August 2005). Chang, Huey-Chi Vicky, The Dynamics of Social Changes and Family Attainment Norms: The

Effects of Parental Education, Sibship Structure, and Gender Differences on School Transitions in Taiwan (April 2006).

Solon J. Simmons, Do Political Ideas Have Consequences? The Role of Legitimating Principles

in the Democratic Class Struggle: The United States, 1948-2000 (June 2006). Springer, Kristen Wray, His and Her Marriage Today: The Impact of Wives’ Employment on

Husbands’ Later Mid-life Health (June 2006). Pudrovska, Tetyana, Happy Parents? Parenthood, Gender, and Psychological Well-Being among

members of the “Happy Days” Cohort and their Spouses (August 2008). Andrew, Megan, Dynamics of Inequality in a Differentiated Post-Secondary System:

Intragenerational, Intergenerational, and Social Psychological Perspectives (June 2009). Moorman, Sara, Facing End-of-Life Together: Marital Relationship Quality and End-of-Life

Health Care Preferences (June 2009). Frederick, Carl B. Schooling for Citizenship: Unpacking the Relationship between Education and

Voting (July 2011). ADMINISTRATIVE AND COMMITTEE SERVICE: Brown Bag Coordinator, Brown University, Department of Sociology, 1967-69. Student-Faculty Committee, Brown University, Department of Sociology, 1968-69. Department Secretary, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology, 1969-70. Steering Committee, Center for Demography and Ecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,


January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Co-Director, Training Program in Methodology in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology, 1970-72.

Small Grants Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology, 1970-74

(Chairman, 1971-72). Director, Training Program in Methodology in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Department of Sociology, 1972-78. Junior Staff Review Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology,

1972-73, 2000-01. Budget Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology, 1973-74, 1978-

79, 1989-90, 1998-1999. DACC Faculty Software Evaluation Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1974. Junior Staff Search Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Sociology,

1976-79. Faculty Steering Committee, Data and Program Library Service, University of Wisconsin-

Madison, 1977-80, 1992-. Graduate School Research Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1978-81. Policy Committee, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Data and Program Library Service, 1982-

85. Committee on the Future of the Department of Sociology, 1984-85. Committee on Visitors, Department of Sociology (Chair), 1986-88. Vice-Chancellor's ad hoc Committee on Comparable Worth, 1985-86. Sociology VAX Policy Committee, 1985-89. Director, Center for Demography and Ecology, 1985-89. Information Technology Advisory Committee, 1989-92. Chancellor's Study of Academic Staff Compensation, 1988-89. Chair, Committee of Experts, UW System Academic Staff Pay Equity Project, 1990-95.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Chair, Computing Committee, Institute on Aging and Adult Life, and IOA representative to the

Technical Advisory Committee, Social Science Computing Cooperative, 1989-92. Director, Institute for Research on Poverty, 1991-1994. Madison Representative, UW System, Category B Academic Staff Gender Equity Pay Project,

1991-95. Chancellor's Committee on Faculty Pay Equity, UW-Madison, 1991-95. Member, Search and Screen Committee for the Dean of the College of Letters and Sciences, UW-

Madison, 1992. Chancellor's Committee on Chairs and Professorships, 1990-96. Board of Advisors, Institute on Aging and Adult Life, 1992-98. Steering Committee, Institute on Aging, 1998-2001. Director, Center for Demography of Health and Aging, 1998- . Advisory Committee, University of Wisconsin Survey Center, 2000-2004. Associate Professor Search Committee, Department of Sociology, 2004-2005. Awards Committee, Department of Sociology, 2005-07 . Poverty Cluster Search Committee, Institute for Research on Poverty, 2007-08. COURSES TAUGHT: Brown University Fall 1967 Sociology 125, Population and Migration (junior, senior) Spring 1968 Sociology 111, Research Methods in Sociology (junior, senior)

Sociology 1, Sociological Perspectives (freshman, sophomore) Fall 1968 Sociology 110, Quantitative Methods in Sociology-Statistics, (junior,

senior, graduate)

Sociology 1, Sociological Perspectives (freshman, sophomore)

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Spring 1969 Sociology 111, Research Methods in Sociology (junior, senior)

Sociology 1, Sociological Perspectives (freshman, sophomore) The University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 1969 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists Spring 1970 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists

Sociology 997, Seminar, Demography and Ecology Trainees Fall 1970 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1971 Sociology 362, Multivariate Analysis for Sociologists

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1971 Sociology 361, Intermediate Statistics for Sociologists

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1972 Sociology 362, Multivariate Analysis for Sociologists

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1972 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1973 Sociology 362, Multivariate Analysis for Sociologists

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1973 Sociology 696, Seminar, Problems in Sociology

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

Spring 1974 Sociology 362, Multivariate Analysis for Sociologists

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1974 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Spring 1975 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1975 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1976 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1976 Sociology 923, Seminar, Social Stratification

Sociology 952, Seminar, Mathematical and Statistical Applications in Sociology

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

Spring 1977 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees 1977-78 On research leave Fall 1978 Sociology 923, Seminar, Social Stratification

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1979 Sociology 952, Seminar, Mathematical and Statistical Applications

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1979 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1980 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1980 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists I

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1981 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methods of Mobility Analysis Fall 1981 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1982 Sociology 923, Seminar, Social Stratification

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Fall 1982 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1983 On research leave Summer 1983 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1983 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models

Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1984 Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models (University of Bergen) Summer 1985 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1985 Sociology 361, Social Statistics

Sociology 997, Seminar, Demography Trainees Spring 1986 Sociology 923, Social Stratification

Sociology 997, Seminar, Demography Trainees

Summer 1986 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1986 Sociology 923, Social Stratification

Sociology 997, Seminar, Demography Trainees Spring 1987 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

Sociology 696, Computing for Social Scientists Summer 1987 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1988 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

Sociology 696, Computing for Social Scientists Fall 1988 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees

Sociology 696, Computing for Social Scientists

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Fall 1989 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1990 Sociology, 923, Social Stratification Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1991 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1991 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1992 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1992 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1993 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1993 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1994 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Fall 1994 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Spring 1995 Sociology 995, Seminar, Methodology Trainees Spring 1997 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists I Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Fall 1997 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists I Sociology 971, Seminar, Topics in Demography, Aging and the Life Course Fall 1998 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists I Sociology 995, Seminar, Demography of Aging Trainees Spring 1999 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Sociology 995, Seminar, Demography of Aging Trainees

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Fall 1999 Sociology 360, Statistics for Sociologists I Sociology 995, Seminar, Demography of Aging Trainees Spring 2001 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Sociology 995, Seminar, Demography of Aging Trainees Spring 2003 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Spring 2004 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Spring 2006 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models Spring 2008 Sociology 952, Seminar, Path Analysis and Structural Equation Models OTHER PUBLIC SERVICE: Testimony prepared for the Rhode Island Senate Hearing on Open Housing Legislation, April

1968. “Population Policies in Wisconsin for the 1970's,” a talk prepared for delivery by Donald Peterson

(Candidate for Governor in the Wisconsin Democratic Primary) at Marquette University, Milwaukee, April 12, 1970.

“Notes on the Future of Midvale School,” a talk given at the Midvale Elementary School and

distributed to the members of the Board of Education and Superintendents Office, Madison, Wisconsin, March 4, 1980.

Radio talk show, Wisconsin Issues Forum, WHA, “The Class of '57, 25 Years Later,” July, 1982. Testimony prepared for Pankow murder trial, Appleton, Wisconsin, July 1986. Statistical Consultant, Madison Metropolitan School District, 1986-87. Testimony for Symposium on Studies, Surveys, and Analyses. Advisory Committee on Student

Financial Assistance, Washington, D.C., January 23, 1991. Testimony for National Commission on Responsibilities for Financing Postsecondary Education.

Evanston, Illinois, September 12, 1991.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Consultant, Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1992-93.

Statistical Consultant, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, June-December 1994, July

1999. Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and Association of Wisconsin School

Administrators, Fall 1996 Consultant, Social Security Administration (through Lewin Group), Technical Support Group for

Policy Evaluation of the Effects of 1996 Welfare Reform Legislation, Summer 1997- Consultant, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Preparation of video on social statistics for

advanced high school mathematics text, Summer 1997. Consultant, Policy Studies Associates, Evaluation of educational research, Fall 1998. Testimony on Social Promotion, Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, United

States Senate, April 1999. Seminar on High Stakes Testing for Tracking, Promotion and Graduation for U.S. Senate Staff,

March 2000. Consultant, Takoma Longitudinal Study, University of Washington, Department of Sociology, 1999-. Consultant, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U.S. Department of Education, 2000-2003. Consultant, National Board on Testing and Public Policy, Boston College, September 2000-2001. Consultant, Office of the District Attorney General, Davidson County, Tennessee, 2000-2002. Consultant, New York Performance Standards Consortium, 2001-2002. Consultant, National Center for Education Statistics (through American Institutes for Research and Educational Testing Service on improving the measurement of socioeconomic status in the National Assessments of Educational Progress), 2005-13. Statistical Consultant, Longitudinal Family Study of Beijing University, Beijing, PRC, October 2007-.

January 2, 2018 Robert M. Hauser


Board of Visitors, Institute of European and American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, ROC, October 2007-. Editorial Advisory Board, Euramerica, September 2007-. Commission on the Humanities and Social Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2011-13. Member, Board of Directors, American Academy of Political and Social Science, 2013 -.