CURRICULUM VITAE PAUL J. BRACKE - TTU › ... › 2014 › BRACKE-TTUDeanofLibraries-CV.pdf ·...

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Transcript of CURRICULUM VITAE PAUL J. BRACKE - TTU › ... › 2014 › BRACKE-TTUDeanofLibraries-CV.pdf ·...




Ph.D. in Higher Education, University of Arizona, December 2012.

Dissertation Title: Public Presentations of Professional Change in Research Library

Strategic Plans

Advisor: Dr. Gary D. Rhoades

M.S. in Library and Information Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 1997.

B.A. in History (Minor in German)/B.J. in Magazine Journalism, University of Missouri at Columbia, May 1995.


Purdue University (2006-present)

Associate Dean for Research and Assessment (2013 – present) Associate Dean for Digital Programs and Information Access (2009 – 2013) Associate Dean for Information Technology and Resource Services (2007-2009) Associate Dean for Information Technology (2006–2007) Associate Professor of Library Science (2006–present)


Provides Libraries-wide leadership in research, including management of sponsored

research, representing the Libraries at Purdue Research Administration meetings,

fostering the Libraries’ research agenda, and chairing the Libraries Research Council.

Provides leadership and oversight to libraries assessment activities. Provides leadership

in digital initiatives and the application of technology in Library services and collections.

Provides leadership in Libraries-wide planning and management. Participates in Libraries

development activities. Collaborates with partners on campus, and at regional, national,

and international library levels in initiatives.

Major Accomplishments:

Led the Purdue Libraries’ partnership with Ex Libris in the development and implementation of Alma, a cloud-based integrated library system

Led Purdue University’s participation in DataCite, including implementation of DOI registration services


Provided leadership in the development of the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR), a repository for managing research data created by the Purdue University community

Led reorganization of information technology, technical services (acquisitions, cataloging, and conservation), digitization, and resource sharing units to better align with library programmatic needs.

Developed strategies for hiring and staff development to provide greater support for digital collections management and access

Played a leadership role in the development of the Purdue Libraries’ strategic plan

University of Arizona (2000-2006)

Head of Systems & Networking, Arizona Health Sciences Library (AHSL) (2002-2006) Technical Chair, Arizona Health Information Network (AZHIN) (2002-2006) Systems Librarian, University Libraries (2000-2002) Associate Librarian (2005-2006) Assistant Librarian (2000-2005)

AHSL/AZHIN Responsibilities: Provided leadership to AHSL in the application of technology in Library services and collections, including the development of online resources to be integrated in learning and clinical environments; Led the development of technical infrastructure to support the activities of AZHIN, a consortium of academic health sciences and clinical libraries; Led the development of an online consumer health database for Arizonans; Led the development of an online consumer health database for residents of the Four Corners region in collaboration with the Universities of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah.

University Libraries Responsibilities: Provided leadership and expertise in the application of technology in Library services and collections, including participation in a comprehensive technology planning process; Partnered with librarians in the development of online instructional resources

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston (1998-2000)

Systems Librarian (1999–2000) Reference and Educational Services Librarian (1998-1999)

Responsibilities: Provided reference and instructional services to the UTMB community, including technology training; Led efforts to provide enhanced access to online, end-user; Developed web-based applications to provide access to local databases

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1997-1998)

Visiting Assistant Engineering Librarian (1997-1998) Visiting Assistant Professor of Library Administration (1997-1998)


Responsibilities: Provided reference and instructional services to the College of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Coordinated reference desk operations; Developed web-based applications to provide access to local databases



Zilinski, Lisa D., Paul J. Bracke, and David A. Scherer. “Assessing Data Linking in Transportation Technical Reports.” Proceedings of the 35th Annual International Association of Scientific and Technical University Libraries (IATUL) Conference. Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. 2-5 June 2014.

Bracke, Paul J. (2013) Alma: The Purdue Experience. Information Standards Quarterly. 24(4): 16-20. (Invited)

Newton, Mark P., Darcy M. Bullock, Charles Watkinson, Paul J. Bracke, Deborah K. Horton (2012) “Engaging New Partners in Transportation Research: Integrating Publishing, Archiving, and Indexing of Technical Literature into the Research Process.” Transportation Research Board Paper 12-0872.

Hong, Dzung, Luo Si, Paul J. Bracke, Michael Witt, Timothy Juchcinski. (2010) “A Joint Probabilistic Classification Model for Resource Selection ” Proceedings of ACM SIGIR 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.

Bracke, Paul J. (2010) “Outreach Issues for Information Technology in Libraries” in eds. William Welburn, Janice Welburn, and Beth McNeil, Advocacy, Outreach, Postsecondary Education and America's Libraries: A Call for Action. Chicago, ALA/ACRL

Bracke, Paul J. (2009) What Is the Next Trend in Usage Statistics in Libraries? Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship. 21(1): 4-14

Bracke, Paul J., David K. Howse, and Samuel M, Keim. (2008) Evidence-Based Medicine Search: A Customizable Federated Search Engine. Journal of the Medical Library Association 96(2):108-113.

Keim, Samuel M,, David K. Howse, Paul J. Bracke, and Katherine Mendoza (2008) Promoting evidence based medicine in preclinical medical students via a federated literature search tool. Medical Teacher. 30(9/10): 880-884.

Howse, David K., Paul J. Bracke, and Samuel M. Keim. (2006) Technology Mediator: A New Role for the Reference Librarian? Biomedical Digital Libraries 2006, 3:10


Maloney, Krisellen and Paul J, Bracke. (2005) “Library Portal Technology.” Journal of Library Administration. 43(1-2): 87-112. Also published in: Sarah C. Michalak (Ed.). Portals and Libraries. Special Issue on Library Portals

Maloney, Krisellen. and Paul J, Bracke. (2004) “Beyond Information Architecture: A Systems Integration Approach to Website Design.” Information Technology and Libraries. 23(4): 145-152.

Bracke, Paul J. (2004) “Web usage mining at an Academic Health Sciences Library: an exploratory study.” Journal of the Medical Library Association. 92(4): 421-428.

Coleman, Anita., Bracke, Paul J., and Karthik, Subramaniam. (2004) “Integration of Non-OAI resources for federated searching in DLIST, an Eprints repository.” D-Lib Magazine. 10 (7/8): July/August. Available at:

Bracke, Paul J. (2003) “Featured Website: Digital Library of Information Science and Technology,” LOEX News. 30(2): 2-3.

Bracke, Paul J. and Ruth Dickstein. (2002) “Web Tutorials and Scalable Instruction: Testing the Waters.” Reference Services Review. 30(4): 330-337.

Bracke, Paul J. (2002) "Remote access to electronic resources at the University of Arizona." Science and Technology Libraries. 20(3-4): 5-14. Also published in: Mary C. Schlembach and William H. Mischo (Ed.) Electronic Resources and Services in Sci-Tech Libraries. New York: Haworth Press, 2002.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Paul J. Bracke. (1999) "Selected Web Resources in the History of Science." Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship. Number 21, Winter 1999. (

Presentations and workshops

Clark, Ann Marie, Paul J. Bracke, and Amy Barton. “Coding Human Rights Appeals in International Politics: Researching Amnesty International’s Urgent Action Texts. 2014 American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. August 2014 (Forthcoming)

Beit-Arie, Oren, Paul J. Bracke, Pascal Calarco, and Janet Lute. “Why co-develop? Thoughts and experiences from the ELUNA customer community and Ex Libris on partnering to develop new products.” ELUNA 2014 Meeting. Montréal, QB, Canada. 30 April 2014.

Clark, Ann Marie, Paul J. Bracke and Amy Barton. “Coding Human Rights Appeals in International Politics: Researching Amnesty International’s Urgent Action Texts.” Poster Session, 2014 Midwest Political Science Association Conference. Chicago, IL. 4 April 2014.


Bracke, Paul J. “ORCID and Author Identity for Academic Libraries.” ACRL Scholarly Communication Interest Group, American Library Association Midwinter Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. 26 January 2014. (Invited)

Bracke, Paul J. “Libraries, Data, and Publication.” SPARC-ACRL Forum on Emerging Issues in Scholarly Communication. Philadelphia, PA. 25 January 2014. (Invited)

Bracke, Paul J. and Roger Brisson. “We’re Here: Deploying Alma” Association of College & Research Libraries Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. 11 April 2013

Bracke, Paul J. “DataCite and Campus Data Services.” Tracking It Back to the Source: Managing and Citing Research Data (NISO Forum). Denver, Colorado. 23 September 2012. (Invited)

Bracke, Paul J. “The Alma Partnership Experience at Purdue.” IGeLU Conference 2012. Zurich, Switzerland. 12 September 2012

Bracke, Paul J. “Data Migration for Alma.” IGeLU Conference 2011. Haifa, Israel. 12 September 2011

Bracke, Paul J. “DataCite at Purdue.” DataCite Summer Workshop. Berkeley, California. 24 August 2011

Bracke, Paul J. Alma and Cloud Computing for Libraries. Purdue University Libraries Seminar. West Lafayette, IN. 3 August 2011

Bracke, Paul J. Purdue University Research Repository (PURR). Purdue University Libraries Seminar. West Lafayette, IN. 16 June 2011

Bracke, Paul J., Mark Newton, and Charles Watkinson. “The Joint Transportation Research Program & Purdue Library Publishing Services.” Purdue Road School 2011. West Lafayette, IN. 9 March 2011

Bracke, Paul J and Susan Stearns. “Maximize the Value of the Research Library.” American Library Association Midwinter Meeting. San Diego, CA. 8 January 2011

Bracke, Paul J. (Moderator). “Peer-review systems and the publication of data sets – Ensuring Quality” Session at the 2010 DataCite Summer Meeting, Hannover Germany. 7 June 2010.

Bracke, Paul J, Patricia Cruse, Stephen Abrams, John Kunze. “DataCite.” Presented at the 2010 CNI Spring Membership Meeting, Baltimore, MD. 12 April 2010

Hong, Dzung, Luo Si, Paul J Bracke, Michael Witt, Timothy Juchcinski. "Intelligent Search from Multiple Resources of Purdue Library." Poster Session at the 2009 Purdue IT Summit, West Lafayette IN.

Bracke, Paul J and Tomalee Doan. “Strategic Approaches to the New Academic Library.” Presented at Internet Librarian 2007. Monterrey, CA. October 2008.


Howse, David K., Paul J. Bracke, and Samuel M. Keim. “Evidence-Based Medicine Search: Integrating a Customized, Federated Search Engine into a Medical School Undergraduate Curriculum.” Presentation at the 2007 Medical Library Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. May 2007.

Maldonado Maldonado, Alma, Paul J. Bracke, Brendan Cantwell. “Governmental Policies for Sending Individuals to Study Abroad and their Brain Drain Implications: A Comparative Study in Latin America.” Presentation at the 2005 Association for Study of Higher Education Conference. Philadelphia, PA. November 2005

Heidenreich, Frederick L, Patricia A. Auflick, Paul J. Bracke, Sandy S. Kramer, and Jeanette C. McCray. “ Arizona Community Health Information at Your Fingertips.” Presentation at Border Health: Information for Action VI Conference, Tucson, October 2005.

Heidenreich, Frederick L., Patricia A. Auflick, Paul J. Bracke, Sandy S. Kramer, and Jeanette C. McCray. “ A New Database of Arizona Community Health Information Links.” Poster Session at Border Health: Information for Action VI Conference, Tucson, October 2005.

Bracke, Paul J. and Shanna Leonard. “Wireless at the Medical Library.” MLA CE Workshop. MLA Annual Meeting, May 2005, San Antonio.

Bracke, Paul J. “Wireless at the Medical Library.” MLA CE Workshop. Ohio Health Science Libraries Association Annual Meeting, April 2005, Columbus.

McCray, Jeanette C., Patricia A. Auflick, Paul J. Bracke, David K. Howse, Jane Kolbe, Michael Kronenfeld, Michelle Ochillo, Catherine Riley. “The Arizona Turning Point Project: Developing a Partnership Between Libraries and Public Health Departments to Improve Access to Public and Consumer Health Information for All Arizonans.” Presentation at the 2004 NCNMLG/MLGSCA/PNCMLA Joint Meeting. Sacramento, CA. January 2004.

Auflick, Patricia A., Paul J. Bracke, Jeanette C. McCray, Susan Trombley. “Turning Point: Building a Public Health Infrastructure.” Presentation at the 2004 NCNMLG/MLGSCA/PNCMLA Joint Meeting. Sacramento, CA. January 2004.

Heidenreich, Frederick L.. and Paul J. Bracke. “Link on the Blink” Poster session at the 2004 NCNMLG/MLGSCA/PNCMLA Joint Meeting. Sacramento, CA. January 2004.

Bracke, Paul J. and Anita S. Coleman. “DLIST: Opening LIS Research and Practice.” Poster session at JCDL 2004, Tucson, AZ.

Bracke, Paul J. “DLIST.” Presentation at Digital Scholarship: A Workshop on Institutional Repositories (Sponsored by AAHSL). Washington, DC. November 8, 2003.

Bracke, Paul J, and Yu Su. “DLIST: Toward an International Scholarly Communication Consortium for Library and Information Science.” Poster session at the American


Library Association/Canadian Library Association Annual Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2003.

Coleman, Anita S. and Paul J. Bracke. “DLIST: Building an International Scholarly Communication Consortium for Library and Information Science.” In Mapping Libraries and People: Papers Presented at the First International Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research Institutes (CALIBER) Held in Ahmedabad, India 13-15 February, 2003, edited by T.A.V. Murthy, Ahmedabad, India: INFLIBNET Centre, 2003.

Coleman, Anita S. and Paul J. Bracke, “DLIST: Digital Library of Information Science and Technology” Poster session at the Arizona Library Association Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. December 2002.

Dickstein, Ruth and Paul J. Bracke. “Web Tutorials and Scalable Instruction: Testing the Waters.” LOEX of the West 2002. Eugene, OR. June 2002.

Bracke, Paul J, Joseph Brewer and Krisellen Maloney. “User-Centered Systems at the University of Arizona: A Long-Range Approach.” Poster session at the American Library Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. June 2002.

Bracke, Marianne Stowell and Paul J. Bracke. “Search Engine as Science Reference Tool.” Poster session at the American Library Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA. June 2002.

Bracke, Paul J., Jeannie F. Voyles, C. Tapia and L Dols. “Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery.” Living the Future 4: Collaboratively Speaking, A Library Conference on Organizational Renewal. Tucson, AZ. April 2002.

Poster Session, "Logical Modeling as an Aid to Systems Planning". American Library Association Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA. June 2001

Bracke, Paul J., Ruth Dickstein and Vicki Mills, "Web Tutorials: A Library Teaching Resource". Poster Session at the Learning Technology Showcase, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. May 2001.

Panelist, “Telemedicine: From Promise to Reality.” Panel discussion at the 4th Annual Houston Conference on Health Informatics. Houston, TX. June 5, 2000.

Bracke, Paul J. “Library Resources Available to Community Preceptors.” Effective Teaching in a Busy Clinical Practice: UTMB Office of Primary Care Education Faculty Development Workshop. October 16, 1999. Galveston, TX.

Bracke, Paul J., Pratt, Gregory F., Trumble, Julie M. “HTML Tips and Tricks for the Advanced Beginner.” Workshop at the UTMB Computer-Aided Instruction Interest Group Expo. May 10, 1999. Galveston, TX.


Panelist. “Communicating With Your Students Over the Web.” Panel Discussion at The University of Texas Medical Branch Computer-Aided Instruction Interest Group Forum. January 11, 1999. Galveston, TX.

Book Reviews

Reviewer for E-STREAMS: Electronic Reviews of Science & Technology References ( 1998 – 2000.

Works in Progress

Bracke, Paul J., Amy Barton, and Ann Marie Clark. “Digitization, Data Curation, and Political Science Research: The Amnesty International Urgent Action Bulletins Project.” To be submitted for publication, August 2014

Bracke, Paul J. “Social Capital, Networks, and the Assessment of Liaison Librarian Services.” To be submitted for publication, September 2014

Bracke, Paul J. “Academic Libraries and the Entrepreneurial University: Market-Oriented Behaviors and Strategic Collaboration”

Bracke, Paul J. “Academic Libraries, Interstitial Organizations and the Network Society”

Bracke, Paul J. and David A. Scherer. “Value of Institutional Repositories for Interdisciplinary Research Centers.”


Funded Proposals

Investigator (Muniram Budhu, PI). "Geotechincal, Rock, and Water Resources: Towards a National Civil Engineering Resource Library". Awarded $900,000 by NSF; 2001-2003.

Investigator (Anita S. Coleman, PI). “Information Technology and Society Research Lab: The Study of Scholarly Communication in Digital Repositories.” Awarded $21,397; 2004.

Project Director. “Arizona Go Local.” Awarded $25,000 by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, Pacific Southwest Regional Medical Library. 2005-6


Project Director. “Tribal Connections Four Corners Go Local.” Awarded $25,000 by the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South Central Regional Medical Library. 2005-6

Co-PI. “Metasearch for the NSDL Community” (William Mischo, PI) Awarded $463,826 by NSF, $75,000 Subcontract to Purdue University. 2007-2010.

Project Director, “Joint Transportation Research Program Digitization.” Purdue Joi nt Transportation Research Program/Indiana Department of Transportation.

Project Director. “Agriculture Information Network.” $3,000 contract from the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service. 2011-2012

Co-PI. “Human Rights Texts for Digital Research: Archiving and Analyzing Amnesty

International’s Historic Urgent Action Bulletins at Purdue University” (Ann Marie Clark,

PI). Purdue University Office of the Vice President for Research, Enhancing Research in

the Humanities and Arts Grants. $74,856


Purdue University

History 590 Directed Readings in Digital Humanities Ph.D. Examination Committee – Andrew McGregor, History Department (2013) Master’s Thesis Committee – Dean Lingley, Computer Information Technology Department (2014)


Association of Research Libraries (ARL) Leadership Fellow, 2013-2015


Professional Associations (Current)

American Library Association Association of College & Research Libraries Library Information Technology Association

Service to Professional Associations


Library Information Technology Association (LITA)

Liaison, ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee, 2013-present Chair, Technology and Access Committee, 2012-2014 Member, Publications Committee, 2000-2004 and 2008-2012 Chair, Best Practices Task Force, 2002-2003 Member, Publications Committee Best Practices Subcommittee, 2002 Member, Technology Electronic Reviews Board, 2001-2005 Chair, Intelligent and Knowledge-Based Systems Interest Group, 2001-2002

Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL)

Member and Blogger Coordinator, ACRL 2013 Conference Volunteers Committee, 2011-present

Service to Publications and Funding Agencies

Reviewer, Mellon Grand Challenge Exploratory Awards, Purdue University, 2014 Member, Programme Committee, Digital Libraries 2014 Reviewer, College & Research Libraries, 2013-present Reviewer, Applied Clinical Informatics, 2013 Reviewer, Posters and Demonstrations, JCDL 2013 Editorial Board, Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, 2012-present Reviewer, American Library Association Poster Sessions, 2002-2010 Reviewer, American Society for Information Science & Technology Knowledge Management SIG Conference Papers, 2011 Reviewer, Journal of Digital Information, 2002-2006 Reviewer, Encyclopedia of the Internet, 2002 Publisher Relations Editor, Technology Electronic Reviews, 2001-2005

Service to Library, College, or University Committees, Task Forces, and Working


Purdue University


Faculty Committees

Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Purdue University Libraries, 2011-2014 Member, Seminar Committee, 2010-2012 Chair, Nominations Committee, 2009-2010 Member, Nominations Committee, 2008-2009 Administrative Committees

Chair, Research Council, 2013-present Chair, Website Steering Committee, 2012-present Co-Chair, Planning and Operations Committee, 2009-present


Member, Digital Scholarship Council, 2012-present Member, Dean’s Council, 2006-present Member, Administrative Council, 2006-present Member, Search Committee for Digital Preservation and Electronic Records Archivist, 2012 Member, Search Committee for Head of Resource Services, 2011-2012 Member, Search Committee for Metadata Specialist, 2011-2012 Member, Search Committee for Digital User Experience Specialist, 2011 Member, Search Committee for Visiting Professor Program, 2011 Member, Search Committee for Digital User Experience Specialist, 2008 Chair, Intranet Task Force, 2007 Chair, Information Technology Council, 2006-2011 Co-Chair, Operations Council, 2006-2009 Chair, Website Redesign Task Force, 2006-2007

Campus Committees

Member, Textbook Affordability Working Group, 2013-present Member, Purdue Assessment Coordination Team, 2013-present Member, Student Success and Co-Curricular Assessment Team, 2013-present Member, Business Intelligence Advisory Committee, 2013-present Member, Enterprise Printing/Managed Print Services Review Committee, 2013 Chair, Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) Steering Committee, 2012-present Member, Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) Working Group, 2011-2012 Member, Academic Information Technology Leaders, 2008-present Member, NSF Data Management Working Group, 2010 Member, Search Committee for the Vice Chancellor for Information Services, Office of the Chancellor, Purdue University Calumet, 2008-2009 Member, Campus Lab Review Working Group, 2008 Member, Building Information Technology Synergies (BITS) Working Group, 2008 Member, Distributed (Administrative) Computing Managers, 2006-2008

University of Arizona

Arizona Health Sciences Library

Member, Phoenix Campus Library Planning Committee, 2005 Member, Search Committee for Systems Librarian, 2005 Chair, Library Faculty Assembly, 2005 Member, Search Committee for Head of Information Services, 2004 Chair, Web Committee, 2002-2006 Chair, Futures Committee, 2002-2003


University Libraries

Member, Scholar’s Portal Implementation Network. Joint Committee of the University of Arizona Libraries, Arizona Health Sciences Library and University of Arizona Law Library, 2002 Member, AMICO RFP Working Group, 2002 Member, Search Committee for Support Systems Analyst, 2002 Member, Technology Planning Project Team, 2001-2002 Member, Document Delivery Project Team, 2001-2002 Member, Search Committee for Support Systems Analyst Principal, 2001 Member, Search Committee for Support Systems Analyst Sr., 2001 Member, Millennium Advanced Search Workgroup, 2001 Member, Customizable Systems Action Planning Team, 2001 Member, "Village People" (Working group to develop framework for evaluating technology work in the Library), 2000-2001 Member, Access Plus (Web Steering Team), 2000-2001

Campus Committees

Member, Curriculum Revision Technology Committee, University of Arizona College of Medicine, 2005 Member, Search Committee for Application Systems Analyst, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, 2002 Member, Search Committee for Application Systems Analyst Sr., Department of Civil Engineering, University of Arizona, 2002

The University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Member, Electronic Theses and Dissertations Steering Committee, 1999-2000 Member, Computer-Aided Instruction Group Steering Committee, 1998-2000

Service to Consortia and Organization Committees, Task Forces, and Working


Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC)

Center for Library Initiatives

Member, Library Information Technology Directors Committee, 2006-present

Member, Interlibrary Loan Directors Committee, 2009-2013

Member, Technical Services Managers Committee, 2011-2012

Technology Collaboration Program

Member, Data Storage Working Group, 2011-2013

Chair, Data Storage Working Group Identifiers Subgroup, 2012-2013


Other Service

Member, DataCite Website Redeisgn Task Force, 2014

Member, DataCite Business Practices Working Group, 2010-present

Member, DataONE User’s Group, 2011-present

Member, Indiana State Library Resource Sharing Committee, 2011-2013

Member, DataCite Metadata Working Group, 2010-2011

Member, Evergreen Study Group, Academic Libraries of Indiana, 2008-2009

Chair, Arizona Health Information Network (AZHIN) Technical Committee, 2002-2006

Member, Systems Group, Arizona University Libraries Consortium, 2000-2006

Member, Texas Health Science Libraries Consortium Database Committee, 1999-2000

Member, Houston Area Research Libraries Consortium Systems Group, 1999-2000