CUIN 6371 Models of Teaching Fall, 2003 Howard L. Jones Session 2 National Training Laboratory.

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Transcript of CUIN 6371 Models of Teaching Fall, 2003 Howard L. Jones Session 2 National Training Laboratory.

CUIN 6371Models of Teaching

Fall, 2003Howard L. Jones

Session 2

National Training Laboratory

Social InteractionSocial InteractionTeaching About Society

Jurisprudential Oliver and ShaverRole Playing/Simulations

Teaching Social Skills National Training Laboratory

Teaching Academic Content & Social Skills

Various Forms of Cooperative Learning

Not Uncommon Thinking

To get the job done, a committee shouldTo get the job done, a committee shouldconsist of three persons…two of whom are absentconsist of three persons…two of whom are absent

“If I had to identify, in one word, the reason why the human race has not achieved its full potential, that would be the word ‘meeting’.”

Dave Barry

Less Common Thinking

All for one; one for allAll for one; one for all Alexander DumasAlexander Dumas

The Eleventh Commandment

Thou shall not committee!Thou shall not committee!

And to balance from the Christian Perspective

God so loved the world that He didn’t send a committee!

Gourd’s Axiom

A meeting is an event at which the minutes are kept and hours are lost.

Where Did They Come From?

Original Theory/Philosophy

Application of Original Theory

Model of Teaching

1947…an unusual year

Rapid personal and social changes

Agrarian Society

Industrialized Society

Information Society

Transitions in LifestyleNot too long ago…

Much family sharingExtensive basic life trainingMore homogeneous valuesLow level of informationLow technologyMany required tasksMuch family workExtended families nearbyFew broken homesLittle anonymity

Present NormsLittle family sharingLimited basic life trainingMore heterogeneous valuesHuge surplus of infoHigh technologyFew required tasksLittle family workExtended families far awayMany broken homesGeneral anonymity

1947…an unusual year

Rapid personal and social changesNeed for adaptive mechanism that serves both individual rehabilitation and social reconstruction

1947…an unusual year

Rapid personal and social changesNeed for adaptive mechanism that serves both individual rehabilitation and social reconstructionThe ability to live with ambiguity and change, to work interdependently, to be socially inventive…

Kurt Lewin to Ronald Lippitt

“The American cultural ideal of the self-made man, of everyone standing on his own feet, is as tragic a picture as the initiative-destroying dependence on a benevolent despot. We all need each other. This type of interdependence is the greatest challenge to the maturity of individual and group functioning.”

Albert Einstein What I Believe (1930)

“A hundred times a dayI remind myself that my inner and outer lives are based on the labors of others – both living and dead – and that I must work to repay thesedebts.”

Growing out of a need…

…to deal with complex bureaucratic organizations which depersonalize human relations…There is an “eclipse of community” and a sense of helpless isolation.“The ability to live with ambiguity and change, to work interdependently, to be socially inventive, to meet social requirements – are all requirements for social membership.” (Leland Bradford, 1961)

Laboratory Training…“…an educational strategy which

is based primarily on the experiences generated in the various social encounters by the learners themselves, and which aims to influence attitudes and develop competencies toward learning about human interaction.”

Schein and Bennis, Personal and Organizational Change Through Group Methods

National Training LaboratoryTraining GroupT-GroupEncounter Groups“Sensitivity Training”

Teaching is the creation of environments in which

students’ cognitive and social structures can emerge and change

Learning….…is viewed as a transaction between the learner and the environment in which neither can be regarded as fixed…The target of education is “change and growth in the individual and his behavior.”

Bradford, Human Forces in Teaching and Learning

Field Theory

Behavior is a Function of

Person .......................Environment

B = f (P, E)Kurt Lewin


A kind of social vacuum is producedLeadership, agenda, expectations…are blurred or missingThe group…not just a collection of individuals…possesses its own unique qualities…


IntrapersonalInterpersonalGroup DynamicsSelf-Direction

Necessity… psychological


Compass DirectionsActivities

NORTH Acting – “Let’s Do it!”

Likes to act, try things, plunge in

WEST EASTPaying attention to detail - Speculating –

Likes to know who, what, Likes to look at thewhen, where, why, before acting big picture, the

possibilities, before acting

SOUTH Caring –

Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into

consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

NORTH Acting – “Let’s Do it!”

Likes to act, try things, plunge in

WEST EASTPaying attention to detail - Speculating –

Likes to know who, what, Likes to look at thewhen, where, why, before acting big picture, the

possibilities, before acting

SOUTH Caring –

Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into

consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

NORTH Acting – “Let’s Do it!”

Likes to act, try things, plunge in

WEST EASTPaying attention to detail - Speculating –

Likes to know who, what, Likes to look at thewhen, where, why, before acting big picture, the

possibilities, before acting

SOUTH Caring –

Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into

consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

NORTH Acting – “Let’s Do it!”

Likes to act, try things, plunge in

WEST EASTPaying attention to detail - Speculating –

Likes to know who, what, Likes to look at thewhen, where, why, before acting big picture, the

possibilities, before acting

SOUTH Caring –

Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into

consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

NORTH Acting – “Let’s Do it!”

Likes to act, try things, plunge in

WEST EASTPaying attention to detail - Speculating –

Likes to know who, what, Likes to look at thewhen, where, why, before acting big picture, the

possibilities, before acting

SOUTH Caring –

Likes to know that everyone’s feelings have been taken into

consideration, that their voices have been heard, before acting

Compass QuestionsWhat are the potential benefits associated with your “direction?”What are the potential limitations associated with your “direction?”With which other “direction(s)” do you have the most difficulty working as you start a group project? Why?What do you want people in other “directions to know or understand about working with you?

Wilderness Survival

Wilderness SurvivalTeam Initial Average Team Score

Compass Point



The Chicks


Four Corners 4.4The


Synergy 3.6

Jaguars 5









To work together

Syntax of NTL ModelDilemma

Syntax of NTL ModelDilemma


Syntax of NTL ModelDilemma




…communicating to a person or a group about how his, her, or their behavior has affected us or other people.

Feedback is useful if….

It describes what a person is doing rather than placing a value on itIt is specific rather than generalIt is directed toward behavior which the receiver can do something aboutIt is well-timedIt is asked for rather than imposedIt is checked to ensure clear communication

Syntax of NTL ModelDilemma




Syntax of NTL ModelDilemma



after Blake and Mouton Generalization

A Focus on the Here and Now…

Lost at Sea

Scoring Lost at Sea

Your Rating Correct AnswerDifference

__5_ Sextant __8_ Sextant 3__11_Shaving _5_Shaving 6 Mirror Mirror

__1__Water __1_Water 0

Sum of D1...15


Wilderness Survival and Lost at Sea

Team Initial Average Team Score

Compass Point


3.8/62.8 57

The Chicks

4.5/74.5 72

Four Corners 4.4/48.2 16The



Synergy 3.6/73.6 65

Jaguars 5/








Johari WindowKnown to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others

Johari WindowJoe Ingham & Harry Luft

Known to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others

Johari Window

Known to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others


Johari Window

Known to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others

Arena BlindspotBlindspot

Johari Window

Known to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others

Arena BlindspotBlindspot


Johari Window

Known to Unknown to Self Self

Known to Others

Unknown to Others

Arena BlindspotBlindspot

Private Unknown

Meeting behaviors that we really despise…


NTL SyntaxAbility to cope Ability to cope

with changewith change

Insight into ReasonInsight into Reasonfor Interpersonal for Interpersonal


Tolerance of Tolerance of DiversityDiversity

Skill in Negotiation,Skill in Negotiation,Self-ExpressionSelf-Expression

Acceptance ofAcceptance ofAffective NatureAffective Nature

of Human Responsesof Human Responses

LaboratoryLaboratoryMethod Method ModelModel

The Tribes Program

Teachers have an extensive array of alternative approaches to use in teaching. Methods make a difference in what is learned as well as how it is learned. The difference is probabilistic. Students are a powerful part of the learning experience being created, and they react differently to any given teaching method.

Three Perspectives

Not everyone really is enamored with NTL….

Check the websites…

Beginning in the ’40s, German psychologist, Kurt Lewin, developed “Sensitivity Training” or “T-groups” to show how people “could be socially and psychologically manipulated to give up their souls....”

For Example….

But there is a history…


Group Investigation

Cooperative Learning

Next we deal with…

Group Investigation …and Cooperative Learning and…

John Dewey (1859-1956)

To be continued…