C*SC301 - Paxos, Tuples and UDTs

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of C*SC301 - Paxos, Tuples and UDTs

Tuples, LWTs and UDTs

S 301Paxos, Tuples and User Defined Types

Shameless Plug





From humble beginnings





CAP Theorem Refresher





Planning your Data Model





Start with Queries

Denormalize to Optimize

Planning for Concurrent Writes

Who is jbellis a subscriber of?

Blog entry will have a body, user and category.

From humble beginnings





What about transactions?





What about transactions?





Why not transactions?





Enter PaxosLight Weight Transactions





Prepares a proposal that is sent to a number of Acceptors.Waits on a an acknowledgement (in form of promise) from Acceptors.Sends accept message to Quorum of Acceptors with new value to commit.Returns success? completion to client.

Determines if proposal is newer than what it has seen.Acknowledges/agree with its own highest proposal value seen AND the current value (of what is to be set).Receive message to commit new value.Accept and return on successful commit of value.

Paxos… (in Cassandra)





Practical LWTs in C*










Enter TuplesCartesian co-ordinates





Tracking the drone in real-time





Embedding metadataComplex Data Types & JSON





{ "mls_number": "C1818310", "address": { "street_number": 44, "street_name": "kennedy road", "unit": "" }, "listing_price": 459999, "description": "Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...", "date_listed": "2013-06-21", "rooms": { { "room": "kitchen", "dimensions": { "width": "14.2", "length": "16.8", "units": "feet" } }, { "room": "bedroom", "dimensions": { "width": "13.2", "length": "19.6", "units": "feet" } } }}

CREATE TABLE listings ( mls_number text, address text, listing_price double, description text, date_listed timestamp, PRIMARY KEY (mls_number));

CREATE TABLE room_data ( mls_number text, room_id uuid, room_name text, PRIMARY KEY (mls_number, room_id));

CREATE TABLE room_dimensions ( room_id uuid, width double, length double, units text, PRIMARY KEY (room_id));

User Defined Types cont...





{ "mls_number": "C1818310", "address": { "street_number": 44, "street_name": "kennedy road", "unit": "" }, "listing_price": 459999, "description": "Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...", "date_listed": "2013-06-21", "rooms": { { "room": "kitchen", "dimensions": { "width": "14.2", "length": "16.8", "units": "feet" } }, { "room": "bedroom", "dimensions": { "width": "13.2", "length": "19.6", "units": "feet" } } }}

{ "mls_number": "C1818310", "address": { "street_number": 44, "street_name": "kennedy road", "unit": "" }, "listing_price": 459999, "description": "Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...", "date_listed": "2013-06-21", "rooms": { { "room": "kitchen", "dimensions": { "width": "14.2", "length": "16.8", "units": "feet" } }, { "room": "bedroom", "dimensions": { "width": "13.2", "length": "19.6", "units": "feet" } } }}

CREATE TYPE room_dimensions ( width double, length double, units text);

{ "mls_number": "C1818310", "address": { "street_number": 44, "street_name": "kennedy road", "unit": "" }, "listing_price": 459999, "description": "Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...", "date_listed": "2013-06-21", "rooms": { { "room": "kitchen", "dimensions": { "width": "14.2", "length": "16.8", "units": "feet" } }, { "room": "bedroom", "dimensions": { "width": "13.2", "length": "19.6", "units": "feet" } } }}

CREATE TYPE mls_address ( street_number int, street_name text, unit text);

CREATE TABLE listings ( mls_number text, address frozen <mls_address>, listing_price double, description text, date_listed timestamp, rooms map <text, frozen <room_dimensions>>, PRIMARY KEY (mls_number));

{ "mls_number": "C1818310", "address": { "street_number": 44, "street_name": "kennedy road", "unit": "" }, "listing_price": 459999, "description": "Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...", "date_listed": "2013-06-21", "rooms": { { "room": "kitchen", "dimensions": { "width": "14.2", "length": "16.8", "units": "feet" } }, { "room": "bedroom", "dimensions": { "width": "13.2", "length": "19.6", "units": "feet" } } }}

Pre 2.1.3 - there’s a catch





User Defined Types cont...





INSERT INTO listings (mls_number, listing_price, date_listed, description, address, rooms)VALUES (‘C1818310’,459999, ‘2013-06-21’, 'Victorian house set on the gorgeous park...', { street_number: 44, street_name: ‘Kennedy Road’, unit: ‘’ }, { ‘kitchen’: { width: 14.2, length: 16.8, unit: ‘feet’, }, ‘bedroom’: { width: 13.2, length: 19.6, unit: ‘feet’, } });

address frozen <mls_address>,

rooms map <text, frozen <room_dimensions>>

Selecting UDTs





cqlsh:msl_test>SELECT kitchen.width, kitchen.length FROM listings WHERE mls_number = ‘C1818310’

kitchen.width | kitchen.length---------------------------------------------------------- 14.2 | 16.8

(1 rows)

cqlsh:msl_test>SELECT address FROM listings WHERE mls_number = ‘C1818310’

address--------------------------------------------------------------------------------{street_number: 44, street_name: ‘Kennedy Road’, unit: ‘’}

(1 rows)

Did I mention…






Did I mention…




