Crowdsourcing a Community Collection (and the After Effects) Kate Lindsay, Alun Edwards & Ylva...

Post on 19-May-2015

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As the Centenary of the First World War approaches a plethora of projects and activities have begun to engage the public in the nation’s remembrance and commemorations. Many of these involve the collection of memories and experiences of the War passed down through families and across communities. Since 2008, the University of Oxford has harnessed the power of digital technologies to facilitate the collection of First World War memories and artefacts through an innovative community collection model, combining online and face to face engagement to crowdsource digital collections. Presented by Alun Edwards at The Museums Computer Group 'Museums on the Web' conference 2013 (UKMW13) Tate Modern, 15 November 2013. The theme for UKMW13 was ‘Power to the people’. The Museums Computer Group: connecting, supporting, inspiring museum technology professionals

Transcript of Crowdsourcing a Community Collection (and the After Effects) Kate Lindsay, Alun Edwards & Ylva...

  • 1. Crowdsourcing a Community Collection (and the After Effects) An overview of the Oxford Community Collection ModelNov 2013Alun Edwards, University of Oxford @HurricaneAlly

2. Crowdsourcing a Community Collection The Oxford Community Collection Model Europeana 1914-1918 & 1989 RunCoCoAfter effectsStories 3. This item is from The Great War Archive, University of Oxford (; MAUREEN ROGERS 4. This item is from The Great War Archive, University of Oxford (; MAUREEN ROGERS 5. First World War Poetry Digital 6. Crowdsourcing a Community Collection:Pilot projectThe Great War Archive (in the UK 2008), University of 7. Some TechnicalitiesPoetry Digital Archive Primary source material dispersed amongst libraries and archives in the UK, USA and Canada Digitisation performed by holding institutions according to project benchmarks Images digitised as High Quality TIFFs and delivered as good enough quality JPGs, Audio as MP3, Video as MPEG 4 Catalogued by trained cataloguers Quality Assured twice, including by a key expert in the field Dates, location, provenance, etc.Images digitally watermarked using DigiMarkCost 40 / itemThe Great War Archive Primary source material held by individuals in the UK and abroadDigitisation performed by the public using scanner/digital camera or by the project team at submission days Digitisation guidelines provided Not mandatoryAll files types accepted Initially catalogued by the public Quality Assured and metadata expanded upon by the project team Dates, location, provenance, etc.Cost 3.50 / item 8. After effects 9. Crowdsourcing a Community Collection:Flickr7,469 photos 602 image by ARs (Ana Rodrigues) 10. 11. 12. a collection day like? 5 September, 2012Presentation title, edit Page 13 in header and footer 13. do you need?OXFORD COMMUNITY COLLECTION MODEL 14. Crowdsourcing a Community Collection:Where do I start? IDEA 15. After effects 16. After 17. Preservation Ephemeral documents, if not already housed in permanent public collections, are at risk from loss or casual destructionAfter effectsSome owners decide, as a result of participation, to donate originals to a museum This item is from The Great War Archive, University of Oxford (; P Vainker 18. The friendly face of public institutions After effectsSome of the public who come to the collecting days are not regular museum visitors or familiar with the various forms of research and technologyThe new visitor benefits from seeing dedicated staff and an interesting subject, and so does the museum (widening their public image and users) 19. After effects 20. After effectsAfter effectsSoldiers of Oxfordshire Museum Banbury High School Lancashire Infantry MuseumCopyright 2013 Lancs CC. All Rights Reserved 21. Aim for two-way engagement Be part of your community Challenge your assumptions Strategies for achieving each of these are described, along with real examples drawn from the projects with which we worked.After effects strategies: 22. How easily can treasure, buried in the ground, gold hidden, however skillfully, escape any man!Project Woruldhord effects 23. effects 24. After effects Age Exchange: Children of The Great War intergenerational theatre production where young and old will perform both theirs and others memories gathered through the many hours of reminiscence sessions and archive collation. 25. Crowdsourcing a community collectionTWO FINAL STORIES 26. This item is from The Great War Archive, University of Oxford (; Jill RossPhoto submitted by the nephew of William Gaunt, (seated here) Nothing particularly unusual in this photo which had been on the mantle-piece in Williams widows house? 27. After effectsSCHOOL IN ACCRINGTON, KS2 YR 6 Copyright 2013 Lancs CC. All Rights ReservedHeritage Learning Office, Lancashire County Cultural Services working with: Burnley Youth TheatreThe Dukes Play House, LancasterLudus DanceChorley Boys 28. Questions? RunCoCo for resources & consultancy @RunCoCo effects