Creative Marketing Strategy for Columbia College Chicago's Library

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Transcript of Creative Marketing Strategy for Columbia College Chicago's Library

!Creative Marketing Strategy Prepared for: Columbia College Chicago Library Prepared by: John Honey, Stephen Gatbunton, Rafael Gomez and Elif Negiz December 4, 2014 !

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A Creative Marketing Strategy

for the Columbia College Chicago Library

!Page 1 - Cover

page 2 - Table of Contents

page 3 - Executive Summary

page 4 - Competitive Library Map

page 5 - 6 - Libraries

page 7 - 9 - Why do we need libraries?

page 10 - Book Review

Page 11 - Magazine Insights

Pages 12-17 - Columbia College Student Interviews

Pages 18-19 - Columbia College Faculty Interviews

Page 20 - 21 - Random Individual Interviews

Page 21 -Random Event Insight

Page 22 - Metaphors & Fairytales

Page 23 - Summary of Library Book

Page 24 - Logical Phase

Page 25 - Overview & Mission

Page 26 -Audience & Message

Page 27 -Media Plan

Page 28 - Timelines

Page 29 - Budget

Page 30 - 32 - Creative

Page 33 - 35 - Biographies


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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY !Goals To increase awareness about the library resources, spaces, services, programs and staff To increase foot traffic to our physical spaces and virtual spaces To increase student use of our library resources, spaces and services !Target Audience Students - Particularly first and second year students!

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Library Competitive Map

THE JOE AND RIKA MANSUETO LIBRARY (A.K.A. “THE RED EGG”)!!Location: University of Chicago; Hyde Park, Chicago, IL USA!!What’s Unique?!The Red Egg has the largest automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) in North America. The architects and designers found inspiration from commercial inventory techniques to solve a storage problem. The library’s innovative book retrieval system allows it to hold 3.5 million volumes of literature underground in a central location, and be retrieved in as little as 5 minutes. !!Above ground is the Mansueto Library’s Grand Reading Room. The Reading Room is encased by a “soaring elliptical dome” of glass that provides natural sunlight and a gorgeous view for students to enjoy. !!How is it Marketed? !The University of Chicago’s new library was featured in several online publications within the architecture, design and technology industries. A video from “How it Works” featured the Library’s ASRS. Due to its unique design and creative solution to dealing with storage constraints, The Joe and Rika Mansueto Library has become a popular tourist attraction and has won several awards in different categories. It represents the marriage of creative ingenuity and intelligent design. !!THE VERIA CENTRAL PUBLIC LIBRARY!!Location: Northern Greece, City of Veria!! What’s Unique?!Veria’s library is a library of “firsts.” In 1996, it was the first library in Veria to provide free access to computers and the Internet to its users. In 1997, The Veria Library was the first to have a website, and is the only library in Northern Greece with mobile libraries complete with select books, laptops and Internet access. It is a valuable resource for the residents of Veria, and its surrounding rural villages, that offers advanced information and technology services rooted in a philosophy that promotes learning and creativity. !!

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How is it Marketed?!According to Saint Paul Municipality mayor Apostolos Nestoropoulos, “The Veria Library is one of the most famous libraries in Greece.” It’s regarded as a hub for learning and creativity with a strong focus on young people. A popular fixture at the Veria Center Library is its Magic Boxes which provides music stations, play areas, computers and a list of activities ranging from arts and crafts to interactive storytelling. The Magic Box “encourages curiosity, surprise and excitement.”!!For adults and the emerging workforce, the Veria Central Library is known as an institution that teaches real-world skills for job placement. Veria’s library played an important role during one of the worst economic climates in Greece’s history by teaching unemployed young people how to create resumes, use specialized software and to participate in social networking. !!LIBRARY OF ALEXANDRIA !Location: Alexandria, Egypt !What’s unique? The Royal Library of Alexandria was once the largest library in the entire world, and carried collections from Aristotle and other great thinkers. Visitors traveling into Alexandria were required to give the library their scrolls, which were copied down and then kept in the library and the owners would receive their scrolls back, which provided a constant flow of information for the library. The library had a museum, a temple and baths and gardens inside of it. The library was known as a symbol of pure knowledge, but was unfortunately burned in a fire. !How is it Marketed? The library of Alexandria was known purely for its vast information for some of the greatest philosophical thinkers from the ancient world. The library itself became more than a library, as it almost appears as a small city with multiple “events” to participate in. This library incorporated spirituality, wisdom, nature and purity all in one setting. !Celsus Library !Location: Ephesus Ancient City, Present Day Turkey !What’s unique? This library was one of the most beautiful structures in the ancient city of Ephesus. This library actually became the tomb for Celsus Polemaeanus, who was the governor of the district at the time. Celsus’ grave was located beneath the ground floor, with a statue of Athena the goddess above him, who was the goddess of wisdom. All of

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the scrolls and manuscripts were kept in cupboards in niches on the walls. Usually double walls and bookcases housed the scrolls to prevent humidity and temperature from affecting them. !How is the library marketed? Celsus library was the third richest library in ancient times after Alexandria and Pergamum. The library was even designed to appear bigger than it actually was by sizing the columns shorter on the outside and larger towards the middle. Lectures and presentations were housed at the massively large auditorium, which was located just next to the library. !The Library of Congress !Location: Washington D.C., USA !What’s unique? This is the oldest federal constitution in the US, and is currently the largest library in the world as ranked by shelf space and number of books. This library has multiple buildings, and most of the architecture was inspired by European libraries. The library spreads upon different campuses and has something informational for any group or person seeking more information. !How is it marketed? Currently, the U.S. Congress men and women use the library for research and have been doing so for years. The design of the building has beautiful architecture and is a hot spot for Washington D.C. tourism. !Harold Washington Library !What’s unique? This ten floor library is located in the South Loop in downtown Chicago. Each floor is divided into different sections based off of cultures, topics and materials. Red bricks make up the exterior with owl figures placed on the top corners of the building. All of the entrances to the building lead into the lobby. !How is it marketed? The Harold Washington library is the central library for the Chicago Public Library system, and also offers free wifi.!!!

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Why do we need libraries? We need libraries for their free resources: workspaces, reference books, computer access and printing capabilities plus “trustworthy” sources of information. Also, we need libraries to escape to and indulge our curiosities, or to break free from distractions. We should think of libraries as a mysterious black hole, packed with all of the knowledge of the world. Not only location, but the workers at libraries have been trained in high intricate level research which far surpasses any “google search” conducted by a student on their own. One of the greatest rights that we have in America is certainly the intellectual freedom that we are allowed, including speech, copyright or privacy, which all roots back to libraries. !What should be unique about a library in the 21st century? The library of the 21st century should reflect the changes happening in technology and education in the modern era. Therefore, a 21st century library should have a dualistic approach to its clientele. First, it should incorporate an “old school” feel with traditional books, librarians, rooms to study quietly and research for information. Yet, it should also incorporate a “new school” approach to libraries, including a fun and interactive environment, foods, entertainment, and intellectual engagement. It takes both approaches to create a well rounded library. !What are the rules to break in the library industry? The generic “cranky librarian.” — We all know her, shusshing everyone in the room. This has become a mindset that we have been conditioned to accept while in a library. Instead of creating a hostile, quiet environment, perhaps the Columbia Library could promote one specific area where students are encouraged to interact with other students, librarians, and professionals. Although some libraries don’t strictly follow this rule anymore, lively group discussion is still discouraged in the library. Let creative minds explore ideas by talking it out.!!Drawing on the walls -- Adding personal and impromptu artwork in hidden corners of the library can spark inspiration.!!Writing in books -- Sometimes a reader will draw an interesting insight from a reading and might want to jot that idea down on the margins of the book. The next reader might stumble upon this find and get something valuable out of the discovery. !!What if every citizen had to become a library member? Each library would cater specifically to the people in that area that they need to target. If every person was required a library card, for example at Columbia, wouldn’t it have more art, more creativity and replicate the actual Columbia student body? Libraries would certainly become more accommodating for the “everyday” citizen and might take more proactive measures to developing and marketing its programs and services. More resources might be allocated to library spending. The casual citizen might become more accepting of different cultures and develop interests in new categories they never considered before.

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Come up with 3 innovative ideas/elements the Columbia library should have. 1. Dedicate an entire floor for “quiet study/reading” and separate floor for “collaborative group think” sessions. -- This segregation will allow the library to better utilize the floor space it has by combining students with similar study goals/activities into one location. Having spaces spread out throughout each floor makes it difficult and annoying for students to search out A, a quiet reading spot to be alone with their thoughts or B, a space large enough to fit 4-5 person teams that plan on getting loud. ! 2. Celebrity guest speakers via Skype/Google Hangouts -- Invite motivational/inspirational celebrities and respected professionals to speak to Columbia’s student body via video conference. This technology is already being used in classes by professors and could be easily implemented for this type of special event. Guest speakers can be invited on a monthly basis coinciding with college-related special events, notable occasions or specific happenings in mainstream culture. !!3. Provide food (ala Starbucks Cafe) at CCC Library -- Most survey respondents cited “food” among their top additions to the library that they would like to see. Students are using the library to kill time between classes or make textbook copies. More often than not, they are hungry. Adding a cafe inside the library could boost foot traffic, at the very least. !Pick 3 celebrities that should become associated with the new library and explain why. Three celebrities that should be associated with the new library could be President Obama, as he is a Chicago native and would potentially visit or have a signing perhaps after his term as President is over. Next, notable Columbia Alumni such as Queen Latifa would also be excellent connections to establish with the library. My ideal celebrity endorsement would be with Kanye West, also a previous Columbia student. Perhaps a chocolate fountain with his face on it could be inserted into the third floor, or the entire Library could be endorsed by him and renamed the “Columbia College Kanye West Library.” !Find 3 ideas from the history of libraries and explain how they can be used to promote the Columbia library. 1. One idea from the history of libraries that could be incorporated into Columbia’s library is the beautiful example of the library of Alexandria. Alexandria was known not only for it being the knowledge center of the world, but also offered other things such as scrolls, museums, and gardens located inside of the library! I think including some sort of green room, or green area in the library would be excellent at Columbia and it would help to improve the oxygen in the air, helping to establish higher cognitive functions for students thus resulting in higher grades and academic achievement while at Columbia. 2. The earliest known libraries were essentially recordings of a civilization’s everyday lives. It documented the activities, transactions and occurrences within a society. Maybe the library can commission the production of an annual film that documents and chronicles the stories in each department at Columbia for one year, every year. !

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3. Today, libraries have a strong area of difference to attract tourists, students, and scholars into them. If Columbia added more art into the library, or even added one floor of just art, maybe more people would be inclined to visit. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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An unlikely leading man, Beecher White is an archivist at the National Archives. Buried in history every day, he makes a living by finding answers to arcane questions. “Mysteries are my speciality,” Beecher says with nerdy pride.

When Clementine Kaye, his elementary crush and first kiss, asks for his help in finding her father’s identity, Beecher can’t resist showing off his research skills. He’s been sleepwalking through life since his fiancée left him, and a chance to reconnect with this woman is a much-needed wake up call.

An ordinary day of a guy trying to impress a girl quickly goes wrong. Beecher and his security guard friend show Clementine the secret vault where the President comes to de-stress by reviewing old documents. An accidental coffee spill unearths a torn-up old dictionary hidden under a chair. One that belonged to George Washington. One that may be used to send secret messages to the most powerful man in the United States.

!Insight: Our library proposal is that you cannot underestimate the power of an archivist.

With archives you can reveal much about the past and it is an invaluable tool.


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! Inc. Magazine!

! !!Issue: Nov. 2014 Article: “TopGolf’s Tips for Getting Millennials”!

!1. Pump up the volume - TOP GOLF(TG) rethought its target audience and shifted its sights on Millennials. TG brainstormed ideas on how to get Millennials interested in golf. They “gamified” golf by making it resemble an arcade game, and they invited DJ’s and bands to perform on certain nights. !

!2. Prepare to be tweeted - TG made their locations social media friendly by making sure the landscape and views would encourage visitors to take pictures. TG also made a strong effort to be more attentive and responsive to its fans, online and offline. !

!3. Adopt a cause - TG realized most Millennials have a very low tolerance for insincere marketing campaigns so it made sure to partner with causes that would resonate with its brand identity and its fans. TG sponsored a celebrity ugly sweater christmas charity drive. !

!!!Insight: The CCC Library should adopt these strategies to encourage students to visit the library. Focus on the primary audience; how can we add value to students’ Columbia experience in ways that fall outside of traditional library responsibilities? !

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!Columbia College Student Interviews


Describe an activity you do at the library that you cannot do at home.!The library helps me actually stay on task.!!What are your thoughts on the future of libraries? !I don’t think that libraries are going anywhere. Especially for schools. Libraries are a space to A, borrow reading materials and B, use the computers -- which we’ve all done. Libraries are prominent for group projects and study sessions. !!What should be unique about a library in the 21st century?!I think there needs to be a comfort level about libraries. We have thought for so long of libraries as stuffy and cold. Warm it up; make it inviting. !!What role does the library play in the digital age?!You might possibly see a transition from book on paper to Nooks (e-readers/tablets) like that. I really don’t see that happening, though. Especially in a college library.!!Explain the importance (or irrelevance) of libraries.!I think libraries play an important part in the studying process -- at least for me. I also use libraries for writing papers and resourcing. !Insights: This student seems bored with the traditional library setting. If the student wants the library to be more “warmed up” that could become possible in multiple ways, fireplaces, hot chocolate, and anything else that invites her to write her papers and research will increase her library usage at Columbia.!!

NOV. 2, 2014 - JESSE HUYLER!!Describe an activity you do at the library that you cannot do at home.!I scan the books that I don’t buy so that I can still get my work done.!!What are your thoughts on the future of libraries?!

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I think that libraries are always going to be around. We need them. I just think that average use will continue to decrease as internet research continues to improve. !!What should be unique about a library in the 21st century?!I have no idea. Maybe the way it’s designed? !Insights: Maybe even the students are confused on exactly what they want when it comes to libraries, but they still recognize that the library has practical uses. If this student feels that libraries will “always be around,” perhaps we should incorporate something more attractive to draw the students in.!!

NOV. 4, 2014 - NATASHA IVANOV!!Describe an activity you do at the library that you cannot do at home.!I am forced to study at the library because I do not have Adobe Suite at home. !!What are your thoughts on the future of libraries?!The future of libraries needs to change. As students become more technical, libraries should, too. This includes fast internet, Adobe Suite and Microsoft Office. Plus areas that are have a more lounge setting with plenty of outlets available for laptops and phones. !!What should be unique about a library in the 21st century?!Besides the stuff from number two, provide a more campus friendly environment. Many universities offer 24 hour libraries for students to study and hangout in. Why Columbia doesn’t offer that, I don’t know but I dislike it very much. !!What role does the library play in the digital age?!Most libraries are digitally outdated.!!Explain the importance (or irrelevance) of libraries.!It’s important to keep these spaces around because for many, it may be the only quiet area available for young students. There is so much clutter in the world; libraries keep you cut off from this and provide a place for resources. !Insights: Students appreciate libraries for the space that they provide and for certain services they cannot use at home. Students are very technologically savvy and will only be interested in a library if they can replicate and enhance the student’s knowledge through technology.!!

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NOV. 5, 2014 - DAN Z. !What comes to mind first when I mention “Columbia College Library?” Do any specific ideas, rooms, or images come into your conscious? I just think “what can it provide that my computer cannot?” !What would you love to see at the library? I want to see free printing. !What can you do at the library that you can’t do at home? Basically just look at books. !Insights: This student shows a lack of enthusiasm for the library, and feels that his computer can do the same

as 5 floors of unlimited research can do in the library. Nov. 5, 2014 - Lauren Z. !

What comes to mind first when I mention “Columbia College Library?” Do any specific ideas, rooms, or images come into your conscious? Printing, as well as a good resource center. Also, the quiet rooms on each floor are very helpful. !What would you love to see at the library? I would love to see free printing! !What can you do at the library that you can’t do at home? Study in silence, have the ability to look things up through reliable resources. !Insights: No matter how innovative libraries become, they will still be needed for their basic functions such as

researching, printing and studying. The Columbia library could add to this students experience of the library by adding new features to the basic functions that the library has. !

NOV. 5, 2014 - ROBERT F. !What comes to mind first when I mention “Columbia College Library?” Do any specific ideas, rooms, or images come into your conscious? Various rooms, study halls, lounges, and computer stations. !

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What do you use the library for? I mostly use the library for internet and seeing books on drawings and cook book recipes as well as movies. !What would you love to see at the Columbia library? It’s been a while since I last saw it [library] but I think having more books on concept art and 3D art would be nice. !Insights: This student thoroughly enjoys using the library now but would love to see some new additions to the

library. NOV. 5, 2014 - ANASTASIA F. !

What comes to mind first when I mention “Columbia College Library?” Do any specific ideas, rooms, or images come into your conscious? I picture shelves, books, walking through the library, and writing research papers. !What do you use the library for? I use it for the comfy places to sit, and to use the energy it gives to make me more motivated to read, learn and explore. !What would you love to see at the Columbia library? I would like them to get rid of the hard and uncomfortable tables and chairs and replace them with things like bean bags and hammocks. !Insights: This student stimulates the library for it’s resources but may visit more with just a few added changes, such as by adding more of a relaxed casual feel to it.

OCT. 31, 2014 — EINXEL R. !What is something you did at the library you couldn’t do at home? I found a lot of graphic design books some libraries didn’t have !Would you use the scanners? Yes. !Did you know how to use the scanner? If not, did you receive help from staff? No, I didn’t know how to use it at first. Yes I received help from staff. !

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NOV. 2, 2014 — SARA M. !What is something you did at the library you couldn’t do at home? The library came in handy when I had projects. I could find what I needed for any type of class, including dance-specific literature and films. !What else did you like about the library? I frequently visited the fifth floor to study. That was my spot. It was quiet and had a nice view if my mind would wander (which it would). !What did you think of the staff? The staff there was friendly, but to be honest, I hardly interacted with them. Only if I checked out a book. !

OCTOBER 31, 2014 — JESSICA R. !Are you familiar with Columbia’s library? No. None of my instructors seemed to mention it, and a lot of the info needed for my majors didn’t necessarily require a book. If I needed to go to the library, I’d go to a Chicago library right down the street. !!Overall Insights: Columbia’s library does a great job at selecting useful books specific for the many majors/departments Columbia offers. However, some of Columbia’s classes don’t require much text, if any, for there to be a need to go to the library. Also, traditional libraries are a thing of the past. They’re only good for being a meeting place for group projects, and for students doing research. There is no need of a library outside of school. Also, adding events and a more laid back, “lounge-y” feel would be nice. Perhaps more of the staff needs to make more connections with the students to bring them back to the library. !!

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MATT S. — NOV. 4, 2014 !What do you do at the library you can’t do at home? I can study in a space with a great atmosphere with little noise. !What don’t you like about the library? I feel like it is not connected to the rest of Columbia College. !Insights: The library has a good atmosphere but it lacks connection with the rest of the college.

!SIDNEY A. — NOV. 3, 2014 !

What do you do at the library you can’t do at home? I can use a Mac computer. I only have a PC at my house. !What don’t you like about the library? I don’t like when all the computers are full and wish they had the IPADS more available for use. !Insights: It is very important for students to have technology available. Inserting iPads and more computers may

be expensive, but the gains from increased traffic due to new technology would be worth it. ! CHRIS J. — NOV. 3, 2014 !

What do you do at the library you can’t do at home? I am able to meet up with my friends or classmates for a project or just to hangout. !What don’t you like about the library? It seems like it is very old, smells weird and needs a makeover. !Insights: Students think that the layout of the library is dated. Perhaps any type of renovation or update would

be enough to draw in more students to the library.

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Columbia College Chicago Faculty Interviews !ARVIS AVARETTE — NOVEMBER 5, 2014 !Economics teacher Arivs Avarette feels that “students should be taught how to use the library.” He understands that a major monetary factor for students is purchasing books, and appreciates that the library offers the options

for students to check out the book each week to ensure reading assignments can be accomplished. Avarette feels that Columbia’s library is like a “underutilized program.” He also commented that many teachers do not use the library or incorporate it into their classes, which could be promoted through administrational meetings to urge the Columbia College staff to push the library for more than just researching, as not all classes are founded on research. !

Avarette believes that a way to accomplish more underclassmen involvement with the library is to host the First Year Seminar class that he also teaches, which is a requirement for all freshman to take. If these classes were hosted in the library weekly, it would ensure students to bond with librarians and the environment of the library and would consider it as a primary place to study, relax or research. He mentioned that 18 classes of First Year Seminar were being taught right now, which would equal about an additional 325 students per week in the library. !!!

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PROFESSOR HERBERT ALLEN — NOVEMBER 5, 2014 !What do you do at the library that you cannot do at home? They library has a lot of information that I cannot access at home such as archives. Also I like to have physical copies of books and documents rather than digital form. !What don’t you like about the library? I wish it was more centralized on campus and there would be more of our budget used toward the library because it is very important. !Insights: The professors do appreciate physical copies of books and documents. This professor feels thats there

should be more money spent on the library rather than other areas of the college. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Columbia College Random Interviews !LAZAR GLISOVIC — NOV. 2, 2014 DEPAUL GRADUATE/ BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Where do you think libraries are headed in the future? Although they hold a lot of information and books, I see that everything is going digital. There really is no use for traditional libraries. !What would bring you to the library? Honestly, I don’t know. I’ve never had the urge to “just go to the library” if it wasn’t for research projects. Maybe if libraries had more of a “bookstore/coffee house feel” I’d go to them more often.

!EDUARDO ABURTO — NOV. 2, 2014 RETAIL WORKER Where do you think libraries are headed in the future? I could see libraries sticking around, especially if internet prices continue to rise. Knowing that there is internet access at my local library is nice, although not convenient. !What would bring you to the library? I think events like meeting authors or attending lectures would be cool. Maybe having a space for like a board game night with people in the community would be nice.

!NOV. 3, 2014 - DEVIN C.!!Describe an activity that you do at the library that you cannot do at home.!When I went to school I went there to study because it was quiet. I never go to libraries now.!!What are your thoughts on the future of libraries?!Maybe it all becomes all-digital without hard copies of books. Or maybe it won’t be a physical place you’re able to go to anymore. !!!!!

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What should be unique about a library in the 21st century?!The library is too dated now. A library is supposed to be a place to obtain knowledge. You can get almost everything that a library can offer through the Internet. If I knew what they should make unique, then I bet you could make some money off of it. !NOV. 3 2014 - BRANDON P.!!Describe an activity you do at the library that you cannot do at home.!When I was at school we (my classmates and I) would use the library as a meeting place because none of our dorm rooms were big enough for our group. !!What are your thoughts on the future of libraries?!I think libraries will continue to see fewer and fewer patrons the longer it stays a state or government institution. They (the government?) don’t value libraries enough to spend money on keeping them relevant in communities outside of schools. !!What should be unique about a library in the 21st century?!If libraries are going to survive they can’t all just be about “books.”!!!Random Event/Unusual Place What draws hundreds of sweaty, smelly, playful and energetic 20 year olds together? A rave at Aragon Ballroom on Halloween night, of course! This rave attracted the same age demographic that the library is trying to hit. The difference? These young people actually paid to attend this show! I believe that music, dancing and event culture is great way to unify people. Perhaps having a rave at the library is not possible (although it is a stepping stone!) but having events or book signing, salsa dance classes or meditation groups would attract the same young people to the library as it did the rave!


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3 New Names and 3 Metaphors for the Columbia Library

!1. Metaphor: The windows in the 3rd floor’s Reading Room are moving, living and breathing paintings where one can see the city as a cohesive work of man-made artistry.

New Name: Muse

!2. Metaphor: 1st floor is the portal that brings you from ordinary world, to this fantastic and magical place where ideas and creativity grow.

New Name: The portal/gate

!3. Metaphor: Columbia’s library is a museum where the books are more like fragile antiques.

You’re not sure if you can or should handle some of the books there. You definitely don’t want to touch anything for fear that you’ll mess something up.

New Name: The source

One Paragraph Fairy Tale About the Columbia Library Imagine the library as place with clouds and glitter, and instead of walking everywhere you float. Upon entering the library, it becomes a place of sanctuary and love. There is no stress, no fears or worries, because everyone is just floating. As you float past the book shelves you see my little pony with all of her friends, dancing near the students. The computers become explosions of colors and ink bursts out from the walls. The windows have fairy dust sparkled on them and the only thing viewable from them is the heavens. Imagine the librarians as gods and goddesses and picture their holiness as you float past them.

What if the library became a sort of sanctuary?


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Summary of Library Book As outlined by the library summary report,the goal of the Columbia College library is to fuel discovery, spark creativity and ignite the future. Later on it was mentioned that the strategic goals and objectives of the library are to aid in learning, foster collaborations and to create connections. I believe all of these three factors should be a focus point throughout this creativity project, as focusing on these would only be practical for the betterment of the library as a whole and for the student body.

Since 2008, according to data and visuals, eBooks, online journals, downloads, streaming and online journal searches have skyrocketed. This is a new trend that is here to stay, and the Columbia library has to adapt to this new internet surge.

One large focus for the library is to build relationships between the Columbia College staff, and keep the library as a relevant place to learn, and focus on the social and career lives of students and the faculty.

I also found it interesting that the “chat with a librarian” numbers were so high, this is definitely a helpful service that students need while researching. However, I believe these numbers are so high because students do not want to physically come into the library, rather chat with someone at the comfort of their own home. Perhaps if we incorporated the at home comfortable feel into the library, it would encourage more student to come to the library and chat with the librarians in real life.

The heaviest subject material covered seemed to be between journalism, marketing and business and fashion studies. Perhaps the library could have specific events or days celebrating the students in these majors to attract them to the library and show them the multitude of resources available to them for their major.

The computers, tables and comfortable seating in the library are the top engaging areas for students, and the second and third floor receive the most traffic. All of this information should help with what is displayed on which floors and why, and should also be used in removing possibly detrimental areas from the library that are not aiding in higher traffic or student use.



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THE OVERVIEW This is a creative marketing plan, developed specifically to increase usage and overall practicality of the library for both students and teachers, as well as librarians. This plan is a trilogy between innovative technology, bringing classroom use in the library, and an overall push for increased librarian-student relationships.

OUR MISSION!The focus of the Columbia College Library is to strengthen existing bonds between library staff and Columbia students while also establishing new relationships with incoming first and second year students by implementing the following strategies:!

1.Developing a more involved method of assistance from library staff that resembles a retail environment.

This interactive and inviting environment will replace the current “ASK” librarian system currently in use at Columbia. Many students may not be aware that the librarians offer a vast amount of knowledge and very useful information for any subject or topic students may need extra help with. By greeting, approaching and interacting with students, the Columbia Library will increase their librarian-student relationship, ultimately obtaining student retention and an increase in loyalty from the students to the library in general, as well as the specific librarian they had interacted with.

2.Housing First Year Seminar and writing and research intensive courses in the Columbia Library classrooms.

There are multiple classrooms that could be stimulated in the Columbia library. For example, as of Fall 2014 there are 18 classes of First Year Seminar being taught, which would equal an increase of foot traffic by an estimated 360 students per week in the library. Students may be more open to staying in the library to do work or eat in between classes if they have a class in the library. Also, any research or writing intensive classes will greatly benefit the students to have the classes in the library to receive assistance from the librarians or technologies available.

3.Hosting technology workshops designed to educate and familiarize students with the gamut of library resources and department specific software/programs.

Columbia students have the privilege of using an advanced technology teaching tool called LYNDA, which is available upon Oasis. Many students are not aware of this system, and those who are may not use it. The Columbia library faculty will start workshops using this system and others to teach students on the latest technological advances and programs available, which will help to build strong course work and projects as well as resume pieces. Open study sessions and Q&A sessions with librarians will be offered after each workshop, as well as free food and drink. Also, three students per session will win 30 free pages of free printing drawn by raffle or by contest. Many students mentioned a strong urge for free printing in the library, this tactic is a wonderful middle ground for both students and librarians to balance the cost of printing.

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THE AUDIENCE !!The main focus for our target audience will be primarily first and second year Columbia students. In addition to the students, the Columbia Library faculty and staff will also be targeted and expected to modernize the way they interact with students. The first and second year students are young and new to Columbia and highly impressionable. The habits they form during these first two crucial years will become their daily routines. In order to stimulate library usage overall, the 1st and 2nd year students must incorporate the library into their daily and weekly routines. !!!!

THE MESSAGE To First and Second year students:

“Columbia’s library can provide the tools necessary to help every student achieve academic excellence that leads to professional greatness.”

To Columbia Library faculty and staff:

“The role of the librarian is evolving. Be a steward of creativity and a beacon of inspiration to young minds.”



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MEDIA PLAN !The vast reach of the internet allows the Columbia Library to reach a significantly high amount of consumers for a fraction of the cost of other forms of advertising. Especially for incoming first year and transfer students, popular social media outlets are a way of getting a “true” feeling of the campus. Social Media Channels that will be used to brand and familiarize the students with the library are Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Tumblr.

Out of home advertising will reach the same audience as the Internet: a young, educated, affluent and mobile audience. The CCC Library’s Out Of Home campaign will extend the reach and frequency of an Internet campaign when users are offline. Out of Home media can reach a large target audience helping to boost brand awareness particularly in high traffic, downtown areas. Currently, there is no window advertising for the Columbia Library outside of the 624 South Michigan Avenue building. The bookstore has a vast amount of promotions and window displays on the south side of the building. Therefore, on the north side of the building the library will be advertised on one or two windows directly next to the 624 building. Michigan Avenue must be used to promote the library as thousands of impressions are possible each day.

The Columbia Chronicle will also be used to promote the new library, which will be fully effective in the Fall of 2015. Also, additional posters and flyers will be distributed throughout campus to promote the technology workshops and to “feature” information sections about the various librarian staff members to familiarize the student body with the librarians.

In order to reduce costs of using print advertisements, all print advertisements and promotions for the technology workshops will be sent via email to select students chosen by Columbia faculty.



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TIMELINE - Spring 2015

Starting off, the library staff including all student workers will be trained on how to be more aware of and attentive to student needs and desires, relationship building skill session workshops, and customer service awareness as the library is a business that must perform accordingly in order to retain “clientele” or students.

Also, establishing relationships between Columbia major departments to coordinate class projects and curriculums in conjunction with Library resources and spaces will begin to align in preparation for execution in the Fall of 2015.

A heavily integrated social media marketing strategy will engage incoming freshman and transfer students, who spend much of their time before arriving at Columbia browsing internet sites and social media handles looking for more information about the school they will soon attend.

The search for a social media intern as well as a design intern will begin in the spring.

!Summer 2015

Include the Columbia Library for all open houses and tours, including those for transfer students and for those aspiring first year students. This is a very impressionable time for these students to learn about the campus and features offered for students, so incorporating the library into this mix is a necessity.

The student intern will have designed the new logo for the Columbia College Library between spring and summer. The graphics for the window advertisement outside of the 624 S. Michigan building will be posted in early June to ensure maximum impressions from the logo during the summer months and for years to come.

!Fall 2015

The official launch of classes in the library including Writing and Rhetoric I & II and First Year Seminar, as well as workshops and customer relation tactics will all be implemented in the fall.


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BUDGET !The integrated social media campaign could be offered as an internship opportunity to a student worker, or a student in the business & entrepreneurship department. It could also become a correlation between two students, such as a photography major and a business & entrepreneurship major as the digital age is very photo and video savvy in addition to text related campaigns. These could be free internships, yet great resumé and portfolio pieces. Designing the graphics and visuals for the Columbia library could also become a collaboration between the graphic and visual design department at Columbia. This could also result in a resumé or portfolio piece for the students who worked on it. Executing the visuals on the windows will cost roughly $2000. !The cumulative cost for the posters displayed around campus average around $250 for 200 posters. If needed, all print advertisements developed could be shared via email and social media, resulting in free digital advertisement. A journalism major could then write a piece discussing the new focuses and features of the library as a story for the Columbia Chronicle as well as a portfolio piece, which is free of charge. !The Business and Entrepreneurship department heads could collaborate with the Librarians and staff to coordinate customer relations workshops to show from a business perspective how to obtain and retain clientele, free of charge. All technology workshops will be used from programs such as LYNDA (available through the OASIS portal) or from the knowledge of the years of experience and education the librarians or the various departmental heads have, resulting in yet again, a free of charge operation. The cost of food provided for the workshops should average no more than $10/session. With 1 session per week for the first year of implementation, the final cost would be $3100 for the two semesters. Switching classrooms for the First Year Seminar Classes as well as the writing intensive classes will also have no cost.

! !!



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DO YOU LIKE milk & cookies?

Intelligence & Sugar Coincide The Columbia College Chicago Library department is pleased to announce the newest addition to the library’s resources. Workshops featuring our school’s top librarian researchers will be taught weekly to ensure our Columbia College student’s are set up for success both in and out of the classroom. Knowledge in Adobe’s Photoshop is an essential resumè piece, can be used in portfolio work, and can be a great asset discussed in interview settings. This is the first

of many different workshops, designed specifically for you! Also, one lucky winner from the workshop will receive 30 pages of FREE printing. Come join in on the fun and indulge on some cookies, too. Check out the rest of our classes offered on twitter: @CCCLIB

What: Adobe Photoshop Workshop When: September 15, 2015

12:00PM Where: Columbia College Library

2nd Floor, Room 302



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!I’m a Marketing Communications major at Columbia College and I help spread novel ideas that incite positive influence and action. !My insatiable pursuit of knowledge helps fuel timeless ideas that connect people with happiness. !And because innovation can’t exist in a vacuum, I constantly search for ways to enable individuals and groups to become powerful agents of change. !I’m pragmatic by design, but an artist by nature. I practice rational thinking and creative intelligence routinely because meaningful results outweigh good intentions. !!


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RAFAEL GOMEZ!Rafael Gomez is a junior at Columbia College Chicago where he’s majoring in marketing. He also holds an associate’s degree in marketing communications from Oakton Community College. !For the last three years, Rafael has been working for a non-profit k-12 child care center in Glenview where he teaches art and creativity, as well as various other activities. !On his off time, he enjoys cooking, playing the guitar, and attending events around the city. !!!!


!I am a senior at Columbia College Chicago and I am pursuing a degree in advertising. I am a very active person with school, work, and sports. A few of my passions include soccer, skateboarding, music and video games. My dream is to work for an ad agency and have a large client such as McDonald’s.

I am an outgoing and positive person who is easy to get along with. To solve problems, I like ideas that are outside the box and can be done creatively. I am in constant pursuit of my next big idea.

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!!Elif Negiz

t: 574.248.1476

e:!Elif Negiz is currently a Junior at Columbia College Chicago, studying business and marketing. Elif has experience with and a passion for developing integrated marketing plans for businesses both domestic and global. Elif is an excellent problem solver and communicator, and believes that all of the problems in the world would be solved through effective and direct communication. Elif understands the importance of diverse knowledge in the marketing world, and has additional experience with PR & Special Events, Market Research, Media, Promotions, and knowledge in MRI+ and Nielsen’s Spectra.

While not at school, Elif works at Sephora as a Makeup Artist, which collaborates an artistic and creative culture as well as a customer relationship based culture. By working retail, Elif has had the chance to view the marketing tactics discussed in the

classroom on a first hand basis when implemented on a sales floor, which assists her on drawing her own insights between what “works” in the business world, and what doesn’t.

Elif also enjoys reading books about enlightenment, traveling the world, dancing, yoga, listening to music and working out. !


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