News First: EF Chicago's Newspaper, March 2015

Rated #1 EF Newspaper at EF #1 #1 #1 #1


EF Chicago Language School has collected some of our best student writers to create our first of many student newspapers. Read all about Chicago theater, the best Chicago burgers and bars, and all about EF Chicago's Language School.

Transcript of News First: EF Chicago's Newspaper, March 2015

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Rated #1 EF Newspaper at EF #1#1#1#1

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Key Points 3

Chicago Spotlight 4

Paula’s Interview 6

Far out, Rogers Park 8

Chicago’s Best Hamburger 10

Entertainment sec#on 12

Get to Know Your Teachers 13

Culture Shock 14

Windtrap 16

From the Director’s Desk 18

Student Corner 19


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Chicago SpotlightChicago SpotlightChicago SpotlightChicago Spotlight By Glendy Mejias

W elcome to Chicago known as The

Second City! Howev-

er, Chicago is the first city in en-

tertainment! So, you are a stu-

dent in this spectacular place

and you want to make your stay

the most exci#ng experience. Well, you should con#nue read-ing. Here are some #ps if you’re interested in culture, plays, mu-sicals or comedy shows.

Chicago is full of great theaters, of all kinds. Keeping in mind that you are new in the city, it’s a good idea to get a map in order to not get lost. Or, before going out, you could visit a few web-sites that will make your journey easier such as: Choose Chicago

Choose Chicago select the “Things to Do” tab to discover the events calendar, tours and a.rac#ons, art and culture, and

many other op#ons. Also, you could search venues, schedules and prices.

Gold Star

Talking about prices, it’s good to save money, right? You can join Gold Star for great online dis-counts, as well as reviews for events that you are interested in, search for what is coming up, and so much more.

Hot Tix

Another place you can find ex-treme deals for over 200 Chica-go theaters is Hot Tix It has two offices located not far from EF [72 East Randolph Street and in the Water Tower Mall on Michi-gan Avenue]. But because the prices are very cheap you must buy #ckets in advance if you want to get it with a discount.

The Second City Theater


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These websites contain so much informa#on about what’s going on in the city, especially in entertainment. Choose Chicago is more like an events guide to upcoming plays from Chicago to Broad-way.

Otherwise, Hot Tix and Gold Star focus on offering amazing discounts and providing prices to shows. The first one is a simple website where you can buy #ckets and also find out-let hours. They show you on a map where the theater is and reviews and prices. Most of the #me you have to go to the box offices to buy #ckets di-rectly. On the other hand, the second website is very com-plete and user friendly to use. They show full prices and their prices with discount so

you could know how much money you are saving. My personal #p is always to ask about student discounts.

Second City Theater

For those who like ac#ng and speaking in front of a big crowd, the Second City Thea-ter has the Chicago Training Center offering classes like ac#ng, improvisa#on and wri#ng programs so you can improve your English in a fun and unique way.

There’s so much to do and see and not enough #me to expe-rience Chicago’s wonder. So, EF students, you don’t have an excuse anymore to not have fun in your free #me while you stay in this fantas#c city.

Search On:




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Paula’s Interview: Miller’s PubPaula’s Interview: Miller’s PubPaula’s Interview: Miller’s PubPaula’s Interview: Miller’s Pub

L ast month, Miller’s Pub celebrated its 65th anni-versary. Only one block

separates EF from this piece of Chicago history. Why do people have such high expecta#ons about this place? It is not only because of its spe-cial menu, also because of its retro atmosphere that trans-ports you to when you could see Marilyn Monroe or Frank Sinatra having dinner in the old pub. It is surprising that the walls have signed pictures with all the famous faces that have spent #me in Miller’s Pub. Now-adays they con#nue with this tradi#on on Facebook. News First talked with Michael, one of the waiters. He has been working there for only a couple of years but he has listened to all kinds of stories. What is his recommenda#on? Go to Mil-ler’s pub and spend a few minutes looking at the pictures, “this is an important part of Chicago’s history.” Miller’s Pub is also famous for its sign. Almost everyday, if you walk on this block on South Wa-

bash, you will find a different message, depending on what is happening. If the Blackhawks win, the next day the quote will be similar to: ‘Congratula#ons Blackhawks’. But the same hap-pens on Valen#ne’s Day, St Pat-rick’s, Veterans’ Day or even Lollapalooza. If there isn’t a spe-cial celebra#on, the sign will be about their menu. During these years here, who

was, for you, the most famous

person that came here?

When I was on my day off John Malkovich, who was doing a show in the city, came here. But some Fridays you can find the actor Vince Vaughn. There is a picture of him, too. We can see many celebri(es’

pictures on the walls. Which is

your favorite?

The one I like the most is the picture of Mar#n Short, a come-dian on Saturday Night Live, and the picture is pre.y funny. I always laugh when I see that one. Mar#n Sheen, it is also pre.y cool that he came in here.


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Tell us about the menu, which

is the dish that everyone

wants to order?

What people order most are probably the burger, especially the Blue Burger, with cheese and bacon. But, what I like is the roast leg of lamb. That is what I usually recommend to people. People also come here a-er

work and stay in the bar. Do

you have a large beer menu?

We have almost 80 different beers, draMs, bo.les… I love ‘Ayinger Brau Weisse’, a draM beer that is not in so many places. We also have beers that change once in a while. Now we have ‘Three Floyds Zombie Dust’ that is pre.y popular and ‘Moody Tongue’ that is like a culinary beer.

In addi(on to Miller’s pub,

which place do you recom-

mend for people to go to?

If here is crowded, I always rec-ommend Exchequer restaurant, one block away. It was a speak-easy during the prohibi#on, the same as Berhoff. Lincoln Sta-#on has good food and you can go to Crisp if you like good fried chicken. What I like most about Chicago are the views in Lincoln Park. What do you think is the

‘secret’ of Miller’s Pub’s suc-


Here we try to have good food, beer, and a good atmosphere. It doesn't when you come, there is always room for you. We open at 11 am and close at 4 am!


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By Margit Flaa

R ogers Park is one of the neighborhoods of Chicago. It’s far

north, and if you want to go there by train, it’s one of the last

stops on the red line. This is the neighborhood where I live.

It’s the neighborhood my teachers, and others from Chicago say, “Oh

no! Are you living up there?” And some#mes they add, “..and you are

s#ll never late for school!?”

Far out, Rogers ParkFar out, Rogers ParkFar out, Rogers ParkFar out, Rogers Park

So, Rogers Park, what do you have to offer?


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A quick Google search told me

that Rogers Park is one of the

most diverse neighborhoods in

Chicago, both culturally and eco-

nomically. Among the communi-

ty’s 63,000 residents, there are

more than 82 countries repre-

sented, and over 35 languages

spoken. This diversity is some-

thing the ci#zens of Rogers Park

are proud of. Each site I’ve

googled and every person I’ve

talked to, has told me about this

diversity and holds it up as an

important part that colors Rog-

ers Park.

This place, with streets now

dressed up in white winter cloth-

ing, feels quiet - in a way aban-

doned. The graffi# that colors

the concrete walls is not able to

melt the streets winter face, but

just around the next corner you

can find a pub that offers beer,

or a cozy restaurant that takes

you all the way to India. This

neighborhood hosts restaurants

that have cuisines from all over

the world.

Compared to rest of Chicago,

which is very segregated, Rogers

Park is more like a mel#ng pot.

I’ve searched for explana#ons

for this diversity, and one reason

I found was the housing policy,

which made it possible for peo-

ple with less money to find a

affordable place to stay. Rogers

Park is also one of those areas

where foreigners come to stay

as their first stop, before moving

to other places in Chicago - and

many decide to stay. As a result,

you have this diversity, which

gives Rogers Park a touch of the

Caribbean, La#n America, Africa

and India. These are just some of

the factors that create the diver-

sity in Rogers Park today.


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RJ Grunt

RJ Grunt, which is located in front of the Lincoln Park Zoo, offers very huge and robust hamburgers. My favorite is the Hickory Burger, which is served with fried bacon, melted ched-dar cheese, crispy onions, and a spicy bbq sauce, in a big basket with a lot of French or Co.age fries (it depends on your choice). Moreover, you can or-der some appe#zers to share with your friends. I highly rec-ommend the Buffalo spicy chick-en wings. If you are brave enough, you might choose the Super Hot wings (defined as ver-itably on the Menu).

There is also a spectacular self-serve salad bar, with different kinds of le.uce, vegetables, and many different ingredients. These salads could be a perfect and healthy side to your burger.

The restaurant is also really nice, with a lot of old photos on the walls. It is not very big, so you should make a reserva#on if you want to go on the weekend. I like the specialized music: pop and American rock classics. As the owners describe on their website it has `music and decor s#ll stuck firmly in the six#es and seven#es´. It takes you back to a classic and old atmosphere. Finally, if you want a dessert, you can order their famous Cookie, which is dressed with hot chocolate or caramel syrup. The milkshakes with cream on the top are very delicious too. This place is awesome!

Chicago’s Best HamburgerChicago’s Best HamburgerChicago’s Best HamburgerChicago’s Best Hamburger

I f you visit Chicago you have to eat a hamburger. But where can you find the best hamburger? In this column I will introduce you to two different places where you can find some of the best burgers

in the city (or at least some of my favorites). Certainly, you can go to the Hard Rock Cafe (a classic) or order a Big Mac at McDonald´s. But I can assure you that these burgers could be much So let´s begin!

By Álvaro Parriego


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Exchequer Pub

Exchequer Pub is located very close to EF School. Although it is a famous award-winning restau-rant for its ribs and deep-dish pizza, in my opinion it has one of the best burgers that I have tested in the city. The quality of the meat is high, its flavor is so natural and you can customize your burger selec#ng the size (between 10 and 18 oz), the kind of bread (Rosemary Cia-ba.a Roll is so original), the cheese (Mozzarella and Provolo-ne are my favorites) and a big variety of topping choices. In addi#on, all burgers are served with le.uce, tomato, raw or grilled onion, and your choice of


As a starter I also recommend the big and delicious Onion Rings Tower, which is perfect to be shared. If you love gangster stories, you will take into ac-count that Al Capone visited the restaurant many #mes in his life. As a consequence, the res-taurant features over 500 his-toric newspapers, photos and posters on its walls. The decor is mainly inspired in the typical American pubs, with many TVs on which everyone can watch the main sports events. So, it is a perfect place to have a beer aMer class and enjoy your dream burger.

Exchequer Pub: 226 S Wabash Ave RJ Grunts: 2056 North Lincoln Park West

If I had a choice, I would like to take Exchequer´s Burger and eat it in RJ Grunt Restaurant. But it is impossible, so I highly recommend you visit both of them. Enjoy!!


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Crossword Puzzle

Created by Roberto Lara Gonzales

Entertainment sectionEntertainment sectionEntertainment sectionEntertainment section

ACROSS 3. The goal we want to achieve. 4. A noun that means either any costume worn for some special ac#vity or in law the act of suing. 6. A noun that means either brother and/or sister. 7. A careless mistake. 8. Expression that means: to get married. 11. A long distance away. 13. A grain of cereal used for making bread or cakes.

DOWN 1. A building in which people live. 2. Phrasal verb used to describe the ac#on of burst out laughing. 4. Knives, forks and spoons, used for ea#ng and serving food. 5. Is how people from England refers as two weeks. 9. The ac#on of cleaning something with a cloth or with a #ssue. 10. An adjec#ve used to describe those persons too interested in things that do not concern them. 12. Noun that means a tract of land, usually with a house on which crops and oMen livestock are raised for livelihood.

Sudoku #1 (easy)

Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9. The do.ed lines indicate areas which also contain a non-repea#ng set of digits. By Peter Roldán

Listen up!!!!!!!! Are you worried about something?

Do you hesitate to do something?

Are you falling for someone and

don’t know how or what to say?...

For the next edi#on we’ll have a

new sec#on: “Dear Pete”, Advice


Don’t worry, let me know and I’ll

advise you!

You can ask whatever you want by:

- Em@il: [email protected]

- Leaving a message in the advice

box at recep#on.

- Subject: Dear Pete

Find the answers on page 18

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Get to Know Your Teachers!Get to Know Your Teachers!Get to Know Your Teachers!Get to Know Your Teachers!

Upcoming ActivitiesUpcoming ActivitiesUpcoming ActivitiesUpcoming Activities

a. Parents are from the Philippines and

her favorite superhero is Wonder


b. Has been to 7 countries and his child-

hood pet’s names were Toonces and


c. Hates clowns and loves Batman

d. Hates Jell-O and her favorite colors are

purple and black

e. Loves Sailor Moon, hates beets, and

was born in The Lone Star State

f. French and American ci#zen, has eat-

en snails, frog’s legs, pigeon, and shark

g. Loves a good book, a glass of whiskey,

and Obama (?), but hates racism

h. Can’t stand the Cubs (GO SOX!) and

really likes Chicago’s summer fes#vals

i. Is from Florida, had a pet named Flop-

py the Bunny, and once ate live ants

j. Favorite super hero is Squirrel Girl and

hates Bri#sh English and loud talkers

k. Had a mouse named Grey, loves nine-

#es cartoons

l. Has eaten live squid, loves the color

purple and Spiderman

m. Knows the best restaurants in the city

and has visited a lot of countries


1. Dus#n

2. Josh

3. Elliot

4. Adam

5. Joanne

6. Oscar

7. Ma.

8. Emmanuel

9. Mia

10. Michael

11. Miranda

12. Priya

13. Brandon

Page 14: News First: EF Chicago's Newspaper, March 2015


Culture Shock is a phenomenon

that happens when people

spend a significant amount of

#me outside of their home cul-

ture as what happens to stu-

dents who come from around

the globe to study in the States.

Culture shock has three phases

that the person will go through.

Each phase has its own feelings,

best and worst moments, and

reac#ons as well.

The first phase of culture shock

is known as “The Honeymoon”,

this phase is usually the shortest

phase among all phases. During

this phase students usually fall in

love with the whole culture and

everything new around them.

For example, a student who is

visi#ng Chicago for the first #me

will fall in love with the skyscrap-

ers, the transporta#on system,

the museums, and everything in

the city that’s different from his/

her culture. Students usually will

have the tendency to go out and

discover everything around

them without being afraid of

something. All what they think

of is that they finally were able

to made it and to come to the


Culture ShockCulture ShockCulture ShockCulture Shock By Ali Ojaymi

W hat am I doing here? It might sound like an unusual ques-

#on, but almost all interna#onal students have asked this

ques#on to themselves. Being a student in the States is

one of the best things that could ever happen to a person because of

the high quality of the educa#on and the diversity of the culture.

However, staying in the States might not be as pleasant as you might

have expected due to some feelings and troubles that you might face

while you are trying to se.le down and get used to the new culture.

Those feelings are called “Culture Shock”. This ar#cle will focus on

what culture shock is and how to deal with it.

“What Am I Doing Here?”


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Next comes the second phase

which is known as “What Am I

Doing Here?!” In this phase,

students feel exactly the oppo-

site feelings of the first phase.

Students feel the anger, disap-

pointment, isola#on, and dev-

asta#on. Those feelings happen

some#mes because of the lan-

guage barrier where students

don’t have strong English to

speak with others and express

themselves to people around

them or it could happen due to

the lack of absorbing the Ameri-

can culture like habits of

gree#ngs and American’s meas-

urement system.

For example, students might

not be able to do normal daily

life ac#vi#es like shopping for

their grocery stuff because they

don’t know how to communi-

cate in English with people

working there or even if they

know how to use English to

communicate, they might get

stuck with silly things like how

much one pound equals in kilo-

grams. In this phase students

tend to be isolated, avoid talk-

ing to people from different

cultures, gathering with people

from their culture, and thinking

seriously about going back


The third phase is known as

“Happy Hours”, where students

start to fully understand the

American culture and absorb it.

In this phase, students immerse

themselves in the culture and

become part of it, they love all

what they had hated before

and start to live normally in the

society and even more they

might be afraid of going back to

their own culture when they

have to leave the States.

Culture shock is a fact that hap-

pens to all interna#onal stu-

dents; however, it varies in its

dura#on from a student to an-

other. It might take one month

or less for a student to experi-

ence all three phases, but it

could last for more than four

months to another student.


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WINDTRAP: The Future of ChicagoWINDTRAP: The Future of ChicagoWINDTRAP: The Future of ChicagoWINDTRAP: The Future of Chicago

By Anselme Darien

W e’re here in the

windy city, but it is

a shame to have

such a resource and not be able

to take advantage of it. We know

oil and nuclear industries rule

the economy of energy in this

great town, but the danger of a

nuclear accident hangs above us.

We have the recent example of

Fukushima which pushed Ger-

many to a new vision of its ener-

gy. You don’t have to be a genius

to realize it‘s going to be profita-

ble for us to deal with new safe-

ty and clean sources of energy.

From the many devices to pro-

duce wind energy, there is one

which has caught my attention:

“the windtrap”. Wind energy is

the one renewable energy

source that we can utilize the

most efficiently in Chicago. The

windtrap is the best option be-

cause of its conception: easy to

handle and mobile. You can use

it in any circumstances and any-

where. The windtrap could be

the most promising develop-

ment of Chicago energy busi-

ness. To know why am I so “pro”

windtrap, I will explain the con-

cept and conception of this

product ,and perhaps you’ll be

persuaded. Because of its size,

it’s easy to place it anywhere

one finds an appropriate place.

Persian windmills used to have

these characteristics, excepting

the size, so we can easily say

that the windtrap is the direct

descendant of Persian wind


It consists of two fans stacked on

top of each other, spinning in

opposite directions.


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Windmills were first

operated in Persia as

early as the 600 A.D.

The huge volume of

all wind power has

been used for drive

sailing vessels. After

a millennium and a

half, fixed-point

wind power

remains one of the

most effective

methods of

generating clean


A “low sonar level”, the closed

conception of this product pro-

duces no noise, not like its big

sister the wind-mill, which can

be a disaster for its neighbors.

That technology comes from

nuclear submarines, which

works with two counter-

clockwise fans to limit the pro-

duction of vibrations.

The shield leads the wind

through the helix and guides the

windtrap in the direction of the

wind for an optimal urban use in

turbulent air flows.

To be efficient the wind trap

needs to be placed where the

airflow is rushing in. It can be

between two buildings, below a

bridge, or on a mountain pass.

Moreover it’s a “slow” wind mill,

whose quality makes it discrete.

Because noise is produced by

the helix’s extremi#es. The ex-

pression “slow” means: big

torque and fewer vibra#ons,

which is why it can be smooth

and produc#ve.

It can be so small you can even

place it on a car’s roof. It‘s easy

to imagine different kinds of

options, on a house, a motorcy-

cle, on a train, anywhere you

have air flow. Moreover, we

could be ambitious and develop

a windtrap field to produce

enough electricity for an entire




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4.- SUIT





11.- FAR-OFF

13.- WHEAT

14.- YARD






9.- WIPE

10.- NOSY

12.- FARM

1. i

2. b

3. g

4. m

5. f

6. e

7. j

8. k

9. a

10. h

11. d

12. c

13. l

Get To Know

Your Teachers!

J ennifer Smith began working

at EF Chicago in November

2011 and has been loving the

cross-cultural experience of Inter-

na#onal Educa#on ever since! Her

favorite part of being School Direc-

tor is having the chance to get to

know our diverse student body. She

loves the unique stories of each

student and enjoys learning about

life in their home countries.

When she is not at the office Jen-

nifer enjoys relaxing over a good

meal and glass of wine at one of

Chicago’s many wonderful restau-

rants. She also looks forward to

browsing the shops and bou#ques

in her Lakeview neighborhood. She

can’t seem to get enough of the

city and says that she is always ex-

cited to get out and explore the

new places and ac#vi#es it has to


Though she has lived in many

different places in her life, she al-

ways returns to Chicago. Jennifer

hopes that when students finish

their course they will know and

feel; that they will always have a

second home in Chicago.


From the Director’s DeskFrom the Director’s DeskFrom the Director’s DeskFrom the Director’s Desk

Page 19: News First: EF Chicago's Newspaper, March 2015


Ning’s Ar#cle (Gradua#on)

Student CornerStudent CornerStudent CornerStudent Corner

Want to join newspaper?

When: Every Thursday @ 4:30pm

Where: 01 Philadelphia Classroom

For more info email the newspaper team at: [email protected]


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