Creating Online Materials

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Creating Online Materials

Technology for the School Librarian

By: William O. ScheerenLisa O’NeilLEM 511

“ Creation of Online Material”

CategoriesOnline materials are divided into two categories.

ContentEasily created in word-

processing program consisting of general

information by librarian.


Interactive Materials

Consist of two parts“digital archives”

and interactive services

Librarian CreatedDigital Archives are databases that

are created or digitized and linked to Webpages.

Special databases are similar to digital archives but typically have links to other Websites.

Archbasilica of St. John LateranSan Govanni in Laterano

Rome, Italy

Interactive ServicesThese take a high level of skill in Web page creation

and require a great deal of maintence.

Electronic Reference Services

Online Request Forms

Interlibrary Loan

Library material request and hold forms

Library Orientation a New Paradigm

21st Century libraries must offer services to a diverse population using digital age tools to meet

patrons needs.

OrientationCreate orientations using digital tools:

Digital videos/photos

Voice Threads


Create map of library using video

Book jacket covers

Other Online Materials


Specific librarian-created materials

Databases- Alabama Virtual Library


Google Earth, Google Scholar

Terminology1. Mission statement- statement of what, why it

exists and its reason for being.

2. Interactive-relating to responding to user

3. Database-A collection of data arranged for ease and speed of search and retrieval.

4. Digitized-to put in digital form

5. Paradigm-one that serves as a pattern or model.

6. Microforms- collection of microfilms and microfiche.

7. Links- text or image on a Web page that a user can click on in order to access or connect to another document.

8. Reference materials- materials that have authorized sources on general information.

9. Online reference assistant- program that provides responses to users questions via the internet in a timely manner.

10. Metasearch engine-search tool that sends users request to multiple search engines and databases then collects the best match from each.

Response to Questions

1. Librarian created online materials and those found on the Internet share some similariities but also share differences.

Materials that are found on the internet just as some created by librarians are on specific topics. Often both will have a reference page listing their sources. Each also may contain links to additional sites that may be used or enhance the subject matter for enrichment . They may be copied or downloaded to create a file that can be shared with others. These are a few of the similarities……

They may be copied or downloaded to create a file that can be shared with others. These are a few of the similarities…… Differences include with Internet materials you do not know if the information is creditable due to not knowing the qualifications of who posted it. The average webpages is only 45 days. Librarian created materials are for a specific topic that is curriculum based and does not have to be modified………

3As we realize the need to improve our web

page, we selected a diverse committee of faculty, community members, students, and administration to help us generate ideas. A survey was created, administered, and data collected. Using the information gathered, our new webpage will include: Book reviews by students, featured book of the week, suggestion box for materials, AR weekly leader, ……



This chapter gave some basic information that was useful as ideas were described. The two general categories of online materials was discussed in detail which librarians will find helpful.