Creating educational games in Notebook Software and PowerPoint Presented by Laura Bogush .

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Transcript of Creating educational games in Notebook Software and PowerPoint Presented by Laura Bogush .

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Creating educational games in Notebook Software and PowerPoint

Presented by Laura Bogush

Games with a purpose are useful tools for instruction.

Ten of the Very Best Reasons

for Using Classroom Games

(and justifying their use in your organization)

From the website

The Game Group

Reason # 1

Games are Fun with a Purpose

Reason # 2

Games Provide Feedback

to the Learner

Reason # 3

Games Provide Feedback

to the Trainer

Reason # 4

Games are Experiential

Reason # 5

Games Motivate Learners

Reason # 6

Games Improve Team Work

Reason # 7

Games Provide a Less Threatening

Learning Environment

Reason # 8

Games Bring Real-World Relevance

Reason # 9

Games Accelerate Learning

Reason # 10Games Give You Choices

for Your Classroom

• Vary the level of learner involvement • Vary the level of skill level and knowledge • Customize to any size of audience, even one-on-

one • Vary the type and level of activity  • Vary the level of classroom control  • Introduce or review topics, or both • Vary the mix of theoretical and practical


Using Games to Enhance Student Achievement

By Robert Marzano

Educational Leadership, vol 67, #5, pgs. 71-72

Games are a regular part of students’ lives at all ages.

Most teachers don’t regularly use games in the classroom.

Teachers who do use games may not be using them to potential.

Marzano examined the use of games in the classroom for 5 years.

He was involved in more than 60 studies conducted by teachers on the effects of games on student


On average, using academic games in the classroom = 20

percentile point gain in student achievement!

Teachers can adapt a variety of games to suit academic content.

Games used in Marzano’s studies were from popular TV game showsAnd more!

Research showed that how teachers use games makes a

difference in achievment.

In classrooms with the greatest gains,

teachers did specific things.

Use inconsequential competition

Students like to compete as long as the stakes aren’t high.

Target essential academic content

Games not focused on content will have little effect on achievement.

Helpful to organize games around important terms and phrases.

Debrief the game

Avoid just adding up the points and moving on

Stimulate analysis of important terms and phrases

Which questions were difficult to answer?


Have studentsrevise their notes

After game has ended and class has discussed difficult terms and concepts, encourage students to

look over notes and add new information or make corrections.

In summary Marzano says . . .

Games are a powerful and useful instructional tool.

Games help address even the most difficult content in a

lighthearted, engaging way.

Games can have a significant effect on student achievement

when used purposefully.

Tips for game delivery

Click above to watch video on youtube

Plan for Game Delivery• Whole class, groups, or partners

• Organizing teams and groups

• Who facilitates the game?

• Read the questions? Timed or not?

• Take turns to answer or whole group?

• Prizes? Grades?

Let’s Play!