courage - Positive Thinking · by norman vincent peale courage ... 4 confidence 8 hope 10...

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Transcript of courage - Positive Thinking · by norman vincent peale courage ... 4 confidence 8 hope 10...


by norman vincent peale

c o u r a g efinding your strength in troubled times

guideposts outreach

Guideposts, founded by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale andhis wife Ruth Stafford Peale in 1945, is a nonprofitinterfaith ministry dedicated to helping people from allwalks of life achieve their maximum personal and spiritualpotential. Its inspirational products and programs springfrom two major beliefs: that true stories are a powerful wayto motivate people to lead better lives and that faith in Godcan be strengthened by applying spiritual truths to daily life.

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2 introduction

4 confidence

8 hope

10 preparedness

14 assurance

16 comfort

18 trust

22 patience

24 perseverance

28 sacrifice

30 peace

c o u r a g efinding your strength in troubled times

it was a turn of events so horrificthat we still don’t know what to call it. Wehave simply labeled it September 11. Perhapsat no other time in our nation’s history hasa single morning had such far-reachingeffects. All across a now uncertain world,we wonder, “What will become of us; wheredo I turn?”

From my perspective, there is but thisanswer: Only God knows what will becomeof us, and it is to God we must turn forcourage. These are watchwords for theages—truer now more than ever.

How do we turn to God; how do we findpeace of mind in uncertain times? Youturn to God by reading His Word. That’swhy we have compiled this booklet—to offeryou ten of the Bible’s most powerfulScriptures with just a few considered words

introductionA Word about this Booklet


from Norman Vincent Peale to help youfathom their power, the depth of theircapacity to strengthen you.

I believe that what follows will give youcourage and hope for the future. And Ipray it will lead you to go to the Bible forfurther reassurance and, especially, to turnto God in prayer. There is a power withinyou that God has given each of us. Turn toHim and His Word to tap into it.

God bless you.


God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid but aspirit of power and love and self-control.(2 timothy 1:7)

AYou don’t need to go through life in aspirit of fear. I tell you in the name of Godyou don’t. How can you be free of it? I willanswer in four words: faith cancelsout fear. Faith is stronger than fear,much stronger. When fear comes, counterit with an affirmation of faith: Fear no evil,for God is with you.

Love overcomes fear. Acting lovingly willpromote trust, confidence and dependenceon God. Live with the thought of being inGod’s care—of Him loving you—and youwill develop a sound mind where noshadowy fear can lurk. You will open widethe gate to confident living.

Suppose the Lord were with you right now,sitting in the same room with you, or walkingalongside you as you go from place to place so 5

that you feel His shoulder alongside yours,hear the sound of His footsteps and look intoHis face. Then would you be afraid?Ofcourse not. Well, He is there when you haveHim in your heart and when you truly believethat He wants the best for you.




So I tell you to believe that you have received the thingsyou ask for in prayer, and God will give them to you.(mark 11:24)

AYou’re never defeated, never beaten downas long as you have hope. Keep this thoughtin mind always as difficulties, sorrow, sick-ness and trouble come upon you. Have youheard that old saying that where there is life,there is hope? I suggest you turn it around:Where there is hope, there is life. Form apicture in your mind, not of lack or denialor frustration or illness, but of prosperity,abundance, attainment, health. You willreceive as a result of prayer exactly what youthink, not what you say. Therefore, practicebelieving even as you pray that you willreceive God’s boundless blessings—that theyare already on their way to you. When youlive with hope in your heart, in your mindand in your spirit, you have discovered oneof life’s most powerful secrets.



You need to put on God’s full armor. Then on the dayof evil you will be able to stand strong.(ephesians 6:13)

AConsider what putting on “God’s fullarmor” really means to you. The Ephesianschapter that recommends this is a richlysymbolic description of how a person whois strong in the Lord can tap into Hispower. By arming yourself in faith in theway an ancient warrior prepared himselffor battle, you can face life’s toughestchallenges—the “evil day.”

Today’s armor is put on by girding yourselfwith truth. When encircled with truth,nothing can get through your spiritualdefenses to defeat you. The breastplate ofrighteousness is the assurance you get fromgoodness and rightmindedness. Take upthe shield of faith to protect your heart,your vital center. When you have faith inyour heart, your life center is protected.The helmet of salvation will clear your head 11

of negative thoughts. Finally, seize thesword of the spirit, the bright and shiningsword of God’s power and with it strike outagainst evil.

Put on God’s full armor, be strong in theLord and feel the power of His might.




God’s kingdom is within you.(luke 17:21)

AWhen you are filled with despair and doubtyour ability to rid yourself of it, don’t say toyourself, “I can’t do it; I haven’t got it inme.” On the contrary, you have a very big“it” within you. You have the kingdom ofGod within you. You have only to believe inthe strength God has placed in each of us torelease it and make it work in your life.

One of the most powerful traits in humannature is that when you maintain a mentalattitude of trust and faith—when you hope,dream, believe, pray and work towardGod’s assurance—you will create conditionsin which every good thing can come to you.Fill your mind with the positive power ofspiritual expectancy, and God and Hisgood will come into your life.



Surely your goodness and love will be with me all mylife, and I will live in the house of the Lord forever.(psalm 23:6)

ANo matter how dark it gets, how lonely ordejected you feel, you are not alone.Whenever anxiety or disappointmentscome, repeat: “I am not alone. God iswith me.” Thank God constantly forwatching over you. After every journeythank Him for His protecting care. Inevery difficult situation thank Him forseeing you through.

Visualize yourself and your loved ones asalways being protected by the everlastingarms of God and supported by His greathand. Remember: God alone is steadfastand unchanging in a world of pain andinsecurity. Because God loves you and isalways with you, you can have confidencethat, if you live His way to the best ofyour ability and put your trust in Him,you will endure. 17


Ask, and God will give to you. Search, and you willfind. Knock, and the door will be opened for you.(matthew 7:7)

AWe live on a trust basis every day. We trustthe motorman of a train, the driver of abus, the cook in a restaurant. We put ourlives completely into the hands of thesepeople, and usually, we don’t even knowthem. Here we are on this earth, a whirlingisland in the sky, wholly dependent on Godwithout giving our total dependence onHim much thought. Yet He is the only Onedeserving our complete trust.

When you ask God for an answer to aprayer, never doubt that you will get aperfect answer. One reason we do not getanswers to our prayers is that we ask, butdo not really expect to receive. We areexpert askers, but inexpert receivers.

How may we trust God in life’s daily affairs?One way is to know and love God. 19

When you know God, His goodness, kind-ness and faithfulness, you will trust Him.When you feel uncertain, say the followingto yourself:

I put my life in God’s hands

I will trust God’s guidance

I leave the outcome to God

Believe that God has all the answers to yourtroubles. Don’t be afraid to do what Heguides you to do. Trust Him.




Donot change yourselves tobe like thepeople of thisworld,but be changed within by a new way of thinking. Thenyouwill be able todecidewhatGodwants for you; youwillknowwhat is goodandpleasing tohimandwhat is perfect.(romans 12:2)

AIf you had to make a choice between God’stime and your time, which would youchoose? I thought so. So, rest in the Lord.Don’t think you can handle everything onyour own. Don’t let the tension and tumultof present-day living distract you fromwaiting on God’s perfect timing.

God will see to it that all you really need, youcan have. But it has been said that the mills ofthe gods grind slowly. Picture a great wheeldipping into the stream of history, a greatwheel that keeps rolling with a slow andcertain motion. Think of this slow andcertain wheel as God’s wheel. It never makesmistakes; it is unerring. Its slow, suremovement will grind out justice. God doesn’talways win in a hurry, but He always wins. 23


But the people who trust the Lord will become strongagain. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky; they willrunandnot need rest; theywill walk andnot become tired.(isaiah 40:31)

ANever talk defeat, for if you do you can talkyourself into accepting it. Do not hug theshore; do not fear high places. Think highand wide and deep and far. Mohammedsaid, “God is with those who persevere,”and Shakespeare observed that “much rainwears the marble.”

When I was a boy, after an especiallygloomy session in Algebra class, I informedmy mother that I would never understandit. “I just can’t get it. I can’t, I can’t.” Shefixed me with level gaze and said, sharplyand crisply, words that have served me eversince: “You can if you think you can.”What power lies within these words and inyou when you truly believe them.


Do you have a big goal, an impossibledream? Then let your faith rise up as aneagle in the sky; believe in your dream,believe God wants you to have it. Thinkhigh and wide and deep and far, and Godwill lead you to your dream.



sacrif ice

The sun will not hurt them, and no heat will burn them,because the Lamb at the center of the throne will be theirshepherd.He will lead them to springs of water that givelife. AndGod will wipe away every tear from their eyes.(revelation 7:16-17)

AI will never forget the tired, patient faces ofthe soldiers of the Seventh Marines, manyof them just boys. Their commandinggeneral had told me that the regiment hadsuffered losses and would suffer more. As Ilooked out over their ranks I thought ofhow their fallen comrades had hoped to gohome some day to walk the tree-linedstreets of their towns and to see their par-ents and their sweethearts or their wivesagain. Instead they had sacrificed all that,but their sacrifice is testimony to a dream.The dream is that we’re going to build onearth a state of affairs where we will livetogether in love and peace and harmonyregardless of racial origin or national back-ground or any difference—to live in the wayGod intends His kingdom to be. 29


I leave you peace; my peace I give you. I do not give itto you as the world does. So don’t let your hearts betroubled or afraid.(john 14:27)

AI’m going to tell you something that a goodfriend of mine, a businessman, told me:“Everything in the Bible works.” When youlive according to the Bible, you will receivewhat the Bible promises. When you fix uponGod and His great strength, rather thannervously consider conflicts, irritations andresponsibilities that stretch before you, thenpeace will be yours.

If the peace of God, as the Bible says,passes all understanding, so does it defy alldescription. I can only tell you that God’speace is a feeling high above fear, troubleand dread. Trust the Bible’s promises andclaim the peace God wants you to have. Themore you surrender your hurt, confusion,tension, and failures to Him, the wider Hewill swing open the door to peace. 31

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