Count in 2s - White Rose Maths · 4 Fill in the missing numbers. a) 0 2 4 b) 18 16 12 8 c) 5 How...

Post on 12-Jul-2020

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Transcript of Count in 2s - White Rose Maths · 4 Fill in the missing numbers. a) 0 2 4 b) 18 16 12 8 c) 5 How...

Count in 2s

1 Whatare the numbers?



2 Howmanyflowersare there?

Thereare flowers.

3 Circle 14 socks.


4 Fill in themissingnumbers.


0 2 4


18 16 12 8


5 How far canyou count up in2s?

Work withapartner.

Can you countup to50 together?

Now try countingdown in2s from50


10 12 14

+2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2