Councillor Anthony Perruzza's public letter to Mayor John Tory

Post on 12-Dec-2015

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Councillor Anthony Perruzza issued a public letter to Tory on Wednesday urging the mayor to hold a special council meeting to consider whether or not Toronto should bid on hosting the 2024 Summer Olympics.

Transcript of Councillor Anthony Perruzza's public letter to Mayor John Tory

Councillor Anthony Perruzza Toronto City Council

York West, Ward 8

September 9, 2015 Mayor John Tory Office of the Mayor 100 Queen Street W., 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Dear Mayor John Tory: Transparency and accountability is needed with respect to the City of Toronto’s interest in the 2024 Olympics. I urge you to call a special meeting of City Council to consider sending a letter to the International Olympic Committee expressing interest to bid for the 2024 Olympics. I know that time is short but you have the power to convene a meeting within the next few days so that City Council can make a decision one way or the other on this matter. It is a mistake on your part to continue to have, “behind the scene conversations” with folks without Council direction, while the deadline for sending a letter expressing interest in an Olympic bid slowly and surely slips away. Mr. Mayor, City of Toronto Council has a long and well deserved record of transparency and accountability. A possible Olympic bid is of such importance and interest to our City that it requires City Council consideration. Respectfully,

Anthony Perruzza City of Toronto Councillor York West – Ward 8 cc., Members of City Council and Media

Toronto City Hall

100 Queen Street West

2nd Floor, Suite C41

Toronto, Ontario M5H 2N2

Tel: 416-338-5335

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