COST Action FP1401 “Global Warning”...COST Action «Global Warning» WG1 : Prioritisation of...

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Transcript of COST Action FP1401 “Global Warning”...COST Action «Global Warning» WG1 : Prioritisation of...


COST Action FP1401 “Global Warning” A global network of nurseries as early warning

system against alien tree pests

René Eschen

Detection and identification of unknown harmful organisms for regulation

Monitoring of trees in exporting country: sentinel plantings

Surveying species of concern to importing country gives other

results than surveying species native to exporting country

Planting of live, imported European native trees restricted

seed import often easier because considered safer

Monitoring of few established trees in botanic gardens and more

young trees in plantings both have advantages

Cost of surveying abroad high

collaboration and reciprocity desirable

Getting most out of sentinel plantings


Aims of COST Action «Global Warning»

1) establish a global network of scientists and regulators in countries where

sentinel nurseries could be established from seed or where there are

botanical gardens or arboreta with exotic trees

2) create lists of the most important or vulnerable native tree species that

should be targeted using sentinel nurseries

3) suggest common protocols for the monitoring and identification of pests

4) explore with representatives of NPPOs towards a regulatory basis for the

use of the data collected in sentinel nurseries

●The Action will enable the future establishment of a more robust early

warning system for alien tree pests and diseases


Action FP1401 – Participating Countries

● 33 COST countries

● 4 Near-neighbour countries (AL, TN, RU, UA)

● 6 Non-COST countries, on all continents more interested

●One regional plant protection organisation – EPPO


COST Action «Global Warning»

●WG1 : Prioritisation of tree species for sentinel nurseries 1. Characterise intercontinental trade in tree species

2. Characterise the importance of native tree species

●WG2: Standardised monitoring protocols for pests and diseases of sentinel trees

3. Identify data requirements for pathway risk analysis

4. Collate pest identification tools and monitoring techniques

5. Propose prioritisation methods for tree pests for risk analysis

●WG3: Regulation of sentinel nurseries and the collation of results for use in PRA

6. Analyse national legislation on the import of seeds of exotic trees and their use for scientific purposes in open-field situations

7. Collate experiences with implementation of legislation and open-field experiments

●WG4: Dissemination ● STSM coordinator Tugba Lehtijarvi

Roel Potting & Steve Woodward

Alain Roques, Milka Glavendekić and Michelle Cleary

Jean-Claude Grégoire, Rumen Tomov & Alberto Santini

Justyna Nowakowska & (vacant)


1. Concepts of biological invasion (pathways,

introduction, invasion etc.), EU plant health

regulation, and risk analysis

Training School for ESR - 13-15 July 2015,

Brussels Belgium

2. National legislation for import of seeds and

associated pathway risk analysis

Workshop – 6-7 October, York UK

3. Important European tree species and

survey methods

Workshop – 10-11 November, Munich Germany

Short-Term Scientific Missions: 6

Activities 01/2015 – 04/2016


The Ecological Importance of Tree Species

Four methods used to rank tree species/genera:

Quick assessment of species use – relative ranking of tree

species/genera by number of species that use them based on a 4

databases for species and 8 for genus

Number of priority forest habitats of which they are characteristic

Area of priority habitat (ha) of which the species is characteristic:

using Article 17 reporting in 2012 for the Habitats Directive

Total area in Europe (ha): an approximation to the ‘amount’ of

ecosystem services delivered?

STSM Dr Ruth Mitchell (UK CH) (WG1)


assessment of

species use

Number of priority

forest habitats

Area of priority

habitat (ha)

Area in Europe (ha)

Salix Quercus Pinus Pinus

Quercus Pinus Betula Quercus

Populus Juniperus Picea Fagus sylvatica

Betula Betula Frangula Betula

Prunus Ilex Populus Picea

Alnus Sorbus Ulmus Alnus

Pinus Acer Fraxinus Abies

Acer Alnus Alnus Larix

Crataegus Fraxinus Salix Populus

Ulmus Prunus Acer Pseudotsuga menziesii

Top 10 tree genera as assessed using four different methods. Genera at the

top of the list are more ‘ecologically important’ than those at the bottom of the

list. Trees occurring on more than one list are coloured.

Ruth Mitchell

National regulations for import and planting of propagation material (WG3)

Propagative material imported under

less strict rules than live plants due to

lower perceived risk

Questionnaire sent to national

representatives at IPPC

Aim to collect information, but also to

raise awareness

Manual for Assessing Pests and Diseases in Sentinel Trials (WG2)

More technical than IPSN Plant Health Checker – aimed at people

with some background in entomology and pathology


Refined monitoring of sentinel plantings for

improved biosecurity

●PhD project linked to COST Action Global Warning

• Plantings in Switzerland, Oregon and China using tree species from

each region in common garden design

• Surveys of exotic trees in botanical gardens and arboreta in Europe

• Assessment of pests and diseases in seed material

• Pest risk analysis of pests and pathogens found during studies


René Eschen (