CONTENTS · Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 4 Key Contacts Head of School A/Prof Ivy Liu...

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Transcript of CONTENTS · Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 4 Key Contacts Head of School A/Prof Ivy Liu...

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 2


Key Contacts .............................................................................................................. 4

Who is this Handbook for? ........................................................................................ 5

Minimum Resources Agreement for Thesis Students (MRA) ................................. 5

Orientation .................................................................................................................. 5

Workspace .................................................................................................................. 5

Headphones ...................................................................................................................... 6

Office Keys ........................................................................................................................ 6

Lockers .............................................................................................................................. 6

Statue on Student Conduct .............................................................................................. 7

Office Etiquette .................................................................................................................. 7

Laboratory Rules ............................................................................................................... 7

Breaches of Office Rules and Etiquette ........................................................................... 8

Access to Building ............................................................................................................ 8

Supplies & Equipment ............................................................................................... 9

Telephones ........................................................................................................................ 9

Mail ..................................................................................................................................... 9

Stationary .......................................................................................................................... 9

Computing .................................................................................................................. 9

ITS Login ............................................................................................................................ 9

ECS Login ........................................................................................................................ 10

Email Accounts ............................................................................................................... 10

Use of Personal Laptops and Cellphones ..................................................................... 11

Disk Space ....................................................................................................................... 11

Department Services................................................................................................ 12

Binding............................................................................................................................. 12

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 3

Printing & Scanning ........................................................................................................ 12

VUW Poster Template ..................................................................................................... 12

Meeting Room Bookings ................................................................................................ 12

SMS Common Room and Use of Kitchens .................................................................... 13

Guidance on Travel to Conferences and Events .......................................................... 13

Financial Assistance ................................................................................................ 13

Employment within the School ...................................................................................... 13

Faculty Research Grants ................................................................................................ 13

Support and Advice ........................................................................................................ 14

Health and Safety ..................................................................................................... 14

Smoke Free ...................................................................................................................... 14

Student Health Services ................................................................................................. 14

Campus Security ............................................................................................................. 15

Emergency Procedures .................................................................................................. 15

Emergency Kits ............................................................................................................... 15

General Wellbeing ........................................................................................................... 16

Grievances and Dispute Resolution .............................................................................. 16

Support Services ............................................................................................................. 17

Appendices ............................................................................................................... 19

Appendix 1: Minimum Resources (Interim) Agreement ............................................... 19

Appendix 2: Key Deposit Refund Form ......................................................................... 24

Appendix 3: Off Campus Activity Plan – SMS ............................................................... 26

Appendix 4: Off Campus Activities Hazard Assessment Form.................................... 28

Appendix 5: Faculty Strategic Research Grants Application form .............................. 30

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 4

Key Contacts

Head of School A/Prof Ivy Liu


Phone: (04) 463-5648

Deputy Head of School Prof Rod Downey


Phone: (04) 463-5067

Postgraduate Coordinators for Mathematics Prof Noam Greenberg (Thesis) Prof Astrid an Huef (course work)

CO438 CO439

Phone: (04) 463-6778 Phone: (04) 463-6780

Postgraduate Coordinator for Statistics Dr Nokuthaba Sibanda (Thesis) Dr Yuichi Hirose (course work)

CO543 CO546

Phone: (04) 463-6779 Phone: (04) 463-6421

School Manager Ginny Whatarau


Phone: (04) 463-5666

School Office CO358

Phone: (04) 463-5341

Fax: (04) 463-5045

Postgraduate Administrator Caitlin Warwood


Phone: (04) 463-5651

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 5

Who is this Handbook for?

This handbook is for any SMS graduate students and approved visitors. For example, all students

doing thesis based study such as a PhD, Masters, Honours, Postgraduate Diploma and Postgraduate

Certificates. This handbook is also applicable to SMS Summer Research Scholarship holders, Research Assistants and Interns.

If you cannot find the answer to your question in this handbook, email the School Office.

Minimum Resources Agreement for Thesis Students (MRA)

There is a resource agreement between the Postgraduate Students’ Association (PGSA) and Victoria

University of Wellington. The agreement covers study space, furniture, resources and support for

postgraduate thesis students (PhD & Masters – 90 or 120 point thesis). You can view the current

MRA using the link below. A copy of the current MRA is provided in Appendix 1 at the end of this

handbook. Please note the current MRA is an interim agreement and it may be updated at any time.


All thesis students are required to complete an induction. This will show you where resources are

located and what your responsibilities are while you are part of the School of Mathematics and

Statistics. Caitlin Warwood, the Postgraduate Administrator from the school will complete an induction with you – if you have not had an induction please contact her. The Faculty of Graduate

Research (FGR) will provide a university wide orientation for PhD students. To find out when these are

running and outline, please go to this website

If you would like help getting started in the department and are not a thesis student. Please feel free to book in an appointment with Caitlin Warwood in the SMS office for a basic orientation and tour.


Full-time thesis students will be provided a workspace in either of our shared graduate spaces in

CO437 or CO540. Other postgraduate students will have access to these rooms but will only have access to hot desks. Hot desks are workstations that are available on a first come first served basis –

they are not a permanent workstation that can be claimed. Hot desks will be signposted as they are

available. If you are leaving the University for a significant length of time (for example if you suspend

your studies or go away on research) you may be asked to temporarily vacate your workspace so that

another student or visitor in need can use it. Please ensure you turn off the lights if you are the last one out of the office.

If you would like to change your workstation or have agreed to swap workstations with another student in the room – please notify the office.

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Furniture available to you in assigned workspace includes:

• A locker

• A single shelf near your desk space

• A shared pin-board and whiteboard (wall space permitting)

• A desk

• An ergonomic chair

• A university computer

• Small handheld whiteboards are available to loan from the office

Facilities will vary depending on the kind of research that student is doing and what facilities SMS have available. Please talk to your supervisor if you need additional resources to complete your studies.

Headphones Thesis students are able to use noise-cancelling headphones that are provided by the school. A note

will be put on your student record that you have been given headphones on loan. If these are not

returned or are returned damaged, students will be required to replace or repair them. If stolen, you

need to report this to the office and or School Manager immediately, as well as the relevant

authorities. Failure to repair, replace or return the headphones may prevent you from graduating

because the school will need to authorise the uplifting of the loan note from your student record upon their return.

If you would like some headphones, please email Caitlin at or visit the Office in CO358.

Office Keys Our postgraduate labs (CO437, CO540) do not require keys and are swipe card accessible with your student ID.

From 2015-2018 some students were assigned shared offices. If you were assigned an office you would have been required to pay a $30 key deposit before receiving the key. You can pay for your key

deposit online through the university website. You should automatically receive a receipt (as does the School Office) and you will able to collect the office key from the School Office in CO358.

The key deposit is refundable at the conclusion of your studies or once you return the key. When you want to collect your refund, present both the key and the original deposit receipt to the School Office.

The School Office will collect the key from you and complete a key refund form (Appendix 2.) with you before passing it on to the University payments team.

The key deposit will be paid directly to the Cashier at the Enrolments Office in Hunter Building and is not held by the School.

Your office key is your sole responsibility. Do NOT lend it out and ensure it is kept in a safe place. If

you lose your key, you will lose your original deposit and be required to pay another refundable $30 deposit for your new key.

Students with lockable under desk credenzas or drawers will also be required to pay a $30 deposit for their key. This process is the same as above.

Lockers Students who are occupying our labs CO437 and CO540 can use a locker at no cost. You will be

required to provide your own padlock. Notify the School Office when you begin using a locker. Include

the number of the locker you are using and the intended duration of use. The lockers are cleaned out once a semester and failure to notify the office of your locker will result in it being cleared.

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 7

Statue on Student Conduct The statue on “Student Conduct” outlines various examples of unacceptable behaviour by the

university community and provides processes by which concerns may be addressed. “This statute sets

out the procedures that apply in the event that a student is alleged to have breached acceptable standards of conduct”1 as described in the policy”.

Please ensure you are familiar with this policy

Office Etiquette Please ensure you are considerate to your colleagues. Keep noise to a minimum and be aware of

aromas that may affect the office environment (e.g. food and hygiene smells). Social gatherings,

research group discussions, use of electronic devices (e.g. iPod, skype, music & video players) should take place at an appropriate venue such as a café, breakout areas around the university campus, or in a booked meeting room through the School Office.

If you are making a noise, please remove yourself and your visitor/s. This is particularly important to

students who have to meet important deadlines and are possibly stressed. Please refer to the laboratory rules below for more details on appropriate etiquette in the shared offices.

There is to be strictly NO furniture that has not been supplied by the university or approved by the

School Manager left in any study space. This includes but is not limited to: bed, sofas, refrigerators,

microwaves, bikes. Please seek permission with the School Manager if you wish to leave personal items of significance (as outlined above) in the graduate offices.

As everyone is sharing spaces, please be considerate of those around you and maintain your

workspace to a reasonable standard. Ensure there is no old food or unwashed dishes, please clear away any rubbish. You will be asked to clean up your desk space if this is not maintained.

Laboratory Rules The laboratories of the School of Mathematics and Statistics are provided to enable students to

complete work for their courses. This includes timetabled lab sessions, assigned project work and research in support of your course work.

1. All users must be authorized to use this lab. They must be enrolled in a Math or Stat course or

authorized by a school staff member to use lab.

2. Lab users must identify themselves when requested.

3. Keep noise to a minimum – NO excessive, loud or offensive talking, playing of audio from computers, iPods or other devices (USE HEAD PHONES), Keep volume VERY LOW

4. No unauthorized visitors! (this includes students looking for tutor assistance)

5. There is to be no playing of games in the labs.

6. Strictly NO bed, sofa’s, refrigerators, microwaves, bikes, furniture etc.

7. Lab users must NOT use someone else’s computer account.

8. Lab users with SMS coursework to complete have priority over other lab users.

9. Hot desks must only be used for SMS related work only.

10. Use computers for course work ONLY. Printers can be used occasionally for personal and non-SMS related tasks (no excessive print jobs). Printing will incur a fee of 10c for black & white, 20c for

colour – payable to the SMS office.

11. Put mobile phone on silent (vibrate) and hold mobile conversations outside of the lab spaces.

1 Reference from bullet point number 1 of the “Student Conduct Statute – Student Policy Group”

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 8

12. Lab users must not attempt to subvert laboratory security (i.e.: running password cracking or network snooping programs, unless authorised by a school staff member).

13. Some labs (i.e.: the electronics labs) have specific health and safety rules which must be observed

while using them. These rules are available in the labs and should be explained to you by a lab tutor or school staff member if they apply to your lab space.

14. Users must not interfere with computer or instrument hardware except as part of an organised laboratory or experiment.

a. Do not unplug cables

b. Do not try to clear paper jams in printers yourself. (Send a message to

c. Do not switch off any machines

15. Locking the display of a computer is permitted (and is encouraged) during brief absences from the

laboratory. However, lab users are not allowed to lock a machine for a longer period (e.g. a class) as a way of reserving that computer.

16. Users may not distract others who are doing coursework. Collaboration is encouraged but where a

conversation may disturb other lab users please move to a social area outside the lab or book a

collaborative workroom

17. The Acceptable Use of Information Systems Statute prohibits users from:

a. Perpetrating fraud or harassment by email or similar means

a. Obtaining offensive material over the network

b. Incurring unauthorized network costs.

c. Accessing computer accounts belonging to others, or allow others to access your account(s).

Breaches of Office Rules and Etiquette All breaches of conduct are noted on your record. Each time a breach is noted, you will be notified and advised on what needs to be done to address the matter.

First Offence: ID number logged, offence noted, verbal warning issued.

Second Offence: ID number logged, offence noted, verbal warning issued, written warning


Third Offence: ID number logged, offence noted, meeting with Head of School

Fourth Offence: ID number logged, offence noted, formal university disciplinary action initiated, access to office revoked

If you are being disrupted in the office space, please send concerns to

Access to Building You are entitled to 24-hour access to your study space and other rooms associated with your project.

You will be supplied with an office key by the School Office on payment of a key bond of $30 per key (see above section ‘Office Keys’) or your swipe card will serve as your key to spaces that are associated

with your study. If you have issues accessing rooms associated with your research, contact the SMS

Office for room bookings, card access and extra keys.

If you wish to access our building over the Christmas and New Year period, you will need to obtain permission from our Head of School. Please provide a justified reason why you need access and have

your supervisor follow this up with our Head of School.

If you require access to specific SMS labs (eg: CO437, CO540) please put a request to your supervisor or postgraduate coordinator who will advise the School Manager to action.

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 9

Once you have paid your fees and enrolled you will be issued with a student ID card. This card will allow you security access to SMS, library facilities, specific permission to SMS labs, Rec Centre

(additional fee applies) etc. If you are a returning student your ID card will be updated accordingly to allow access to the appropriate rooms.

Supplies & Equipment

Telephones If you need to make a call related to your research and are unable to, please talk to your supervisor or

contact SMS Office.

Mail Graduates have shared mailboxes where your incoming mail is kept. All incoming mail sent to the

university will be kept in CO367. Please note that all incoming mail sent to you should clearly indicate

your full name following ‘PG student’. Please avoid sending personal mail to the mailroom, this service

is for mail related to your studies. All business outgoing mail can be left at the School Office for

posting. Please clear your mail regularly or it will be thrown away at the conclusion of each trimester. If you are going away for a significant period of time, please ensure you let the School Office know so that arrangements can be made to store or redirect your mail.

Stationary A limited supply of stationery is available on request from the School Office for SMS sessional

assistants, teaching assistants, tutors and or course markers. You must be employed by SMS and presentation of your student ID card is required before stationery items are given to graduates.

Stationary available includes:

• whiteboard markers

• red pen (marking course work)

• laser pointers**

• calculators**

• digital camera**

**All these items must be returned back to the office on the same day. Failure to return items could result in you personally having to pay for replacement cost. Your student ID card will be used to hold as security until you have returned the items back to the School Office.

It is expected that students provide their own stationary for research or personal use. However, there

may be the exception where graduates are working with their supervisor on a specific project or

proposal etc. In this instance, it would be considered reasonable to request office consumables and supplies on an ad hoc basis.


University computers and related tech operate on IT Services (ITS) systems. Within the School however, we make use of Engineering and Computer Science (ECS) IT support and resources. Desktop

computers in the shared offices are Linux machines that are run on ECS systems (Not the university ITS system). Due to this, there are two logins that will need to be set up for you to access all IT resources.

ITS Login Your ITS login will allow you to access university WIFI, library computers and other tech resources outside of the School.

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 10

Your username for your ITS login can be located on your confirmation of study email or letter. It should be the first six letters of your last name and the first four letters of your first name. If the

username already exists with another person, there will be a number added to make your username unique. If you cannot locate your username, contact ITS at


Scott Johnstone will have the username johnstscot.

If another Scott Johnstone enrols, they will have the username johnstscot1.

Once you have your username, you will be able to set up your password using the following instructions:

1. Visit the University homepage 2. Select “myTools” from the top bar

3. Select “Password” 4. Enter your username and follow the instructions

Once this is set up you will be able to access all your university email addresses listed below and set up your login for ECS/your desktop computer.

For issues associated with this login, please contact the ITS desk by

• visiting them in library located at the Kelburn campus;

• ring extension 5050;

• visit their website

ECS Login To set up your ECS login, visit this page or follow the instructions below.

1. Visit the School of Engineering and Computer Sciences homepage

2. Select “wiki” from the left-side bar

3. Select “Account Registration”

4. Enter your VUW login details and select student login; hit next and follow the prompts

For issues associated with this login, please contact ECS using the email:

In your request, please include:

1. Your Name

2. Room number

3. The computers service tag – found on the computer tower

4. A detailed description of your problem or request: • Summary: Description of the issue

• Reproduction: In numbered bullet point, detail the steps to reproduce your problem

• Expected outcome: Describe what you expected to happen • Actual outcome: Describe what actually happened

• Regression: Describe where the problem does or does not occur

• Notes: Include additional relevant information, such as references to related problems and workarounds

Email Accounts There are multiple email accounts created during your time at Victoria, depending on the roles you

have within the university and the qualification you are studying towards. Below is a summary of each

possible email that will be created, the default password and additional notes on the account.

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 11

ITS Emails ITS is the university-wide IT provider. They have control over two email domains.

Domain Default Password Who has this account?

Chosen when you set up your

ITS login

All students

Vuw(Staff ID #) e.g.

Vuw100000000 (This number

can be found on your staff ID)

Everyone employed by the

university and all PhD students

If you forget the password to your, it can be reset from myTools under the password


ECS Emails ECS has four main email formats. When these are created they automatically forward to your This may create issues for PhD students using their account rather than

their account. A summary of the ECS emails is below.

Domain Default Password Who has this account Your ECS login password All ECS & SMS students Your ECS login password All ECS & SMS students Your ECS login All ECS & SMS students Your ECS login password All ECS & SMS students



Use of Personal Laptops and Cell Phones For students with their own laptops, the university provides wireless access to the VUW computer

network. To access this Wi-Fi network, you will need to select “WellingtonUniversity” and enter your ITS login information

Internet is free of charge for academic and research purposes only. Excessive use of the internet or IT storage systems for non-university-related work will be dealt with through the “Code of Conduct”.

Disk Space 1GB is the allocated disk space given to graduate students. When you exceed your disk quota you will

receive an email telling you how much over your quota you are. You should reduce your usage to below your quota within a few days otherwise administrative action, such as temporary suspension of

your login account, make be taken. If that happens, to get it reactivated you will need to contact the School Office.

If your project or thesis work requires a larger disk usage, you will need to ask your supervisor to put in a request to have your disk space increased.

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 12

Department Services

Binding The school provides a free spiral binding service for all completed theses. The service covers the

amount of copies required for your hand in (3 for PhD, 1 for MSc) only and you must give the School

Office 24 hours’ notice to have this work completed. There is no guarantee that this work can be completed within an unreasonable timeframe.

The school does not provide a professional binding service. “The Bindery” located in Karori is used by

many VUW graduate students. Alternatively, you can look in the yellow pages under “Bookbinders”. Please note that this cost is met by the student and not reimbursed by the university.

Printing & Scanning All printing and scanning must be work related to your SMS employment work, research, project or matters approved by your supervisor/s.

Before sending a request to the School Office to have this work completed. Can you please ensure you have:

• instructions of what you require so that the work is completed correctly;

• allow at least 24 hours’ notice to have work completed by; and

• checked the copyright law2 before requesting printing and scanning work from the School

Office. Particularly material from books, journals etc.

There is no printing limit to print to black and white SMS printers for graduate students. Black and

white printers are located on levels 3, 4 and 5. A colour printer is located in CO359. There is limited access to the printing room in CO359, please contact the office to access these printers.

Black and white printing incurs a cost of 10c per side printed. Colour incurs a cost of 20c per side printed.

VUW Poster Template If you wish to present a poster at a conference, we have templates available. Visit the SMS Student

Information page and click on “VUW Thesis Templates”. Fuji Xerox on Campus will be able to print

large poster sized documents for you.

Meeting Room Bookings Graduate students may book a school meeting room for research and teaching related purposes – this

includes collaborative research work. You need to email School Office the meeting date, time period

you require the room (eg: 8am to 9am), number of people attending the meeting and the reason why

you need the meeting room. Alternatively, this link may be used if you have an ECS account. Some

rooms may display as unavailable for booking, if this is the case and you need the room please email

the office. QR codes are available on all bookable rooms’ doors; these will bring up a room bookings link you can use.

Rooms CANNOT be booked for social or personal events.

The School Office will respond to your request within 2-4 hours during business working hours.

2 It is important that you are aware of our NZ copyright laws as you may not be allowed to print and or scan material that is copyright protected. For further more

information, please got to

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 13

SMS Common Room and Use of Kitchens All thesis graduates are welcome to use the staff common room located in CO350 and kitchens located

on levels 3. It is expected that students keep the area clean and comply with the shared kitchen rules

which are well sign posted. If you make a mess, please clean it – otherwise this will be taken as a breach of Lab/Office conduct.

You may use the free drinking supplies such as tea, coffee and sugar. However, milk is not to be consumed to supplement meals such as cereals, lunch and or dinner. The university supplies a

limited amount of product that is to be shared amongst all university graduates and staff. If you use large quantities of milk you will need to bring your own.

All personal food items that are left in our shared refrigerators must be have an affixed label on container / package with your name and date. Labels are provided in our level 3 kitchen. All

unlabelled food will be thrown out. All food left in the refrigerator longer than 3 months will be

thrown out without communication to the graduate. The office staff will endeavour to check expiry

dates on food items, however it is your responsibility to communicate to the office if there are special

food items that do not perish or have long term life where is it not clearly signed posted on the container and or package.

Guidance on Travel to Conferences and Events When attending an off campus activity (such as a field trip or any activity off campus deemed to be research/work related), postgraduate students should do the following:

• Obtain written approval from your supervisor to participate in the activity

• Complete and submit the Off Campus Activity Plan Form (Appendix 3.) to the office

• Ensure the activity organiser will complete an Off-Campus Activities Hazard Assessment Form (Appendix 4.) and submit it to the office

• Make sure you attend the pre-activity briefing

• If a car is taken, registration and warrant of fitness should be current / valid and the driver/s

should have a full valid licence. These details should will be checked by the Postgraduate and

Stakeholder Liaison who is organising the off campus event. No reimbursements for travel will be granted unless you have provided this information to the school.

• Please familiarize yourself with the VUW off campus activities policy – especially if you are organising the activity.

Financial Assistance

Employment within the School During teaching time, there are various job opportunities such as tutoring, marking, teaching assistant, research assistant on a fixed term basis within SMS.

To enquire about a role description and availability, please visit our SMS vacancies page or contact the School Manager via

Additional employment opportunities at the university can be found under “Current Vacancies” at the bottom of the University homepage.

Faculty Research Grants A limited amount of funding is available to graduates through the Science Faculty. There are two

rounds available each year. You can apply for funding to attend conferences, workshops, and research

related events. If you are interested in applying for this fund, please see your supervisor and provide

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 14

comprehensive information such as event dates, cost, why you would like to attend this event, what research output and benefit you will gain by attending this event etc. Please chat to your supervisor

about any relevant events and conferences. PhD students are eligible for up to 2 grants during their tenure here, and MSc students can receive 1.

The funding round dates for 2020 are as follows:

Round 1: Covers period 1st May 2020 – 31st October 2020

- Applications due to Ginny on Monday 2nd March

Round 2: Covers period 1st November 2020 – 31st April 2021

- Applications due to Ginny on Thursday 10th September

See Appendix 5 for the application form

Support and Advice The university have student finance advisors that offer advice and support. You can call them on 0800

VICTORIA (0800 842 867) or send an email to to book an appointment

with a student finance advisor.

They can offer advice on:

• Budget advice;

• Hardship fund;

• Help with study link;

• Personalised Halls of Residence Repayment Plans;

• Setting up a flat account;

• Personal consultations; and

• Vic OE (overseas experience) budgets.

You can visit their website for more information by going to:

Health and Safety Health and Safety is a shared responsibility. The University expects every member of the University

Community to take personal responsibility and accountability for promoting the safety of themselves and those involved in, of affected by, the University’s activities.

Smoke Free The university has a duty to provide a safe environment for people on campus. There is strictly no

smoking in any internal area, internal and/or open area of a VUW early childcare centre and within 3 meters of any campus building. Details of the policy can be found within the Safe Campus Policy:

Smoking is not permitted by any person on any campus, breaching the smoke free policy my

constitute misconduct and be treated accordingly.

Student Health Services

There are a number of different services available to you such as Physio, Counselling, Medical, Physical Activity etc. that you can access on campus.

For detailed information including cost of these services, please visit:

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 15

Campus Security Valuables left in shared spaces is done so at your own risk. We provide a locker space that is available

for storage (see page 6). You must provide your own padlock, but belongings are still stored at your

own risk. The university does not cover any losses to personal valuables so you will need to ensure you have personal insurance.

Please contact Campus Care on extension 8888 for any of the following:

• If you are working late and feel unsafe. They provide an escort service where they can walk you to your car, bus station or to a safe place anywhere on Kelburn campus

• Hearing or seeing any suspicious activity;

• Witnessing misconduct and or abuse of VUW resources or harm to others; property stolen whether its personal or VUW owned; require assistance in an event of an emergency.

Emergency Procedures In an event of an emergency you must:

• Leave the building immediately

• Take the closest stairwell

• Walk calmly

• Leave hazards behind e.g.: coffee, personal belongings that may obstruct stairwell flow

• Gather outside in Cotton Plaza

Emergency Kits The school provides starter kits at your request, these kits consist of a storage box and 2

litres of water. If you wish, you can supplement these kits with extra food, water and

other survival supplies. SMS office can give advice on what you should put in the

emergency box if needed. Alternatively, you can find advice on stocking emergency

supply kits on These kits are to remain under your desk and for the

purposes of an emergency in case you are on campus at the time of an event. For

information, please email or visit the School Office.

There are first aid kits located in each postgraduate shared office and some at the SMS

reception desk in CO358. These kits are checked annually. If supplies run low, please

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 16

notify the office. An incident report form must be completed within 48 hours of any

accidents on campus.

Civil defence cabinets are also located on each floor. These cabinets are for use in an

emergency that traps you in the building or on campus (such as an earthquake). They

contain survival supplies.

General Wellbeing All graduates are encouraged to contact the School Office for the following:

• Log any identified hazards that are unsafe and must be repaired

• All incidents/accidents are to be reported to our SMS Health and Safety Officer (Alec Roger) within

48 hours of the event occurring on the University's Accident/Incident Report Form. Please contact the School Office for details.

• Familiarise yourself with our evacuation and emergency procedures. These can be found next to the elevators.

• Ensure your emergency box has the necessities that are required in the event of an emergency. This is at the cost of the individual not the school, but we can advise on contents of the emergency box. See the above section.

• Log any minor repairs and maintenance required in your office or common areas you work in e.g.:

Toilets, lifts or computers

• You CANNOT use any of your own personal electrical appliances unless a certified electrician has tested them and the cord has attached a valid Test Certificate.

Please familiarize yourself with our university health and safety policy.

Grievances and Dispute Resolution Research can be a difficult process that has the potential to challenge you amongst peers such as academics, personal, social or economic peers. These challenges may be related to a variety of issues

such as research issues, economic and financial issues, personal issues and personality clashes. Differences of opinion between students and supervisors over questions related to the scopes or

methods of research projects do occur but they can usually be resolved satisfactorily within the

School. Where the disagreement cannot be resolved it may be necessary to explore other dispute

resolutions options. Please visit the above link to the “Academic Grievance Policy” or visit the Postgraduate Liaison Officer for direction to the appropriate resolution process.

The university has the Academic Grievance Policy that sets out how perceived academic disadvantages and academic grievances are to be resolved”.

For students, this policy addresses issues such as:

• dealing with heavy workloads compared to similar courses;

• unfair assessment of coursework;

• poor feedback on assignments/projects;

• poor teaching quality; and

• personality clashes with supervisor.

The “Academic Grievance Policy” is a university wide policy and outlines the purpose, scope, definitions, policy content and guidelines etc. For more detailed information, please go to:

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 17

Support Services There are various support services and research resources available for you during your time at the

university. Detailed information on research services is available through the Faculty of Graduate Research website Information has been provided

below on a few of the support services available, this is not an exhaustive list. Please click here for more information on services available around campus.

Te Ropu Awhina Putaiao (Awhina) & Pasifika Hub

Te Rōpū Āwhina (Āwhina) and Pasifika Hub are the on-campus whānau for Māori and Pasifika students

enrolled in degrees and majors within the eight Schools that comprise the Faculties of Science,

Engineering, Architecture and Design at Victoria University of Wellington (VUW). The goal (kaupapa) of Āwhina is to produce Māori and Pacific scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians,

architects and designers who will contribute to Māori and Pacific development and leadership.

Underpinning cultural success at VUW is our kaupapa and the creation of an inclusive whānau

environment where high expectations, aspirations and achievements, collective success and reciprocity are normalised. The Āwhina kaupapa enables non Māori and Pacific students to contribute as whānau members.

Āwhina can be contacted through Ani Eparaima (phone: (04) 463-5987). Visit their website for more

information. Pasifika Hub has information on resources, spaces and contacts around campus dedicated to our Pasifika students. Visit Pasifika Haos for more information on support spaces.

Additionally, the university has a variety of groups aimed at supporting the Maori and Pasifika

community. Ngāi Tauira is the Maori students association and can help with advocacy, support, as well

as networking at the university. MAI ki Pōneke is a support network for Maori and indigenous postgraduate students, they run a variety of workshops and seminars.

International Student Support

Victoria offers a range of services to international students throughout their studies, including health,

wellness, visa and insurance support etc. (See: Additionally, Student Learning provides a

variety of services and workshops aimed at postgraduate students. Visit for more information on how they can help you with your research and lifestyle as a postgraduate student.

Rainbow Student Support

We have a variety of services and events available for Rainbow Students. Georgia Andrews is the

Rainbow and Inclusion Adviser located at the Student Union. Her role connects students with the

appropriate services around campus and in the community. Feel free to make an appointment if you would like to find out more about the services available on campus by emailing Georgia at

UniQ is the student representative group for Rainbow Students. They provide safe spaces, support and social events. Check out their Facebook page for more information.

For more information on Rainbow Support, visit

Students with Impairments

The university is committed to providing equal opportunities for all students including a provision to

support your needs. If you have an impairment you must discuss this with “Disability Services” and

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 18

provide verification of your impairment and or medical condition. Visit for more information on how to

contact a Disability and Inclusion Advisor and ensure there is support in place for you.

For more information about the “Meeting the Needs of Students with Impairments Policy” please refer to:

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Appendix 1: Minimum Resources (Interim) Agreement

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Appendix 2: Key Deposit Refund Form

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Appendix 3: Off Campus Activity Plan – SMS




Contact person on


Date and time of departure (from campus)

Communication carried

with party

Contact Cell number

Means of emergency



☐ VUW Vehicle


☐ Personal Vehicle

Date and time of


(to campus)

Who will be contacted on return?

What date / time should an emergency response be instigated?

Planned route

Alternative route Participants list (attach if


Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 27

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 28

Appendix 4: Off Campus Activities Hazard Assessment Form

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Appendix 5: Faculty Strategic Research Grants Application form

Faculty Strategic Research Grants Application 2020 – Round One


1 May – 31 October 2020 Applications close Monday 2nd March 2020 (Round 1) & Thursday 10th September 2020 (Round 2) and are to be emailed to

the Head of your School Research Committee

Note: Late applications will not be accepted.


Supervisor Name: School:

Position: Email: Telephone:

Signature confirming that you support this application:


Applicant Name: Student ID:

Email: Telephone:

Degree: Master’s □ PhD □

Date of initial Master’s/PhD enrolment (dd:mm:yy):

Thesis Title:

Master’s only Date of HoS (or nominee) approval of master’s proposal:

PhD only PhD enrolment: Provisional □ Full □

Date PhD or Master’s thesis handed in or due to be submitted:

Have you had a successful FSRG before? Y/N If so, when?

GMS Number: Applications are to be entered into the GMS to generate this. Do not press Submit until funding has been approved. Please ensure graduates have

submitted to Ginny a GMS Access form if this is their first application.

Faculty Amount applying for:

33% Contribution from School/Other: Please indicate source, and attach proof if other:


See Ginny First to ensure there are school funds available to support. No need to make contact if you are using one of your grants eg:

marsden, MBIE, URF

Type of Application

Student Conference Attendance (max $2000 Faculty funding can be applied for)

Name of Conference:

Graduate Resource Handbook 31 January 2020 31

Dates and Location of Conference:

Title of paper to be presented:

Names of other authors on paper to be presented:

Please note that you must be enrolled as a VUW Student at the time of your conference.

Student Research Project


Requires Ethics Approval? Yes/No

Budget Breakdown: (<100 words)

Description of Application: (<500 words):

Key Dates:




Describe the specific research benefits and outputs to VUW if this proposal is successful:

(<250 words):


Ranking _____ of ________



Ranking _____ of ________


HOS Signature Date

Confirming 33% of the Total FRSG amount applied for is to come from the School or other sources of
