Content-Based Assessments 7 chapterseven Mastering...

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Project 7L: Modern Scrapbook | Word 1

Content-Based Assessments

(Project 7L–Modern Scrapbook continues on the next page)

Figure 7.61

Mastering Word

Project 7L — Modern ScrapbookIn this project, you will apply the skills you practiced from the Objectives inProject 7A.

Objectives: 1. Insert and Format Graphics; 2. Set Tab Stops; 3. Insert andModify Text Boxes and Shapes.

In the following Mastering Word project, you will create a flyer describinga scrapbooking class to be offered at Memories Old and New. Your com-pleted document will look similar to Figure 7.61.

For Project 7L, you will need the following files:

New blank Word documentw07L_Scrapbook

You will save your document as7L_Modern_Scrapbook_Firstname_Lastname

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Mastering Word

(Project 7L–Modern Scrapbook continued)



2 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Content-Based Assessments

1. Start Word and be sure a new blank document is displayed. Display formatting marks andrulers. Save the document in your Word Chapter 7 folder as 7L_Modern_Scrapbook_Firstname_Lastname and then add the file name to the footer. Change all four document margins to 0.75 inch.

2. Insert a WordArt title using WordArt style 4 and type Modern Scrapbook as the text. Changethe WordArt size to 7 inches wide and 2 inches high. In the WordArt Styles group, click theShape Fill button, and then under Theme Colors, click the fourth color in the first row—Dark Blue, Text 2.

3. Click to the right of the WordArt title, and then press J. Type Apply Graphic Design Principlesto Scrapbooking and press J. Type Presented This Month By and press J. Type MemoriesOld and New and press J. Select the three lines you just typed, change the Font to Cambria,Center the text, and apply Bold. Change the Font Size of the first two lines to 16, and changethe space After the paragraphs to 0. Change the Font Size of the third line to 28.

4. Position the insertion point in the last blank line, change the Font to Cambria, change theFont Size to 14, and then type the following text:

One of our clients’ favorite classes will be presented throughout February. Learn to apply graphicdesign principles that professionals use in ads, billboards, and magazines to make your scrapbookcompelling and give it a clean, modern look. You’ll learn page layout basics like target points,white space, monochromatic palette, groupings, and the rule of thirds. The results won’t be yourgrandmother’s scrapbook!

Classes will be offered:

5. Press J. From your student files, insert the picture w07L_Scrapbook. Change the Width ofthe picture to 3��, and apply Square Text Wrapping. Move the picture to the left margin, withthe top edge even with the first paragraph you just typed—beginning with One of our.

6. Press C + e. Insert a Left tab stop at 2.25 inches on the horizontal ruler and anotherLeft tab stop at 6 inches. In the horizontal ruler, double-click either of the new tab marks toopen the Tabs dialog box. Select the tab stop at 6 inches on the horizontal ruler, changethe alignment to Right, and then add a dot leader to the tab stop.

7. Display the Paragraph dialog box, and set the spacing After to 0, and the Line spacing toSingle. Type the following text, pressing F between the weekday and the date, and betweenthe date and the times:

Saturday 2/7/2009 9 a.m. - NOON

Saturday 2/7/2009 3 p.m. - 6 p.m.

Monday 2/9/2009 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Wednesday 2/11/2009 6 p.m. - 9 p.m.

Sunday 2/15/2009 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.

8. Select the tabbed text, display the Paragraph dialog box, and then set the Left Indentationto 1 inch. Click anywhere in the document to deselect the text.

(Project 7L–Modern Scrapbook continues on the next page)

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Mastering Word

(Project 7L–Modern Scrapbook continued)



Project 7L: Modern Scrapbook | Word 3

Content-Based Assessments

9. Draw a Text Box that is aligned with the left margin, with the top edge about 0.5 inchesbelow the tabbed text. Use the Size buttons to change the Width to 3.5�� and the Height to.6��. In the text box, type Classes fill quickly! and press J. Type Call 312-555-0023

10. Select the two lines of text in the text box, and use the Mini toolbar to Center the text, applyBold, and change the Font Size to 14. Display the Paragraph dialog box, and set the spacingAfter to 0, and the Line spacing to Single. Add a Shadow Style 1 shadow effect to the textbox. On the Format tab, in the Arrange group, click the Align button, and then click AlignCenter.

11. Preview the document, and then print it, or submit it electronically as directed. Save yourchanges. Close the document, and then Exit Word.

End You have complete Project 7L

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Mastering Word

Project 7M — Scrapbook SuppliesIn this project, you will apply the skills you practiced from the Objectives inProject 7B.

Objectives: 4. Create a Table; 5. Format a Table.

In the following Mastering Word project, you will edit a flyer to distributeto the scrapbooking customers of Memories Old and New. Your complet-ed document will look similar to Figure 7.62.



4 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Content-Based Assessments

For Project 7M, you will need the following file:


You will save your document as7M_Scrapbook_Supplies_Firstname_Lastname

Figure 7.62

(Project 7M–Scrapbook Supplies continues on the next page)

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Mastering Word

(Project 7M–Scrapbook Supplies continued)



Project 7M: Scrapbook Supplies | Word 5

Content-Based Assessments

(Project 7M–Scrapbook Supplies continues on the next page)

1. Locate and open the file w07M_Scrapbook_Supplies. Display formatting marks and rulers.Save the file in your Word Chapter 7 folder as 7M_Scrapbook_Supplies_Firstname_Lastnameand add the file name to the footer. Be sure all four margins are set at 1 inch.

2. With the insertion point at the beginning of the document, insert WordArt with the textScrapbooking Supplies using WordArt style 13. Set the Width to 6.5 inches and the Heightto 1.5 inches.

3. Move the pointer to the left of the paragraph that begins Themes to display the pointer,and then drag down to select all of the text through the paragraph that ends 18.99. On theInsert tab, display the Convert Text to Table dialog box. Set the Number of columns to 3,click the AutoFit to contents option button, and then, under Separate text at, choose theTabs option button, and then click OK.

4. Display the Table Properties dialog box and Center the table. Click the Column tab, set thefirst two columns to 2.2 inches wide, and set the width of the third column to 0.8 inch wide.In the third column of the table, format all of the cells that contain numbers with the AlignText Right command.

5. In the first row, merge the three cells, and then apply Center alignment and Bold emphasisto the word Themes. Center and Bold the text in the three cells in the second row of thetable. Select the first row of the table, display the Shading gallery, and apply the fourthshade in the first column—White, Background 1, Darker 25%. Select the second row of thetable, and then from the Shading gallery, apply the second shade in the first column—White, Background 1, Darker 5%. Save your document.

6. Click to place the insertion point in the blank line below the table, and then press J twotimes. Insert a 3x7 table, and then add the following text:


Name Manufacturer Price

Getting Started Beginner Kit Scrapbook Stars $29.99

Baby Boy Country Kit Winsome Products 18.99

Nature Books - Beaches Studio Naturale 25.99

Nature Books - Rain Forest Studio Naturale 25.99

Winter Holidays Complete Kit B&B Products 28.99

7. With the insertion point in the lower table, display the Table Styles gallery, and then underBuilt-In, in the second row, click the second style—Table Colorful 2. Right-click anywhere inthe lower table, point to AutoFit, and then click AutoFit to Contents.

8. Select the first column of the lower table, and then click the Italic button to remove the italicemphasis. In the second row, select the second and third cells and apply Bold emphasis. Inthe third column, apply the Align Text Right command to the cells that contain numbers. Inthe first column, remove the Bold emphasis from the last five cells.

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Mastering Word

(Project 7M–Scrapbook Supplies continued)



6 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Content-Based Assessments

9. Select and Center the lower table horizontally on the page. Select all three cells in the firstrow of the same table and Merge the cells. In the same row, select and Center Kits.

10. Add a Box page border, using a 1 1/2 pt line width and the default black color.

11. Preview the document, and then print it, or submit it electronically as directed. Save yourchanges. Close the document, and then Exit Word.

End You have completed Project 7M

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Business Running Case

Project 7N — Open House

In this project, you will apply the skills you practiced from all the Objectivesin Projects 7A and 7B.

Jennifer Nelson graduated with a Master of Architecture degree andhoned her space planning and design skills in a large architectural firmbefore opening her own firm. Nelson Architectural Planning specializesin corporate space planning, facility layouts, and interior design forhigh-tech companies in northern California.

Jennifer’s team includes two network specialists who help assure thatevery client’s space is scalable for continuous upgrades in computer sys-tems and networking. Nelson Architectural Planning also maintains aninventory of office furniture and accessories, such as mobile worksta-tions, office chairs, and desk lamps.

Nelson Architectural Planning has been working with The Major Groupto renovate a large warehouse into two floors of small offices and fourfloors of loft condominiums. The building is nearing completion, and anopen house is being planned for potential business and residentialclients. In this project, you will edit an open house flyer being preparedby the marketing division. Your final document should look similar toFigure 7.63



Project 7N: Open House | Word 7

Content-Based Assessments

(Project 7N–Open House continues on the next page)

For Project 7N, you will need the following files:


You will save your document as7N_Open_House_Firstname_Lastname

Figure 7.63

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1. Start Word. From your student files, openthe file w07N_Open_House. Save the doc-ument in your Word Chapter 7 folder as7N_Open_House_Firstname_Lastnameand then add the file name to the footer.Display formatting marks and rulers.

2. In the first line of the document, Insert anOpen House WordArt title, using the firststyle in the last row—WordArt style 25.Change the WordArt size to 6.5 incheswide and 1 inch high.

3. Below the WordArt title, place the inser-tion point to the left of the paragraph thatbegins Nelson Architectural Planning, andthen from your student files, insert thepicture w07N_Apartments. Change theWidth of the picture to 1.5 inches, andapply Square Text Wrapping. Move thepicture down to align the top edge of thepicture with the top of the paragraphbeginning Nelson Architectural Planning.

4. Below the paragraph that begins Schedulefor office, position the insertion point inthe blank line. Insert a Right tab stop at4.5 inches on the horizontal ruler, dou-ble-click on the tab stop in the ruler, andthen from the displayed Tabs dialog box,add a dot leader to the tab stop. Displaythe Paragraph dialog box and then set theLeft Indent to 1.5 inches. Type the fol-lowing text, pressing F between entries:

Unit Tour Times101 9 a.m., 12:30 p.m.102 10 a.m., 1 p.m.103 10:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m.201 11 a.m., 2 p.m.202 11:30 a.m., 2:30 p.m.203 12 p.m., 3 p.m.

5. Select the first six lines of tabbed text,display the Paragraph dialog box, and setthe Spacing After to 0. Save your work.



8 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Content-Based Assessments

Business Running Case

(Project 7N–Open House continued)

6. Press C + e to move to the end of thedocument. Insert a 2 x 8 table, and thenadd the following text:

7. Display the Table Properties dialog boxand Center the table. Click the Columntab, and then set the width of the firstcolumn to 1.5 inches, and the width ofthe second column to 2 inches.

8. In the first row, merge the two cells, andthen Center and Bold Office Space Prices,and change the Font Size to 14. Centerand Bold the text in the two cells in thesecond row of the table. Select the firstrow of the table, display the Shadinggallery, and add Black, Text 1 shading—the second color of the first row. Selectthe second row of the table, display theShading gallery, and add White,Background 1, Darker 5% shading—thefirst color of the second row. Right alignall of the cells in the table except theshaded cells. Save your work.

9. At the top of Page 2, move the pointer tothe left of the paragraph that begins LoftPrices to display the pointer, and thendrag down to select all of the text throughthe paragraph that ends $197,397. On theInsert tab, in the Tables group, displaythe Convert Text to Table dialog box. Setthe Number of columns to 4, click theAutoFit to contents option button, andthen under Separate text at, click theTabs option button and click OK.

10. Format the new table in the same manneryou formatted the lower table. Right alignthe unshaded cells in the second, third,and fourth columns. Save your changes.

11. Draw a Text Box with the left edge atapproximately 1.5 inches on the hori-zontal ruler, with the top edge at 7.5inches on the vertical ruler. Use the

(Project 7N–Open House continues on the next page)

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Business Running Case

(Project 7N–Open House continued)



Project 7N: Open House | Word 9

Content-Based Assessments

Size buttons to change the Height to 1.5��

and the Width to 3.5��. In the text box,type:

Nelson Architectural Planning522 South Market Street, Suite 1420San Jose, CA

12. Select all of the text in the text box andCenter the text. Change the Font to

Cambria and the Font Size to 14. Selectthe top line of text in the text box, addBold emphasis, and then change the FontSize to 16. Display the Shadow Effectsgallery, and then under Drop Shadow,click the fourth style—Shadow Style 4.

13. Preview the document, and then print it,or submit it electronically as directed.Save your changes. Close the document.Exit Word.

End You have completed Project 7N

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Problem Solving

Project 7O — Frames

In this project, you will construct a solution by applying any combination ofthe skills you practiced from the Objectives in Projects 7A and 7B.



10 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Outcomes-Based Assessments

For Project 7O, you will need the following files:

New blank Word documentw07O_Frame1w07O_Frame2

You will save your document as7O_Frames_Firstname_Lastname

Many people bring pictures to Memories Old and New for repair andrestoration. Few people realize that the company employs experts inframe repair. In this project, you will create a flyer about picture framerepairs and refinishing offered by Memories Old and New.

Some of the frame repairs and enhancements offered, including mini-mum prices, are:

• Refinishing a wood frame, including stripping varnish or removingpaint, which is priced by frame size and starts at $49.95.

• Adding a faux finish and distressing the wood, which is priced byproject and starts at $29.95.

• Repairing plaster, which is priced by frame size and starts at$49.95.

• Repairing minor chips and scratches, which is priced by the projectand starts at $29.95.

• Gilding and gold leaf, which is priced by project; prices vary.

To complete this assignment, create a flyer that includes the following:

• A WordArt title that describes the topic.

• An opening paragraph introducing the topic.

• A table using the information presented above. Format the tablewith a title that spans all of the columns. Each column should havea column heading. The title should be formatted distinctively.

• A text box or banner with instructions on getting an in-home estimate.

• At least one graphic with an introductory paragraph that wrapsaround the graphic or graphics. Two frame pictures are includedwith the student files.

Add the file name to the footer. Check the flyer for spelling or grammarerrors. Save the document as 7O_Frames_Firstname_Lastname and sub-mit it as directed.

End You have completed Project 7O

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Problem Solving

Project 7P — Art Supplies

In this project, you will construct a solution by applying any combination ofthe skills you practiced from the Objectives in Projects 7A and 7B.



Project 7P: Art Supplies | Word 11

Outcomes-Based Assessments

For Project 7P, you will need the following file:

New blank Word document

You will save your document as7P_Art_Supplies_Firstname_Lastname

Memories Old and New started business under a different name as anartist’s supply store. The business has expanded greatly, covering manymore areas of the art world, but artist’s supplies are still an importantpart of the company’s business. In this project, you will create a handoutof commonly used art supplies that art instructor Ming Han provides toher drawing students.

Create a decorative title for the handout. Include an introductory para-graph that welcomes students to the drawing class and informs them ofthe types of artwork that they will learn to draw, including landscapes,still lifes, animals, and cartoons. Use the Internet to research art suppliesand prices, and then use your research to create a table below the intro-ductory paragraph that lists eight to ten popular art supplies and theirprices. Examples of these supplies include paint brushes, charcoal, chalk,canvas, and drawing pads. Search the Microsoft Clip Art library for one ormore graphics to add to the handout. Include a text box or shape thatincludes the company name and address and add a page border.

Save the price list as 7P_Art_Supplies_Firstname_Lastname and then addthe file name to the footer. Submit the document as directed.

End You have completed Project 7P

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You andGO!

Project 7Q — Resume

In this project, you will construct a solution by applying any combination ofthe skills you practiced from the Objectives in Projects 7A and 7B.



12 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Outcomes-Based Assessments


For Project 7Q, you will need the following file:

New blank document

You will save your document as7Q_Resume_Firstname_Lastname

The Table tool is convenient for creating resumes. In this project, youwill use a table to create your own resume. Your completed documentwill look similar to the one shown in Figure 7.64.

Name in larger font

Main topics listedin the first column

Descriptive actionstatements used

Range of dates listed whenneeded in the middle column

Contact information

Figure 7.64

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You and GO!

(Project 7Q–Resume continued)



Project 7Q: Resume | Word 13

Outcomes-Based Assessments

To complete this exercise, use the skills you have acquired in this chap-ter, and:

• Examine Figure 7.64. This sample of a resume uses a three-columntable with only a first column and first row border displayed. Themiddle column is used for dates when needed or merged with thethird cell in the row to expand the text across a wider area.

• Examine Figure 7.65, which displays the resume as it looks with all ofthe table borders visible. Notice the rows that have been added toincrease space between major headings. The major topics in the leftcolumn have been aligned on the right and emphasis has been added.

First column border

Three columns

Merged cells

First row border

Text right-aligned

Rows added for spacing

Bullet lists used for clarity

Figure 7.65

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• Create a three-column table with four rows to start—you can addmore rows as needed. Remove all of the borders.

• Add a bottom border to the top row, and a right border to the first col-umn. The bottom border of the first cell may be overwritten when youadd the border to the right of the first column. If necessary, re-applythe bottom border.

• Fill in your name and personal information at the top of the table, for-matting it appropriately.

• Direct your objective statement toward the job for which you areapplying. You can write this as if applying for the job you alreadyhave, one you would like to have, or for a specific job posting.

• Using the figures as a model, enter information for your own resume.The content of the figures provides tips on the type of information andformat to use when writing a resume.

• If you think it would be appropriate, have someone take a digital pic-ture of you—or scan an existing picture—and add and resize your pic-ture in an appropriate location.

Proofread your resume and remove any spelling, grammar, or typograph-ical errors. Save your document to your Word Chapter 7 folder as7Q_Resume_Firstname_Lastname and submit it as directed.



14 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Outcomes-Based Assessments

You and GO!

(Project 7Q–Resume continued)

End You have completed Project 7Q

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Project 7R: GO! with Help | Word 15

Outcomes-Based Assessments

GO! with Help

Project 7R — GO! with HelpIn this chapter, you inserted a table, and changed existing text into atable. A third way to create a table is to draw the outline and grid linesby hand. This enables you to create a table of any shape for any purpose.



! Start Word. On the Ribbon, click the Microsoft Office Word Helpbutton. In the Search box, type draw table and then click theSearch button.

@ In the Search Results task pane, click Draw a table. Maximize thewindow, and at the top of the window, click the Show All link.Scroll through and read how to draw a table.

# If you want, print a copy of the information by clicking the Printbutton at the top of Word Help window.

$ Close the Help window, and then Exit Word.

End You have completed Project 7R

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16 Word | Chapter 7: Using Graphics and Tables

Outcomes-Based Assessments

Group Business Running Case

Project 7S — Group Business Running Case

In this project, you will apply the skills you practiced from the Objectives inProjects 7A and 7B.

Your instructor may assign this group case project to your class. If yourinstructor assigns this project, he or she will provide you with informa-tion and instructions to work as part of a group. The group will applythe skills gained thus far to help the Bell Orchid Hotel Group achieve itsbusiness goals.



End You have completed Project 7S

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