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MAY 1, 2012By Wendy Down

Hello there.

This is Wendy Down with your Consciousness Playground recording for Tuesday, May the 1st 2012.

We're going to get right into the exercise I want to lead you through today.

I am going to point really directly into a place in your inner landscape, my inner landscape that has a very very potent effect on how reality shapes itself around our consciousness and how desires that we have that haven't been manifested yet get stuck.

So in my own mind and in my own awareness as I come to this recording I know exactly where I want to direct your attention.

And I am going to do my best to give words and guidance to help you direct your attention to this place within yourself so that you can gain tremendous freedom, skill, understanding and power in creating your life to be the way that you want it to be.

I believe the title of this recording is "The Art Of Giving Up Control"; at least that's what it is for me right now.

Before we get into the exercise I just want to briefly touch on why control and giving up control is so important if you want to consciously create life in a way that suits you better and better and better.

To do that let's set this conversation within in the context of a situation that you have going on in your life where there is something that you want to have happen that has not yet happened.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

It could be a longstanding situation, you know, for example, looking for your life partner.

It could be a longstanding financial situation.

It could be a longstanding sadness or a situation that seems so difficult to be in and yet so unchanging.

So here right at the beginning of this recording I invite you right now to identify a situation in your life that's like that; something that that it matters so much to you that the present state of this situation be changed to something better.

And if you want to, take a moment to write that down on a piece of paper.

Put into words what it is that you are going to use this recording to focus on.

It could be something small, just a situation in your life that every time you notice it or think about it or are face to face with it it makes you feel upset in some way.And it seems like you have no alternative given the reality of that situation.

You have no alternative to feel anything other than the way about you feel about it or to see it in the way that you see it.

This is exactly the kind of situation that all of us have in our lives and these are exactly the kind of situations that allow us to and almost force us to expand our consciousness beyond where we currently sit and to become more of who we really are; to access our power, to access our ability to change our experience of reality and to change reality itself.

But the place I want you to start from is that really sort of stuck or frustrating or upsetting or irritating or annoying situation. Where there’s something you so much want to have be different and for so long perhaps it hasn't been different regardless of how many things you've tried.

So today we want to go right into there.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And the reason we want to go into there is that, on the biggest metaphysical level, all of the energy, focus, creative power of the solution or the manifestation of the thing you want is currently tight up and focused into the experience you’re having right now of that situation itself.

Let me say that another way.The frustration, the blocked feeling, the hopelessness, the observation of what is, the circumstances showing up the way they are, the thoughts you have about it, feelings you have about it... those very things are created out of the exact consciousness and energy that your preferred reality needs to be created out of.

And so it's absolutely fundamental that the energy that is currently being used, the focus and the consciousness that's currently being used to create your current situation, your current experience of that situation be released so that it can then come back in a new and different form!

And this maneuver of being willing, able and conscious to release all of the mechanics that create that scenario the way it is now it's an art, to let go of what is.

It's an art to notice what's going on, how that energy is being used, how your inner landscape is being shaped right now and to be able to release that back into nothingness out of your control (and the key word here is ‘control’) so it can come back in a different form.

And that's exactly where we’re going to go today.

I want to say that one more time.

Whatever topic, issue, situation you’re bringing to this recording because you want it to be different, the very building blocks, the very essence, the structure, the energy, everything that's required to have that situation show up in a different form in your experience already exists and it's currently tied up in the form you’re now experiencing it.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And so, there's nothing else needed other than a shift in your inner landscape and a willingness to have something fall away, fall apart that you unconsciously, mostly, are currently keeping in place.

Next I just want to describe the nature of what that inner landscape right now is probably like, what it includes so that you can recognize it and so that you can make a different choice in that very scenario right here, right now.

To give a broader perspective for a moment...

so many teachers and schools of thought about working on the Quantum Level, using Law of Attraction, using metaphysical principles to create your own reality talk about this necessity of first of all recognizing what you want or recognizing what you don't want and then of letting go.

And there are really three factors that come into play in why we don't let go.

To reiterate the reason that we have to let go is because we need to release the current form of the structure, both internal and external of that situation the way it shows up now so that it can dissolve back into nothingness and then be re-formed by the larger Universe outside of your control to come back in a way that's more reflective of your real desires.

So mastering the ability to let go of control is crucial.

In my experience there are really three reasons why a person does not take that critical step or does not surrender control.

Let me describe what those are now.

The first reason is that we don't even know that we haven't surrendered control!

Let me just see if I need to go back and do some or some more basic preparation work to set the stage for this.

No, I think you're with me.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

Basically the sequence is, you have a desire. There’s something that you want. You really want it.

The next step is to completely let go of the control of that happening. And in fact reach the state where you don't even notice, it doesn't matter to you that you don't have that experience yet, that that thing hasn't shown up.

And this step of it no longer mattering or you feeling neutral or maybe not even noticing that that scenario hasn't manifested yet is the very stage that sets the framework for it to show up.

And the amazing thing actually about that and about this whole piece of the puzzle of surrendering control is that it is ripe with paradox.

Because the act of surrendering control or the stage of giving up on a desire or dream or better said giving over to a desire or dream or giving over control for the manifestation of a desire or dream, this act of release or releasing control is actually the act of giving up control to a more expanded, connected sense of yourself.

And in the same way not caring whether something manifests is exactly the stage for the state in which it can then manifest.

And so continually you find yourself once you reach the ability to do this consciously, willingly and skillfully you continually live in the paradox of living beyond this or that, having or not having, wanting/not wanting, noticing/not noticing, caring/not caring.

The state of moving beyond holding on to a dream is the expanded state of awareness that that very dream is there, that very unfulfilled dream or that very unrealized dream is there to launch you into.

And so that's why I really want to focus your attention into this point.

It's a decision.

It's a decision point in the manifestation process.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And if the scenario that you’ve chosen is one that's a really longstanding one for example and that's really important to you, that really matters to you that this eventually happens in your life you can think of this scenario as one of the most powerful launching pads into a greater understanding of your place in the Universe, the power that you have, the control that you exert without exerting control and a much more expanded and larger sense of yourself.

And so it's hugely significant that this thing has not manifested itself yet.

So let's dive more pointedly into that position.

So why is it that when there's something that we want to have manifest and it hasn't manifested that we haven't at that point given up control?

And this is what I want to describe: the three reasons why we tend not to have given up control.

And the first is that we don't even know that we haven't surrendered control.

And you can check in with yourself to see, o.k., here is the scenario that I want to have be different in my life:

“How would I know if I have given up control for it or not or whether I am still clutching?”

Most of us are so entrenched in the experience of being separate and alone in the world that we aren't even aware when we are clutching onto a desire from that place of separation.

So right now just take a moment to notice. Check within yourself to see "Have I given up control or am I still clutching control or need to make sure that this thing happens?"

If you're clutching tightly, you haven't given up control there’ll be some place in your awareness that feels or even in your body that feels tight, restricted, pressured, focused, limited, intense, intent, serious.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

These are the types of qualities of experience that we have when we’re holding tightly onto trying to control or make something happen that has not yet happened.

On the other hand when we're not trying to control, when we have a desire or dream or reality on a particular topic that we want to be living and we release control, the experience that we'll be having is one of openness, playfulness, limitlessness, freedom, detachment, curiosity and lightness.

Now you may have some other specific ways that your body, your mind or emotions feel when you recognize that you haven't yet surrendered control of a desire that you have.

And if you recognize your own specific characteristics of when you're doing that that's key. Because having that awareness is something then that you can turn to and look for with other scenarios as well.

And I would invite you to leave a comment on the page where this recording is to just share what it is you notice in yourself when you are holding onto control or trying to control a desire.

Because that would be helpful not just for you to put it into words but also for others to read as well.

So the first reason we tend not to have given up control is as I said that we don't even know, we don't even recognize the difference between holding onto control, trying to force a particular outcome or surrendering control.

The second reason is that we don't know how to surrender control.

For example, if you have just acknowledged to yourself that there's a part of you that's really tightly holding onto control, trying to make something happen or in very intense observation of ‘what is’, that the reality is so real, so present, so obvious, so obviously not the way you want it to be that you don't seem to have any room to see it or any freedom to see it differently.

You may notice how intense that experience is and you may want some relief from it but you may not know how to go about releasing that control.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And often times we can find ourselves in a situation where we’ll spend years wanting something, waiting, yearning and trying to realize a dream before we finally give up.

And it's in that giving up that all the power and the energy that was being put into the experience of resisting and trying to force or trying to control that's freed up to actually create the manifestation that we desire.

So again that paradox:

When we give up control we allow and don't care, it doesn't' t matter to us in the same way whether the thing manifests or not, we then free it up to actually manifest.

So let's see, I actually want to check if I want to actually address that “how to surrender?”

I will just briefly here. Because I want to talk about the three reasons that we don't give up control. I talked about one and am now talking about the second and I want to get to the third.

But if you're sitting there right now realizing that you're tightly holding onto a desire, tightly holding onto the recognition of what is, resisting what is and so desperately wanting it to be different and all your energy and consciousness and awareness is and physical experience is tight up in that, how do you surrender that?

How do you move to a different state, a state in which all of that energy that is free to transform itself?

One way to go about it and probably the easiest way is simply to notice as you're doing right now how much effort, energy, focus and power is tied up in the experience you're currently having.

So simple recognition and awareness is the first step.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And a second next step that's so easy and so straight forward is to simply let all of that inner landscape, the thoughts, feelings, physical responses be there as they are right now.

You can treat them as simply a field of energy, a formation of energy in your inner landscape.

You’ll notice the feeling has a particular formation.

And that formation takes the form of sensations in your body, emotions and repetitive types of thoughts.

So one very very powerful and straight forward thing that you can do right now is simply recognize the familiarity of that particular field of energy, that particular form of energy on the inside.

And if you're able to, rather than identify it as You, identify and experience that field of energy as something as a formation that's also occupying the same space that your consciousness is occupying.

In other words that field of energy, that feeling may be very familiar to you, but it is not You.

You, who you really are, is simply the observer of it.

You are the space within which that field of energy, those thoughts, feelings, emotions, reactions and sensations are occurring.

And simply by taking your attention and your identification off the feelings, off the responses and into the space between the response, to build on the last Consciousness Playground recording I made for you or one of the more recent ones, simply let yourself for the first time ever maybe to be the space within which all of those forms occur.

And you may find yourself flipping between being the observer, the unattached observer of them and being pulled into the experience of them.

If you do, notice that it's actually really useful to flip between those two states.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

Let me say that another way.

In your experience of this particular reaction to this unrealized dream you would tend to ‘get lost in the experience’ (the emotions, the feelings, the thoughts, the story) and completely get lost in the experience of that as though that experience is bigger than you.

This is our normal way of relating to a field of energy.

And the invitation right here right now is, instead of being lost to the experience, to let your awareness of yourself expand outside that field of energy and notice that it's simply an experience that's occurring within you.

It may be very intense, it may be very addictive to loose yourself in that.It may be very uncomfortable to be with.

But perhaps for the first time ever simply notice that there is a part of you that’s outside of that experience. That's simply the observer of it.

Be the vast space, the awareness within which that entire experience occurs and turn your attention to the space.

And the amazing thing of being the space is that you as space, you as consciousness, you as pure awareness, you as pure potential have the capacity by doing absolutely nothing other than observing a disruptive field of energy like that simply by observing it will transform it.

It will take the chaos, the disruption, the upset, the non-resonance, the story in that experience and start to dissolve it.

And actually if you're able to stay with this as I’m describing it, what you will notice is that the upset perhaps is becoming less.

The compulsion to think about that situation as it is is becoming less.

The place in your body that felt really tight or tense or pressured is feeling less so.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

And that is all changing simply because you brought your awareness outside of the experience and are observing it from the place outside it that's beyond the form.

And so from this place of the observer outside the form is where you're able to sit in the paradox.

Many many paradoxes.

Right now you can actually, from that position of being outside, play with it.

Just see, “If I don't have that scenario ever manifest, can I be o.k. with it?”“Would I be o.k., if this never is realized?”

And that thought may provoke more reaction.

But if it does just allow that reaction to come up within the same space and observe it as it neutralizes, as it dissolves back into nothingness again.

With no effort on your part other than the willingness to stay outside, to not be pulled into the reaction but rather an observer of the reaction of that field of energy and allow it to take form in a way that may be much more subtle and undetected for a moment by your thoughts, your emotions and your physical senses, your ability to observe simply transforms it into a more coherent field, more coherent state.

And as you suspend yourself in this way from being lost in the reaction and being instead the observer of the reaction you find yourself in a completely different state of being on this topic.

And this is the state of being that that very unresolved situation has been the impetus for you to launch yourself into.

And as you sit in this more lofty, broader perspective, insightful perspective, uncharged, neutral perspective you find that you have much more range in your point of view, in your understanding of that scenario.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

Now that range or point of view may not have settled in yet. You may right now be feeling a little drifty, unfocused... which is perfect.

You're simply picking up on the solution of what was solid before and this actually, this willingness to be present in or ‘with’ an unresolved or unmanifested intention, desire and not be hooked into the desire of it is the act of surrendering control.

And if I'm reading you right, reading your energy or your state right, right now as I feel for where you're at you’re now sensing tremendous freedom.

You're not feeling that grip of needing to control, of needing this thing to manifest in order to feel complete or whole or free.

And this is exactly the state... I call this the tipping point... where you've released that desire; which still exists, you still have it, but you're not holding onto it.

You've got the desire and it flows through you but it flows through and out, out into the larger Universe, the larger You which has all the pieces to the puzzle.

And you actually have to let it flow out of you in order for it to swirl back around you and come back in from behind and catch you by surprise when you're not even looking for it.

I was saying earlier that there are three reasons that we tend to hold tightly trying to control certain manifestations.

I said the first was we don't know we haven't surrendered control.

And right now you can probably notice what it feels, what the difference is between before when you hadn't surrendered control and now when you have.

I said the second reason was that we don't know how to surrender control.

Now there are many ways to surrender control... I’ve just shared one with you, the energetic way. What it feels like to be holding onto control and then how to

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

effortlessly use the power of your larger consciousness to simply dissolve the pattern of control in your being and have it be absent.

So that you can get to know this much more actually familiar state, maybe not familiar in this life time, but familiar to you as a part of creation, to feel at One, to feel at peace, to feel the joy of not knowing how something is going to show up and not having the feeling that there's a lot at stake if it does or doesn't.

Knowing that either way you are absolutely fine.

You're absolutely fine.

And then the third reason to carry on that we tend not to give up control or surrender control to the larger Us or to the Universe to manifest our dreams is that on a really deep level, a really unconsciously deep level we have believed that by surrendering our effort or our vigilance, our mindfulness "Oh that hasn't manifested yet. Oh I still want that." we have believed on a really deep unconscious level that if we surrender, our reality will be inferior.

In other words, in our separateness as human beings we’ve believed that if we, the small ‘we’ aren't consciously driving the forward movement of this desire, if we aren't making it happen, if we aren't efforting, if we aren't holding onto that.we don't believe that the dream is held anywhere else and therefore if we let it go it will never happen.

And this really is the tremendous fear that underlies our clutching onto unrealized dreams or desires or intentions.

And so as I say that I invite you to check in with yourself.

Do you believe that by surrendering your effort on this particular situation or topic, that if you give up control, if you give up trying to make it happen, that if you do give up control what will come back to you will be inferior to what you have now?

It's actually an expression of what Einstein said was the biggest question of humanity which is "Is the world a friendly or a benevolent place?"

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

In other words, “Do I believe that the Universe has my back?”

“Do I know there is consciousness out there that knows me, loves me, supports me, that's looking after me?”

And if I don't, then to give up control of course means giving up on that dream.

But if I believe that there is larger consciousness than my small self and that I am loved and hold of valuable worthwhile place in the Universe and in therefore supported and sustained then the act of giving up control or the decision to give up control is not the act of giving up but giving over.

Giving over control.

Giving over control to the larger Consciousness that knows more, has more connections, is able to coordinate circumstances, resources, events, people. able to recreate energy in a different form. able to take the compressed energy that I've been carrying on this topic for as long as I have, if I turn that energy, that whole field, that whole consciousness that's been compressed into the experience I’ve been having until now, if I turn that over, give up that energy, that experience, all of that to the larger Me, the larger Consciousness, the larger Universe, all of that energy can then be taken by the parts of me that don't know how to create forms and structures and reorganize it in ways that will amaze, surprise and catch me by surprise.

But if you don't know that the Universe has your back the risk of doing that will seem too great.

And this really is the biggest step and the biggest decision that we each have to make if we want to be conscious co-creators with the Universe, with God, with your higher Self, whatever term you want to use for that.

And again if you have thoughts to share on that, if you have an ‘aha‘, if you have a story about how you've done that or what brought you to the decision or the awareness that you can or you must turn over or give over control or your desires to the Universe or at least give up trying to make things happen that you’ve not

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012

been able to make happen yet, I'd love for you to share your story on the page where this audio recording is posted.

So let me just see if there's anything else that I want to add here.

I think that pretty much covers what I wanted to say.

It feels complete.

And three days from now I will send you a Consciousness Playground Tip of the Day that will take this topic "The Art Of Giving Up Control" some place new, just quickly, in a way that you can apply it to your life that day or whatever day you come across it.

And I look forward to being in contact with you that way and again in the next recording which I'll release in a couple of weeks and hopefully in the conversations we have on the Consciousness Playground site.

Much love and bye for now!


PS. If you want my personal one-to-one support on this or any topic, check out your options here.

“The Art of Giving Up Control” Recording Transcript May 1, 2012 © Wendy Down, 2012