Connection - Temple Beth-El

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Transcript of Connection - Temple Beth-El

Connection April 2018 Nisan/Iyar 5778

Participating organizations include

Birmingham Jewish Federation, Levite

Jewish Community Center, Temple Beth-El,

Temple Emanu-El, Chabad of Alabama and

Knesseth Israel.

See pg. 5 for more details on the return of

the Kosher BBQ. Cook-Off!

Levite Jewish Community Center

April 1 Pesach Day 2 9:30 am Maftir: Julian Brook April 6 Pesach Day 7 9:30 pm Yizkor Maftir: Chevra Kadisha Candle lighting 6:53 pm April 7 Pesach Day 8 9:30 am Parashat Ki Tisa Maftir: Raffi Ivker Mincha 6:45 pm April 13 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 6:58 pm This will be a joint service held at TEE. (See pg. 21 for details.) April 14 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Shmini Maftir: Dalia Abrams Mincha 6:45 pm

April 20 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:04 pm April 21 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Tazria-Metzora Bar Mitzvah of Brandon Clark Maftir: Jimmy Krell Mincha 7 pm April 27 Erev Shabbat 5:45 pm Candle lighting 7:09 pm April 28 Saturday morning 9:30 am Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim Maftir: David Reznik Mincha 7 pm


Visit to livestream services.

WEEKDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE Daily Morning Minyan 7:00 am Sundays & Secular Holidays 8:00 am Daily Afternoon Minyan 5:30 pm

SHABBAT SERVICE SCHEDULE Friday Evening Services 5:45 pm Saturday Morning Services 9:30 am Tot Shabbat 11:00 am


Executive Director Bob Greenberg

Music and Youth Director Sarah Metzger

Bookkeeper Lisa Adams

Communications Lindsey Herring

Administration Pam Williams

BOARD OFFICERS President Jacob Halpern

Vice President Jessica Goldstein

Vice President Ronald Levitt

Vice President Dan Weinrib

Treasurer Evan Rhodes

Secretary Naomi Kipp

2017-18 Board of Directors

Dalia Abrams Steve Altmann Marsha Asman Barbara Brande Julie Cohen

Todd Doobrow Cathy Fingerman Arlene Fisher Steve Greene Shira Goldberg

Allen Halpern Dani Kahn Krell Sue Lischkoff Lynette Mazer Leonid Mazur

Marjorie Perlman Loraine Reznik Ben Rosenbaum Rebecca Rothman Esther Schuster

Martin Sher Stuart Shiland Steven Sikora Alan Weintraub

Saturday afternoon Minyan times will vary. See above for times.

Note: A complete schedule of services for Passover is available on the Temple Beth-El website.


Message from Rav Barry

Yom HaZikaron – Israel’s Memorial Day – and Yom HaAtzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, fall on April 18 and 19 this year. Israel is celebrating 70 years since the establishment of the Jewish state.

Here in America, most Jews aren’t at all aware of Yom HaZikaron. Here in Birmingham we don’t have any communal ceremonies for Yom HaZikaron. Many of my friends and I celebrate Yom HaAtzmaut the same way we celebrate Independence Day in America – with a barbeque! And that’s what we’re doing here: Yom HaAtzmaut is being celebrated with the “When Pigs Fly Kosher BBQ” on April 22.

Here in America, most of us don’t pay much attention to our own Memorial Day, let alone to Israel’s. Memorial Day here seems to be more an occasion for sales and out-of-town getaways, thanks to the long weekend. It’s a very different experience in Israel.

Israel is such a small country – and has fought so many wars in its short existence – that almost everyone either knows someone who gave his/her life for the country or knows someone who lost a close family member. It’s a very solemn day: kids in school all have official ceremonies honoring those who died for Israel, solemn music is played on the radio, entertainment venues such as movie houses are closed. Everyone who lost someone makes a pilgrimage to the grave. Since the Jewish day begins at sunset, the start of the holiday is marked by a one-minute siren at 8 pm on the eve of the holiday, and there’s another two-minute siren at 11 am the following morning. It’s an eerie experience when the siren goes off in the morning: traffic stops completely, cars and buses stop in the middle of the street, everyone stops, gets out of their vehicle and stands at attention. It feels like a very long time.

But all that changes at sunset, when we transition from Yom HaZikaron to Yom HaAtzmaut. And that juxtaposition was a brilliant decision: yes, we mourn and are sad for those we’ve lost, but the reason they gave their lives – Israel’s independence – is right on its heels.

If you compare Israel to other countries that gained their independence from Britain in the mid-20th century – Egypt, Jordan, Pakistan, and India – Israel has the smallest population, and yet has accomplished the most. Israel is one of only 12 countries in the world that has launched satellites with “home-built” launch vehicles. Israel has never acknowledged having nuclear weapons, but it’s generally considered one of only nine countries to have that capability. In 70 years Israel has transitioned from being an impoverished country with an economy largely dependent on agriculture, to being the “Startup Nation,” home to the second largest pool of venture capital outside Silicon Valley. In many ways Israel is as much a part of Europe as of the Middle East. We’re the only country in our neighborhood to be a part of the OECD, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, a body of developed nations. Israel is the only country in the world that has more trees now than it had in 1900 – a testimony to the donations we gave as kids to the blue boxes for the JNF. And Israel did all this while absorbing nearly a million Jewish refugees from Arab and Muslim countries and another million immigrants from the former Soviet Union.

Israel obviously also has a lot of challenges and problems. Regional instability – including the civil war in Syria and Iran sponsoring terrorism. Corruption in the government – a former president and a former prime minister were both convicted of crimes and sent to prison and the current prime minister is under investigation in four different cases. Discrimination against minorities – including against Israeli Arabs (who are full citizens), Ethiopian Jews, and non-Orthodox Jews. And then there’s the conflict with the Palestinians which seems insoluble.

But, overall, Israel has accomplished an incredible amount in the last 70 years. And Israel didn’t do it alone – we had help from American Jews, such as yourselves, and from the American government, which gets a lot of credit for Israel’s state of the art military, now ranked as the 15th most powerful in the world. We can all share in the sense of accomplishment and celebrations surrounding Israel’s 70th birthday. Yom Holedet Sameach! (Happy Birthday!)




MINYAN SIGNUPGENIUS RETIRED We had tried an experiment with using SignUpGenius to encourage people to attend minyan, especially on days when we’re short of people. Unfortunately, the experiment didn’t work that well, not enough people who were coming signed up for us to be able to actually tell if we were going to be short of people for a minyan, so we’ve discontinued the program.

Please do continue to support the minyan – it will only remain viable and active with your support. There’s a value to communal prayer, and by attending you’re doing a service to those in our community who need our support, those who are in mourning, and those who are observing a yahrzeit. At the moment, two of the minyans that can use support on a regular basis are Sunday morning (8 am) and Saturday afternoon (see pg. 2 for schedule, as times vary this month). Thanks for your support!

HAG PURIM CHESED STYLE The room was filled to capacity when the Chesed Committee celebrated Purim with Brookdale residents, Greenbriar residents and other senior members of our community. Rabbi Leff and Sarah Metger arrived in costume to treat everyone to an informative and fun-filled program. We all noshed on homemade hamentaschen and other lovingly baked goodies as hugs and smiles filled the room. Other seniors around town received visits from our volunteers, along with the delivery of Shalach

Manot bags. Many thanks to all of our dedicated volunteers who made it all possible: Esther Schuster (aka hamantaschen baking elf), Julie Ceitlin, Eleanor Binderman, Toby Siegel, Bari Roseman, Donna Schiff, Sherrie Grunfeld, Naomi Fineberg, Lisa Engel, Micky Rubenstein, Karen Halpern, David Reznik, Amy Peetluk, Marsha Asman, Ruth Siegler, and Diane Slaughter. Special thanks goes to Robert Cooper of Greenbriar. The fun continues on April 19

at Greenbriar at the Altamont. Please join us!

YOGA NIDRA WITH NAN SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 7 HAS BEEN CANCELED The next meeting of Yoga Nidra, yoga sleep, with Nan Unkenholz is scheduled for May 5.


Social Action Committee

M’Shalach Manot, the gifting of treats to our community, is one of the four commandments we are obligated to fulfill on Purim. Volunteers who joined TBE Social Action team are pictured here after placing a gift bag on each door of the 111 residents at the Highland Manor Apartments. The bags were stuffed with individually wrapped snacks, home baked cookies and hamantaschen.

Included in the photo from left to right are Deborah Chargois, Ella Rosen, Diane Slaughter, Highland Manor Resident Sue, Bari Sokol and Stuart Padove. Our warm appreciation also goes to the staff at both TBE and TEE for their assistance, to the congregants who donated snacks, and to the families who helped in stuffing the gift bags after services on Erev Purim. Our Social Action team members, Dalia Abrams, Shira Goldberg, and Karen Weinrib, also provided outstanding support on the project. Yasher Koach to everyone who participated! We hope to make this effort an annual project.


The Low-Down on this Year’s Friedman Family Foundation Jewish Food & Culture Fest Featuring When Pig’s Fly Kosher BBQ Cook-Off

April 22, 2018 The Food: BBQ Beef Brisket, freshly made falafel, pastrami and corned beef sandwiches, stuffed cabbage rolls, matzah ball soup, potato burekas, noodle kugel, Israeli salad, special sampler and whitefish plates. Hot dogs for kids, an array of desserts, drinks and beer will round out the menu.

The BBQ Cook-Off Competition: Categories include Beef Brisket, BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Team Name, and Team Booth. Visit the TBE Website or Contact Michael Duvdevani for more details.

Yom HaAtzmaut (Israel’s Birthday): Come experience a model of the Western Wall (Kotel) with special decorations; a mock IDF obstacle course incorporating Jewish education for kids; and a unique photo and art exhibit of Israel

Family Fun: Inflatables, an obstacle course, and educational games will be featured in the Kid Zone. Entertainment will be provided by The Regulators and the Disco Amigo Dancers. This event is pet-friendly; dogs must be on a leash at all times.

Sponsors: Title Sponsor, the Friedman Family Foundation. Additional featured sponsors: Birmingham Jewish Foundation, ALSCAN, Total Skin and Beauty, Southern Jewish Life magazine and many additional sponsors. For a sponsorship packet contact LJCC staffer Dan Tourtellote at tuned for more details!



April Religious School Calendar Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 No Religious School

2 3 4

5 6 7 Services Tot Shabbat

8 Religious School 9 am to noon Greenbriar Chocolate Seder 10:45 am to noon (pickup at Greenbriar at 12:15 pm)

9 10 11 Religious School 3:45 to 6 pm



Yom HaShoah program at TEE 5 pm

14 Services Tot Shabbat

15 Religious School 9 am to noon


17 18 Religious School 3:45 to 6 pm

19 20 USY Regional Convention (Orlando)

21 Services Yoga Tot Shabbat USY Regional Convention


Religious School 9 am (meet at NEMJDS) Food & Culture Fest; Kosher BBQ USY Regional Convention



25 Religious School 3:45 to 6 pm



28 Contemporary Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat

29 Religious School 9 am to noon



11 am–noon, Saturday, April 21, Pillow room

Wear comfy clothes for stretching and having FUN! Bring your kids/grandkids, birth to age 5. Older siblings welcome.


Message from Music and Youth Director Sarah Metzger

Reflections from Your Ambassador of Music, Laughter and Smiles

April is a wonderful time of year, not just because it’s my birth month and I have an excuse to eat cake for several days, but because we get to celebrate Passover with our friends and family who we only get to fight with a few times a year. We were once slaves in the land of Egypt, and now we celebrate our freedom by singing off key in a dining room that smells like stale farts because that hard-boiled egg smell hasn’t yet dissipated. But even in the most painful of times, there is always hope for a neutral-smelling seder.

Before I reveal all the cool stuff that’s happening in April, allow me to reflect a bit on the past few weeks. Due to b’nai mitzvot, recent visits from rabbinical candidates and our special volunteer Shabbat, we had about a month and a half of some of the most spirited Shabbat services I’ve ever seen! I had a blast working with all of the candidates and hearing so many of you sing your hearts out. I’m also excited that I get to keep leading havdala with you even after DST. Havdala at Temple Beth-El has been described as Birmingham’s best kept secret, but feel free to spread the word (in hushed tones, of course). In the past few weeks, we’ve also had some fun youth programs including a Kadima/USY trip to Orlando for Yom Universal, Laser tag with the Community Youth Group, a community Purim celebration at Temple Emanu-El, and USY’s Spring Sub-regional convention, hosted by Nashville.

“Wow, that sounds fun and all, but what’s going on this month??” —– you

I’m so glad you asked!

• April 8 —– Passover After-party! The Religious School will be joining forces with the Chesed Committee and residents of Greenbriar for a fun and delicious chocolate seder from 10:45 am to 12:15 pm. Remember to pick up your kids at Greenbriar!

• April 20—22 -— USY Regional Convention in Orlando

• April 22 —– Kosher BBQ at the LJCC. Students will meet at the N.E. Miles Jewish Day School at 9 am for Religious School before its BBQ time!

*other events likely to be added

Front row, left to right: Jonah Herman, Haley Applebaum, Julia Goldberg, Casey Newell. Back row: Josh Crowley, Jake Bengelsdorf, Jacob Kipp, Erin Keenan and Maia Herman.


Men’s Club

MEN OF TEMPLE BETH-EL We are only 3 months into 2018 and look at what we have already ACCOMPLISHED! But, there is so much more that we need to accomplish in order to have another POWERFUL year just as we did in 2017 and 2016. I have to turn my attention to MEMBERSHIP because Men's Club cannot get to where we need to be unless we have YOU as a member. It is absolutely crucial for the success of Men's Club. MANY of you have already sent in your dues for Men's Club (and we THANK YOU for that). On the other hand, we still have many who have not paid their dues. Dues are only $36 and hopefully you are getting as much out of your $36 as I am. I know the Temple is! I think, as many others do, that Temple Beth-El is on a ROLL! The MORALE, the COMMITMENT, the BUILDING is SO STRONG right now and Men's Club has been a part of helping Temple Beth-El reach that success! I was asked by one of the Rabbinic candidates, "What does Men's Club do?" Without hesitation I told him, "Men's Club's main goal is to help Temple Beth-El reach success." PLEASE, help Men's Club achieve its goal and become a 2018 member of Men’s Club. (It’s easy: Just mail in your $36 membership dues, call Lisa and give her your credit card info or pay online.) Sincerely, Allen Halpern President of Temple Beth-El’s Men’s Club

2017 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Sisterhood/Men’s Club Shabbat 2. Tefilin for all our fifth graders 3. Shabbat Ruach from Jerusalem for our 5th graders 4. Musical Megillah 5. Yom HaShoah Memory Candles 6. “Celebration of 90 Years on Highland” 7. The Keruv Movement 8. End-of-The-Year Religious School Party

at Red Mountain (May 7) 9. Celebrating the Life of Justin Cohen 10. 4th of July Rooftop Celebration 11. Supporting Closing Night for the Maccabi Games 12. Ushering for the High Holidays 13. The Sukkah Build 14. “BBQ in the Sukkah” 15. The Habitat Build

2018 ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1. Sponsored and Volunteered for “Forging Ahead:

Civil Rights Stories & Song” 2. Sponsored “World Wide Wrap” and purchased 6

Tefilin 3. Sponsored & built a new Puppet Stage for Tot

Shabbat 4. Sponsored “Volunteer Appreciation & Awards

Shabbat Ruach” 5. (We are only 3 months into the year at this point!) 6. 7. 8. on the calendar 9. 10. on the calendar 11. 12. on the calendar 13. on the calendar 14. 15.

16. One more ACCOMPLISHMENT than last year


TBE Foundation

WHAT I’VE LEARNED SO FAR FROM OUR DONORS Submitted by Marjorie Perlman

We interrupt the regularly scheduled article, “Know Our Donors,” to bring you this special bulletin… article. Since the beginning of 2017, the Temple Beth-El Foundation article has featured 12 named funds and the donors who started them or continue to donate to them. We have all learned something about the families who generously support Temple Beth-El through their Foundation Funds. I know that I have learned a lot about both the people and the motivation that influenced the decision to open the funds. There are differences and similarities in all of the donors and this may help you decide if you want to join this group and open a named fund.

First, how our donors differ:

• Some donors are born and bred in Birmingham and surrounding areas and others are “transplants.”

• Some donors want their funds open in perpetuity and others don’t care if it is depleted. • Some donors are specific about where they want the funds spent and others want the

Temple to decide. • Some donors are active in the synagogue and others feel associated without being

active. • Some funds were started to honor the legacy of a member family and others were

started simply to meet a need.

There may be a lot of differences, but the thing that unites our donors is a CONNECTION to Temple Beth-El and an enduring LOVE for what it was, what it is, and/or what it can be/will be.

Temple Beth-El is riding some serious positive momentum. Sarah Metzger has brought music back to our services, we have enjoyed two well-attended special programs – The Civil Rights Weekend, and Volunteer Recognition Shabbat, and we will be welcoming Rabbi Slater and his growing family in a little over two months. This is a great time to ensure that the Temple has the resources available to keep the drive alive! Please consider adding your name to the list of the 60 existing named funds. If this appeals to you, please contact the TBE office and a member of the TBEF Board will get in contact with you.



Son of Rachel & Kevin Zivitz 9:30 am, April 21

Kiddush luncheon following services is sponsored by Brandon’s grandparents, Melissa & Melvin Zivitz.

Brandon’s Mitzvah Project: Brandon is helping to feed the homeless by serving food as well as collecting items for the food bank.

With sympathy, we wish the following families peace and love during their time of sorrow:

Melvin Howard Olshan Husband of Rochelle Bloomston Olshan; and father of Jeff Olshan (Heidi), Gary Olshan,

Lindsay Raymond (Evan), Marc Bloomston (Robin), Scott Bloomston (Jodi), Barry Bloomston, Joel Bloomston (Janet), Brett Bloomston (Marian), Peggy Klug (Isaac), Steve Spielberger (Susan) and

Jeff Spielberger

Lenora G. Buchalter Sisterhood Past President

Mother of Bettie Forman (Brian), Helene Massey (Tim), Judy Rechtman (David) and Alan Buchalter (Pam), and sister of Murray Stein (Nohemi) and Mel Stein

Ari Nachum Berlin

Son of Marsha & Kenny Berlin, husband of Hallie Morris, brother of Jessie Berlin and Josh Berlin, and grandson-in-law of Gloria Weintraub

May the families be comforted among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.


Passover SALE!

Close out Passover with our Close-Out Passover SALE!


Contemporary Shabbat Service: April 28 Join Rav Barry and Sarah Metzger at 10 am April 28 for Contemporary Shabbat. The service features

Sarah’s voice and guitar, and lots of music in general. Plus it includes more English and is shorter than the traditional service.

Kehillat Shalom will be leading traditional services at 9:30 am on April 28.



Anniversaries Rochelle & Martin Green (23)

Shelby & Joel Kimerling (4)

Ricki & Lanning Kline (41)

Andrea & Jack Koenig (14) Anna & David Levy (5)

Toby & Joel Mendler (50)

Tatyana & Zanvel Shitsel (62)

Marilyn & Malcolm Sokol (54)

Evdiniya & Boris Zinger (43)

James Abroms

Jeffrey Redisch

Helene Wolf

Boris Yampolsky

Mazal Tov to Amber & Robert Lewis of Tampa on the birth of their daughter, Cora Elise Lewis, on Feb. 15. Cora joins 18-month-old big brother Merritt. Also celebrating are grandparents Melissa & Melvin Zivitz of Birmingham.

Mazal Tov to Lisa & Alan Engel on the birth of their granddaughter, Dalia Vivien Haines, on Feb. 22.

Special Birthdays

Special birthdays are published from age 50 and every 5 years thereafter.

Say hello to new TBE members:

Rebecca & Michael Millsap Daughter, Maya (age 1)

5406 6th Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35212 Email:

Address Update Barbara Bonfield’s temporary address: 5610 Glen Ridge Dr. Apt 434 Sandy Springs, GA 30342 She and her son, Barney, will be there for about 6 months.

PASSOVER BIMAH FLOWERS Passover ( First 2 Days ) In Memory of our Beloved Family Members From: Lynette and J.B. Mazer, Carole and Michael Mazer and Family, Nancy and Dennis Lutz and Family Passover ( Last 2 Days ) In Memory of Our Loved Ones From: Anonymous



On March 3, Sisterhood held a screening of the documentary Violins of Hope - Strings of the Holocaust. With this major event begins a myriad of community events leading up to the April 14 concert at the Alys Stephens Center where violins that were played by prisoners in the concentration camps will be a featured part of the Alabama Symphony concert. In six weeks, with everyone pulling together - from Executive Director Bob Greenberg to the TBE office staff (Pam Williams, Lindsey Herring), to the maintenance staff (Nico Cusi, Warren Collins), it was all hands on deck as we worked fast and furious attending to all the details. Sallie Downs was the driving force behind this event, and Sue Lischkoff and Arlene Fisher accepted the responsibility of bringing it to fruition.

Over 200 people were in our sanctuary for this exceptional program! The evening began with Jeannette Hightower playing musical selections from Schindler’s List on her violin. Michele Forman, Director of the Media Studies Program at UAB, introduced Lance Shultz, Director/Producer of the

documentary. Thank you to Pam Ruttenberg who created this beautiful centerpiece featured at the dessert reception; thank you to Eva Wilensky who is the owner of this prized violin and who graciously let Pam use it as the vocal point. Greeting and warmly welcoming our guests were Arlene Redisch and Shira Goldberg. The delicious dessert reception was prepared by CoKo Catering (Nadine Cohen/Betsy Koepsel).

If you missed this magical evening, here is the link to watch: And here is a link to a PR piece that ABC3340 published on our March 3 event:

NEW SISTERHOOD MEMBER! Delighted to announce that SISTERHOOD has another NEW MEMBER: Arlene Redisch. We look forward to having her be an active participant!

NEW WOMEN’S LEAGUE READS BOOK SELECTION Eternal Life by Dara Horn ( An interview with the author will be held on

Wednesday, April 25 at 8:30 pm EST. In this highly original new work, the protagonist, Rachel, lives her first of many lives in Roman-occupied Jerusalem and witnesses its destruction. She is the mother of Rabbi Yochanan ben Zakai, the historical figure whose disciples snuck him past Roman guards in a coffin, and who thereby established the continuity of Torah study in exile. Rachel’s desperation to save him as a toddler from a fatal illness leads her and her partner to take a vow in the Temple in a non-negotiable deal—the child lives, but the pair become immortal.

Throughout the centuries, the two are reborn as 18-year-old Jews in each successive life, creating hundreds of children, all beloved but mortal. As her lover stalks her through time, Rachel desperately tries to escape the roulette wheel of her immortality.

2018–2019 WOMEN’S LEAGUE CALENDAR DIARY If you would like to order a pocket-sized Women’s League Calendar Diary, email Arlene Fisher at In this year's edition is original artwork by Sisterhood members, recipes, activities, facts and tikkun olam ideas.


DONATIONS Good Fortune Fund

A Most Generous donation wishing Mazal Tov to Albert Sikora on his 85th birthday From: Cindy & David Senior A Most Generous donation in support of Temple Beth-El From: Cedric McNeal A Generous donation in appreciation of the TBE Administration From: Robert & Geri Stone A Double Chai donation in honor of Rebecca Rothman From: Lindsey Deckard A Chai donation in honor of Steven Brickman receiving the Visionary Award at Oasis From: Lynette & J. B. Mazer A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Eph Mazer on his 90th birthday From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Eph Mazer on his 90th birthday From: Adrienne & Julian Brook A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Albert Sikora on his 85th birthday From: Barbara & Scott Brande A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Lisa & Alan Engel on the birth of their new granddaughter, Dalia Vivien Haines From: Loraine & David Reznik Mazal Tov to Gili Weintraub on becoming a Bat Mitzvah Mazal Tov to David Applebaum on becoming a Bar Mitzvah From: Karen & Dan Weinrib

Mazal Tov to Donna & Gary Schiff on the birth of their granddaughter, Jamie Wren Morgenstern Mazal Tov to Julie & Charles Stein on the birth of their grandson, Jackson Leonard Somerville From: Marian & Myron Radwin Mazal Tov to Kim & Dan Mirelman on the marriage of their daughter, Val Mirelman Mazal Tov to Albert Sikora on his 85th birthday From: Betty Anfanger Mazal Tov to Barbara Bonfield on receiving Faculty of the Year recognition at the University of Montevallo From: Arlene & Milton Goldstein Mazal Tov to Eph Mazer on his 90th birthday From: Sherri & David Romanoff Mazal Tov to Albert Sikora on his 85th birthday From: Rhoda Feirman

Simcha Shabbat

A Double Chai donation in support of the Rabbinic Search meals From: Robert & Geri Stone In loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Marian & Myron Radwin

Sisterhood Fund

A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Danielle & Alan Weintraub on their daughter Gili becoming a Bat Mitzvah A Chai donation wishing Mazal Tov to Gloria Weintraub on her granddaughter Gili becoming a Bat Mitzvah A Chai donation in loving memory of Anabelle Marks

A Chai donation wishing Eph Mazer a speedy recovery and continued good health From: Pam Ruttenberg & Arnold Shiland A Chai donation thanking TBE Sisterhood for the parsley seeds From: Sylvia Berman A Chai donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Adrienne & Julian Brook In loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Natalie & Albert Sikora

Edie Wilensky Memorial Fund

Mazal Tov to Eph Mazer on his 90th Birthday In loving memory: — Isaac Benjamin — Janis Friedman — Harry Bressler On her Yahrzeit: — Edie Wilensky, niece From: Ilene & Allen Wilensky

Robert Spielberger Memorial Fund In loving memory of Bernie Bloomston, uncle From: Lynn & Bert Bloomston

Speedy Recovery

A Chai donation wishing a speedy recovery and continued good health to Andrea Glazer A Chai donation wishing a speedy recovery and continued good health to Mary Culpepper From: Adrienne & Julian Brook



A Chai donation wishing a speedy recovery and continued good health to Joy Fleisher Wishing Frieda & Eph Mazer speedy recovery and continued good health From: Marian & Myron Radwin A Chai donation wishing a speedy recovery and continued good health to Barney Bonfield From: Dorothy Shiland Wishing Micky Rubenstein speedy recovery and continued good health Thinking of you Dolly & David Staff From: Betty Anfanger and Family Wishing Esther Schuster speedy recovery and continued good health From: Nadine & Louis Cohen Wishing speedy recoveries and continued good health: — Ilene Wilensky — Marian Radwin — Joy Fleisher From: Faye Bernstein Wishing a speedy recovery and continued good health to Marian Radwin Eph Mazer From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner Wishing Thelma Bernstein speedy recovery and continued good health From: Charlotte Corenblum

Bill Bernstein Memorial Fund

A Chai donation in loving memory of Judith Smith From: Thelma Bernstein

Elmwood Cemetery Fund In loving memory of beloved grandmother Miriam Cohen on her Yahrzeit From: Marion Auerbach & Victor Cohen

Library Fund In loving memory of beloved father E. M. Zeidman on his Yahrzeit From: Philip Zeidman

Chico Bomchel Memorial Social Action Fund

A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Roslyn Mannon A Generous donation in support of [T]BE Involved Social Action Committee for stadium seat in planetarium From: Lynette & J.B. Mazer A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father & grandfather Harry Biel on his Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother & grandmother Libby Brook on her Yahrzeit From: Adrienne & Julian Brook A Chai donation in honor of Glynnis Levitt, Steve Greene and the Rabbinic Search Committee for their hard work From: Karen & Dan Weinrib A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved wife Chita Weintrob on her Yahrzeit From: Howard Weintrob & Family

Donation to the planetarium seat purchase by the [T]BE Involved Social Action Committee From: Jeff Padawer In loving memory of Chita Weintrob on her Yahrzeit From: Lynn & Bert Bloomston

Youth Department A Most Generous donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Steven Funk for Friends of David & Judy Rechtman, “The Birthday Boychicks” A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved grandmother and great-grandmother Della Katz on her Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father and grandfather Nathan Kianoff on his Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother and grandmother Tese Kianoff on her Yahrzeit From: Lisa & Alan, Natalie and Hayley Kianoff

In Loving Memory A Very Generous donation in loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Geri & Robert Stone A Very Generous donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: The Share Family A Very Generous donation in loving memory of Richard Waller From: Bryna & Greg Rapp A Generous donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Sharon & Ken Herman


A Generous donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Carol & Michael Buchalter A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Rebecca & Josh Rothman A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Stella Antselevich From: Lenora Pate & Steven Brickman A Double Chai donation in loving memory of Stella Antselevich From: Gail & Abraham Schuster A Chai donation in loving memory of Annabel Marks From: Sherry & Jerry Cherner

A Chai donation in loving memory of Annabel Marks From: Shirley & Ron Froehlich A Chai donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Lynette & Alvin Slaughter A Chai donation in loving memory of Lenora Buchalter From: Lara Salzman In loving memory of Annabel Marks From: Arlene & Milton Goldstein In loving memory of Stella Antselevich From: Sherri & David Romanoff In loving memory of Annabel Marks From: Arlene & Milton Goldstein

In loving memory of Annabel Marks From: Susan & Michael Stein In loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Deborah & Phil Gross In loving memory of Isaac Benjamin From: Marjie & Myron Butler

Yahrzeits A Most Generous donation in memory of beloved father Charles Raymond on his Yahrzeit From: Paula Glover A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved father Alan Perlman on his Yahrzeit From: Marjorie Perlman

A Letter of Thanks from Eph & Frieda Mazer

I am so grateful and overwhelmed having received so much

attention for my 90th birthday! I would like to thank each

and every one of you so much for your kind greetings and

donations to Temple Beth-El in honor of my birthday, and

making this such a memorable occasion.

With all of your wonderful wishes I am looking forward to

another great year!

Frieda joins me in sending our most heartfelt thank you to

each of you.

—Eph Mazer



DONATIONS A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved father Joseph Bindler on his Yahrzeit From: Vitaly & Larissa Charny A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved father Peter Kline on his Yahrzeit From: Maxine Sklute A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved wife Doris Michalove Kanter on her Yahrzeit From: Fred Kanter A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved husband Ross Giambrone on his Yahrzeit From: Camilia Giambrone A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved mother Sadie Shiland Starr on her Yahrzeit From: Anita Shapiro & Toby Gordon A Most Generous donation in loving memory of beloved mother Marilyn Bernstein on her Yahrzeit From: Roslyn Mannon A Generous donation in memory of beloved mother Roberta M. Gerwin on her Yahrzeit From: Beth & John Gerwin A Generous donation in memory of beloved brother Norman Fleisher and beloved grandmother Hannah Fleisher on their Yahrzeits From: Joy & Robert Fleisher A Generous donation in memory of beloved father Oscar Davis on his Yahrzeit From: Lynn Davis

A Generous donation in memory of beloved mother Rosemary Laskin on her Yahrzeit From: Barbara Nissenbaum A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved mother Marilyn Bearman on her Yahrzeit From: Julia & Lance Bell A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved brother Genrikh Shicel on his Yahrzeit From: Zanvel Shitsel A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved sister Evelyn Hansman on her Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Abraham Shiland on his Yahrzeit From: Sylvia Berman & Family A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved father and grandfather Nathan Epsman on his Yahrzeit From: Mervyn Epsman, Janice & Tom Gwin, Lynne & Mark Cohen, Rose & Erwin Ostrow, Staci & Kenny Epsman, and Debbie & Martin Sher A Generous donation in loving memory of beloved mother Elizabeth Slater on her Yahrzeit From: Barry Slater A Generous donation in memory of beloved grandmother Paulina Belotserkovskaya & grandfather Abraham Belotserkovskiy on their Yahrzeits From: Olga Belotserkovskaya & Al Belotserkovskiy

A Generous donation in memory of beloved father Sam Slaughter on his Yahrzeit From: Harlene & O.J. Wehby A Double Chai donation in memory of beloved father and father-in-law Ross Giambrone on his Yahrzeit From: Shea & Allen Halpern A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Abraham Michaelson on his Yahrzeit From: Judith Michaelson A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved daughter-in-law Mae Ruth Green on her Yahrzeit From: Anna H. Green A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved husband Marvin Cohn on his Yahrzeit From: Anne E. Cohn A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Herman Siegel on his Yahrzeit From: Rhonda & Eric Siegel A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Norman Hirschberg on his Yahrzeit From: Ricki & Lanny Kline A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved granddaughter Abbey Benck on her Yahrzeit A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Steffi Levite on her Yahrzeit From: Pam Ruttenberg & Arnold Shiland A Double Chai donation in memory of beloved mother Elaine Royal on her Yahrzeit From: Joyce & Arthur Serwitz


A Double Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother and grandmother May Meyerowitz on her Yahrzeit From: Sandy & Gene Siegal and Family A Double Chai donation in memory of beloved uncle Philip Schattner on his Yahrzeit From: Ernst Billig

A Chai donation in memory of beloved father Marvin Kemeny on his Yahrzeit From: Fred J. Kemeny A Chai donation in memory of beloved father and grandfather Felix Cohen on his Yahrzeit From: Mayer Cohen A Chai donation in memory of beloved stepfather Bert Steinberg on his Yahrzeit From: Jay Cohen

A Chai donation in memory of beloved grandmother Anna Rubin on her Yahrziet From: Richard Toranto A Chai donation in memory of beloved grandfather Rabbi Nissan Yablonsky on his Yahrzeit From: Nissah Mattenson A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved wife Sofia Shilkrot on her Yahrzeit From: Leonid Shilkrot


In honor of all the wonderful volunteers at Temple Beth-El Marjorie Perlman

Joyce Spielberger & Maury Shevin Hazel & Murray Pizette Cathy & Irwin Fingerman

Dorothy Ziff

Sherry & Jerry Cherner

Sandy & Morton Stern Phyllis & Norman Berk

Loraine & David Reznik

Sandra Jaffe & Barry Dreayer

In honor of Arlene Fisher

Eileen & Len Levin

Mayer Cohen

Shirley & Ron Froehlich

Hannah & Colin Helman: Congratulations on your many achieve-ments Natalie & Albert Sikora

Shira & Matt Goldberg

Leah & Henry Lapidus: Mazal Tov on your recognition

Mary & David Kimerling—TBEF Marissa Feigelson Award Fund

In honor of Shira Goldberg

Shirley & Ron Froehlich

Natalie & Albert Sikora

Rabbi Debra Eisenman-Gelberg

Dalia & Keith Abrams

Rabbi Bernard and Billie Eisenman

Jennifer Gordetsky Caryn Roseman & Shahar Dillbary

Jessica & Evan Rhodes

Mary & David Kimerling—TBEF Marissa Feigelson Award Fund

In honor of Chevra Kadisha

Susan & Michael Stein—Chesed Shel Emet

Shirley & Ron Froehlich Natalie & Albert Sikora

Barbara & Stuart Royal: Micky Rubenstein and Virginia Heiman

Faye Bernstein; Grateful for people like you and the rest of the Chevra Kadisha Committee

Leah & Henry Lapidus: Mazal Tov on your recognition

Jeri Berman-Davis

Cantor Jessica Roskin

In honor of Arlene Fisher, Shira Goldberg, Micky Rubenstein,

Eph Mazer and Virginia Heiman Rebecca & Josh Rothman: Mazal Tov on your honor Karen & Dan Weinrib—Chico Bomchel Memorial Action Fund

Mary & David Kimerling—TBEF Marissa Feigelson Award Fund

Thank you to the following Volunteer Appreciation & Awards Weekend donors:


DONATIONS A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved husband Paul Schlaff on his Yahrzeit From: Shirley Schlaff A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved husband David Fleisher on his Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother-in-law Rita Fleisher on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father-in-law Norman Fleisher on his Yahrzeit From: Celeste Fleisher A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved sister-in-law Muriel Gershon on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Rebecca Gershon on her Yahrzeit From: Marian & Myron Radwin A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Rose Glick on her Yahrzeit From: Dolly & David Staff A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved grandmother Polina Kalikhman on her Yahrzeit From: Olga Belotserkovskaya & Al Belotserkovskiy A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Rosa Colb on her Yahrzeit From: Nancijoy Weissman A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Isadore Wientrob on his Yahrzeit From: Marty Kontos

A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father and grandfather Gustave Meyerowitz on his Yahrzeit From: Sandy & Gene Siegal and Family A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved friend Albert Robins on his Yahrzeit From: Ross Cohen A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Seymour Padove on his Yahrzeit From: Susan & Stuart Padove A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Estelle Berkowitz on her Yahrzeit From: Richard Berkowitz A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Aisic Hirsch on his Yahrzeit From: Sheryl & Jay Perlstein A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Polina Kalikhaman on her Yahrzeit From: Bronya Belotserkovskaya A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother-in-law Ruth Shechter on her Yahrzeit From: Jerome Brown A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Esther Padove on her Yahrzeit From: Susan & Stuart Padove A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Harry Wilk on his Yahrzeit From: Arlene Fisher

A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Aisic Hirsch on his Yahrzeit From: Felice Hirsch A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved father Mikhail Golger on his Yahrzeit From: Marina Mazur & Iosit Golger A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved brother Norman Fleisher on his Yahrzeit From: Robert Fleisher A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved aunt Lillian Cohen on her Yahrzeit From: Rochelle Olshan A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved mother Sadie Goldberg on her Yahrzeit A Chai donation in loving memory of beloved husband David Levin on his Yahrzeit From: Betty Anfanger and Family A Chai donation in memory of beloved mother Ester Solodukha on her Yahrzeit From: Leonid Bolshinskiy A Chai donation in memory of beloved mother Beatrice Solomon on her Yahrzeit From: Jane & Melvin Davis A Chai donation in memory of beloved father-in-law Harry Pike on his Yahrzeit From: Norman Berk Sylvan Gershon, beloved brother From: Marian & Myron Radwin Myer Staff, beloved brother Lillian Goldstein From: Dolly & David Staff


Sophie Winograd, beloved mother From: Judy & Errol Helfman Vita Koshina, aunt David Koshin, uncle From: Genya Safynova & Linaida Golubova Gita Golubova, grandmother From: Lazar Golubov Lolly Abrams, aunt Harry Padawer, uncle From: Jeff Padawer Joseph Schuster, father From: Riva Hirsch Nazlie Senior, grandmother From: Natalie & Albert Sikora Alfred Long, husband From: Norma Jean Long Bessie Shapiro, aunt Joe Feldser, uncle From: Sharon & Steve DeShazo Paul Schlaff, father From: Linda Karlin Jerome Greenberg, brother From: Dorothy Marks Henry Greenberg, father From: Katherine & Bruce Greenberg Maurice Davis, father From: Sue Davis LaSalle Paul Simon, nephew Stuart Simon, brother From: Arnold Simon Joan Fields, aunt From: Myra & Eddie Griffith Joe Seligman, father From: Bobbye & Michael Seligman

Clavdja Peremitina, mother From: Valentina Gutman Annie Routman, grandmother From: Cindi & Michael Routman Yankel Zaltzer, brother From: Anya Treyger Sima Kaz Kagan, aunt From: Lazar Golubov Aisic Hirsch, husband From: Riva Hirsch Bernie Bloomston, father From: Rhoda Feirman Josif Iacubovich, grandfather From: Lazar Golubov Bruce Mayer, husband From: Norma Jean Long


Donations submitted after March 5, 2018, will be printed in the May 2018 bulletin.



A donation has been made by loving friends to the Jill Radwin Confirmation Trip Fund in memory of Marian Radwin’s sister, Judith Gershon Smith.

A donation has been made by Mayer Cohen to the Rabbi Culpeper and Irby Cohen Performing Arts Fund wishing Mary Culpeper a speedy recovery and continued good health.

A donation has been made by Marian & Myron Radwin to the Jill Radwin Confirmation Trip Fund in memory of beloved son, Rusty, on his Yahreit.

A donation has been made by Marian & Myron Radwin to the Bonfield Family Volunteer Recognition Fund wishing Barney Bonfield a complete and speedy recovery.

A donation has been made by the Bonfield Family to the Bonfield Family Volunteer Recognition Fund in honor of Barbara Bonfield receiving the Montevallo Distinguished Alumni Award.

A donation has been made by Joyce Spielberger & Maury Shevin to the Tenenbaum/Spielberger Tikkun Olam Fund wishing Mazal Tov to Lisa & Alan Engel on the birth of their granddaughter.

A donation has been made by Margy Rosenbaum to the Margy & Albert Rosenbaum Fund in memory of her father-in-law, Herman Rosenbaum.

A donation has been made by the Hirsch and Perlstein Families to the Bonfield Family Volunteer Recognition Fund in honor of Barbara Bonfield receiving the Montevallo Distinguished Alumni Award.

A donation has been made by Camille Butrus and Susan & Michael Stein to the Myron “Pete” & Ann Z. Cohen Aron HaKodesh Fund in loving memory of Harold Stein on his 100th birthday.

A donation has been made by Lynette & J.B. Mazer to the Murray Saul Fisher Cantorial Fund in honor of Arlene Fisher’s work on the “Violins of Hope” event.

A general donation has been made by Suzanne & Howard Bearman to the Suzanne & Howard Bearman Adult Education Fund.

A donation has been made by Lynette & Alvin Slaughter to the Jill Radwin Confirmation Trip Fund wishing Marian Radwin a speedy recovery, and to the Bonfield Family Volunteer Recognition Fund in honor of Barbara Bonfield receiving the Montevallo Distinguished Alumni Award.


Jewish Community News

ALABAMA HOLOCAUST COMMISSION YOM HASHOAH COMMEMORATION 11 am, April 10, Old Senate Chambers (second floor of the State Capitol), Montgomery, AL The program will be conducted by Rabbi Scott Kramer of Agudath Israel-Etz Ahayem, ( Montgomery) and include a proclamation by Governor Kay Ivey and a congressional resolution read by Representative David Faulkner of Birmingham.

OPPORTUNITY TO HELP THE HOMELESS IN BIRMINGHAM Next Volunteer Opportunity: May 13-20 Family Promise is a small but vital community program, serving approximately 20 families per year by providing safe, home -like lodging where homeless families can stay together while working to regain their independence. Temple Emanu-El, along with the support of Temple Beth-El, houses and feeds these parents and their children four times a year for a week at a time. We need volunteers: To help transform classrooms into bedrooms and back again a week later, to cook or buy one dinner for 4-8 people, and to have dinner with the guests and stay the night in their own classroom-bedroom. If you would like more information or are interested in receiving emails four (4) times per year regarding volunteer opportunities – call or email the Family Promise Coordinator for Temple Emanu-El & Beth-El, Billie Marsala at or 417-861-1410.

SUMMER CAMP COUNSELORS NEEDED AT LJCC Being a part of the LJCC Summer Day Camp staff is a unique and rewarding experience. Teachers, college students, and high school students all have a place on our staff. Now hiring for senior/junior counselors and those who’d like to enter the Counselors in Training (CIT) program. The new CIT program is designed to be fun, challenging, and create a lasting, positive summer experience. To apply go to Contact Camp Director Tina Weldon with questions at


5 pm, April 13, Temple Emanu-El (2100 Highland Ave.)

Historic, restored violins played by Jewish musicians during the Holocaust will be featured in a two-part Community Holocaust Remembrance event. The first portion of the event will be a Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) commemoration featuring the Violins of Hope. The program will include remarks by Rabbi Douglas Kohn of Temple Emanu-El and Rabbi Barry Leff of Temple Beth-El. Musical selections will include traditional works and original compositions by Dr. Alan Goldspiel, Chair of the Department of Music at the University of Montevallo. Instrumental performers include violinist Pei-Ju Wu of the Alabama Symphony Orchestra; violinist Jeanette Hightower, Executive Director of the Mason Music Foundation; and guitarist Dr. Alan Goldspiel. Vocalists include Rabbi Moshe Rube of Knesseth Israel Congregation; Sarah Metzger, Music and Youth Director of Temple Beth-El; and Cantor Michael Horwitz, Chaplain at UAB Hospital.

The second portion of the Community Holocaust Remembrance event, beginning at 5:50 p.m. will be a Survivors’ Sabbath Service in honor of survivors of the Holocaust, conducted by Rabbi Douglas Kohn, Cantor Jessica Roskin, and Rabbi Laila Haas of Temple Emanu-El, with guests Rabbi Barry Leff and Sarah Metzger of Temple Beth-El. The featured speaker will be Assi Bielski Weinstein, wife of Amnon Weinstein and daughter of Assael Bielski, one of the renowned Polish partisans depicted in the film Defiance. A reception will follow the Survivors’ Sabbath Service. The event is free and open to the public.

*Denotes a perpetual memorial plaque in sanctuary given by family members.


Shabbat Pesach April 6-7 *Ike Abelson Ida Abroms Warren Axelroth Nathan Azrin Ann Banks Seymour Barnes *Joyce Benjamin Harmon R. Berger Abraham Blatt Alfred Buchalter Pearl Cohen *Sam Cohen *Frances Copeland *Marilyn Crayne *Etta Dannis *Grace “Tootsie”

Eiman Ann Elder Michael Epstein *Morris Fisher Sarah Gettinger Albert Goldforb Nakhoma

Guberman Lee Harris *Rose Helman Norman Kurman Jack Lande Carl Levy Blanch Lipman *Folly Marcus Blanche McCrossen *Benjamin Mesch Boris Mintsin Ruth Mirelman *Isadore Newman Andronit Peremitin *Harry Ravitz *Marvin Rich Alex Rittenbaum *Moses Robins Jerome Schwartz *Maurice Schwartz Bette Shapiro *Morris Silverfield Elsie Siskin Morris Staff Cecile Sundock Michael Sundock *Peter Tichansky

*Isaac Torme Bernard Trachtman *Bobby Tuck *Harold Weisner *Minnie Stern Zakuto Shabbat Shmini April 13-14 *Abraham Banks *Sara Bearman *Jennie Berman Barney Bonfield Harold Bruchis Abraham Cohen Jack Cohen *Isaac Copeland *Aaron Dombrow Aaron Eidex *Dina Feldstein Israel Fitterman Frank Friedman *Gladys Friedman Lillian Furman *Sam Geeser Claire Gettinger David Glick Helen Coplon Grusin Helen Jaffe *Ida Jaffe Anita Kaplan Dorothy Kaplan *Isidore Kulpe Lola Liberman *Reuben Lipsitz Rosa Litovsky Morton Litowich Sam Michelson Alexandra Nelubin-

Bearman *Fannie Pearlstein Louis Roth Mel Safer *Edward Schulman Carl Schultz Margaret Schwartz Nathan Schwartz *Joseph Senior *Stuart Shevin Isadore Shiland *Sylvia Shiland *Jennie Simon *Rose Sokol *Morris Tenenbaum Asya Udler

Neville Wallace *William Weber *Morris Weinstein *Freddy Weintraub *Max Weintraub Louis Winick *Rebecca Witt Shabbat Tazria-Metzora April 20-21 Abraham Altman Dyna Asman Gabriel Asman *Abe Baker *Fred Berman Lizzie Bloomston Yefim Bubis Ida Bubis

Kishinevskaya Benjamin Buchalter Louna Capouya Max Chused Esther Cohen *Wallace Cohen *Sarah Copeland Florence”Tootsie”

Epsman *David Finkelstein *Sarah Frankel *Mary Goldstein Bessie Halpern Roselle Harris Nadja Idelman Marvin Kaplan *Baila Karasek *Harry Kirshner Raya Kishnevskaya *Israel Landau *Samuel Lemkin *Solomon Lepp *Max Levin Edna Levine *Mary Lichtenstein

*Bernard Lichter Khaya Lyublinskaya Judy Mayer *Walter Morris Natalie Morrow Richard Nassau Jerrold Packler *Jacob Radwin *Barnet Randman *Benjamin Roth *Ethel Schoenberg *Eugene Schwartz Ralph Sokol *Edward Isaac Stein Louis Stubblefield *William Torme Joyce Weintraub *Rosa Weintrob *Simon Wolf Muriel Zable Samuel Zakuto Itsk Zeltser *Nathan Zivitz Shabbat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim April 27-28 *Joe Axel David Biel *Bryna Binderman Frances Cohen *Selma Cohen Victor Cohen Thelma Coltan *David Corenblum *Clara Davis *Thekla Dreyfuss Hyman Fishman *Arthur Frohman *Max Goldberg Fannie Goldman *Max Green *Bess Hirshman Ida Itzkow Abraham Kessler *Sophia Koz *Abe Kravitz James Labowitz Sam Leaf *Louis Levy *Herbert Lewitt Jerome Ludsky Pati Mandel *George Markowitz

Max Matlick Sadie Michelson Helen Ostrovsky Sophie Padawer Ligia Rascovsky Fred Reed Audrey Rich *Fannie Royal *Rebecca Scurry *Morris Sher *Marion Siegel *Rebecca Silverman *Helene Silverstein Leon Skurko Helen Slansksy *Ruth Weinstein *Irvin Weintraub *Mores Wientrob Max Wilson Charles Wolf *Rose Zimmerman Sam Zivitz Lillian Zuckerman



A Message from TBE President Jacob Halpern

WELCOMING RABBI STEPHEN SLATER I am happy to share with you that Temple Beth-El has a signed contract with Rabbi Stephen Slater. His initial term will be three years, and he will be joining us on June 15, 2018, to begin serving as our Senior Rabbi. Rabbi Slater is in his final year before ordination at Hebrew College in Boston, MA. He has most recently served as spiritual leader at Congregation Shaaray Tefila in Glens Falls, NY. I will be assembling a transition team to support Rabbi Slater. The team will guide him through his first year, serving as a resource to draw on as he learns about all aspects of our synagogue and our community. This search has been a long process. On behalf of Temple Beth-El, I thank the Rabbi Search Committee co-chairs Stephen Greene and

Glynnis Levitt, as well as the entire committee for their devoted work. This process began in January 2017, when Steve and Glynnis began discussing the needs and wants of our congregation, guided by the Visioning feedback. The committee, formed in the summer of 2017, is comprised of Julie Cohen, Barry Dreayer, Lisa Engel, Arlene Fisher, Naomi Ivker, Jimmy Krell, Amy Peetluk, Rebecca Rothman, Abraham Schuster, Carol Tuck and Karen Weinrib, as well as Rabbi Leff, Bob Greenberg and me. My thanks to each of these individuals for the amazing amount of time, energy and devotion they each contributed to this process. After initially posting our search with the Rabbinical Assembly, and receiving little response in the way of promising candidates, the Committee decided to ask for a waiver to search outside the RA. We received that waiver on January 11, 2018, posted our position with other sources, and received multiple responses. After extensive Skype interviews with all applicants, the Committee brought in the three most promising candidates. Based on interviews, verification of references, congregational survey results, feedback from the Jewish community at large, and an open congregational meeting, the committee unanimously voted to recommend Rabbi Slater. The Board of Directors also was unanimous in its acceptance of that recommendation. Rabbi Slater happily accepted — he and his wife Bethany were quite taken with our beautiful city, our community, and most of all, Temple Beth-El. Rabbi Slater’s outgoing, inspirational ability to reach all age groups was evident from the overwhelmingly positive feedback the Committee received from the congregation. I am excited for the promising future Temple Beth-El holds. Once again, please join me in thanking the Committee co-chairs and its members. Additionally, thanks are due to Bob Greenberg, Pam Williams, Lindsey Herring, Lisa Adams and Sarah Metzger for working with each candidate. We have an awesome staff. They are committed to helping Rabbi Slater flourish in his new role. I know you will each join me in welcoming the Slaters upon their arrival in June. Thank you for your continued commitment to our synagogue. Jacob Halpern Temple Beth-El Board President

The following is adapted from an email sent to the congregation on March 16.

Bethany & Stephen Slater with daughter Anav

Temple Beth-El 2179 Highland Ave. S. P.O. Box 550220 Birmingham, AL 35255-0220 (205) 933-2740

Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE

PAID Permit No. 889 Birmingham, AL

Shown left to right are this year’s volunteer award recipients: Micky Rubenstein, Virginia Heiman, Eph Mazer,

Arlene Fisher and Shira Goldberg.