Concordia Lutheran Church · Sunday, October 22 8:30am Early Service 9:15am Fellowship...

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Transcript of Concordia Lutheran Church · Sunday, October 22 8:30am Early Service 9:15am Fellowship...

Sunday, October 22 8:30am Early Service 9:15am Fellowship Time—Men’s & Women’s Class 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Cherubs’ Choir practice 5:00-6:15 Youth Meetings 6:30pm Chancel Choir practice

Monday, October 23 11:30am Joyful Movement 12:30pm Lunch Bunch 7:00pm Zumba

Tuesday, October 24 9:30am Community Women’s Bible Study

Wednesday, October 25 11:30am Joyful Movement 12:30pm Lunch Bunch

Thursday, October 26 11:30am Joyful Movement

Saturday, October 28 6:00-8:00pm Halloween Party-Trunk or Treat

Sunday, October 29 8:30am Early Service 9:15am Fellowship Time—Council 9:45am Congregational Meeting 10:00am Sunday School 11:00am Worship 5:00pm Cherubs’ Choir practice 5:00-6:15 Youth Meetings 6:30pm Chancel Choir practice

This Week’s Offerings and Tithes

October 15, 2017 Needed weekly to cover 2017 budget: $5,078.34

Attendance Received 11:00am Worship Service 130 8:30am Worship Service 60 Sunday School 113 $ 82.00 General Fund $ 3,539.00 Building & Improvement Fund $ 220.00 Bus Fund $ 80.00 Specials and Memorial $ 82.00

Received Year to Date $259,465.22 Needed Year to Date $243,225.36 OVERAGE $ 16,239.06

This Week’s Birthdays:

Zinda Nesbitt 10/23 Evan Blade 10/23 Jakob Stultz 10/24 Ray Ritchie 10/25 Cam Stubbs 10/25 MaryLynn Overcash 10/26 ————————————————————————————————————————

This Week’s Altar Flowers

This Week’s Prayer Concerns: Family of Darthy Starnes Murph Coyt Karriker

Welcome to those visiting with us. Please take a moment to sign the pew registers so we can welcome you by name. Thank you for choosing Concordia as your place of worship this morning.

Pastor Rev. Ken Reed 704-857-2163 (ext. 2) 704-857-2077 (home)

Visitation Pastor Rev. Dr. Larry Bost 704-213-3257

Faith Comm. Nurse Shirley Allen 704-857-2163 (ext. 3) Shirley.Allen@ Director of Music Eddie Karriker 704-622-6663

Pianist and Organist Ricky Sharp 704-609-1110

Council Vice-Pres. Judy Haire 704-425-5323

Admin. Assistant Debby Isenhour 704-857-2163 (ext. 1)

Concordia Lutheran Church 185 Concordia Church Road - China Grove, NC 28023

October 22, 2017

The flowers on the altar are given to the glory of God and in memory of Walter Joseph Lowdermilk by Allison Roz (daughter), and Jaden, Jessica, and Zoe Miller (grandchildren), and Midji Bost.

Active Military

Drew Ashley (Lcpl US Marine Corp, Okinawa, Nephew of Mike & Lisa Ashley)

Jason Ciscel (Staff Sgt. US Air Force, Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, Husband of Teresa Rosas Ciscel)

Trent Fisher (Staff Sgt., US Air Force Maryland, Nephew of David Fisher)

Jessy Fowler (US Navy, USS Truxton)

Willis Hobbs (US Army, Ft. Benning, GA)

Justin Holt, Captain US Army, Fort Campbell, KY (Grandson of Evelyn Karriker)

Eric McLaughlin (Lt. Commander, U.S. Navy, Washington DC)

Nathaniel Faggart (1st Lt. Air Force, Brother of Jonathan Faggart)

Christopher Overcash (US Army, UNCC ROTC)

In-Patient Care, Recovery Care, Assisted &

Independent Living

Eloise Bebber (Best of Care, Kannapolis)

Judy Ritchie (Liberty Commons, Salisbury)

Martha Ritchie (Caremoor, Kannapolis)

Jeffrey Roberts (Kannon Creek, Kannapolis)

Rev. Clarence Walck (Stanly Manor, Albemarle)

Duane Wood (Kannon Creek, Kannapolis)

Family & Friends Please contact the church office if a

name needs to remain on this list beyond 60 days.

Dennis Adams 10/1/17 (Family of Che Morrison) Wayne Anderson 10/8/17 (Friend of the Community) Ruth Barnhardt 10/1/17 (Mother of Carol Barnhardt) Frankie Barrier 8/14/17 Sam Barrier 7/2/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Cody Bates 10/1/17 (Son of Debbie Osmon) Sheila Bost 9/10/17 (Wife of Bo Bost) Sarah Bowers 7/3/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Terry Burleson 8/6/17 (Son of Dorothy Poole/Friend Community Tracey Burnette 9/17/17 (Friend of Che Morrison) Ivey Cline 6/18/17 (Friend of Winfred Bost) Ethel Comer 9/17/17 (Mother of Kittie McLaughlin) Alice Deal 10/15/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt)

Will Fesperman 5/7/17 (Brother of Ben Fesperman) Barbara Hager 10/1/17 (Sister of Bernice Trexler) Donnie &Wanda Hager 10/1/17 (Nephew of Bernice Trexler) Diane Hamilton 9/3/17 (Friend of Sandra Honbarger) Family of Fran Holland 7/19/17 Martha Lewis 5/7/17 (Mother of Patrice Smith, Brookview Living Center, Gaffney, SC)

Concordia Prayer Partners

Kenneth & Nancy Martin 5/21/17 (Sister /brother-in-law of Bernice

Trexler) Family Priscilla Peek Miller 8/20/17 Family of Mabel Mills 8/20/17 Linda Moore 5/28/17 (Friend of Barbara Beaver) Pam Morgan 5/14/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Family of Tami Pack 8/6/17 Louise Pethel 5/21/17 (Friend of Zinda Nesbitt) Family of Oscar Ritchie 8/14/17 Family of Jo Starnes 8/22/17 Morgan Utley 9/17/17 Marty Whitley 7/30/17 (Friend of Congregation)

Members at home and special concerns

Jack Blalock Bill Cline Judy Curlee David Fisher Gail Fisher Frankie Freeze Kenneth Galloway Mabel Galloway Jan Garver Leila Hobbs Jim Howell Coyt Karriker Everette Karriker Nancy Karriker

Richard Karriker Kittie McLaughlin Comeleta Overcash Judy Ritchie Alan Roberts Boyd Smith, Sr. Zach Smith Henry Starnes Bernice Trexler Geraldine Wood

8:30am Worship Service

Ushers & Greeters Acolyte Council Member

Randy/Ginger Overcash Shianne Beaver Lisa Ashley

11:00am Worship Service Elevator Lay Reader Announcements Adult SS Leader

Ushers Lee Goodnight Ellen Isaacs Steve Garver Crystal Karriker

Darren Corriher (Head)

Brandon Earnhardt Acolyte Banner Bearer Greeters Offering Counters

Tony Brown Lee Karriker Cole Isaacs Jim/Carolyn Howell Connie Lowman

Julie Corriher Todd/Ellen Isaacs Jordan Honbarger

Hilda Goodnight Bible Bearer Crucifer Omar/Jan Williams Sheri Foster

MaryLynn Overcash Jacob Ritchie



Table Set-up Team— Robert Ritchie (Team Leader), Jamie Stikeleather, Eddie Ritchie, Harold Pike, Greg Ritchie, Tommy Schenck


Amazing Grace Friends in Fellowship

First Tuesday in the month at 7:00pm First Thursday of the month at 7:00pm Collect for Thank Offering on Sunday, October 22 —Committee for Growth (all ladies are invited to join a Bible Study Group)

Oct Flowers Fellowship Time

Front Porch Visits

Nursery Children’s Church

8:30am Communion Servers

11:00am Communion Servers

1 Amanda Dayvault

Pathfinder’s Class

Mike/Lisa Ashley

Jonathan/Amanda Faggart

Lani Earnhardt

Eddie Starnes and Family

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer

8 Kenneth Bost

Friendship Class

Ronnie/Margie Baucom

Jonathan/Amanda Faggart

Jordan Honbarger

Coyt Karriker and Family

Omar Williams, Tony Brown, Joey Ashley, Cross Bearer, Banner Bearer

15 Vinnie Duncan

Friendship Class

David/Crystal Allen

Mackenzie Dabbs

Che Morrison Nelsie Lawing and Family

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer

22 Midji Bost Men’s & Women’s Class

Jason/Jenni Ritchie

Mackenzie Dabbs

Christy Yost Charles Starnes and Family

Omar Williams, Tony Brown, Joey Ashley, Cross Bearer, Banner Bearer

29 Debbie Osmon

Council-Gary Mclaughlin

Lee/Hilda Goodnight

Jill & Sheri Foster

Sarah Wells Tim and Jutta Beaver

Leslie, Jack, Kurtis Reed, Tony Brown, Banner Bearer


Monday, November 13 Trip to Shatley Springs-leave at 8:30am

(Contact Dale Karriker-704-857-3472

Concordia's Library is located in the room to the right of the stage in the FLC.

Blessing Bags are available for pick up in the hallway outside the Family Life Center.

Receiving Holy Communion: Those who are baptized and believe that Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is truly present in, with, and under the forms of bread and wine for the forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation, are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Please let the pastor or communion server know you wish to receive this gift of life by holding your open hands toward the cup. We encourage you to bring forward young children for a blessing. The sign for a blessing is folded hands. As you come forward, receive the bread, move to one of the cupbearers and dip the bread into the wine, then partake. Then return to your pew for prayer.

Church Front Doors: The front doors of the Sanctuary are getting a face lift! Soon they will be back with a new coat of red paint.

It is time to start thinking about the 2018 Yearbook, if you have had an address, email or phone number change in the past year, please contact Debby with the new information. 704-857-2163 or

TODAY at both services , the Women of Concordia will be taking up our annual Thank Offering, This year we will send this to Main Street Mission to help with purchasing turkeys and other items needed for Thanksgiving meals in our area. Your donations will help so many families in need. We thank you in advance for your help.

5K Walk/Run and a Kids Fun Run will be held at Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church on Saturday, November 4. All proceeds to benefit ELCA Global Water Ministry. There is an urgent need for clean water across the world. Today, 2.1 billion people lack access to safe drinking water and sanitation services.

Congregational Meeting October 29th at 9:45 am. This meeting will be for the nomination of 6 council members for a term of 3 years beginning in 2018. The proposed 2018 budget will be also be presented.

Congregational Meeting November 12th at 9:45 am. This meeting will be for the election of 6 council members for a term of 3 years beginning in 2018 and to approve the proposed 2018 budget.

Annual Golf Tournament will be held at Irish Creek Golf Course on Monday, October 30. SRPSBTA is a non-profit organization responsible for the funding of Bible Teaching as an elective at South Rowan High School, China Grove Middle School and Corriher Lipe Middle School. It has funded 100% of the instructional costs (teacher salary, and compensation package) for the last 30 plus years. No tax dollars are used for this mission. It is funded solely through contributions of local churches, individuals, civic organizations and fundraisers.

The sympathy of the Concordia Congregation goes out to Leslie Reed and her family on the death of her father, Dennis Moretz who passed away October 10, 2017. Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. Christian sympathies and prayers are extended to family of Darthy Murph who passed away October 18, the funeral was held at Concordia on October 20.

Saturday Oct 28 Halloween Party-Trunk or Treat 6:00-8:00pm

Sunday Oct 29 Reformation Sunday

Sunday Oct 29 Congregational Meeting 9:45am

Sunday Nov 12 Congregational Meeting 9:45am

Sunday Nov 12 Blood Drive 12:30-4:30pm

Monday Nov 13 Lunch Bunch Trip - Shatley Springs 8:30am

Cherubs’ Choir practice at 5:00pm

October 22 - Regular Meeting KFC-Amanda Dayvault Luther League-Miriam Lowery

October 29 - Fall Party at Goodnight Lake

November 5 - Regular Meeting KFC– Samantha Stikeleather Luther League-Nelsie Lawing

November 12-Joint Meeting in Youth basement Operation Christmas Child Sandra Honbarger and Jennifer Bostian

November 18-Youth Meet at Main Street Mission 9:00am– Assist with packing Thanksgiving Boxes

November 18– Regular Meeting KFC– Amanda Dyavvault Luther league-Elizabeth Ritchie

November 26– NO Meeting

October through December 5:00 to 5:30pm- KFC (K-4th grade) meet in the Sunday School Wing Luther League (5th-12th) meet in the upstairs of the youth building 5:30-6:15pm- Youth will have music together to practice for Christmas Play.

Trunk or Treat Saturday, October 28 6:00-8:00pm.

Trunk or Treat is looking for people willing to: Bring their vehicle and pass out candy and treats. Contact Lisa Ashley to sign up.

Donate prizes, such as pencils, stickers, etc. There will be a collection box in the FLC.

Youth Fall Gathering

All Kids for Christ and Luther League (Parents Too)

Where: Goodnight’s Lake 605 Saw Road, China Grove, NC Time: 5 pm – 7 pm

We will have Hot Dogs, chips and of

course, S’MORES!

Just bring chairs!

Local Classes, Events, Worship Services and Other Opportunities on the Reformation and Dr. Martin


Oct. 29 – Reformation Worship Service (8:30am and 11:00am)


Oct. 29 — Reformation Celebration and Worship: 4 p.m. Organ Lutheran Church will host a joint Reformation Service with Holy Communion. The guest preacher will be The Rev. Mark Ryman, pastor of Grace Lutheran, Clemmons, NC and Communications Director of the NALC. There will be a combined choir from the participating

Earlier in the year our church council voted to designate the 5th Sundays in each year as dates we will work closely with Main Street Mission to help them meet their greatest needs. This year our last fifth Sunday of 2017 falls on October 29th.

On that day we have the opportunity to help Main Street Mission reach their annual goal of providing the ingredients for Thanksgiving Dinner to the least fortunate here in our community.

When you're grocery shopping the next few weeks, please remember to pick up one or more of the items listed below and bring them to church to place on our Thanksgiving Table in the

As part of this project Main Street Mission

collects $10 donations to help with the cost of a


There will also be an opportunity for you to join other volunteers from our church who

help with packing the Thanksgiving bags for distribution the Saturday before


Please speak with Joe Allen or Melvin McAlister if you are interested in helping.

"Whatever you do in word or deeds, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the father." Col. 3:17

Box instant potatoes Gravy mix Box or bag of stuffing Canned yams Canned green beans

Canned corn Canned pumpkin or Pumpkin pie filling Canned cranberry sauce

Concordia can continue to serve by blood donations. Local supplies were exhausted and are still low after sending units of blood to the areas hit by hurricanes.

Save the dates and please commit to giving. Sunday, November 12, 12:30-4:30 pm

Sunday, January 14, 2018 Community Blood Center of the Carolinas

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes

Our Youth will be filling Shoeboxes on Sunday November 12. We are asking the congregation to bring items for them to fill the boxes with. We

are also asking for money to help cover the cost of shipping. We ask that all items be brought to the church no later than Sunday November 5. Please place on the designated table in the back of the FLC. There will be a container for money to help cover shipping cost as well. If you would like to give money to help purchase items for the shoeboxes, you may give cash to Sandra Honbarger. Below is a list of requested items.

Small toys for ages 2-14

Stuffed animals Small dolls

Balls Cars/ Trucks/ etc. school Supplies

Coloring books and crayons or markers Hygiene items

( no toothpaste or liquids allowed) NO CANDY ALLOWED THIS YEAR

Catechism Schedule (final year) 7th, 8th and 9th graders

2017 Dates Times Topics November 5 (Sunday) 12:30-2:30pm Christian Discipleship and Vocation December 3 (Sunday) 12:30-2:30pm Worship and the Liturgical Calendar

2018 Dates Times Topics January 7 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) The Gospel of Mark February 4 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Creating and Leading a Bible Study March 4 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Bible Study presentation ---- ---- ----

May 6 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Genesis: Creation Story (project distributed) ---- ---- ----

September 9 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Church History: Protestant Reformation October 7 (Sunday) (12:30-2:30pm) Presentation of Projects October 28 (Sunday) (9:45am-Rehearsal) Rite of Confirmation: Reformation Sunday


Weekly Sunday School (9:50-10:45am) Catechism instruction continues in Sunday School. Each young person in the catechism program is expected to be present.

103rd Atwell Township Sunday School Singing Convention

When : November 5, 2017 Where: Oak Grove Methodist Church Time: 3:30pm Each church will be performing 2 selections. We will be collection canned goods for Main Street Mission in China Grove. For more information contact Kathy Hardwick (704-855-2363) or Debbie Currie (704-857-9443)

This year, Atwell Volunteer Fire Department is celebrating 61 years of service to our community. Accordingly, the department will host a Fish Fry Fundraiser to bring together our past, present, and future. The event will take place on Saturday, November 11th, 5pm-until at Atwell Fire Department on the corner of Concordia Church Road and NC 152 in China Grove. We will be selling fish plates, hot dogs for the kids, along with an assortment of desserts.

We would love to see you all there!

Also, if you would like to donate a homemade dessert, please contact Christy Yost at 704-230-5402 for more details.

Clark Adams Hubert Ray Adams Georgia Adams Crystal Allen David Allen Joe Allen Shirley Allen Joey Ashley Katie Ashley Martha Baker Lori Barbee Margie Baucom Marty Baucom Ronnie Baucom Guy Beaver Jutta Beaver Kess Beaver Leonard Beaver Marjorie Beaver Tim Beaver Mike Bebber Susanne Bebber Lynne Bennett Lindsley Berry Jack Blalock Kathy Blalock Bettie Blevins Bob Blevins Leah Brown Bokus Clay Bost Clement Bost Kenneth Bost Larry Bost Lenora Bost Midji Bost Todd Bost Winfred Bost Alex Bostian Caleigh Bostian Jennifer Bostian Jordan Bostian Eli Brandt Jacob Brandt Johnny Brown

Katrina Brown Linda Brown Tony Brown Catlin Call Paul Campbell Brenda Carpenter Marc Clark Susan Clark Bill Cline Harold Cline Hazel Cline Chandler Corriher Dane Corriher Darren Corriher Gail Corriher Kirstie Corriher Ricky Corriher Ron Corriher Tyler Corriher Wilma Corriher Belinda Cozart Johnny Cozart Judy Curlee Erin Dabbs Mackenzie Dabbs Delana Davis Amanda Dayvault Max Dayvault Philip Duncan Vinnie Duncan Brandon Earnhardt Jill Earnhardt Lani Earnhardt Tommy Earnhardt Jonathan Ellsworth Shannon Ellsworth Sherry Ellsworth Steve Ellsworth Jay Ernst Kitty Ernst Zana Ervin Ben Fesperman David Fisher Gail Fisher

Ethan Foster Jill Foster Jamie Fowler Jennifer Fowler Jessy Fowler Sandy Fowler Frankie Freeze Mabel Galloway Samantha Garver Steve Garver Brian Good Denean Good Dallas Goodnight Henry Goodnight Hilda Goodnight Lee Goodnight Tiea Goodnight Tisha Goodwin Donna Graham Fred Haire Mary Ann Hammonds Katie Hartsell Lisa Hartsell Nathan Hartsell Taylor Hartsell Jessica Hillman Mark Hillman Leila Hobbs Amanda Holden Alan Honbarger Sandra Honbarger Andy Houck Karie Houck Carolyn Howell Jim Howell Barry Hyde Ellen Isaacs Todd Isaacs Judy Isenhour Melissa Reece Isner Russell Johnston Barbara Karriker Becky L. Karriker Brenda Karriker

Concordia Lutheran Church members eligible for 2018 Council per Constitutional requirements: (1) recorded attendance and (1) recorded

monetary contribution January 2016-September 2017

Crystal Karriker Dale Karriker Dolly Karriker Eddie Karriker Evelyn Karriker Everette Karriker Ferman Karriker Hoke Karriker Jerry Karriker Nancy Karriker Peggy Karriker Phillip Karriker Pratt Karriker Ray Preston Karriker Scotland Karriker Shelby Karriker Tyler Karriker Sydney Kelly Teresa Kelly Bob Kerr Colleen Kerr Ron Kirk Diane Klitzsch Duane Klitzsch Mandy Lanning Aaron Lawing Nelsie Lawing Eric Leazer Brooke Lowery Michael Lowery Miriam Lowery Andrew Lowman Connie Lowman Emily Lowman Jody Lowman Laura Lumpkin Steve Lumpkin Don Lyerly Linda Lyerly Sue Lylery Janette MacDonald Brenda McAlister Melvin McAlister Bubba McLaughlin

Eric McLaughlin Kittie McLaughlin Mike McLaughlin Robin McLaughlin Yvon McLaughlin Frankie Menius Tony Menius Alan Morrison Che Morrison Carolyn Morrow Kay Mullis Ron Mullis Darthy Murph Zinda Nesbitt Debbie Osmon Chris Overcash Comeleta Overcash Daniel Overcash Debi Overcash Ginger Overcash Randy Overcash Scott Overcash Tabatha Overcash Jack Owens Mary Ruth Owens Dale Phillips Harold Pike Sheila Pike Ian Reece Alex Reed Kurtis Reed Carroll Lynn Ritchie David Ritchie Eddie Ritchie Elizabeth Ritchie Fallon Ritchie Greg Ritchie Jenni Ritchie Joan Ritchie Judy Ritchie Kay Ritchie Lauren Ritchie Logan Ritchie Martha Ritchie

Ray Ritchie Robert Ritchie Alan Roberts April Roberts Thomas Schenck Lisa Shue Philip Sloop Audrey Smith Karen Smith Kathy Smith Kim Smith Zach Smith Brandon Stamper Sherry Stamper Brandy Starnes Charles Starnes Eddie Starnes Henry Starnes Katherine Starnes Thomas Starnes James Stikeleather Samantha Stikeleather Phyllis Strawn Cam Stubbs Matthew Stubbs Susan Stubbs Jacob Stubbs Jakob Stultz Charlotte Smith Taunton Bernice Trexler Amy Waller Becky Waller Derek Waller Mason Waller Bob Wills Lya Wills Gerald Wise Jettie Wise Mildred Wise Geraldine Wood Christy Yost Ryan Yost

Concordia Lutheran Church members eligible for 2018 Council per Constitutional requirements: (1) recorded attendance and (1) recorded

monetary contribution January 2016-September 2017