Computers that Learn, that Write, and that Think: TEDxEducation City 2015

Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Computers that Learn, that Write, and that Think: TEDxEducation City 2015


That Learn That Write

That Think

McCulloch-Pitts Neural ModelSource:


Image courtesy Gregory LoanSource: 1/7

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Mar 15, 2015 ­ 7:27 pm

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How is the recovery going TraciInLa?


Posts: 1098 

Joined: Dec 2010 

Just wondering how the recovery was going after your bmx? Wanted to let you know I am thinking about you!

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Mar 15, 2015 ­ 9:25 pm

Mar 15, 2015 ­ 11:13 pm

Mar 16, 2015 ­ 10:08 am





Feb 2010

Yes, how are you?You've been on my mind, too. Wondering how you're feeling physically, emotionally, socially, just all of it,wondering how you're doing.



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Posts: 1504

Joined: Jan 2010

Traci,I am wondering, too. Hopefully, you are treating yourself to those froufrou iced coffees the sizeof your head every now and then just because you are AWESOME! And maybe you haveTrader Joe's pumpkin swirl brownies to go with it!





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Posts: 1896

Joined: Jul 2009

2 steps forward, 10 steps backYou're all so sweet to ask....I've been hesitant to post anything about my setback, because it's very specific to my own

medical history and NOT common, and I don't want to scare anyone who may have surgery in their future.  But here goes....

I had bilateral lumpectomies and radiation to both breasts 6 years ago, and all my doctors warned me that the previous radiation

was likely to cause problems with healing from a bilateral mastectomy.  But I thought I'd dodged a bullet ­­ 5 weeks after

surgery, I was feeling good, and planning to go back to work today.  I had a lot of fluid buildup on both sides of my chest, but it

wasn't painful or uncomfortable at all, so I wasn't worried.

Then, 10 days ago, I saw my surgeon for my regular followup.  He got a look of alarm on his face I've never seen, and said that

the fluid had built up so much that one of my incisions looked like it was about to burst.  He drained nearly a liter of fluid from

both sides combined.  I saw him again on Friday, and he drained both sides again ­­ much less this time, but he's still not happy.

 Because of all the damage from my previous radiation, my body just isn't taking care of absorbing the fluid on its own.

He wants to drain both sides 1 or 2 more times, but is talking very seriously that I may need to go back into surgery to have the

drains reinserted.  And he really can't predict how long I might need to have them before my body finally takes over on its own. 

I can't put into words how upsetting and frustrating this is.  Putting the drains back in would mean taking 10 giant steps

Cancer Survivors Network

• This play is an enactment of the ancient legend of Arjuna and Chitrangada, daughter of the king of Maripur, as originally told in the Mahabarata. She was raised as a boy, since her father had no male heir. She was a great warrior, the protector and defender of her kingdom and it s people. She fell in love with Arjuna, himself a great warrior and a hero, who had gone into the forest to meditate and to fulfill his vows - one of which was for twelve years of celibacy. She goes to the gods Madana (Eros), the god of love and Vasanta (Lycoris) the god of springtime and eternal youth. She begs for perfect beauty for one night of love with Arjuna. She becomes a vision of divine loveliness and perfect grace. Arjuna falls helplessly in love with her, and they spend a year in dalliance and joy. Eventually he meets some of her people, however, who are terrified of the bandits who are pouring over the borders to attack since she is gone to fulfill her vows. He is curious about Chitra, and comes to long for a woman who can be a boon companion as well as a lover.

• The play adapts the story of Chitrāngadā and Arjuna from the Mahabarata and begins with Chitra beginning a conversation with Madana, the god of love, and Vasanta, the god of springtime and eternal youth. They ask Chitra who she is and what is bothering her, to which she replies that she is the daughter of the king of Manipur and has been raised like a boy as her father had no male heir. She is a great warrior and hero despite being born as a woman, but has never had the chance to truly live as a woman or learn how to use "feminine wiles". Chitra explains that she had met the warrior hero Arjuna after seeing him in the forest while she was hunting for game. Despite knowing that he had pledged several vows including one for twelve years of celibacy, Chitra fell instantly in love with him. The following day she tried to approach him and plead her case, but Arjuna turned her away due to his vows. Chitra begs with the two gods to give her a day of perfect beauty so she can win over Arjuna and have just one night of love with him. Moved by her pleas, the two gods give her not just one day but an entire year to spend with Arjuna.


