Compassion (Yahuah)

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Compassion (Yahuah)


According to the scriptures

The New Teachings of the Besorah


Yâhuahcânâ´n 11:35

And Yâhuahshúa` wept silently.

Often Yâhuahshúa shed tears of compassion has he witnessed the

plight of his children, we too has children should Serve the Almighty with

humility of mind, and with tears and trials, For out of much tribulation and

distress of heart I wrote to you through many tears; not in order that you

should be grieved, but that you to might know the compassion of the

Rúakh which he gives abundantly to those that keep his


Do you have enough Compassion (light)?

to reach the Kingdom?

Sometimes we need to examine ourselves, to see what measure of

compassion we have obtained in the Ruakh; for without compassion we cannot serve our Father



חַר םּוRachuwm


full of compassion, merciful.

Compassion is the need to help someone who is sick, poor, hungry, old

or infirm, the sympathetic consciousness of others distress, together with the desire (Ruakh) to alleviate it

Compassion moved Yahuahshua to tears, has he saw the crowds that reached out to him for mercy,

Tehillim 86:15

But You, O Yahh,

Are a compassionate Al and showing favour, Patient and great in loving-commitment and truth?

I cry unto him daily, pray without ceasing” for true prayer is not a service

but in the Rúakh.

Tehillim 86:5

For You, Yahh, are good, and ready to forgive, and great in loving-commitment to all those who call upon You.

For compassion is the greatest trait of the Ruakh Yahu

2 Qorinthíym 13:5

Test ye yourselves if ye are within the persuasion: prove your selves! Or

don’t ye acknowledge yourselves that Yâhuahshúa` is the Anointed (matt

26:7,13) One within you? If not, ye are rejected!

You and I need to examine ourselves


"Try (make trial of) yourselves." prove your own selves—This should be

your first aim,

The chaff among the wheat

For those who live according to

the flesh set their minds on the matters of the flesh, but those who live

according to the Ruakh, the matters of the Ruakh. For the mind of the

flesh is death, but the mind of the Ruakh is life and peace. Because the

mind of the flesh is enmity towards the Almighty, for it does not subject

itself to the Torah of the Almighty, neither indeed is it able, and those

who are in the flesh is unable to please the Almighty. But you are not in

the flesh but in the Ruakh, if indeed the Ruakh of the Almighty dwells in

you. And if anyone does not have the Ruakh of Meshiakh, this one is not

His. And if Meshiakh is in you, the body is truly dead on account of sin,

but the Ruakh is life on account of righteousness. And if the Ruakh of

Him who raised Yahuahshua from the dead dwells in you, He who raised

Meshiakh from the dead shall also give life to your mortal bodies through

His Ruakh dwelling in you.

So then, brothers, we are not debtors to the flesh, to live according to

the flesh.

Finding the Meshiakh dwelling in yourselves is by faith, to doubt it would

be the sin of I’shra’al, who, after so many miracles and experimental

proofs of Yah presence, still cried

Shemot 17:7

And he called the name of the place Massah and Meriḇah, (where Mosheh

struck a rock and brought forth water) because of the ‘strife’ of the children of

Y’Ishra’al, and because they ‘tried’ Yahh, saying,

“Is Yahh in our midst or not?”

Persuasion commands righteousness and is the key of compassion to

the repented

Tehillim 26:2

Examine me, O Yahh, and prove me; try my reins and my heart

To thee I appeal; and feel no hesitation in wishing to have all the

motives of my heart dissected and exposed to thy view, and to that of

the world.

O righteous Yah, you who examine inner thoughts and motives!

Compassion is what is needed to prepare for heaven,

Thou Son of Dawyid, have compassion on us."

do not overlook this one deed often spoke of our Meshiakh

Mattiyahu 9:35.

And Yâhuahshúa` went about all the cities and the villages, teaching in

the assemblies, and proclaiming the glad tidings of the Reign, and curing

every malady and every infirmity among the people!

Mattiyahu 9:36.

But having seen the crowds, He was moved with compassion for

them, because they were wearied and scattered as if they were sheep

not having a shepherd!

Márquwç 1:41

And Yâhuahshúa`, being moved with compassion, having extended His

hand He touched him, and says to him:

“I wish to; be cleansed.”

Brother and sisters in Yahuahshua, how often do we pray in tears and all

supplication for the compassion of our father, to forgive our sins, yet

when we walk away from prayer, we forget this simplest of acts, my

heart cries for the lack of compassion in this present age

And the reward of compassion is written

MattithYâ´hu 22:36


which is the Greatest Commandment in the Towrah?”

And Yâhuahshúa` said to him:“‘

The foremost of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, Y’ishra’al, Yâhh is your

mighty Ones, Yâhh is One; and You s hall love Yâhh your mighty Ones

with all of your heart, and with all of yourself , and with all of your effort.’

This one is the Great Commandment in the whole Law. And it is the


Yet the second resembles this one;

‘Do not seek revenge and do not bear a grudge against one of the sons

of your people, and you shall love your fellow as yourself –

I am Yâh

There is not another commandment greater than these

All of the Law and the predicators hinge on these two commandments.”

In these verses Yahh summarized the ten utterances , but what is

unique is this points to the remnant of the remnant who will escape the

tribulation that is about to come upon this world, because not only do

they keep the 1st four of the commandments towards Yah ( for this is

foremost) but they have the affectionate love towards ones neighbour (

Philadelphia). This does not speak of the name place within the world,

but of those joined together in the Rúakh Yah, who are one in the love of

the father, and the compassion of his brother........

Philadelphos (brotherly love)

How many of us find that compassion needed to reach out to our

brothers and sisters, remembering the need we fulfill in giving the help to

someone who is sick, poor, hungry, old or infirm, regardless of who they

are...... charity begins at home, look towards your family, reach out and

fulfill their needs

Brothers we are in danger of the judgment:

Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that

thy brother hath ought against thee; Leave there thy gift before the altar,

and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and

offer thy gift.

I weep many tears for the ones in need, there is so much injustice in the

world, and many turn a blind eye to the needs of others, amongst

brothers and sisters, families, nations, in war, famine, poverty and


You can make a difference

compassion begins in the heart, flows out of us in love, fulfils the


May the Rúakh of the father, that abides in you and I unite us to seek out

the compassion we need to keep one another in brotherly love, for it is

another piece of evidence that the Rúakh Yahh unites us in one body (

Yahuahshua HaMeshiakh) looking to the kingdom to come

Are you guilty?

If we are guilty in one point of the gift of giving,( the whole Towrah) we

are not who we think we are; you are guilty and you bring judgement

upon yourself and your family, why do you gamble, withholding the

tithes and offerings from the temple of Yah, so that the Divine

compassion is neglected.

Bring gifts to his storehouse

And Yâhuahshúa having sat down against the treasury box, He saw how

the crowd threw copper into the treasury, and many rich ones were

throwing many in. And one poor widow having come, threw in two lepton

coins [a seventh part of one piece of the brass coin] (which is a fourth

part of an Assárius Róman coin). And, having summoned His pupils, He

says to them: “’Âmë´n (certainly) I say to you that this poor widow has

thrown in more than all of the ones throwing into the treasury! For all

threw in from their abundance, but she, from her destitution threw in all,

as much as she possessed, her whole means of life!”

MattithYâ´hu 6:3ff


Avoid honour from humans

MattithYâ´hu 6:1ff

Beware not to do your beneficences in front of humans, in order to be

seen by them. Otherwise, ye do not have a reward with your Father

Who is in the heavens! When you do your beneficences, do not sound a

showphâ´r (horn) before you, as those role-fakers perform in the

assemblies and in the streets, in order that they may have honour from

humans. ’Âmë´n (Certainly) I say to you, they have their reward! So

you, in doing beneficences, do not let your left hand know what your

right hand does, So that your beneficences may be in secret: and your

Father Who sees in secret shall Himself render it publicly to you!

I pray the father will have compassion on you, and you on others .

He who has ears (wheat) to hear, let him hear!

His Blessing be upon you


will kneel before you presenting gifts, and

he will guard you with a hedge of protection,


will illuminate the wholeness of his being

toward you, bringing order, and he will provide

you with love, sustenance, and friendship,


will lift up the wholeness of his being and look

upon you, and he will set in place all you need to

be whole and complete,

Baruch Haba b’Shem Yah

keiYâh Ben Yahuahthah