Comparing Regression Lines From Independent Samples.

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Comparing Regression Lines From Independent Samples.

Comparing Regression Lines

From Independent Samples

The Design

• You have two or more groups.• One or more continuous predictors (C).• And one continuous outcome variable (Y).• You want to know if

• Y = a + b1C1 + … + bpCp + error

• Is the same across groups.

Poteat, Wuensch, & Gregg

• Predictive validity study• Children referred for school psychology

services• Does Grades = a + bIQ + error• Differ across races?• Called a “Potthoff analysis” by school

psychologists• Differences fell short of significance.

Two Groups, One X

• Y = a + b1C + b2G + b3CG• If there are more than two groups, groups

is represented by k-1 dummy variables• Wuensch, Jenkins, & Poteat• Y = Attitude to animals• C = Misanthropy• G = High idealism or not


• -- download• Potthoff.dat – download• Point program file to data file• Run the program• Data step: MxI = Misanth Idealism• Page 1: Ignoring idealism, is a .2 corr

between misanthropy and attitude to animals.

Zero-Order Correlations


• Misanthropy is significant related to support for animal rights.

• The two idealism groups do not differ significantly on support for animal rights – rpb = .092.

• The two idealism groups do not differ significantly on misanthropy – rpb = -.099.

Four Regression Models

• Proc Reg; • CGI: model ar = misanth idealism MxI;• C: model ar=misanth;• CG: model ar = misanth idealism;• CI: model ar = misanth MxI;

Model CGI

Analysis of VarianceSource DF Sum of


F Value Pr > F

Model 3 4.05237 1.35079 5.10 0.0022

Error 150 39.73945 0.26493    

Corrected Total

153 43.79182      

Model C

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Sum ofSquares


F Value Pr > F

Model 1 2.13252 2.13252 7.78 0.0060

Error 152 41.65930 0.27407    

Corrected Total

153 43.79182      

Test of Coincidence

• Compare model CGI with model C• Use a partial F test







13252.205237.4)150 ,2(


p = .029


• This was a simultaneous test of intercept and slopes.

• We conclude that the two groups differ with respect to

• The intercepts, or• The slopes,• Or both.

An Easier Way

proc reg; model ar = misanth idealism MxI;

TEST idealism=0, MxI=0; run;

Test 1 Results for Dependent Variable ar

Source DF Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Numerator 2 0.95992 3.62 0.0291

Denominator 150 0.26493  

Model CI

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Sum ofSquares


F Value Pr > F

Model 2 2.29525 1.14763 4.18 0.0172

Error 151 41.49657 0.27481    

Corrected Total

153 43.79182    

Test of Intercepts

• Compare model CGI with model CI.

• The intercepts differ significantly.


29525.205237.4)150 ,1(


p = .011

F(1, 150) = 6.632, p = .011

• As you know, on one df, t = SQRT(F)• Look back at Model CGI• For the test of main effect of idealism,

t = SQRT(6.632) = 2.58, p = .011.• If we had more than two groups we could

not take this shortcut.

Model CGI

Parameter Estimates

Variable DF ParameterEstimate


t Value Pr > |t|

Intercept 1 1.62581 0.19894 8.17 <.0001

misanth 1 0.30006 0.08059 3.72 0.0003

idealism 1 0.77869 0.30236 2.58 0.0110

MxI 1 -0.28472 0.12641 -2.25 0.0258

Test of Parallelism

• Do the slopes differ significantly?• Compare model CGI with model CG• Is model fit significantly reduced when we

remove the interaction term?


70839.205237.4)150 ,1(


p = .026

Model CG

Analysis of Variance

Source DF Sum ofSquares


F Value Pr > F

Model 2 2.70839 1.35419 4.98 0.0081

Error 151 41.08343 0.27208    

Corrected Total

153 43.79182      

F(1, 150) = 5.073, p = .026

• As you know, on one df, t = SQRT(F)• Look back at Model CGI• For the test of the interaction, t = 2.25,

p = .026.• If we had more than two groups we could

not take this shortcut.

Get the Separate Regression Lines

• Sort by groups.• Run the bivariate regressions• For nonidealists,

• For idealists,

MisanthAR 30.63.1

MisanthAR 02.40.2

Prepare Plots

Proc sgplot; scatter x = misanth y = ar;

reg x = misanth y = ar;

yaxis label='Attitude to Animals‘

grid values=(1 to 5 by 1);

xaxis label='Misanthropy‘

grid values=(1 to 5 by 1);

by idealism; run;

Another Plot

proc sgplot; reg x = misanth

y = ar / group = idealism nomarkers;

yaxis label='Attitude to Animals';

xaxis label='Misanthropy'; run;

Full Model Slope 1

• AR = 1.626 + (.300)Misanthropy + (.779)Idealism + (- .285)Interaction.

• This is a conditional slope.• predicted increase in AR accompanying a

one-point increase in misanthropy is .3 given that idealism has value zero (the idealists).


• the conditional effect of X on Y given a particular value of the moderator is the conditional slope for predictor X + the interaction slope times the value of the moderator.

• Idealism as moderator, simple effect of misanthropy

MYX )285.(3.

Simple Slopes for Misanthropy

• Idealism = 0 (nonidealists)

• Each one point increase in Misanthropy lead to a .3 point increase in AR.

• Idealism = 1 (idealists)

• Each one point increase in Misanthropy leads to a .015 point increase in AR.

3.0)285.(3. YX

015.1)285.(3. YX

• Misanthropy as moderator, simple effects of idealism (group differences)


MYX )285.(779.

Full Model Slope 2

• AR = 1.626 + (.300)Misanthropy + (.779)Idealism + (- .285)Interaction.

• This is a conditional slope.• The predicted increase in AR

accompanying a one-point increase in idealism (idealism groups were coded 0,1) is .779 given that misanthropy has value zero.

Mbb IXYX • Treating Idealism as the moderator, the simple

slope for the effect of misanthropy on AT is

MYX )285.(779.

Simple Slopes for Idealism

• predict the difference between the two idealism groups (idealist minus nonidealist) when misanthropy = 1)

• .779 -.285(1) = .505.• If misanthropy = 4, the predicted difference

in means is .779 - .285(4) = -.361

Probing the Interaction

• Same as simple effects analysis in ANOVA• We have already shown that the

relationship between misanthropy and support for animal rights is significant for nonidealists but not for idealists.

• Change perspectives -- how does misanthropy moderate the relationship between idealism (group) and support of animal rights.

Analysis of Simple Slopes

• Arbitrarily pick two or more values of misanthropy and compare the groups at those points.

• The points are often 1 SD below the mean, the mean, and 1 SD above the mean.

• Here, that would be misanthropy = 1.65, 2.32, and 2.99.

Testing the Simple Slopes

• To test the null that mean AR does not differ between groups when misanthropy = 1.65, we center the misanthropy scores around 1.65, recomputed the interaction term, and run the full model again.

• We repeat this action with the scores centered around 2.32 and then again centered around 2.99.

• See the code in the program.

Data Centered; set kevin;MisanthLow = misanth - 1.65;InteractLow = MisanthLow * Idealism;MisanthMean = misanth - 2.32; InteractMean = MisanthMean * Idealism;MisanthHigh = misanth - 2.99; InteractHigh = MisanthHigh * Idealism;proc reg;Low: model ar = MisanthLow idealism InteractLow;Mean: model ar = MisanthMean idealism InteractMean;High: model ar = MisanthHigh idealism InteractHigh; run; Quit;

The Code

Low Misanthropy

When MIS is low, AR is significantly higher (by .309) in the idealistic group than it is in the nonidealistic group.

Average Misanthropy

• The groups do not differ significantly when MIS is average.

High Misanthropy

• The groups do not differ significantly when MIS is High.

Process Hayes

• Makes it way easier to do this analysis.• Bring the program into SAS

and run it.• You have already read the data into the

work file “kevin.”• Hayes also provides a script to do the

same in SPSS.

The SAS Macro

%process (data=kevin,vars=ar misanth idealism,y=ar,x=idealism,m=misanth,

model=1,jn=1,plot=1);• Data= points to the SAS data file• Vars= identifies the variables• Y= identifies the outcome variable• X= identifies the focal predictor variable• M= identifies the moderator variable• Model=1 identifies the simple moderation model – see

the templates document

The SAS Macro

%process (data=kevin,vars=ar misanth idealism,y=ar,x=idealism,m=misanth,

model=1,jn=1,plot=1);• jn=1 invokes the Johnson-Neyman technique• Plot=1 requests the values for making a plot to

visualize the interaction.• Notice that the output includes all of the tests

we did earlier, the hard way.

Johnson-Neyman Technique

• Maps out the values of the moderator for which the effect of the focal predictor is significant versus those values for which it is not significant.

• I’ll use idealism groups as the focal predictor and misanthropy as the moderator.

The Boundary

• When misanthropy = 2.1286 or less, the difference between the groups is statistically significant (higher for the idealists), otherwise it is not.

• If we were to extrapolate beyond misanthropy = 4, we would find a second region where the difference between the groups would be significant (with the mean higher for the nonidealists).

Don’t Confuse Test of Slopes with Test of Correlation Coefficients

• If the slopes are the same across groups, the correlation coefficients (standardized slopes) may or may not.

• If the correlation coefficients are the same across groups, the slopes may or may not.

Different Slopes, Similar Correlations

Identical Slopes, Different Correlation Coefficients

Comparing the Groups on r

• At SPSS and SAS programs for comparing Pearson correlations and OLS regression coefficients is the code for this analysis.

• r is significant for nonidealists, not for idealists.

• For more than two groups, use this chisquare (also available at link above).

Analysis of Covariance

• You already know how to do this.• Just drop the interaction term from the

model.• Here that would not be appropriate, as

well have heterogeneity of regression.

A Couple of t Tests

• You may also want to compare the groups on the Y (ignoring C) and/or C.

• I have include those tests in the program.• This is redundant with the initial Proc Corr

output (point biserial correlations).


• This analysis is easy to do with SPSS too.• See my handout.• You can do the analysis in a sequential

fashion.• And get the partial F tests from SPSS,

even with df > 1: Leave your calculator in the desk drawer.

Three Groups

• Two dummy variables, G1 and G2

• Two interaction terms, G1C and G2C

• To test the slopes you would see if the model fit were significantly reduced by simultaneously removing G1C and G2C .

• That would be an F with two df in its numerator.

• To test the intercepts, remove both G1 and G2

Let’s Go Fishing

• Length = a + bWeight for flounder• Does the relationship differ across

regions?– Pamlico Sound– Pamlico River– Tar River

• and Potthoff3.dat• Download and run.

Proc GLM

• Proc GLM; class Location;oModel Length = WeightSR|Location;

• GLM creates the (2) dummy variables for you

• And the (2) interaction terms.

Full Model

Source DF Sum of Squares

Mean Square

F Value Pr > F

Model 5 1927227.450 385445.490 3088.09 <.0001

Error 745 92988.508 124.817    

Corrected Total

750 2020215.957      

Covariate Only ModelProc GLM; class Location;model Length = WeightSR / solution;

Weights are significantly correlated with lengths, r2 = .95, F(1, 749) = 14,544, p < .001.

Test of Coincidence

• On 4, 745 df, p < .001• The lines are not coincident.


41921272.70 -01927227.45






Look at Full Model

• The slopes do not differ significantly,F(2, 745) = 1.63, p = .20.

• The intercepts do differ significantly,F(2, 745) = 4.90, p = .008.

• Since the slopes do not differ significantly• But the intercepts do,• The group means must differ.

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

WeightSR 1 692152.6411 692152.6411 5545.35 <.0001

Location 2 1223.2971 611.6486 4.90 0.0077WeightSR*Location

2 407.5286 203.7643 1.63 0.1961

Analysis of Covariance

• Location significantly affects mean length of flounder, after adjusting for the effect of weight.

Unadjusted Means (notice the different pattern)