Cold War and Beyound

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Transcript of Cold War and Beyound


Time Between the Cold War

By: Asia Moss and Alexis Hodges

Mr. Jackson History 3rd block

Table of Contents

Subject year page

Marilyn Monroe 1950 3 & 4

Richard Nixon 1950 5 & 6

Harry S. Truman 1949 7 & 8

James Dean 1955 9 & 10

Vaccine 1952 11 & 12

Little Rock 1957 13

Buddy Holly 1959 14 & 15

J.F.K 1963 16 & 17

Wheel of Furtune 1981 18 & 19

Sally Ride 1983 20 & 21

Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe

June 1, 1926 – August 5, 1962 -She was one of those stars moving on up

-Was a popular “Sex Symbol” movie star

- Married to baseball hero Joe DiMaggio

and later Arthur Miller

- Was in the video because she was

rumored to have relationships with

president John F. Kennedy and Robert

Kennedy but also because she was an

upcoming star.

Richard Nixon

Richard Nixon

January 9, 1913 – April 22,1994 A Member of the House of

Representative from California

Was accused of being a communist and a


Nixon presented evidence that help

prove his guilty in 1950.

He was in the video because years later

he became the president of the United


Harry S. Truman

Harry Truman

May 8,1884 – December 26, 1972 U.S President when President Roosevelt

died in 1945

Responsible for dropping the atomic

bombs on Japan and ending World War II

Included in the song because in his

second term in 1949 he defeated Thomas

Dewey, A famous picture showing the

headlines saying “Dewey Wins!” Brought

U.S to Korean War.

James Dean

James Dean

February 8,1931- September

30,1955 A Movie star who became a symbol for

young people

was included into the song because of a

killing accident that caused him is life



First developed by Jonas Salk

First tested in 1952

Announced to the world by Salk on April


September 25, 1957


•Happened in Little Rock, Arkansa

• 9 black students enrolled at Little Rock ( currently an ALL white school.)

Rock-N-Roll Legend Buddy holly

• February 3, 1959

• This is the day Buddy Holly died in a plane crash

• Don Mclean wrote, “American Pie” (the day the music died) inspired by the day the Rock-n-Roll legend dies.



• Assassinated during a political parade

• He was riding in an open top automobile and got shot in the head with a sniper rifel

• In Dallas Nov. 22, 1963

To the left is J.F.K in the political parade before he got shot.

Right is one of J.F.K’s most famous quotes.

Wheel of Fortune

• Social

• Debuted in December, 1981

• Today’s Host Pat Sajak and Co host Vanna White

• The first host and co host was Chuck Whoolery, and Susan Stafford

Right is Pat Sajak and Vanna White

Left is Chuck Woolery and Susan Stafford

Sally Ride

• FIRST American women in space

• On Challenger mission June 18, 1983

• Born May 26, 1951- died July 23, 2012 at 61

Sally Ride

To the rightThe challenger